大话水浒现在怎么修改pacote de configg.pa...

I have a dll-type project that contains MSTest integration tests. On my machine the tests pass, and I want the same to happen on a CI server (I use TeamCity). But the tests fail, because I need to tweak some settings in app.config. This is why I was thinking to have a separate second app.config file that will hold the settings for CI server.
So I would like to have
app.config (I think this is required by VS)
app.Release.config (This is a standalone independent config file)
Thus if I select Release configuration in build config on CI, I would like to use app.Release.config file instead of app.config
This doesn't seem to be straightforward for simple .dll type projects. For web projects, I can do web config transformations. I found a hack how to do these transformations for a dll type project, but I am not a big fan of hacks.
What is a standard approach to tweak app.config files depending on build config for .NET projects (such as Debug, Release, ...)?
解决方案 Use
plugin. For more options and details of how to use SlowCheetah keep reading.
As you have already noticed, there is no default and easy way to use different config files for a Library type (.dll) project. The reason is that the current thinking is: "You don't need to"! Framework developers reckon you need configuration for the executable file: be it a console, desktop, web, mobile app or something else. If you start providing configuration for a dll, you may end up with something I can call a config hell. You may no longer understand (easily) why this and that variables have such weird values coming seemingly from nowhere.
"Hold on", - you may say, "but I need this for my integration/unit testing, and it is a library!". And that is true and this is what you can do (pick only one, don't mix):
1. SlowCheetah - transforms current config file
You can install
- a Visual Studio plug-in that does all low level XML poking (or transformation) for you. The way it works, briefly:
Install SlowCheetah and restart Visual Studio (Visual Studio > Tools > Extensions and Updates ... > Online > Visual Studio Gallery > search for "Slow Cheetah" )
Define your solution configurations (Debug and Release are there by default), you can add more (right click on the solution in Solution Explorer > Configuration Manager... > Active Solution Configuration > New...
Add a config file if needed
Right click on config file > Add Transform
This will create Transformation files - one per your configuration
Transform files work as injectors/mutators, they find needed XML code in the original config file and inject new lines or mutate needed value, whatever you tell it to do
2. Fiddle with .proj file - copy-renames a whole new config file
Originally taken from . It's a custom MSBuild task that you can embed into Visual Studio .proj file. Copy and paste the following code into the project file
&Target Name="AfterBuild"&
&Delete Files="$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).config" /&
&Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)\Config\App.$(Configuration).config"
DestinationFiles="$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).config" /&
Now create a folder in the project called Config and add new files there: App.Debug.config, App.Release.config and so on. Now, depending on your configuration, Visual Studio will pick the config file from a Config folder, and copy-rename it into the output directory. So if you had PatternPA.Test.Integration project and a Debug config selected, in the output folder after the build you will find a PatternPA.Test.Integration.dll.config file which was copied from Config\App.Debug.config and renamed afterwards.
These are some notes you can leave in the config files
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&
&!-- This file is copied and renamed by the 'AfterBuild' MSBuild task --&
&!-- Depending on the configuration the content of projectName.dll.config
is fully substituted by the correspondent to build configuration file
from the 'Config' directory. --&
In Visual Studio you can have something like this
3. Use scripting files outside Visual Studio
Each build tool (like , ) will provide capabilities to transform config file depending on the configuration. This is useful if you build your solution on a build machine, where you need to have more control on what and how you prepare the product for release.
