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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the \answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear: You will read: A)2 hours. B)3 hours. C)4 hours. D)5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o&clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon.Therefore, D)“5 hours”is the correct answer.You should choose [D]on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. Sample Amswer[A] [B] [C] [D] 1.A)It&s far from being ready yet. B)It contains some valuable ideas. C)She needs another week to get it ready. D)It has nothing to do with the Internet. 2.A)The woman is a kind? hearted boss. B)The woman is strict with her employees. C)The man always has excuses for being late. D)The man&s alarm clock didn&t work that morning. 3.A)The bank near the railway station closes late. B)The bank around the corner is not open today. C)The womon should try her luck in the bank nearby. D)The woman should use dollars instead of pounds. 4.A)Wait for about three minutes. B)Try dialing the number again. C)Call again some thme later. D)Make an appontment with Dr.Chen. 5.A)He felt upset because of her failure. B)He believes she will pass the test this time. C)He is sure they will succeed in the next test. . D)He did no better than the woman in the test. 6.A)The man thinks the woman can earn the credits B)The woman is begging the man tio let her pass the exam. C)The woman has to attend a summer course to graduate. D)The woman is going to graduate from summer school. 7.A)Fred likes the beautiful scenery along the way to Canada. B)Fred usually flies to Canada with Jane. C)Fred persuaded Jane to change her mind. D)Fred is planning a trip to Canada. 8.A)Find room for the paintings. B)Put more coats of paint on the wall. C)Paint the walls to match the furniture. D)Hang some pictures for decoration. 9.A)He&d rather not go to the lecture. B)He&s going to attend the lecture. C)He&ll give a lecture on drawing. D)He doesn&t mond if the woman goes to the lecture. 10.A)Trying to persuade the woman to vote for him. B)Running for chairman of the student union. C)Choosing a campaign manager. D)Selecting the best candidate. Section B Directions: In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question.you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11.A)To find ways to treat homan waster. B)To study the problems of local industries. C)To conduct a study on fishing in the Biramichi River. D)To investigate the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River. 12.A)Serious pollution upstream. B)Lack of oxygen. C)Overgrowth of water plants. D)Low water level. 13.A)They&ll be closed down. B)They&ll be moved to other places. C)They&re going to dismiss some of their employees. D)They have no money to build chemical treatment plants. 14.A)The local fishing cooperative decised to reduce its catch. B)The local Chamber of Commerce tried to preserve fishes. C)There were fewer fish in the river. D)Over? fishiing was prohibited. Passage Two Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage yu have just heard. 15.A)A shoirt note to their lawyer. B)A brief letter sealed in an envelope. C)Oral instructions recorded on a tape. D)A written document of several pages. 16.A)Visit his grave regularly for five years. B)Stop wearing any kind of fashionable clothes. C)Refrain from going out with men for five years. D)Bury the dentist with his favorite car. 17.A)He wanted to leave his body for medical purposes. B)He was angry with his selfish relatives. C)He was just being humorous. D)He was not a wealthy man. Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are hased on the passage you have just heard. 18.A)They believed it to be a luxury. B)They considered it avoidable. C)They took it to be a trend. D)They thought it quite acceptable. 19.A)Casual. B)Critical. C)Sceptical. D)Serious. 20.A)When the current marriage law is modifed. B)When husband and wife understand each other better. C)When the costs of getting a divorce become unaffordable. D)When people consider marriage an important part of their lives. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions :There are 4 passages it this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Bill Gates,the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree,is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world&s favthe MBA(Master of Business Administration). The MBA,a 20th? century product,always ha borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed (贪婪) on the tree? lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature.But even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates,about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993.This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960,a testimony to the widespread assumption that the MBA is vital for young men and women who want to run companies some day.“If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have ont to have one,”saidDonald Morrison,professor of marketing and management science.“But in the last five years or so,when someone says,`Should I attempt to get an MBA,&the answer a lot more is:It depends.” The success of Bill Gates and other non? MBAs,such as the late Sam Walton of Wal? Mart Stores Inc.has helped inspire seif? conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whther management skills can be taught. The Harvard Business Review printed a lively,fictional exchange of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders.The article called MBA hires “extremely disappointing”and said “MBAs wans to move up too fast,they don&t understand politics and people, and they aren&t able to function as part of a team until their third year.But by then,they&re out looking for other jobs.”The problem,most participants in the debate acknowledge,is that the MBA has acquired an aura (光环) of future riches and power for beyond its actual importance and usefulness. Enrollemnt in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do with out one.The growth was fueled by a backlach(反冲)against the anti? business values of the 1960s and by the women&s movement. Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees often know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at motivating people.