
What is fear, how does it arise? Is there a fear at one level and not at another level? Is there fear at the conscious level or at the unconscious level? Or is there a fear totally? Now how does fear arise? Why does it exist in human beings? And human beings have put up with it for generations upon generations, they live with it. Fear distorts action, distorts clear perceptive thinking, objective efficient thinking, which is necessary, logical sane healthy thinking.
什么是恐惧,它是如何产生的?是不是某一个层面上存在恐惧而另一个层面上就没有?恐惧存在于意识层面还是无意识层面?还是说有一种整体上的恐惧?那么恐惧是如何产生的?人类身上为什么会存在恐惧?而人类对恐惧已经忍受了一代又一代,他们与恐惧生活在一起。恐惧扭曲了行动,扭曲了有洞察力的清晰思考、客观高效的思考,而这种思考是必要的、符合逻辑的、理智的、健康的思考。Fear darkens our lives. I do not know if you have noticed it? If there is the slightest fear there is a contraction of all our senses. And most of us live, in whatever relationship we have, in that peculiar form of fear. Our question is, whether the mind and our whole being can ever be free completely of fear. Education, society, governments, religions have
religions are based on fear.恐惧黯淡了我们的生活。我不知道你有没有注意到这一点?哪怕只有最轻微的恐惧,我们的所有感官都会收缩。而我们大多数人无论处于何种关系,都生活在那种特定形式的恐惧中。我们的问题是,心灵或者我们的整个存在究竟能否彻底摆脱恐惧。教育、社会、政府和宗教助长了这种恐惧;宗教就基于恐惧之上。And fear also is cultivated through the worship of authority - the authority of a book, the authority of the priest, the authority of those who know and so on. We are carefully nurtured in fear. And we are asking whether it is at all possible to be totally free of it. So we have to find out what is fear. Is it the want of something? - which is desire, longing. Is it the uncertainty of tomorrow? Or the pain and the suffering of yesterday? Is it this division between you and me, in which there is no relationship at all?而恐惧也通过对权威的崇拜得到了培植----书本的权威,牧师的权威,那些知道的人具有的权威等等。我们在恐惧中被精心地培养着。而现在我们问,究竟有没有可能彻底摆脱恐惧。所以我们必须弄清楚什么是恐惧。是想得到什么东西吗?----也就是欲望、渴望。是因为对明天的不确定吗?还是昨天的疼痛和苦难?是因为你我之间的这种划分吗?这种划分之中根本没有任何关系可言。Is it that centre which thought has created as the "me" - the me being the form, the name, the attributes - fear of loosing that "me"? Is that one of the causes of fear? Or is it the remembrance of something past, pleasant, happy, and the fear of losing it? Or the fear of suffering, physiologically and psychologically? Is there a centre from which all fear springs? - like a tree, though it has got a hundred branches it has a solid trunk and roots, and it is no good merely pruning the branches. So we have to go to the very root of fear. Because if you can be totally free of fear, then heaven is with you.是不是因为思想制造的“我”那个中心----“我”就是那个外形、名字和个性----害怕失去那个“我”?这是恐惧的根源之一吗?还是因为对过去有开心、快乐的记忆,因而害怕失去它?或者是因为害怕遭受心理或生理上的痛苦?是不是存在一个所有恐惧得以产生的中心?----就像一棵树,尽管它有千百个枝条,但主干和根部只有一个,单纯修剪枝叶没有任何用处。所以我们必须深入到恐惧的根本。因为如果你能彻底摆脱恐惧,那么天堂即与你同在。What is the root of it? Is it time? Please we are investigating, questioning, we are not theorizing, we are not coming to any conclusion, because there is nothing to conclude. The moment you see the root of it, actually, with your eyes, with your feeling, with your heart, with your mind - actually see it - then
that is if you are serious.
恐惧的根源是什么?是时间吗?请注意,我们是在一起探索、一起询问,我们不是在理论化,我们也不想得出任何结论,因为没什么好总结的。一旦你看到了它的根源,实实在在地看到,用你的眼睛,用你的感受,用你的内心,用你的头脑----真正看到它----那么你就可以处理它了;也就是说如果你认真的话。We are asking: is it time? - time being not only chronological time by the watch, as yesterday, today and tomorrow, but also psychological time, the remembrance of yesterday, the pleasures of yesterday, and the pains, the grief, the anxieties of yesterday. We are asking whether the root of fear is time. Time to fulfil, time to become, time to achieve, time to realize God, or whatever you like to call it. Psychologically, what is time? Is there such a thing - please listen - as psychological time at all? Or have we invented psychological time? Psychologically is there tomorrow? 我们问的是:它的根源是时间吗?----时间不仅仅是钟表上的物理时间,比如昨天、今天和明天,还包括心理上的时间,对昨天的记忆,昨天的欢愉,昨天的痛苦、悲伤和焦虑。我们问恐惧的根源是不是时间。用来达到什么的时间,用来成为什么的时间,用来成功的时间,用时间来领悟神或者无论你称之为什么。从心理上讲,时间是什么?究竟有没有----请注意听----心理时间这回事?或者是我们发明了心理时间?心理上存在明天吗?If one says there is no time psychologically as tomorrow, it will be a great shock to you, won't it? Because you say, "Tomorrow I tomorrow I wi tomorrow I will become the execut tomorrow I will become tomorrow the guru promises something and I'll achieve it". To us tomorrow is tremendously important. And is there a tomorrow psychologically? We have accepted it: that is our whole traditional education, that there is a tomorrow. And when you look psychologically, investigate into yourself, is there a tomorrow? Or has thought, being fragmentary in itself, projected the tomorrow?如果有人说心理上没有明天这样的时间,那对你来说将是一个巨大的震撼,不是吗?因为你说,“明天我会很开心;明天我会实现某个目标;明天我会成为某个企业的主管;明天我会开悟;古鲁承诺了某样东西,明天我就会得到它。”对我们来说,明天太过重要了。然而心理上存在明天吗?我们已经接受了这一点:心理上存在明天,那就是我们的整个传统教育。而当你从心理层面上去看,当你审视你自己,时间存在吗?或者说,是不是本身支离破碎的思想投射出了明天?Truth and Actuality, "The Problem of Fear"《人类的未来》第二部分“真理与事实”之“恐惧的问题”冥思坊2016年会员持续招募中,我们将以更加丰富的形式来组织会员交流,目前会员交流活动已正式开展。想要了解“会员招募”详情,请点击页面底端的“阅读原文”,欢迎感兴趣的朋友申请加入。了解冥思坊,可点击查看:
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