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鲜花鸡蛋&&在 17:16&&砸了鸡蛋&&并说:再添个鸡蛋&&在 17:16&&送朵鲜花&&并说:最后一朵了23333&&在 17:15&&送朵鲜花&&并说:还你的&&在 17:14&&送朵鲜花&&并说:我送你8朵你竟然回我12朵!!&&在 17:13&&送朵鲜花&&并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下&&在 17:13&&送朵鲜花&&并说:w&&在 14:41&&送朵鲜花&&并说:记得还我啊&&在 14:40&&送朵鲜花&&并说:记得还我啊&&在 14:40&&送朵鲜花&&并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下&&在 14:39&&送朵鲜花&&并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
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SP_Lang 发表于
鲜花鸡蛋&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。&&在 17:06&&送朵鲜花&&并说:然而你楼下俩位才是坑新大师。。。。。
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鲜花鸡蛋&&在 17:35&&送朵鲜花&&并说:艹新狂魔
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本帖最后由 hakjimmy 于
13:48 编辑
转自 官方网站& &
觉得 太搞了&&什么 各种颜色玩家之间的联盟&&抗衡另外一个霸权&&还有 各个颜色临时招收 强盗玩家 充数 对抗敌人&&还有背叛与 刺客玩家刺杀 领主玩家的&&真牛啊&&
这个MOD模式 设定 一个中立势力, 5种颜色势力, 以及奴隶&&平民&&城镇守卫 强盗 势力玩家& &大家可以交易 商贸&&或者 形成势力 组建王国 霸占5个城堡(城堡一旦控制 可以收税)
节选 部分 留言
My story of the blue kingdom. Hope you like.
我和三个伙伴进了游戏 ,发现一场浩大的十字军征程正在进行着,到处的村庄被烧毁,村民被屠杀(5个王国城堡之间 有若干村落
玩家除了加入军事势力和强盗势力外 还可以扮演奴隶采矿赚钱 市民经商交易赚钱 和城镇守卫 这些就是所谓的村民)我们决定结
我们看到 很多弱势的新人 都蜷缩退守 在 中央城镇的区域, 所以我们决定去那里的武器库买点蓝色王国势力的盔甲,然后再去惩
罚一下进行屠杀的罪恶绿色十字军,拯救那里的平民。我们3个成功的把在那里烧杀的零碎绿军给撵走了,我们也又添了4个玩家 到
我们队伍的人 认为 不久 绿色的主力军就会知道我们抵抗的情况 他们的大部队 也许不久就会追来 ,我们来到了雪原上的一座城
堡 ,原来的领主早就不再了, 我们决定在这里 安家落户
我们在城堡里注视着 敌人在不断的做军事训练 并壮大实力 ,所以我们不断的积累装备 马匹 也在策略战术上 在自己城堡里 做军
一个小时的训练过后 ,我听到我们中的城门守卫&&急忙从城门跑来&&小声说&&主人, 城门来了一个人 他是穿***王国势力铠甲的
我决定自己亲自见他 , 我骑上马 从总部穿过村落&&来到了 主城门下
这个人&&看起来虎背熊腰的(骑砍的联机角色脸型设定 很丰富 每个人都是独特的脸型)他告诉我***王国已经在地图的另一端的
城堡里 建立起来了 并且也是一直在和绿色十字军战斗着&&我们最终达成盟友的协议&&要一举粉碎绿色十字军&&那个人离开了
我回到总部 召集了我的骑士 告诉他们我们现在的形势&&他们同意我的决定 我们等待着援助***王国 宝剑出鞘的日子
号角 响起& & 熊人 回来了& &他告诉我们 ***王国 正在攻打 绿色十字军的城堡 。我召集了我的人 我们骑着马 自豪的出了我们
我们到了 ***王国的攻城营地 我们见了他们的攻城 指挥官&&整个策略 是***军团 先 从侧面洞口杀入城堡 杀到大门总闸 开启
大门&&我们到时从正门 杀入& &过了一段时间&&攻城开始了& &***军团 一路杀进 隧道&&不幸的是 他们被埋伏了&&死了 若干个士
兵& &战斗的天枰貌似 倾向了 绿色十字军
担心可能***会挺不住& &&&我们 蓝色下马&&冲进了隧道& &各个斗志昂扬&&最终 我们拿下了城堡&&我们的人都累坏了&&我们在城
堡内层 用床 睡觉加血 整休后& &收集好装备&&和抢到的战利品&&回去了 我们的城堡
不久 我打算开始 举办 一个宴会以庆祝 胜利和纪念逝去的友人&&我们邀请了 ***王国的人 宴会非常成功
我决定 让我们的士兵穿着闪亮的铠甲 在城外列队游行以展示军威&&我正准备建议我们继续再联合行动 彻底击败绿色十字军的势力
时&&突然 一只箭 从我头边 呼啸而过&&我的部下急忙 隐蔽& & 我惊慌失措撇下 部下 往城堡里逃&&但是我被一个人 从后面袭击了
我的部下大都都未能幸免 只有少数 逃脱&&这就是我的故事 你们可以找***军团 复仇 (应该是暗指 伏击偷袭他们的正是他们的
联盟 ***军团 )
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1.&&'m not too sure if this has already been posted, thought we could all share our stories from the recently released mod.