“They don&t get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business,”said James Shaffer ,vice? president and principal of the Towers Perrin managment consulting firm. 21.According to Paragraph 2,what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines? A)Envious. B)Scornful. C)Realistic. D)Appreciative. 22.It seems that the controversy over the valus of MBA degrees has been fueled mainly by ______. A)the success of many non? MBAs B)the complaints from various employers C)the prro performance of MBAs at work D)the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplines 23.What is the major weakness of MBA bolders according to The Harvard Business Review? A)They are not good at dealing with people. B)THey keep complaining about their jobs. C)They are usually self? centered. D)Thay are aggressive and greedy. 24.From the passage we know that most MBAs_________ . A)can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly B)cherish unrealistic expectations about their future C)quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates D)receive salaries that do not match their professional training 25.What is the passage mainly about? A)A debate held recently on university campuses. B)Doubts about the worth of hodding an MBA degree. C)Why there is an increased enrollment in MBA programs. D)The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are hased on the following passage. German Chancellor (首相)Otto Von Bismarck may be most famous for his military and diplomatic talent.but his legacy(遣产)includes many of today&s social insurance programs.During the middle of the 19th century,Germany,along with other European nations,experienced an unprecedented rash of workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization.Motivated in part by Christian compassion(怜悯)for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut thesupport of the socialist labor movement.Chancellor Bismarck created the world&sfirst workers& compensation law in 1884. By 1908,the United States was the only industrial nation in the world that lacked workers&compensation insurance.America&s injured orkers could sue for damages in a court of law,but they still faced a number of tough legal barriers.For example,employees had to prove that their injuries directly resulted from employer negligence and that they themselves were ignorant about potential hazards in the workplace.The first state workers& compensation law in the country passed in 1911,and the program soom spread throughout the nation. After World War Ⅱ,benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living.In fact,real benefit levels were lower in the 1970s than they were in the 1940s,and in most states the maximum benefit was below the poverty level for a family of four.In 1970,President Richard Nixon set up a national commission to study the problems of workers& compensation.Two years later,the commission issued 19 key recommendations,inluding one that called for increasing compensation benefit levels to 100 percent of the states& average weekly wages. In fact,the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states& average weekly wages in 1072 to 97 percent today.But, as most studies show,every 10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims.And with so much more money floating in the workers& compensation system,it&s not surprising theat doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie. 26.A)The world&s first workers& compensation law was introduced by Bismarck . A)for fear of losing the support of the socialist labor movement B)out of religious and political considerations C)to speed up the pace of industrialization D)to make industrial production safer 27.We learn from the passage that the process of industrialiation in Europe _______. A)met growing resistance from laborers working at machines B)resulted in the development of popular social insurance programs C)was accompanied by an increased number of workshop accidents D)required workers to be aware of the potential dangers at the workplace 28.One of the problems the American injured workers faced in getting compensation in the early 19th century was that _______. A)they had to produce evidence that their employers were responsible for the accident B)America&s average compensation benefit was much lower than the cost of living C)different state in the U.S. had totally different compensation programs D)they had to have the courage to sue for damages in a court of law 29.After 1972 workers& compensation insurance in the U.S. became more favorable to workers so that ______ . A)the poverty level for a family of fourwent up drastically B)more money was allocated to their compensation system C)there were fewer legal barriers when they filed for claims D)the number of workers suing for damages increased 30.The author ends the passage with the implication that __________. A)compensation benefits in America are soaring to new heights B)people from all walks of life can benefit from the compensation system C)the workers are not the only ones to benefit from the compensation system D)money floating in the compensation system is a huge drain on the U.S. economy Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. When school officials in Kalkaska,Michigan,closed classes last week,the media flocked to the story,portraying the town&s 2,305 students as victims of stingy (吝啬的) taxpayers.There ithe property-tax rate here is one-third lower than the state average.But shutting their schools also sallowed Kalkaska&s educators and the state&s largest teachers&union,the Michigan Education Association,to make a politcal point.Their aim was to spur passage of legislation Michigan lawmakers are debating to increase the state&s share of school funding. It was no coincidence that Kalkaska shut its schools two weeks after residicted a 28 percent property-tax increase.The school board argued that without the increase it lacked the $ 1.5 million needed to keep schools open. But the school system had not done all it could to keep the schools open.Officials declined to borrow against next year&s state aid,they refused to trim extracurricular activities and they did not consider seeking a smaller-perhaps more acceptable-tax increase.In fact,closing early is costing Kalkaska a significant amount,including
