
&QWOW增强萨满PK技巧 如何+点
问:不能升级,另外一个 增强SM 的话 不知道装备好弄不,DPS 怎么&QWOW增强萨满好还是元素萨满好
&QWOW萨满 恢复天赋和增强天赋 的武器装备 都加什么属性的
问:要加急速还是暴击? 我是PVE的 恢复和增强天赋分开说~~~~&QWOW萨满祭祀。
问:我是第一次接触WOW。(以前 我想问问萨满的优势,还有那个&Q1wow想玩萨满和猎人选哪一个&&&从pvp和pve两方面受欢
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=608182]pylater[/uid] ( 16:00)[/b]想尽办法摧毁莱登之拳。装上衣身上装等最高的武器
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=608182]pylater[/uid] ( 16:00)[/b]元素可以拿毁灭之锤吗啊啊啊,好喜欢毁灭之锤,可是一直玩元素,新人,现在90级...
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]ccz229[/uid] ( 18:16)[/b]现在90的话
元素都只能拿神器 莱登之拳
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=608182]pylater[/uid] ( 18:23)[/b][s:ac:囧]玩炉石喜欢上萨尔开始玩魔兽的,一直都为了有朝一日可以拿起毁灭之锤成为萨尔,不过一直玩元素,喜欢远程打怪,有安全感,啊啊啊看来我要试一下增强,增强好玩吗,想问问你你玩什么专精,[s:ac:哭]
元素肯定还是法杖好。。。实在不行就毁灭之锤吧。。。别听他们的用莱登拳套 垃圾武器 太垃圾了[s:ac:黑***][s:ac:黑***][s:ac:黑***]
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]ccz229[/uid] ( 18:28)[/b]喜欢远程读条不喜欢近战瞬发,你还真是有意思嘿,你认识萨尔的方式也是很有意思,我觉得拳套是或者杖子才是萨满的象征啊,那是war3留给我的印象,以及我觉得最帅的萨满应该是雷加啊。萨尔穿板甲,后来板甲布甲混搭,算什么萨满[s:ac:哭笑]我也算半个新吧,萨满是我第二个号,前几天才把德拉诺船坞盖上,而且我也主修元素
[b]Reply to [pid=30848,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]兼职奶爸[/uid] ( 20:03)[/b]哈哈哈,你不觉得读条很像是蓄力念咒语吗,很好玩,其实对魔兽有些历史不太了解!只知道个大概,我去看看雷加哈哈哈,元素在屋顶上熔岩爆裂闪电链真的好有感觉嘻嘻魔兽世界萨满用什么武器好?
09-04-02 &
萨满是氏族与部落的精神领袖。他们和灵魂沟通, 有预知未来的能力, 并在黑暗的年代里指引他们的人民渡过难关。许多人将他们的智慧和平静误解为和平主义者的天性。事实上, 当受到挑战的时候, 萨满拥有强大的能力来对付扰乱自然秩序的家伙。 可选择种族:兽人 牛头人 巨魔 德莱尼 类型:混合类, 第二治疗者 标准数值槽:生命值/魔法值 可使用装备:布甲, 皮甲, 盾牌, 盔甲 可使用武器:单手锤, 法杖, 拳头, 单手斧, 匕首,双手斧和锤(需要天赋支持) 萨满祭司 评价:更偏向于魔法的混合类职业 萨满是备用的治疗职业(相对于牧师),拥有许多有趣的法术和作战方法。萨满在团队成员中很受欢迎,因为他们具有治疗和许多增益的图腾。萨满有四种图腾:风,地,火,和水。玩萨满的时候很重要的一点就是,清楚在什么情况下应该用哪一种图腾。 萨满和人类的圣骑士很相象,只是不能穿那么厚重的盔甲。 优势 : - 能够治疗自己和别的玩家 - 能够复活别的玩家 - 早期可以获得狼的形态让其移动更加快 - 能够使用星界传送回到他们的起始点 - 能够使用法术在水下呼吸 劣势: - 初始阶段只能穿着皮甲,因此对抗伤害能力比圣骑士/战士要弱 相关信息: 种族作用 这句古老的习语“样样都行,无一精通”就是萨满的真实写照;他们是魔兽世界中唯一真正的“混血”种族。虽然他们的技能中没有任何方面出众,他们在完成团队交给的大多数任务时都表现良好。需要辅助治疗吗?想找一个辅助肉盾吗?寻求一个伤害输出者吗?有一个缺口需要某人从整体上支持团队吗?萨满可以。他们还有许多有用的法术可以帮助任何团队。我们现在所说的不是如何玩游戏----一个职业令人着迷的一个特点就是玩家漫漫深入了解其特定并最终熟练掌握其操作! 挑战性 学习如何成为一个好的治疗者 学习如何正确使用图腾,学习所有的法术,以及学习如何在战斗中运用各种技能。 可以选择的种族:兽人, 牛头人, 巨魔 标准数值槽:生命值/魔法值 可以使用的装备:布甲,皮甲,盾牌,盔甲(需要训练) 可以使用的武器:单手钉锤,法杖,拳头,单手斧(需要训练),匕首(需要训练),斧头(需要天赋),双手锤(需要天赋)
Shaman is the clan and tribal spiritual leader. Communication between them and the soul, there is the ability to foretell the future, and in the dark years of the guidelines of the people they ride out the storm. Lot of people of their intelligence and calm nature misinterpreted as a pacifist. In fact, when challenged, the Shaman has a strong capacity to deal with the guy to disturb the natural order.
