你那里有2012年6月的2012年英语四级作文da ...

  Section A
  Directions: In part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The questions and the questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
  11. A Go to the football match with the woman.
  B Ask the woman to help him write the term paper on history.
  C Finish the last tow chapters of history assignment.
  D Take part in the football match.
  12. A she wants to borrow the man&s student card
  B the tickets are less expensive than she expected
  C she won&t be able to get any discount for the ticket
  D the performance turns out to be disappointing
  13. A it&s far from being ready B it contains some valuable ideas
  C she needs another week to get it ready D it has nothing to do with the internet
  14. A He is suffering from the difference of time zones.
  B He has been studying hard at night.
  C He finds biology difficult fo learn.
  D He has not adjusted to a new culture.
  15. A A lesson requires student&s active involvement
  B students usually take an active part in a lecture
  C more knowledge is covered in a lecture
  D there is a larger group of people interested in lesson
  16.A The pictures of night view are really better than he expected
  B He didn&t know how he finished his role in the play
  C The film hasn&t been processed yet
  D He didn&t have enough film
  17. A He often complains. B he is a short person.
  C He is worried about something. D He is a happy sort of person.
  18. A He can&t miss the bank. B She forgot to tell him one thing.
  C It&s no use going there. D The bank is close to the corner.
  Questions 19-21 are based on the conversation you have just heard
  19. A A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park
  B A lecture by a visiting professor
  C Her biology thesis
  D A research project on Yellowstone Park
  20. A More buffalo are surviving the winter
  B Fewer buffalo are dying of disease
  C More buffalo are being born
  D Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters
  21. A She is from Wyoming and eager to visit Yellowstone Park
  B She needs the money to continue her studying
  C She has been studying animal diseases
  D Her thesis adviser is heading the project
  Questions 22-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22.A) She knew about it by reading a booklet.
  B) She knew about it by reading a student union introduction.
  C) She knew about it by reading a newspaper.
  D) She knew about it by reading a magazine.
  23.A) Because they want to preserve the natural beauty of the campus.
  B) Because they want to protect the students& right for living space.
  C) Because they want to conserve the place for future use.
  D) Because they want to sell the place for a better price.
  24. A) They will organize a meeting to discuss a proposal.
  B) They will organize a protest to express their opposition.
  C) They will organize an appeal-letter signing activity.
  D) They will organize a march around the campus.
  25. A) She will participate in the protest.
  B) She will sign the appeal letter.
  C) She will take part in a meeting of the Student Action Union.
  D) She will attend her class as usual.
&  Section B
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. A How much exercise they get every day?
  B What they are most worried about?
  C How long their parents accompany them daily?
  D What entertainment they are interested in?
  27. A get enough entertainment
  B have more activities
  C receive early education
  D have regular checkups
  28. A be no place for play
  B be near a common area
  C have no TV sets
  D have a computer for study
  Passage Two
  Questions 29-32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  29. A) To look for two of her close friends.
  B) To stay at home and study.
  C) To share an apartment with friends.
  D) To move out and live alone.
  30. A) She couldn&t find a good place to stay.
  B) Her friend and she couldn&t afford the rent.
  C) A friend left her for work&s sake.
  D) She quarreled with her friends.
  31. A) Because her home was far way form school.
  B) Because her parents asked her to do so.
  C) Because she was bored living outside.
  D) Because the place where she lived caught fire.
  32. A) Because she was disappointed in the college.
  B) Because she kept moving all the time and couldn&t concentrate on studying.
  C) Because her home was too far away from school and it was inconvenient.
  D) Because she was not interested in study at all.
  Passage Three
  Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  33. A) Italian people.
  B) German people.
  C) British people.
  D) French people.
  34. A) Wash the dishes.
  B) Have her own meal.
  C) Make plans for other activities.
  D) Serve some wine.
  35. A) Odd
  B) Crazy
  C) Regular
  D) Romantic
  Section C
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
  The Romans built great &aqueducts& to carry fresh water from the mountains to the cities. Many of these aqueducts are still standing today. The Roman (36) _____even set up a (37)___ health service. They built the first great public hospitals in Europe, and they paid doctors to look after poor people.
  When the Roman Empire fell to pieces, these (38) _____ methods of treatment (39) _____ from most of Europe, for more than a thousand years. People went back to the old ways. They lived in dirty conditions, which help and they asked God to cure the (40) _____. They shut up (41) _____ sick people in prisons. Or they burnt them alive because they were supposed to have (42) _____ powers. But the work of the Greek and Roman doctors was not lost.
  Over a thousand years ago, the Arabs moved into many of the Mediterranean countries. They took big parts of the old (43)_____ lands. (44) ______________________________ Arab doctors themselves made many new discoveries.
