swiss roll流形数据是什么意思

Swiss是什么意思 Swiss在线翻译 Swiss什么意思 Swiss的意思 Swiss的翻译 Swiss的解释 Swiss的发音 Swiss的同义词 Swiss的反义词 Swiss的例句
Swiss英 [sw?s] 美 [sw?s] Swiss 基本解释形容词(人)来自瑞士的; 瑞士的,瑞士文化的名词瑞士人Swiss的解释Swiss 情景对话在咖啡馆A:Good afternoon.&&&&&&下午好。B:I'm Tom, Zhang. We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.&&&&&&我是汤姆。张,我们已预定好今天下午用茶点。A:Yes, sir. This way, please. Here's your table. Is this all right?&&&&&&是的先生。请这儿走。这就是你们的桌子,您感觉还可以吗?B:Yes, it's nice, indeed. Thank you.&&&&&&好极了!谢谢你。A:I'm so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.&&&&&&您满意我很高兴。您想要点什么?我们供应咖啡、茶、三明治、蛋糕和冷饮。请看玻璃下面的茶点单。B:What would you like, Mike?&&&&&&你想吃点什么,迈克?C:I'll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.&&&&&&我想尝尝鸡肉色拉三明治,并要一杯奶咖啡。A:How about you, Mr. Zhang?&&&&&&那么您呢,张先生?B:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.&&&&&&我要柠檬红茶加糖和一个面包卷。A:Anything else?&&&&&&还要什么吗?B:What's your specialty today?&&&&&&你们今天有什么特色食品?A:We have strawberries with cream today. I suggest you try them.&&&&&&我们今天供应鲜奶油草莓,我建议你们可以试一试。B:Good, I will.&&&&&&好的,我想尝一尝。Swiss 网络解释1. 1. 瑞士人:摘要:瑞士人(Swiss) 欧洲中部国家瑞士4个民族的总称. 其中日耳曼瑞士人占多数,其次还有法兰西瑞士人、意大利瑞士人、雷托罗曼人. 均属欧罗巴人种. 公元前5世纪,在今瑞士地域上住着海尔维第人和雷托人. 公元前1世纪瑞士各地区被罗马帝国征服后,2. 瑞士航空:沃尔什指出,虽然法国航空公司(AirFrance)和荷兰皇家航空公司(KLM)以及德国汉莎航空公司(DeutscheLufthansa)和瑞士航空(Swiss)的合并表明整合能够产生巨大的成本效应,但他认为目前在欧洲没有值得收购的对象.3. 瑞士的:瑞士 Switzerland | 瑞士的 Swiss | 赛跑 raceSwiss 双语例句1. Swiss的解释1. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, its member firms, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates.&&&&Deloitte 泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu、其成员所/公司、以及他们的附属机构和关联机构。2. 2. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.&&&&Deloitte泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,以及其一家或多家成员所/公司。3. Swiss speeding towards 2008 - The director of the Swiss sports ministry Matthias Remund was delighted to report that preparations for UEFA EURO 2008?&&&&瑞士超速迈向2008-瑞士体育部主任matthiasremund很高兴向各位报告,准备在2008年欧洲杯?4. The rule made officially by Swiss says, that first-rate watch error is not beyond 10 seconds.&&&&瑞士官方制定的规则说优等品机械手表每日误差应控制在10秒以内。5. The technology used in the Bubble Tag has already been approved by authorities such as the Swiss Institute of Gemmology or the French Ministry of Industry for and is currently used on many official documents, high value branded products and valuable works of art worldwide.&&&&Bubble Tag中采用的技术不仅已得到许多权威机构的批准,比如:瑞士宝石学研究所或法国工业部,而且目前也在世界各地的许多官方文件、高价品牌产品和贵重艺术品中得到应用。6. Rolex is considered to be one of the most prolific Swiss wristwatch manufacturing companies in the world.&&&&劳力士被认为是最丰富的瑞士手表在全球制造业的公司之一。7. Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs?&&&&能否给我100美元的瑞士法郎?8. Especially at the price, which is 340, 000 Swiss Francs.&&&&特别是在价格,这是34万瑞士法郎。9. I`d like to know the rate for Swiss francs.&&&&我想知道瑞士法郎的兑换率。10. I will call you when Swiss Francs are ready for you.&&&&如果我们把瑞士法郎准备好了,再打个***给您。11. May I have your telephone number I will call you when Swiss Francs are ready for you.&&&&&&请留下您的***号码,好吗如果我们把瑞士法郎准备好了,再打个***给您。12. 12. Can you give me 一00 dollars in Swiss francs?&&&&&&能可给我一00美圆的瑞士法郎?13. Court documents show the Swiss financial regulator could lodge an appeal within 30 days.&&&&&&法院的裁决书称,瑞士金融监管机构在30天期限内可提出上诉。14. This monopoly is exercised by the Swiss National Bank, which is more or less independent of state interference.&&&&&&这些垄断权是由瑞士国家银行执行,这在一定程度上避免了联邦的干扰。15. Dollars, accounting for the first 66 acres, plant area of 20, 000 square meters and currently employs more than 600 advanced Israeli Scitex 342L plane scanner, DOLEV 4PRESS Laser Imagesetter,
Apple C Heidelberg, Germany, four-color machine, five-color machine, two-color machine, cutting machine tombola, Staffan abuse
