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LGDLGD 基本解释= Logical Grouping of Data,数据的逻辑编组;leaderless group discussion 自由集体讨论;LGD 网络解释1. 违约损失率:具体说来,都是在违约概率(PD)、违- 约损失率(LGD)、违约敞口(EAD)等风险参- 基础上,得出行业信用组合的损失分- 布,据此计算该行业的预期损失与非- 期损失,得到在一定置信度下行业信- 风险耗用的经济资本.2. 2. 柳河沟:石狮 SWD 6608 | 柳河沟 LGD 6607 | 新民 XMD 66063. 朗格多克:LAN;兰开斯特 ;;;;;;;;;;1342 | LGD;朗格多克 ;;;;;;;;;;1342 | LEI;伦斯特 ;;;;;;;;;;13424. LGD在线翻译4. 东风汽车股份有限公司:LVH:东风本田汽车有限公司 | LGD:东风汽车股份有限公司 | LGB:东风汽车有限公司5. 5. lgd: 在违约损失率6. lgd: 即违约损失7. lgd:leaderl 无领导小组讨论8. LGD在线翻译8. lgd: 低度异型增生LGD 双语例句1. 1. In the range of temperature 953--1053K, the relationship between diffusioncoefficients and temperature is represented by lgD_La(Al-Sl=-1.78×10~(-3)-4909/T.&&&&在953-1053K温度范围内,求得La在合金液中的扩散系数与温度间存在下列关系:lgDLa=-1.78×10~(-3)-4909/T同时求得扩散激活能Q=94.00kJ?mol~(-1)。2. Chapter 3 is mainly engaged in the theory deduction of measurement method of single debt's LGD.&&&&第三章主要针对单一债项的违约损失率量化方法进行理论推导。3. Using analysis of variance, the conclusion of this thesis is that PD has positive effect on LGD.&&&&本文通过因素方差分析得出PD对LGD的影响是正向的。4. LGD is used for the selection and diagnosis of the managers.&&&&其测评主要针对的是组织中的中高层管理人员的选拔和诊断。5. 5. Giving related policy suggestions based on LGD study and the actual situations in China.&&&&3针对LGD的研究及我国的具体情况给出了相关的政策建议。6. The second part is about the reliability and availability of LGD.&&&&另外,结合LGD的应用,分析研究了LGD测评技术的信效度。7. The screening interal is decreased to 6 to 12 months if LGD is present.&&&&如果是LGD,检查间期降为6-12个月。8. Some research findings suggest LGD has good reliability and accepted availability. Many organizations have used it widely in practice.&&&&多项研究表明,这种测评技术具有很好的信度和比较好的效度,因而在各种组织中得到了广泛的应用。9. 9. In Chapter 2, we investigate the existence of (v, Pi3, X)-GD and (v, Pi3, X)-LGD, where Pi3 (i = 1, 2, 3) are there types of oriented path with 3 vertices.&&&&第二章 研究了三类有向3点链图,即P_3~1,P_3~2和P_3~2,的图设计及其大集问题。10. The subsumtion of LGD-based teaching approach makes it in line with competence-based education concept, working process curriculum concept, action orientation teaching concept and learning situation construction concept. LGD-based teaching approach, with promising potential for application, helps to perform vocational competence assessment.&&&&多元集成的LGD教学法具有的涵摄性特征,在实践中符合基于能力本位的教育观、适应工作过程的课程观、适应行动导向的教学观、适应学习情景的建设观、有利于完成职业胜任的评价观的要求,具有良好的应用前景。11. 11. Due to the soundness of applying methodology of workout historical average LGD in China, we build a LGD model that takes into consideration not only recovery cost but also discount rate.&&&&&&本文的实证研究结果表明,不同抵押的债项的LGD与新资本协议确定的参数基本接近,总体上来看,时间因素对于LGD的影响要较回收成本的高。若不考虑回收成本,LGD的估值要低约1%;而忽略时间价值,LGD估值要低约7%。12. In Chapter 3, we do some research on-LGD for the path Pk.&&&&&&第三章 对k点链图P_k的图设计大集问题进行了研究。13. The Vocational Value of the valuator maybe works on their evaluation of LGD.&&&&&&3不同的评价者其评分高低有显著的差异。14. As LGD in inches agents, Licheng Also in the car and tablet computers, portable product market accomplish something.&&&&&&作为LGD中寸代理商,立诚同样在车载和平板电脑、便携式产品市场有所建树。15. Saturated air solar still is a new distillation device utilizing mainly solar energy, simple in structure and suits for obtaining higher fresh water production under various operating conditions.