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Dota26.85b更新内容一览 官方6.85b更新日志及翻译
Dota2的6.85b更新即将到来,为大家带来官方的更新日志及翻译,一起来看看这次的更新内容吧。- Added a list of games with open lobbies to custom games overview page在自定义游戏概览页面增加了一个目前开放的房间列表- Added a Game Of The Day to custom games overview page在自定义游戏概览页面增加了一个每日精彩比赛栏- Added a new tickets area on Player Profiles在玩家个人信息页面里增加了门票栏- Added support for offline solo play增加了离线solo模式- Added Downloads section to the Watch tab that lets you view, rename, delete, and browse the replays that you've downloaded在观战页面增加了录像管理功能,可以浏览、重命名、删除你之前下载的录像- Added a new matchmaking region in Tokyo with additional connectivity to Taiwan and Korea增加了一组东京服务器,并与台湾和韩国区域互相连接- Added the ability in the Tournament Details popup to expand a tournament series and, for each game in the series,go to the match details as well as see the heroes played and duration of the match点击锦标赛的详情页面增加了赛制的信息(BO几),点击比赛可以看到出场英雄和其它详情- Fixed bug where loss of Steam or game coordinator connectivity would prevent reconnection to the game server修复了与steam断开连接或与游戏协调服务器断开连接时无法重连到游戏的bug- Custom Games: Added over 800 new voice lines to the Default Announcer for Custom Games to use自定义游戏:给默认播音员新增了800条语音供自定义游戏使用- Low Priority games now use Single Draft rather than All Random低优先级匹配现在用个别征召模式替代全阵营随机- The Owned Item Details page now allows you to purchase chisels and hammers when you try to add sockets or remove gems现在可以在自己饰品的详情页面镶孔或取下宝石时直接购买凿刀和锤子- The Owned Item Details page now allows you to change item name or description, as well as clear gifting information. You no longer may change this information from the armory.现在可以在自己饰品的详情页面直接更改饰品名称和描述,包括清除礼物赠送信息,不需要再进兵器库进行如上操作- Bundles now show 'Preview Full Set' in their armory context menus在兵器库的套装上点击右键,现在显示的信息为“预览套装效果”- 6.85b: Scepter Doom no longer increases damage6.85b:A杖末日大招现在不增加伤害- 6.85b: Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/456.85b:焦土伤害现在从每秒12/24/36/48降低到每秒12/23/34/45- 6.85b: Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 556.85b:焦土CD从60/55/50/45秒统一为55秒- 6.85b: Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 12% to 8%6.85b:小蜘蛛的毒刺减速效果从12%降低至8%- 6.85b: The main client will be updated with the 6.85b changes after the conclusion of the Nanyang tournament6.85b:6.85b的平衡性改动将在南洋杯之后实装- Fixed Brewmaster not facing the direction of the Brewling he reappears in at the end of Primal Split.修复酒仙的大招结束后面对的方向和酒之精灵的朝向不一致的bug- Fixed Sanity's Eclipse draining Current Mana rather than Max mana修复了殁境神蚀者的神智之蚀吸取当前蓝量而不是最大蓝量的bug- Replaced dota_unit_allow_moveto_direction with +dota_unit_movetodirection which can now be bound to a key使用+dota_unit_movetodirection命令替代dota_unit_allow_moveto_direction命令,并且可以绑定快捷键- Fixed various cases where error models would appear修复若干个游戏里显示为“error”的模型bug- Fixed Armory UI crashes on low end machines修复了低配电脑上兵器库界面崩溃的bug(译注:又来……甩锅还是V社甩的好啊)- Fixed a bug that could cause visual effects to look incorrect due to a sorting issue with particles修复一个导致粒子效果显示不正确的bug- Added ability to equip and unequip items to the Owned Item Details page在已有道具的详情页面增加了“装备/卸下”的按钮- Fixed Night Stalker's Black Nihility's particles disappearing when the day/night cycle changed修复暗夜魔王不朽套装在白天/黑夜转换时粒子效果消失的bug- Fixed portrait