May choose to race: Orc Tauren Troll Delaney
Type: mixed type, the second treatment
Standard numerical slot: value of life / magic value
Equipment can be used: A cloth, Leather Armor, shields, armor
May be the use of weapons: one-handed hammer, Wand, fists, one-handed axes, daggers, axes and hammers hands (necessary talent to support)
Shaman evaluation: a more biased in favor of a mixed type of magic career
Shaman are the treatment of back-up career (as opposed to priests), has a lot of fun magic and methods of warfare. Shaman Team member at a very popular, because they have a lot of treatment and gain the totem. There are four Shaman Totem: wind, earth, fire, and water. Shaman when playing a very important point is that clearly the circumstances under which a totem should be used.
Shaman and Paladin are human like, but it should not wear heavy armor.
- To treat themselves and other players
- Can the revival of other players
- Early access to the form of a wolf to move more to speed up the
- Be able to use astral sent back to their starting point
- Be able to use magic to breathe underwater
- The initial stage can only wear Leather Armor, so against harm than Paladin / Warrior to be weak
Related information:
The role of race
This old idiom &everything goes, no one good& is a true portrayal of the S their World of Warcraft are the only real &mixed& race. Although their skills were not outstanding in any respect, they are the team to achieve the majority of tasks are performed well. Adjuvant therapy necessary吗? Human shields to find an auxiliary吗? Who seek a damage output吗? There is a gap in a person required to support the whole team on it? Shaman can. They have much useful magic can help any team. We are not talking about how to play the game - a career of a fascinating feature of the long-player-depth understanding of their specific and eventually master their operation!
Learn how to be a good treatment
Learn how to correctly use the totem, learning all the magic, as well as learn how to use in combat skills.
Can select the race: Orc, Tauren, Troll
Standard numerical slot: value of life / magic value
Equipment that can be used: A cloth, Leather Armor, shields, armor (required training)
Weapons that can be used: one-handed hammer, Wand, fists, single-hand ax (required training), daggers (required training), axes (talent required), hammer hands (necessary talent)
复    共 7 条FB做奶妈就上盾,外面打怪尤其是增强的天赋就肯定用双手 双手的可以用无坚不摧,或者神器... 回答者: 骨飒飒 - 助理 三级   3-12 14:31


