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海淀分局备案编号上传用户:vutsanrbex资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)本文是以纽马克的外交翻译和信息最年夜化准绳为指点的一篇翻译申报,研讨对象选自斯特曼(H.H.Stern)的Issues and Options in Language Teaching的第十章的部门内容和第十一章的全体内容。这是一部周全引见说话教授教养的成绩和教授教养战略的学术著作,依据纽马克的文天职类方法实际,该著作文本属于信息型文本,对信息型文本的翻译宜采取外交翻译准绳,译文应以读者为焦点,为其供给尽可能多的信息。是以,笔者在翻译时将纽马克的外交翻译和信息最年夜化准绳作为实际根据,充足斟酌读者的文明配景、接收才能、浏览习气及目标等身分,选用恰当翻译战略和翻译技能,力图为读者传递精确的原文信息,到达外交翻译的后果。本申报在纽马克的翻译实际指点下,联合翻译中碰到的典范例子,解释若何处理在学术著作类信息型文本翻译进程中碰到的难点和成绩,最初总结经历和经验,为今后同类文本的翻译理论积聚名贵经历。申报分为四个部门:第一部门,翻译项目描写,包含项目引见、文本引见和翻译进程描写;第二部门,研讨配景,从实际和文本两个方面停止剖析,论述文本特色和为什么拔取外交翻译和信息最年夜化准绳作为实际根据;第三部门,本申报的焦点部门,以笔者承当的翻译项目为例,引见外交翻译和信息最年夜化准绳指点下的学术专著的翻译进程,举例解释翻译进程中所采用的翻译办法和翻译技能;第四部门,项目总结,论述翻译进程中的成绩、经历和尚待处理的成绩,并终究得出本篇申报的研讨结论。Abstract:This paper is based on Newmark's translation and foreign information maximization criterion for a translation advice declaration, the object of study from Sterman (H.H.Stern) Issues and Options in all the contents of the Language Teaching of the tenth chapter and the eleventh chapter of the department. This is a comprehensive introduction to the teaching result and the teaching strategy of academic works, on the basis of actual Newmark's text analytics method, the text book is informative text, the informative text translation should adopt foreign translation principles, translation should take the reader as the focal point, to supply as much information as possible. The author is, in the translation of the Newmark's Diplomatic Translation and information maximization principle as the actual according to considering readers' cultural background, receiving ability, browsing habits and target identity, select appropriate translation strategies and translation skills, try to deliver accurate information for the reader to the original, the consequences of diplomatic translation. This declaration in Newmark's translation practice guidance, example with the joint translation, interpretation and processing difficulties encountered in the process of achievement how academic works information type in text translation, the initial experience and experience for the future translation of the same text name of the accumulation of precious experience. The declaration is divided into four parts: the first part, the translation project description, including project introduction, text translation and introduction second departments, research background, from two aspects of practice and text analysis, this text features and why foreign translation and information maximization principle as the third sector, acc the focus of the declaration department, the author take the translation project as an example, introduce foreign translation and information maximization under the guidance of the principle of academic monograph translation process, using example to explain translation in the process of translation an fourth departments, project summary, discusses the process of translating the achievements, experience the monk results, and eventually obtains this article the conclusion of the study report.目录:摘要4-5Abstract51 项目描述7-9&&&&1.1 项目介绍7&&&&1.2 文本介绍7-92 研究背景9-13&&&&2.1 理论分析9-11&&&&&&&&2.1.1 交际翻译原则和信息最大化原则9-11&&&&&&&&2.1.2 交际翻译与信息最大化原则与学术著作翻译11&&&&2.2 文本分析11-133 交际翻译和信息最大化原则指导下的学术著作翻译过程13-21&&&&3.1 翻译难点13-14&&&&&&&&3.1.1 专业术语的处理13-14&&&&&&&&3.1.2 复杂长句的处理14&&&&3.2 翻译过程14-21&&&&&&&&3.2.1 交际翻译原则与信息传递的准确性14-17&&&&&&&&3.2.2 信息最大化原则与信息增补17-214 项目总结21-23&&&&4.1 实践总结21&&&&4.2 项目评估21&&&&4.3 研究结论21-23参考文献23-25附录25-86致谢86分享到:相关文献|