I started by joining the Red Faction my first day. At the time, the red faction were the most dominant and had obtained most of the territory within the man. They were led by a player named 'DarthVader' (from what I re-call) who had a very autocratic figure. The red faction at the time seemed pretty pleasant, escorting civilians etc, until the green army decided to up rise. The green army at the time, were one of the strongest factions. The green faction managed to summon bandits to fight for them, but were utterly destroyed by the size of the Red Faction and the sheer power. Shortly after, the green army tried their luck again and were defeated for a second time, In conclusion to that the majority of green players joined the Red Army. The Red Army now had around 70% of the server fighting for them, so the leader decided it would be a wise choice to start a 'crusade' beginning with wiping out the remnants of the Green Army, and striking the white army next.
After around an hour or so of the red army's crusade, behaviour among the ranks began to stir. Red army members were tired of the constant pointless fighting, and disbanded from their leader. Eventually, the neutrals supported all other factions and marched against the red faction. An hour later, the red faction were defeated. Due to the foolishness of the leader, I left and moved into the forest proclaiming it be known as 'Sherwood Forest' and that I was the leader of the 'Men Of Sherwood'.
2.& &Well here's my story, for what it's worth.
I started out as neutral, wishi I was quickly introduced to the Red castle, which was friendly to us and provided us with shelter, and to our charismatic leader, Nobody. Being humbly but decently armed, I spent some time in the Red castle, healing up and gathering supplies, until our leader called upon us to ride forth to the mines, which were occupied by the perfidious Greens, who were, then, our enemies.
We rode forth with great dash and bravado, capturing the mines and stocking up on valuables, but it wasn't long before our leader, Nobody, decided that we should take the Blue castle in a lightning raid. Our attack was swift and successful, and the few defenders of the Blue castle succumbed easily. We rode into the keep in triumph, eager to lay hands on the booty contained within the castle's fabled chests, and to rest. I certainly needed it, as I had sustained extensive wounds during the actions we carried out, and I was grateful for the chance to rest.
Discipline, however, evaporated, and, as I engaged in some plunder of the Blue coffers, an assassin attempted to kill me, though I survived the attack and killed him in turn. Just then, having lost my horse, I realized that most of our forces were hastily retreating to the Red castle, and I, grabbinb the first horse I could, followed suit.
Just then, on my way back, I was assaulted by a Red cavalryman, whom I only escaped narrowly w that unprovoked attack bewildered me, as, in theory, the Red were on our side. When I finally caught up with my comrades, the grim reality of our situation dawned upon me: the Red had betrayed us, and closed the gates of our castle to us. As we remained gathered before the castle cates, and our leader, Nobody, attempted to negotiate with the Reds, it became obvious that we would not obtain entry, and our battered and diminished force departed once again. I, for one, was still badly wounded from my encounter with the Red cavalryman, and painfully aware of our precarious situation.
Our leader, Nobody, then decided that we should capture the White castle, which, at the time, was held by the Yellow army. We attacked in force, and dashingly assaulted through the staircases and bridges of that Escherian n however, the Yellow defenders, though few, put up such a stubborn and courageous defence that our best efforts were fruitless. A crossbowman and a swordsman alone managed to stave off most of our assaults on the rooftops, and our men scattered. I, cut off from the main force, wandered around the castle for a while, trying to
but I was soon confronted by several crossbowmen and swordsmen, who, in a most noble and generous gesture, allowed me to retreat unharmed.
As I departed from the White castle, the object of our most unfortunate assualt, I realized how bleak my situation was: I was alone, cut off from my comrades, and with scarcely one or two hitpoints left. I rode to the tournament area to heal up and think out a new course of action.
Meanwhile, our leader, Nobody, was betrayed by one of his men, his control over our faction, which he had led in a charismatic and fair fashion, began to crumble. He attempted to rally the men for several ill-fated assaults against the mines, but to no avail.
Finally, the leader of the Yellow faction, Sir George, talked to me directly, knowing that I was a distinguished, if humble, member of my faction, to offer me a deal: The Mercenaries would be allowed shelter in the White castle if we helped them to capture the Red castle, in the hands of the traitors who started our tale of misfortune. I accepted on a personal level, and proposed the deal to our leader, Nobody, who and Mercenaries and Yellow, in a combined effort, conquered the Red castle and staved off their half-hearted attempts to retake it.
And just then, in our moment of triumph, the extreme lag on my computer caused the game to crash
3.& & I'll try to keep this as unembellished as possible. Sir Thorns is just Thorns, but I did call him 'sir Thorns' and Father Andre is Lord Andre, but he was a monk and thus I called him Father Andre.