  (45)___________________________________________ Slowly, European doctors discovered again the things that the Greeks and Romans had known so long ago. (46) ____________________________
  参考***:11-15 CCAAA
  16-20 DACDA
  21-25 CCABD
  26-30 DBCCC
  31-35 DBDAC
  36. Emperors
  37. government
  38 .civilized
  39. disappeared
  40. diseases
  41. mentally
  42. magic
  43. Roman
  44. They translated the Greek and Roman medical books into Arabic.
  45. When civilization at last came back to Europe, men once again translated the Greek and Roman works on medicine into Latin.
  46. Slowly, they began to make new discoveries and found out more about the way the body works.&
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新浪教育微博   相关报道:***考试专题报道   2012年6月大学四级考试刚刚结束.走出四级考场,新浪网教育频道邀请了新东方(微博)英语名师屠皓民(微博),王双林(微博)、尹延(微博)、张一鑫(微博)、金凌虹(微博)、曹倩(微博)做客新浪,为网友解答关于四级考试的问题.  网友比较关心听力发音、试卷的难易程度、考前听力的准备、这次的作文题目以及临考如何放松心情等问题,新东方的老师一一做了回答.  这次四级考试听力女声是美式发音,男声是英式发音;考生不需要因为试题的难易而紧张,因为最终的成绩还是要看成绩在全国的排名;如果现在开始准备12月的四级考试,听力部分则可以精听为主;临考前听一段复合式听写或短文听力,稍微调整一下对语音的敏感,再做一篇阅读熟悉一下,尽量放松考试状态,不必要过度紧张;这次的作文题目是过度包装的原因;张一鑫老师则认为四级最好是按照写作-速读-听力-翻译-简答-深读-完形的顺序进行答题.这些经验可备以后准备考试的同学学习.以下是访谈实录:  网友:老师,听力不会还是去年那样坑爹吧?  曹倩:女人美音,男人英音!请各位考生赶快听一下!(链接:2012年6月大学英语四级真题***汇总)  网友:老师六级怎样的做题顺序比较好?  张一鑫:写作-速读-听力-翻译-简答-深读-完形.  网友:下午就要考六级了,有什么需要注意的呢?我很紧张,觉得自己每次都是差那么一点点,纠结.  曹倩:不要紧张,调整好心态.六级考生可在午休后听一段落听力的音频如复合式听写和短文听力,稍微调整一下对语音的敏感,再做一篇阅读熟悉一下,就可以了.下午从容答题,注意带好考试用具,注意答题的时间控制.加油!祝你好运,也祝福所有六级考生下午好运!  网友:6月的六级要比12月份的容易吗?  王双林:题目的难易程度并不打紧,你的分数表中的分数不是你的卷面分,还要看在全国的排名的.  网友:准备考下次12月份的四级,这期间都做些怎样准备工作,还有怎样提高听力.谢谢老师.  王双林:以精听为主,听力材料为历年真题吧.  网友:今年的四级作文给提纲了么?是英文的还是中文的?  金凌虹:给了中文提纲.  网友:老师我问下,四级作文出来了吗?  金凌虹:四级是过度包装的原因,措施,六级可能是对立观点,或许还是引语评论,建议你进(链接:2012年6月大学英语四级真题***汇总)看看.  网友:老师们,请问这次四级英文作文会不会又和下午的六级考试作文相联系啊?  金凌虹:四级是过度包装 六级对立观点,或许还是引语评论,建议你进 (.cn/cet//.shtml)看看.  网友:老师们,请问这次四级英文作文会不会又和下午的六级考试作文相联系啊?  金凌虹:对立观点,或许还是引语评论,建议你进(链接:2012年6月大学英语四级真题***汇总)看看  网友:四级作文题是什么?  金凌虹:过度包装的原因,以及措施.  网友:下午那种类型的作文概率大?或者是关于哪种主题的大些?  金凌虹:对立观点,或许还是引语评论,建议你进(链接:2012年6月大学英语四级真题***汇总)看看.  网友:下午六级作文的题型可能是哪些呢?  金凌虹:都有可能,也许是对立观点,或许还是引语评论,建议你进 (链接:2012年6月大学英语四级真题***汇总)看看.
87. Those flowers looked as if they hadn't been watered for a long time(好长时间没有浇水了)。
88. Fred bought a car last week. It is ?1,000 cheaper than mine(比我的车便宜一千英镑)。
【点评】简单的比较级,cheaper than。不需要重复car,直接用mine代替my car。
89. This TV program is quite boring. We might as well listen to the music (不妨听听音乐)。
【点评】might as well“不妨”,原句中有might。listen to the music,听音乐。
90. He left his office in a hurry, with lights on and doors open(灯亮着,门开着)。
91.The famous novel is said to have been translated into multiple languages(已经被译成多种语言)。
【点评】be said to后面跟动词原型,“已经被译”,用完成时被动语态have been translated,介词用into。


