如何feraldotdamage 设置dot lock

应用大小:24.3 MB
语言:泰文, 简体中文, 英语
运行环境:需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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08:41:03.035---- 08:41:03.035----0How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan
Open System Preferences & Security & Privacy
Click the Privacy tab.
Click the lock icon to make changes.
Select Accessibility from the list.
Check the box next to any Mizage apps (Divvy, ShortStop, etc).
If you don't see the app you're trying to authorize, you can add them by using the [+] button or simply drag and drop the app from Finder to add it.
If you have performed the steps above and are having issues please visit this
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Open System Preferences & Security & Privacy
Click the Privacy tab.
Click the lock icon to make changes.
Select Accessibility from the list.
Check the box next to any Mizage apps (Divvy, ShortStop, etc).
If you don't see the app you're trying to authorize, you can add them by using the [+] button or simply drag and drop the app from Finder to add it.
If you have performed the steps above and are having issues please visit this
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Open System Preferences & Security & Privacy
Click the Privacy tab.
Click the lock icon to make changes.
Select Accessibility from the list.
Check the box next to any Mizage apps (Divvy, ShortStop, etc) and System Events, if present.
If you don't see the app you're trying to authorize, simply drag and drop the app from Finder to add it.
If you have performed the steps above and are having issues please visit this
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Open System Preferences & Accessibility
Check the box next to &Enable access for assistive devices&
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Open System Preferences & Universal Access
Check the box next to &Enable access for assistive devices&
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Open System Preferences & Universal Access
Check the box next to &Enable access for assistive devices&
How to Enable Accessibility on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Open System Preferences & Universal Access
Check the box next to &Enable access for assistive devices&(您的文件安全) HD">
APP截图: (点击图片查看大图)
你担心你的照片和视频文件的安全吗? 中文最好用的app推荐平台
&保护 &连接点& 确保别人无法进入您的文档;保护您的文件:不经允许,无法查看;
在每一部iPhone 或者 iPod里面都会有私人的照片和视频, 这些文件不是给旁人观看的。但总是有那么一些旁观者, 他们最大的兴趣就是窥视别人的手机。但是您不想删除掉这些文件, 因为它们对您弥足珍贵。可是, 电脑真的不是一个安全的地方。那么, 您将它们存在哪里呢??这是第一个问题。,
?第二个问题是:如果您的一个朋友请您让他看看您的照片和视频, 当中有一些您是不想被他看到的, 那您该怎么办呢?您是说&不&, 因此承认您不想让他了解您的任何信息还是让他看您的照片和视频, 这样您的私密照片和视频也同时公之于众?,
?您不再需要做这样的牺牲了!保护 &连接点& 来解决您的问题。这个应用程序有丰富的功能,可以专业地保护您的东西不被外人和您的朋友看到。
& 个人安全PIN 码
& 存储和查看照片与视频 中文最好用的app推荐平台
& 错误验证码选项(专为您的朋友而设置):这样的密码可以使您的朋友看到有限的文件,并且隐藏您的私密文件;
& 扫描文件
& 帮助您制作文件的合成照相机和摄像机
& 相册、文件新建和删除选项
& 意外触及设备时的警报系统
& 声音记号选项Sound signal choice.
& 自动锁定选项
□□□ 有了保护 &连接点&您可以放心创建专属于您的照片和视频文件,与您认为合适的人一起共享。
? 保护 &连接点& 是保护您隐私的最强大的应用。把您的秘密放在安全的地方吧。 应用排行榜
Are you concerned with your photo- and video-files security?
?oProtect them!o?
?9 Dot Lock Protection will guarantee inaccessibility and protection of your files from unauthorized viewing.
?You can find a high-quality safe, file manager and alarm system in the same application for iDevices.
In every iPhone or iPod there are personal photos and videos that are not intended for onlookers. And there always are such onlookers, whose favorite hobby is to poke their nose into someone else’s device. If you do not want to delete files since they are precious to you but the computer is not a safe place, as well, where shall you keep them? ?It is the first question.
?The second one is: what shall you do if a friend of yours asks you to let him view your photos or videos, among which there are things you do not want to show him? Shall you say “no” and thus admit that you are keeping any things from him or shall you let him view photos and videos and thus reveal your secret?
?oYou do not need sacrifices anymore! o The 9 Dot Lock Protection has a solution. This application has a rich functional base designed for professional protection of your belongings both from intruders and your friends.
o Individual security Pin-Code.
o Storage and viewing of photo- and video-files.
o False password option (for your friends): such a password offers only limited access to files and hides your secret folder.
o Files import from the device library.
o Integrated photo- and video-camera for files making.
o Option of albums and files creation and deleting.
o Alarm system that is activated in case of touching the device.
o Sound signal choice.
o Automatic blocking option.
□□□ Due to the 9 Dot Lock Protection you may safely make your exclusive photos and videos and view them with those persons, whom you see fit.
Despite the fact that all these files are in an easily accessible place, you may have a peaceful night: the risk that someone else will have access to your files is practically zero.
? The 9 Dot Lock Protection is the most powerful application for protection of your private life. Put your secrets in a safe place.
苹果i派党友情提醒,最新版本 1.2 中的新功能:? Reduced memory usage
? Multitasking for great performance on iPhone 4S
? Bugfixes and small improvements across the app
? Faster processing
保护 <>(您的文件安全) HD