When these events started, red was by far the dominant faction. It had at least twenty people. Green Castle had been occupied by neutrals calling themselves 'the order' and White Castle was, as usual, occupied by bandits. I decided to join blue faction since I liked their castle the best, and red people have a tendency for being jackasses. Th my loyal knight, Sir Thorns, and my travelling monk, Father Andre. We traveled about the land, trying to find a good place to settle down. Nothing of note occurred until the game ended, after which we claimed the blue castle for our own. After a while, more and more recruits started to show up on our doorstep, until in all there must have been more than the reds had. We numbered many, indeed, and each
among the recruits I remember most fondly were Srg. Talius, the sergeant of the wall, who faithfully guarded the wal Sven [nordic lastname :-p], who, with Selena, guarded our gates and the irc:// twins, one the mysterious yet strangely handsome Varric, and the other the bloodily retarded jester/flagbearer, Badabam*; the mercenary P and last, but not least, my diplomat Tryteyker, who volunteered to organize the castle defense before starting negotiations with the fearsome red.
I called all of my loyal knights to the Great Hall, for matters of government were to be discussed. I tried to figure out a way to ask them what to do about the reds but my tongue was tied by the
so I switched to a different topic - matters of government. I proposed that the blues be a democracy, where every member had a vote on matters, but this was overwhelmingly disapproved of - the vast majority of my subjects seemed to -want- a supremely cruel dictator. By the end of the meeting half of them were shouting* &LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!& and such. I became the emperor of the Holy Blue-ish Empire, with Thorns and Tryteyker as my loyal lieutenants. Eventually, it seemed, the whole army of more than twenty knights assembled in front of the gate, with me at their head. Tryteyker had, as mentioned before, been negotiating with the reds - our traditional enemy - and it seemed they were plagued by a group of bandits holding Green Castle in an unassailable position. As a favor, our entire faction, except loyal Talius guarding the walls, rode forth and besieged the castle. We dismounted at the tunnel entrance and marched in single file through its dank and dark corridors, before coming to the top of the twisting staircase to a deathtrap.
The bandits were on either side of the entrance, on high positions
they had crossbows and longbows, and they used them to great effect, killing many of us as we advanced, helpless, before we finally reached and killed them. I myself opened the gate, and claimed the castle for our own. But the moment of victory was suddenly spoiled when Talius cried that bandits had taken Blue Castle, just before he was overwhelmed and killed. We swiftly returned to our horses, but the vast majority had been stolen or killed by bandits while we were sieging Green Castle, includin someone loyally gave me his saddle horse and rushed to return to my home. I killed two of the bandits, and one escaped - only to run into the waiting other blues. After we consolidated our castle, we waited there for some time, licking our wounds and acquiring new horses. Green Castle had been abandoned after the bandits attacked our own castle.
And then began the last and final stage of our tale. There came a time when I was wandering about the Inner Courtyard, se I wondered where my knights were. The reds had by this time been conspiring to reward our assistance with backstabbing - although I understand that one of their leaders, a knight named Nikolai Alexander, wanted peace between the blues and the reds. And so, when I wandered out of my castle, I found my army assembled in its entirety in front of my castle. They wanted blood, they said. I obliged them. I came to their head and reared my horse, an and we came upon a party of reds led by their king, Drache. We came on them aware and we slew them all, although Drache was only wounded by an arrow. One of his faithful companions carried him
the blue army followed. We dismounted by the ladder scaling red castle's golden walls, and we climbed it un we killed all who fought back. We fought, leaving a bloody trail of dead Reds, all the way to the keep, where many people were murdered as they tried collecting money for weapons from the tr and eventually my faithful bodyguard and I happened u the Red king Drache and his guard, in their throne room at the top of this evil tower. A brave fight was fought there, until my bodyguard was lay slain by my side, leaving me against th at first the king did not partake in the violence, but then, as I fought his bodyguard, he picked up a lance lying on the ground. He must have been simply inept for he ran his own bodyguard through with the weapon, even as the guard stabbed me - fortunately, I did not die, but dragged myself out of the castle as blood trickled from my chin. The sie on the one hand, we killed virtually everyone in the castle and took it successfully - on the other, we didn't kill their king.
After that, things died down and the blues gradually started to leave or defect to other factions. The Holy Blue-ish Empire was disassembled ... for now.
*This was the one person who joined my faction that I had known previously - I had known Badabambada - or was it badabambam? Gah, I can't even remember. He shortened his name when he joined irc://. By the way, his horse is Jimmy the Retarded Saddle Horse.
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死后 就是掉装备&&你的第纳尔不掉&&但是 你要转换了实体金币 银币的话 会掉落
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my_love 发表于
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等steam 打折买&&ENE
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退回去五年 2012年的时候有双通服 但是就是双通每天也不过二三十人
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