热血神途 有什么东西能神途自动打怪怪

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23:29:07 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
VBS scale=30
VBS dim dirt(4,2)
VBS dirt(0,0)=-30
VBS dirt(0,1)=0
VBS dirt(1,0)=0
VBS dirt(1,1)=80
VBS dirt(2,0)=30
VBS dirt(2,1)=0
VBS dirt(3,0)=0
VBS dirt(3,1)=-30
VBS dim dirt2(4,2)
VBS dirt2(0,0)=-100
VBS dirt2(0,1)=0
VBS dirt2(1,0)=0
VBS dirt2(1,1)=150
VBS dirt2(2,0)=100
VBS dirt2(2,1)=0
VBS dirt2(3,0)=0
VBS dirt2(3,1)=-100
VBS dim fight(8,2)
VBS fight(0,0)=-40
VBS fight(0,1)=-40
VBS fight(1,0)=-25
VBS fight(1,1)=25
VBS fight(2,0)=5
VBS fight(2,1)=19
VBS fight(3,0)=25
VBS fight(3,1)=25
VBS fight(4,0)=35
VBS fight(4,1)=-20
VBS fight(5,0)=30
VBS fight(5,1)=-30
VBS fight(6,0)=0
VBS fight(6,1)=-50
VBS fight(7,0)=-30
VBS fight(7,1)=-30
VBS rand=5
VBS role_x0=739
VBS role_y0=59
VBS stand_x=390
VBS stand_y=210
VBS role_x1=390
VBS role_y1=140
//小地图位置:左上角680,0& && &&&左下角680,120& && &&&右下角800,120& && &&&右上角800,0
VBSCall Call FindCenterColor(role_x0-d,role_y0-d,role_x0+d,role_y0+d,&0000FF&,monster_x0,monster_y0)
If monster_x0&=680 and monster_y0&=0
& & //在身边直接打怪
& & //八个打怪的方向,从左开始,逆时针打过来
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0-d&monster_y0 and role_y0+d&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=0
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=1
& & If role_x0-d&monster_x0 and role_x0+d&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=2
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=3
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0-d&monster_y0 and role_y0+d&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=4
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=5
& & If role_x0-d&monster_x0 and role_x0+d&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=6
& & If role_x0&monster_x0 and role_y0&monster_y0
& && &&&iii=7
& & click_x=stand_x+fight(iii,0)
& & click_y=stand_y+fight(iii,1)
& & If iii=2
& && &&&click_x=stand_x
& && &&&click_y=stand_y
& & MoveTo click_x click_y
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 500
& & Goto 杀怪
VBSCall Call GetCursorPos(x,y)
VBSCall new_color=GetPixelColor(x,y)
VBSCall Call FindCenterColor(680,0,800,120,&0000FF&,monster_x0,monster_y0)
If monster_x0&=680 and monster_y0&=0
& & If monster_x0&role_x0 and monster_y0&=role_y0
& && &&&//朝怪方向移动,怪在左上侧
& && &&&click_x=stand_x-50
& && &&&click_y=stand_y-50
& & If monster_x0&=role_x0 and monster_y0&role_y0
& && &&&//朝怪方向移动,怪在左下侧
& && &&&click_x=stand_x-50
& && &&&click_y=stand_y+50
& & If monster_x0&=role_x0 and monster_y0&role_y0
& && &&&//朝怪方向移动,怪在右上侧
& && &&&click_x=stand_x+50
& && &&&click_y=stand_y-50
& & If monster_x0&role_x0 and monster_y0&=role_y0
& && &&&//朝怪方向移动,怪在右下侧
& && &&&click_x=stand_x+50
& && &&&click_y=stand_y+50
& & MoveTo click_x click_y
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & //路径上有障碍,这样3秒之后还站在原地,随机变向
& & If t&=3
& && &&&t=0
& && &&&VBSCall Call GetCursorPos(x,y)
& && &&&VBSCall new_color=GetPixelColor(x,y)
& && &&&If new_color=old_color
& && && && &VBSCall Call rnd=Rnd
& && && && &If rnd&=0 and rnd&0.25
& && && && && & old_color=new_color
& && && && && & click_x=stand_x-50
& && && && && & click_y=stand_y-50
& && && && &EndIf
& && && && &If rnd&=0.25 and rnd&0.5
& && && && && & old_color=new_color
& && && && && & click_x=stand_x-50
& && && && && & click_y=stand_y+50
& && && && &EndIf
& && && && &If rnd&=0.5 and rnd&0.75
& && && && && & old_color=new_color
& && && && && & click_x=stand_x+50
& && && && && & click_y=stand_y-50
& && && && &EndIf
& && && && &If rnd&=0.75 and rnd&=1
& && && && && & old_color=new_color
& && && && && & click_x=stand_x+50
& && && && && & click_y=stand_y+50
& && && && &EndIf
& && && && &MoveTo click_x click_y
& && && && &RightDown 1
& && && && &Delay 1000
& && && && &RightUp 1
& && &&&EndIf
& && &&&old_color=new_color
& & //=====================没怪跑路===========================
& & click_x=stand_x+dirt2(ii,0)
& & click_y=stand_y+dirt2(ii,1)
& & MoveTo click_x click_y
& & //LeftClick 1 走方式
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 1000
& & RightUp 1
& & tt=tt+1
& & //路上遇到障碍,随机变道
& & If tt&=2
& && &&&tt=0
& && &&&VBSCall Call GetCursorPos(x,y)
& && &&&VBSCall new_color=GetPixelColor(x,y)
& && &&&If new_color=old_color
& && && && &ii=ii+1
& && && && &If ii&=4
& && && && && & VBSCall Call rnd=Rnd
& && && && && & If rnd&=0 and rnd&0.25
& && && && && && &&&ii=0
& && && && && & EndIf
& && && && && & If rnd&=0.25 and rnd&0.5
& && && && && && &&&ii=1
& && && && && & EndIf
& && && && && & If rnd&=0.5 and rnd&0.75
& && && && && && &&&ii=2
& && && && && & EndIf
& && && && && & If rnd&=0.75 and rnd&=1
& && && && && && &&&ii=3
& && && && && & EndIf
& && && && &EndIf
& && &&&EndIf
& && &&&old_color=new_color
VBSCall Call FindColor(stand_x-100,stand_y-100,stand_x+100,stand_y+100,&00FFFF&,x,y)
If x&=0 and y&=0
& & MoveTo x y
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & Goto 拾金