&&&&&&研究得到了太阳能空气饱和蒸馏器在稳态情况下和不同海水加热温度下的蒸发速度实验式:lgD=7.062+3.446t_0海水加热温度是影响淡水产量的主要因素,以46.2℃为转折,超过此温度,蒸发速度急促增加。16. 16. In vivo, 16 rabbits, which were 2.5~3.5kg in weight, were divided into four groups ramdonly. Then aorta, subclavian artery, abdominal aorta and supramenstric artery angiography were undergone with 0.5mol/L, 0.25mol/L, 0.17mol/LGd-DTPA and 300mgI/ml Omnipaque separately. The angiography results were recorded in four grades.&&&&&&体内试验:用0.5mol/L,0.25mol/L,0.17mol/L的Gd-DTPA及300mgI/ml的Omnipaque作为造影剂对16只随机分为四组的新西兰大白兔分别进行腹主动脉插管、主动脉、锁骨下动脉、腹主动脉、肠系膜上动脉造影,造影结果分四级进行记录。17. At present, the level of credit risk management in Chinese commercial banks is comparatively lower than international advanced banks, the internal rating system is especially imperfect, which shows in the apparent unidimensionality characteristics of rating system - more emphasis on the identification of credit risk and the evaluation of default, i. e.&&&&&&本文对LGD的影响因素,分布特征和计量方法进行分析和研究,并探讨其在实践中的应用。18. Finally, we sketch some aspects in measuring credit risk concerning the correlation of defaultThis thesis mainly probes some academic models, and proves classical and fundamental Merton model and first-passage-time model, and then makes an analysis of empirical comparison on traditional models forecasting default rate with findings that the probit model taking account of the heteroskedasticity has the stronger explanatory power than discrimant and homoskedastic models. We calculate the rating transition frequencies matrix with datasets from a state-owned commercial bank, and make a study on LGD, to find out factors to determine LGD include debt agreement characteristics, firm-specific characteristics, industry effects and macroeconomic factors. Meanwhile we give several pricing paradigms on risk of defaultable bonds and loans, and present the program written in Matlab language to simulate the VaR of loan portfolios, in the end we skillfully obtain the portfolio set constrained by VaR.&&&&&&本文致力于对信用风险度量的理论模型作一些探讨,引入等价概率测度和违约距离的概念后,求解了经典的莫顿模型和首越边界时间模型;用商业银行的数据表对传统的违约预测模型进行了实证对比检验,发现考虑了异方差的概率单位模型有比判别分析和同方差probitt和logit模型更好的预测力;本文还用重庆市某商业银行的数据表计算了转移概率矩阵:对LGD的特征进行了理论和实证研究,发现决定LGD的因素有合约特征、公司因素、产业特征和宏观经济因素;本文较全面地总结了定价可违约债券风险的几种范式;给出了组合VaR的Matlab仿真程序;本文最后巧妙地得出了VaR约束下的组合边界的解。19. The IRB requires internal active banks estimate their PD and LGD according to their own assessment system on credit risk. Because of the complicacy of research structure of LGD and other external obstructions, there is lack of research on LGD, compared to PD.&&&&&&IRB要求国际活跃银行根据自己的信用风险评估系统自行估计这两个参数,但是由于LGD研究结构的复杂性以及其他客观阻力的存在,相对于PD的研究,对LGD的研究则比较缺乏。20. Using assumed explained variable condition, applying the maximum entropy principle and with the condition probability distribution complying with that of sample data and prior distribution, the author finally estimates an optimal conditional probability density of the LGD.&&&&&&利用假定的解释变量条件,应用最大熵原理,并要求所估计的条件概率分布一致于样本数据和先验分布,最终对违约损失率估计出最佳的条件概率密度。LGD是什么意思,LGD在线翻译,LGD什么意思,LGD的意思,LGD的翻译,LGD的解释,LGD的发音,LGD的同义词,LGD的反义词,LGD的例句,LGD的相关词组,LGD意思是什么,LGD怎么翻译,单词LGD是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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