in unemployment payments to teachers and staff and $250,000 in lost state sid.In February,the school system promised teachers and staff two months of retirement payments in case schools closed early,a deal that will cost the district $ 275,000 more. Other signs suggest school authorities were at least as eager to make a political statement as to keep schools open.The Michigan Education Association hired a public relations firm to stage a rally marking the school closings,which attracted 14 local and national television stations and networks.The president of the National Education Association,the MEA&s parent organization,flew from Washington,D.C.,for the event.And to union tutored school officials in the art of television interviews.School supervisor Doyle Disbrow acknowledges the district could have kept schools open by cutting programs but denies the moves were politically motivated. Michigan lawmakers have reacted angrily to the closings.The state Senate has already voted to put the system into receivership (破产管理) and reopenthe Michigan House Plans to considr the bill this week. 31.We learn from the passage that schools in Kalkaska,Michigan,are funded______ . A)mainly by the state government B)exclusively by the local government C)by the National Education Association D)by both the local and state governments 32.One of the purposes for which school officials closed classes was ______. A)to draw the attention of local taxpayers to political issues B)to avoid paying retirement benefits to teachers and staff C)to pressure Michigan lawmakers into increastng state funds for local schools D)to make the financial difficulties of their teachers and staff known to the public 33.The author seems to disapprove of________ . A)the shutting of schools in Kalkaska B)the involvement of the mass media C)the Michigan lawmakers&endless debating D)delaying the passage of the school funding legislation 34.We learn from the passage that school authorities in Kalkaska are more concerned about_______ . A)making a political issue of the closing of the schools B)the attitude of the MEA&s parent organization C)a raise in the property-tax rate in Michigan D)reopening the shools there immediately 35.According to the passage,the closing of the schools developed into a crisis because of _______. A)the strong protest on the part of the students&parents B)the political motives on the part of the educators C)the weak response of the state officials D)the complexity of the problem Passage Four Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. Early in the age of affluence (富裕) that followed World Wer Ⅱ,an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed,&Our enormously productive economy...demands that we make consumption our way of life,that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals,that we seek our spiritual satisfaction,our ego satisfaction,is consumption. ... We need things consumed,burned up,worn out,replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate.” Americans have responded to Lebow&s call,and much of the world has followed.Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values.Opinion surveys in the world&s two largest economics—Japan and the United States—show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent. Overconsumption by the world&s fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth.Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests,soils,water,air and climate. Ironically,high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms,too.The time-honored values of integrity of character,good work,friendship,family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches.Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow—that,misled by a consumerist culture,they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what are essentially social,psychological and spiritual needs with material things. Of course,the opposite of overconsumption—poverty—is no solution to either environmental or human problems.It is infinitely worse for people and bad for thenatural world too.Dispos sessed (被剥夺得一无所有的) peasants slash-and burn their way into the rain forests of Latin America,and hungry nomads (游牧民族) turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland,reducing it to desert. If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much,we are left to wonder how much is enough.What level of consumption can the earth support?When dose having more cease to add noticeably to human satisfaction? 36.The emergence of the affluent society after World War II . A)led to the reform of the retailing system B)resulted in the worship of consumerism C)gave rise to the dominance of the new egoism D)gave birth to a new generation of upper class consumers 37.Apart from enormous productivity,another important impetus to high consumption is _______. A)the people&s desire for a rise in their living standards B)the concept that one&s success is measured by how much they consume C)the imbalance that has existed between production and consumption D)the conversion of the sale of goods into rituals 38. Why does the author say high consumption is a mixed blessing? A)Because poverty still exists in an affluent society. B)Because overconsumption won&t last long due to unrestricted population growth. C)Because traditional rituals are often neglected in the process of modernization. D)Because moral values are sacrificed in pursuit of material satisfaction. 39.According to the passage,consumerist culture_______ . A)will not alleviate poverty in wealthy countries B)will not aggravate nevironmental problems C)cannot thrive on a fragile economy D)cannot satisfy human spiritual needs 40.It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A)human spiritual needs should match material affluence B)whether high consumption should be encouraged is still an issue C)how to keep consumption at a reasonable level remains a problem D)there is never an end to satisfying people&s material needs Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)andD).