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Linux PSP GPIO Driver Guide
This wiki page provides the usage information of GPIO Linux driver usage, both in user and kernel space.
Set pinmux configuration for GPIO pin usage, details of pinmux configuration are mentioned on PSP user guide. If the pinmux settings are not correct then the GPIO will not function as expected.
NOTELinux GPIO numbers start from "0".
NOTESome TI SoCs have multiple banks of GPIOs.
For example the AM335x has 4 banks of 32 GPIOs, for a total of 128 GPIO, i.e Bank-0[0..31], Bank-1[0..31], Bank-2[0..31], Bank-3[0..31].
In this case Bank-1[0..31] maps to Linux GPIO numbers 32..63, Bank-2[0..31] to Linux GPIO numbers 64..95 etc.
This section describes about the kernel configurations for GPIO driver
The default kernel configuration enables support for GPIO driver (built into the kernel).
To enable or disable GPIO driver from kernel build, follow these steps:
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm menuconfig
Select Device Drivers from the main menu.
Power management options
[*] Networking support
Device Drivers
File systems
Select GPIO Support from the menu.
PPS support
PTP clock support
-*- GPIO Support
& & Dallas's 1-wire support
GPIO can be access using SYSFS entries from User Space. For that Select /sys/class/gpio/... (sysfs interface) from the GPIO support.
[ ] Debug GPIO calls
[*] /sys/class/gpio/... (sysfs interface)
*** Memory mapped GPIO drivers: ***
& & Basic memory-mapped GPIO controllers support
After doing driver selection, exit and save the kernel configuration when prompted.
GPIO pin is also used as a interrupt source, these are the general usage of IRQ handling using GPIO lines.
Map GPIO number to corresponding IRQ number, GPIO 0 need not use IRQ 0
irq_num = gpio_to_irq(30)
Request IRQ, make sure that irq_num should be non-error value
request_irq(irq_num, handler, 0, "gpio_test", NULL);
Set IRQ type Raising/Falling/Level triggered
set_irq_type(irq_num, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING);
During the clean-up path free the IRQ and gpio
free_irq(irq_num, NULL);
Allocate memory to GPIO line, can be achieved by doing gpio_request()
err = gpio_request(30, "sample_name");
Depending on the requirement set GPIO as input or output pin then set gpio value as high or low.
Setting the GPIO pin 30 as input
Make pin 30 as output and set the value as high.
gpio_direction_output(30, 1);
Exporting that particular pin (30) to sysfs entry then use this API
gpio_export(30, true);
Get value from GPIO pin
Enable GPIO sysfs support in kernel configuration and build the kernel
Device Drivers
---& GPIO Support
---& /sys/class/gpio/... (sysfs interface)
Sysfs entries
Export the particular GPIO pin for user control. GPIO30 is taken as example.
$ echo 30 & /sys/class/gpio/export
Change the GPIO pin direction to in/out
$ echo "out" & /sys/class/gpio/gpio30/direction
$ echo "in" & /sys/class/gpio/gpio30/direction
Change the value
$ echo 1 & /sys/class/gpio/gpio30/value
$ echo 0 & /sys/class/gpio/gpio30/value
Unexport the GPIO pin
$ echo 30 & /sys/class/gpio/unexport
Note: GPIO's which are used already in the drivers can not be control from sysfs, unless until driver export that particular pin.
Run these commands for knowing what are the GPIO's already requested in the drivers.
$ mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
$ cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
More details on GPIO APIs usage can be found at
document in kernel documentation to know how to build an out-of-tree kernel module.您好, []|
若提起去年赚走粉丝们最多泪水的动画,估计大部分青少年观众都会立即想到《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》(以下简称《那朵花》),在动画开播一年之后的今天,官方终于宣布化的消息。此次的游戏平台为PSP,玩家将以主人公仁太为第一视角,游戏类型为***G(冒险游戏),游戏中还将包含动画所没有的新剧情。此外,官方动画网站上的人气企划“今日的芽间”(又译今日的面码)也将在游戏内登场。至于游戏的OP曲目,毫无疑问仍是乐团ZONE的《secret base ~你给我的东西~》,这首歌经历原唱、《五年二班》以及《那朵花》的连番轰炸之后,已经在人们心中留下了重要的地位,每闻其声便会激起心底的感动。剧情简介:昔日童年玩伴的六位好朋友因女主角·本间芽衣子的意外死亡而各自心存芥蒂导致关系疏离。但某一天,芽衣子却突然出现在已像隐蔽青年般的主人公·宿海仁太面前,并要仁太帮助她完成心愿从而成佛。为此昔日的好友们再次聚集到一起,在大家努力帮助她完成心愿的同时,十年前发生的种种往事以及彼此心中的秘密也渐渐浮现在大家面前...... 《那朵花》是由Aniplex、noitamina及A-1 Pictures携手打造的原创动画作品。动画播出之后收到了很大的反响,短短一季的剧情却十分催人泪下。在播放最终话时,平均收视率达到了3.9%之高,创下了noitaminA频道的最高纪录。《我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字》 平台:PlayStation Portable 发售日期:2012年夏季发售预定 价格:未定 游戏类型:***G(冒险游戏) 开发公司:guyzware Inc. 发售商:5pb.
【峰仓和也作品OVA动画化二连发决定】《最游记》的作者峰仓和也老师的两部作品《最游记外传》特别篇及《wild adapter》于今天正式决定将发售OVA!《最游记外传》是最游记的前传,现已完结,漫画共34话。
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我想问下。。PSP3000能上网。。但是可以把QQ下下来上吗? 还有就是PSP3000。。那个上网
除了能看网业以外别的就不能做了吗? 为什么我的PSP3000。/。。在有无限网的区域里才能上网。 没有无限网区域你不能上了。。。
擅长  店铺优化
server is ok