for Terrorblade Form of Eternal Purgatory demon修复了恐怖利刃“永恒炼狱”套装恶魔形态的视觉效果- Reduced rendertarget memory usage on low-end video configs减少低画质下渲染材质的内存占用- Reduced steady-state memory usage on all configs减少所有设置所占用的内存- Fixed announcers in custom games修复了自定义游戏下的播音员bug- SFM: character picker now allows customizing individual items in addition to item setsSourceFilmMaker:角色选择器现在允许在饰品套装中自定义某一件- SFM: fixed phoneme extractionSourceFilmMaker:修复语音解压错误的bug- Custom Games: Added Entities:GetPhysicalArmorValue(), Entities:GetBonusPhysicalArmor() and Entities:GetMagicalArmorValue().自定义游戏:增加三个函数(具体略)- Custom Games: Fixed bug where scaleform ultimate pips could draw behind a panorama-only topbar自定义游戏:修复scaleform显示在全景控制条之后的bug- Custom Games: Added support for suppressing the endgame scaleform chat: DotaDefaultUIElement_t.DOTA_DEFAULT_UI_ENDGAME_CHAT自定义游戏:增加了结束游戏时scaleform控制语句- Custom Games: Added .ColorBlindModeEnabled style on dota root panels when colorblind mode is enabled自定义游戏:如果当选项中的色盲模式开启时,增加了一个色盲模式特性- Workshop Importer: Added Exorcism Ghost and Spirit Bear templates创意工坊导入工具:增加了法力怨魂和灵魂熊的样本模型- Workshop Importer: Fixed crash when importing loading screens创意工坊导入工具:修复了导入loading画面时崩溃的bug- Workshop Importer: Portrait editor now previews the correct portrait animation and allows any animation to be selected for preview.创意工坊导入工具:头像编辑器现在可以正确的预览头像动画了- Fixed a bug where previewing the Ribbi'tar would not show the the Ward properly修复了预览巫医不朽套装时死亡守卫显示不正确的bug- Fixed various minor bugs when using preview full set修复预览套装时产生的若干bug- Fixed a bug where taunt sounds of the loadout screen could sometimes still be heard in-game修复有时游戏里偶尔也能听到饰品选择页面的嘲讽语音的bug- The Owned Item Details page no longer scrolls to the top when you change the item in any way在已有道具的详情页面左右切换道具时不会直接回到页面顶端了- Fixed some bugs with Team creation level requirement修复几个创建队伍时等级要求的bug- Fixed a bug where the socketing section of Owned Item Details page was visible even on items that were not socketable修复一个道具没有打孔,但在已有道具详情页面仍然可以看到镶孔选项的bug- Charge counts for limited use items like chisels or hammers is now displayed on their tooltip凿刀和锤子的可用次数现在会显示在其悬停的附加信息栏上了- Loading screens for non-custom games now display tips. You can turn off this behavior in the Options menu.非自定义游戏的loading画面现在会显示技巧小提示,你也可以在选项栏里选择关闭- Fixed hitboxes for Padda'pon of Ribbi'tar修复了巫医死亡守卫的碰撞模型bug- Fixed style naming for Vengeful Spirit Fallen Spirit Head items修复了复仇之魂的Fallen Spirit套装头部款式名称- Fixed mesh intersection for Templar Assassin Onyx Lotus legs修复了圣堂刺客Onyx Lotus套装腿部的显示bug- Fixed hitboxes for Nature's Prophet's &Evergreen Stalker& treants修复了先知的树人Evergreen Stalker的碰撞体积- Fixed a rendering crash when recompiling a model in tools mode修复了编辑模式下重新编译模型的崩溃bug- Fixed a bug with skins not being set properly on dynamic_props修复了使用dynamic_props命令时皮肤设定不正确的bug- Added beta support for Direct3D9Ex(reduces memory usage and improves alt-tab experience, requires Windows Vista or higher, may not work well wi we are currently beta testing this feature, use the launch option d3d9ex to enable and please report bugs)增加了Direct3D9Ex的支持(降低内存占用,并减少Alt+tab切换时的问题,需要Vista或更高的系统,可能和某些显示驱动不兼容,用d3d9ex参数可以启动,这一功能还在测试阶段,如果有bug请告知我们)
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