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 41.Others viewed the findings with______ ,noting that a ca-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancr remains to be shown. A)caution B)passion C)optimism D)deliberation 42.When supply exceeds demand for any product,prices are _______to fall. A)thmely B)liable C)simultaneous D)subject 43.The results are hardly_______ ;he cannot believe they are accurate. A)crucial B)liable C)simultaneous D)subject 44.The ball______ two or three times before rolling down the slope. A)swayed B)hopped C)darted D)bounced 45.Connie was told that if she worked too hard,her health would _______. A)decay B)hopped C)darted D)degrade 46.How much of your country&s electrical supply is______ from water power? A)deduced B)derived C)detached D)declined 47.The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are_________ . A)crisp B)intricate C)subtle D)fragile 48.He blew out the candle and_______ his way to the door. A)converged B)wrenched C)groped D)strove 49.I have had my eyes tested and the report says that my_______ is perfect. A)vision B)horizon C)outlook D)perspective 50.The music aroused an _______feeling of homesickness in him. A)intrinsic B)intentional C)intermittent D)intense 51? This new printer is ________with all leading software. A)competitive B)cooperative C)compatible D)comparable 52.Many types of rock are_______ from volcanoes as solid,fragmentary material. A)ejected B)injected C)propelled D)flung 53.The person who _______this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise. A)generated B)originated C)speculated D)manufactured 54.More than 85 percent of French Canada&s population speaks French as a mother tongue and ______to the Roman Catholic faith. A)ascribes B)subscribes C)adheres D)caters 55.In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal,expansion joints are fitted which______ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely. A)reclaim B)reconcile C)rectify D)relieve 56.Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops,but this only _____the crisis. A)precedes B)prevails C)ascends D)accelerates 57.He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in ________with the Imperial Museum. A)combination B)collaboration C)connection D)collection 58.The 1986 Challenger space-shuttle _______was caused by unusually low temperatures immediately before the launch. A)dismay B)disaster C)expedition D)controversy 59.I bought an alarm clock with a(n)______ dial,which can be seen clearly in the dark. A)audible B)amplified C)supersonic D)luminous 60.With prices________ so much,it is difficult for the school to plan a budget. A)vibrating B)swinging C)fluctuating D)fluttering 61. ________that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate,it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate. A)Concerning B)Regarding C)Ascertaining D)Assuming 62.We find that some birds _____twice a year between hot and cold countries. A)migrate B)emigrate C)transfer D)commute 63.As visiting scholars,they _______willingly to the customs of the country they live in. A)submit B)commit C)conform D)subject 64.The professor found himself constantly_______ the question:“How could anyone do these things?& A)poring B)pondering C)presiding D)presuming 65.In those days,executives expected to spend most of their lives in the same firm and ,unless they were dismissed for_______ ,to retire at the age of 65. A)denial B)deduction C)integrity D)incompetence 66.Her jewelry_______ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball. A)blazed B)dazzled C)glared D)glittered 67.Weeks ______before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery. A)elapsed B)expired C)overlapped D)terminated 68.Often such arguments have the effect of ______rather than clarifying the issues involved. A)blocking B)obscuring C)tackling D)prejudicing 69.He raised his eyebrows and stuck his bead forward and _______it in a single nod,a gesture boys used then for O.K.when they were pleased. A)jerked B)twisted C)shrugged D)tugged 70.She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company&s client data,which she intended to ______in starting her own business. A)dwell on B)base on C)draw upon D)come upon Part IV Cloze (15minutes) Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D)on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the centre. when women do become managers,do they bring a different style and different skills to the job?Are they better,or worse,managers than men ?Are women more highly motivated and Some research 72 71 than male nanagers?the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such ad greater bear 7573an emphasis on affiliation and attachment,and a making workplace decisions. These differences are 77 7974 76to bring emotional factors to to carry advantages for 78 the company managecompanies, its workforcethey expand the range of techniques that can be used to . 80Astudy commissioned by the international Women&s Forum women managers (and also by some men)that 81a management style used by some 82 usedfrom the command and control style 83by male managers.Using this “interactive leadership”approach,“women information, 84participation,share power and 85other people&s self-worth,and get others excited abort their work.All these 86 to contribute and to feel 87 89 that “interactivereflect their belief that allowing 88and important is a win-win-good for the employees and the organization .”The study&s director 90leadership may energe 71. A)committed B)confronted C)confined D)commanded 72.A)despises B)supports C)opposes D)argues 73. A)coherence B)correlation C)combination D)cooperativeness 74. A)sensitivity B)willingness C)virtue D)loyalty 75. A)by B)with C)in D)at 76. A)seen B)revised C)watched D)disclosed 77. A)because B)whereas C)nonethelessthe management style of choice for many organizations.” D)therefore 78. A)direct B)enable C)help D)support 79. A)effectively B)evidently C)previsely D)aggressively 80. A)developed B)discovered C)located D)invented 81. A)derives B)detaches C)descends D)differs 82. A)traditionally B)conditionally C)inherently D)occasionally 83. A)engage B)dismiss C)encourage D)disapprove 84. A)enlarge B)ignore C)degrade D)enhance 85. A)things B)themes C)researches D)subjects 86. A)males B)women C)managers D)employees 87. A)skillful B)powerful C)thoughtful D)faithful 88. A)circumstance B)status C)situation D)position 89. A)defied B)predicted C)diagnosed D)proclaimed 90. A)as B)for C)into D)from 六级 B 卷参考*** Reading 21-25 CAABB 26-30 BCABC 31-35 DCBAB 36-40 BBDAC Vocabulory 41-45 ABCDB 46-50 BDCAD 51-55 CABCD 56-60 DBBDC 61-65 BACBD 66-70 DADAC Cloze 71-80 ABDBC AACAA 81-90 CACDA BBCBC
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