For example you can use web publishing dll's task to transform any config file
&UsingTask AssemblyFile="..\tools\build\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll"
&!-- Path to input config file --&
&TransformInputFile&path to app.config&/TransformInputFile&
&!-- Path to the transformation file --&
&TransformFile&path to app.$(Configuration).config&/TransformFile&
&!-- Path to outptu web config file --&
&TransformOutputFile&path to output project.dll.config&/TransformOutputFile&
&Target Name="transform"&
&TransformXml Source="$(TransformInputFile)"
Destination="$(TransformOutputFile)" /&
本文地址: &
我有一个包含MSTest集成测试的 dll类型项目。在我的机器上的测试通过,我想要在CI服务器上发生相同的(我使用TeamCity)。但是测试失败,因为我需要调整app.config中的一些设置。这是为什么我想要有一个单独的第二个app.config文件,将保存CI服务器的设置。
app.config(我认为这是VS要求的) app.Release.config (这是一个独立的独立配置文件)
因此,如果我选择释放配置在CI配置中,我想使用应用程序。 Release.config file instead of app.config
解决方案 使用
- 一个Visual Studio插件,为您执行所有低级别的XML戳(或转换)。它的工作原理简要:
***SlowCheetah并重新启动Visual Studio(Visual Studio>工具>扩展和更新...> Visual Studio Gallery>搜索“Slow Cheetah”)
定义您的解决方案配置(默认情况下,会显示调试和发布您可以在解决方案资源管理器> 配置管理器... >
Active Solution Configuration
这将创建转换文件 - 每个配置一个
2。转换.proj文件 - 复制重命名一个全新的配置文件
最初取自。它是一个自定义的MSBuild任务,您可以将其嵌入Visual Studio
.proj 文件中。将以下代码复制并粘贴到项目文件中
& Target Name =“AfterBuild”& & Delete Files =“$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).config”/& & Copy SourceFiles =“$(ProjectDir)\Config\App. $(Configuration).config” DestinationFiles =“$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).config”/& & / Target&
现在在项目中创建一个名为 Config 并在其中添加新文件: App.Debug.config , App.Release.config 等。现在,根据您的配置,Visual Studio将从 Config 文件夹中选择配置文件,并将其重命名为输出目录。因此,如果您已经选择了 PatternPA.Test.Integration 项目和 Debug 配置,则在构建之后的输出文件夹中,您会找到一个PatternPA.Test.Integration。 dll.config 文件,该文件从 Config\App.Debug.config 中复制并重命名。
&?xml version =“1.0”encoding =“utf -8“? & configuration&
&! - 此文件由'AfterBuild'MSBuild任务复制并重命名 - &
&! - 根据配置,projectName.dll.config 的内容完全被替换为从'Config'目录中构建配置文件。 - &
& / configuration&
在Visual Studio中可以有这样的
3。在Visual Studio之外使用脚本文件
& UsingTask AssemblyFile =“.. \tools\build\ Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll“ TaskName =”TransformXml“/&
& PropertyGroup& &! - 输入配置文件的路径 - & & TransformInputFile& app.config的路径& / TransformInputFile& &! - 转换文件的路径 - & & TransformFile&应用程序的路径$(配置).config& / TransformFile& &! -
outptu web配置文件的路径 - & & TransformOutputFile&输出project.dll.config的路径& / TransformOutputFile& & / PropertyGroup&
& Target Name =“transform”& & TransformXml Source =“$(TransformInputFile)” Transform =“$(TransformFile)” Destination =“$(TransformOutputFile)”/& & / Target&
本文地址: &
扫一扫关注官方微信CONFIG,最全面的CONFIG文章 - 电子工程世界网
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config \'button\'
option \'button\' \'BTN_1\'
option \'action\' \'released\'
#include &pic.h&
1、关于FLASH时钟的选择,此烧写工具默认最高频率进行FLASH的操作。根据目标系统的工作主频重新要进行PLL设置。方法:先在advance options下面的View Config file中修改倍频。存盘后,在相应的目录下(tic2xx\\algos\\相应目录)运行buildall.bat就可以完成修改了。再进行相应的操作即可。
=#999999]会飞的石头人 发表于
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二 硬件资源& & 上wio Link管网图三 测试开始& & 我测试的目标是把Wio Link当成无线路由器使用,默认固件,长按config button,看...
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;IP renewed, DHCP config space reset
= 0;132 }133 134 void initUART(void) {&&135& && && &//config P1.1 RXD, P1.2 TXD136& && && &P1SEL |= TXD + RXD;137& & ...
;&// clear and start the timer, up mode 92 } 93 94 void initUART(void) {&& 95& &&&//config P1.1 RXD, P1.2 TXD 96& &&&P1SEL |= TXD + RXD; 97 ...
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