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Twitter News 05-12-2010 New PSN Upstage Schedule We're nearing the summertime slump for game releases (most are released in the other 3/4 of the year), and Sony decided to switch up how they operate their PSN updates. Previously,, Sony would always upstage the PS Store on Thursdays.
As of May, Tuesdays have wilt the new day for PSN upstages in North America, and the PSN content in Europe will be updated on Wednesdays. Presumably, the days for which other regions update their PS Stores will remain the same. Posted By: phinal Category: News && Recent In Forums Uk ebay on a psp(9) jp free game(1) Gladiator Begins NA d...(11) horror game(30) autonomous Rpg Game Q?(123) Hyperlink in gmail.(4) MGS PW : Only thread(43) OFW 6.30 Freezing(31) PSN Store Game Reviews(4) God Eater coming to NA(15) Fallout 3 DLC(8) MW2 clans.(10) naruto autonomous roam(14) RESISTANCE 2 Q(6) satellite out (optical)(4) Restringing Gameplay?(3) hdd(10) PS3 autonomouszing problem(20) Need for speed carbon(15) MW2 Map pack(21) how can you depurate ps1...(15) flying hamster almost ...(8) Aero Racer(9) Why Doesn't EU Have S...(26) PDCast live streaming...(25) Please Read, Announce...(1) PDCmini Navi(1) RS: Summer adjournment match!(18) RS: Match 07/12(10) Game Tonight at 9:30 ...(9) RS Game(75) Recent Articles &Tehra Dark Warrior(07-09) &PSP - Firmware(06-29) &Split Second(06-26) &Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker(06-20) &Crash Team Racing(06-16) & In-Ear Headset(06-14) &7z3AP37z's Page(06-02) &Red Dead Redemption(05-31) Recent Downloads &Media Go 1.4(04-18) &p0rtal(04-10) &Super Mario Sunshine(04-10) &Harry Potter(04-04) &My Rubik Cube(04-03) &SensMe Channels version 1.50 for ...(04-02) &The Office(03-15) &Bruce Lee(03-14) Donate Sponsor Ads Home | Amatch Us | Policies & Help | Legal | Contact Top POWERED BY SEDITIO Copyright ? 2008, . All Rights Reserved. Page created in 3.005 seconds
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