Swiss Bobst Auto Die-cutting machine, on the cover of machine, Japan electric extension, photography, copy, and even drying, proofer and automatic folder gluer and other equipment, specialized in the printing high-grade picture album, sample description, exquisite color box packaging.&&&&&&设备投资1000万美元,占第66亩,厂房面积20000平方米,现有员工600多人,拥有先进的以色列赛天使342L平面扫描仪,DOLEV 4PRESS激光照排机,苹果电脑;德国海德堡四色机,五色机,双色机,波拿切割机,斯塔儿折叶机;瑞士产博斯特自动模切机,上封面机,骑马钉机;日本产电分机,照相,拷贝,连晒,打样机和自动糊盒机等设备,专门从事印刷高档画册,样本说明书,精美彩盒包装等。16. Swiss16. I went to Langer`s and had a No. 10, pastrami and Swiss with Russian dressing.&&&&&&我进了兰格的店,要了第10号的帕吹米三明治加瑞士与俄敷料。17. Most spectacularly, police claim, he bought and armour-plated a 406, 600 (293, 700) Mercedes-Benz from a Mayfair showroom in a 2005 deal arranged by a Swiss private bank, carried out via a company registered in the tiny Pacific island of Niue.&&&&&&最为引人注目的是,警方声称,在2005年,他在伦敦高档社区Mayfair的一个展厅购买了一辆价格为40.66 万欧元的梅赛德斯奔驰(Mercedes-Benz),并将其改装为一辆防弹轿车。这笔交易由一家瑞士私人银行安排,通过在太平洋小岛纽埃岛注册的一家公司进行。18. It pron它 This is my watch, it's a Swiss one.&&&&&&这是我的手表,它是瑞士制的。19. 19. This watch was bought in Swiss, and it's so sharp that it ever beats normally.&&&&&&这手表是两年前在瑞士买的。走得很准,从来没有快过或慢过。20. Our products has gained the quality certificates from American BIFMA and Swiss SGS and are sold far away to the countrise in Europe, South-east Asia and America.&&&&&&产品通过美国BIFMA和瑞士SGS质量认证,远销欧美、东南亚等国家和地区。Swiss 词典解释1. 瑞士的;瑞士人的;瑞士文化的&&&&Swiss means belonging or relating to Switzerland, or to its people or culture.&&&&e.g. avalanche in the Swiss alps.&&&&&&&&&&&瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的一次雪崩2. 瑞士人&&&&The Swiss are the people of Switzerland.&&&&e.g. The report shows the Swiss are among the world's top wage earners.&&&&&&&&&&&报告显示瑞士人的工资收入位列世界最高水平。Swiss 单语例句1. Swiss commodities trader Glencore International AG signed an agreement to buy shares in Qingtongxia in August.2. But by and large they sent the money overseas, putting it in foreign real estate and Swiss bank accounts.3. The Foreign Ministry called it a " deplorable act of violence " against the Swiss.4. Swiss watchmaker Omega participated in last weekend's Good Luck Beijing Athletics Open by testing its timing system preparation for the Beijing Olympics.5. Novartis is exercising a call option the Swiss companies agreed to in April 2008.6. Liu said his company will inject its current assets and cash into the venture and the Swiss side will pay for all shares by cash.7. She suggested that we catch up over dinner at The Swiss Chalet, a favorite family restaurant.8. Her statement came as a sexual abuse scandal sweeps the Catholic Church worldwide, with Swiss police now investigating allegations that children were harmed by priests.9. British sprint star Mark Cavendish will be coming off the Tour de France, along with Tour champion Cadel Evans of Australia and Swiss time trial specialist Fabian Cancellara.10. The dollar earlier fell a quarter of a centime against the Swiss franc, a traditional safe haven.Swiss的近义词Swiss是什么意思,Swiss在线翻译,Swiss什么意思,Swiss的意思,Swiss的翻译,Swiss的解释,Swiss的发音,Swiss的同义词,Swiss的反义词,Swiss的例句,Swiss的相关词组,Swiss意思是什么,Swiss怎么翻译,单词Swiss是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 关于Swiss&Roll数据集
流形学习中的遇到Swiss Roll数据集,
% Swiss Roll
% tt1 = (3*pi/2)*(1+2*rand(1,N)); &height =
% X = [tt1.*cos(tt1); (height); tt1.*sin(tt1)];
Roll Dataset
Dinoj Surendran,
16 May 2004
data set was created to test out various dimensionality reduction
algorithms. The idea was to create several points in 2d, and then
map them to 3d with some smooth function, and then to see what the
algorithm would find when it mapped the points back to 2d.
original data was created by randomly sampling from a Gaussian
Mixture Model with centers/means at (7.5,7.5), (7.5,12.5),
(12.5,7.5) and (12.5,12.5). The covariance for each gaussian was
the 2x2 identity matrix. This was created with
ppm = [400 400 400 400];
% points per mixture
centers = [7.5 7.5; 7.5 12.5; 12.5 7.5; 12.5 12.5];
stdev = 1;
plotcol (data2, ppm, 'rgbk');
printing the resulting plot with the&&function
printt ('original_7p5_12p5_400');
resulting image files&&and&&look
like this:
TITLE="关于Swiss&Roll数据集" />
are 400 points in each of the four clusters above. The actual data
points can be found in the file&,
which has a 1600x2 matrix, and,
which has a 1600x1 vector of labels (1,2,3 or 4 depending on which
mixture model the point was generated from).
was then converted from 2 to 3 dimensions with the Swiss Roll
mapping (x,y) -& (x cos x, y, x sin x). Matlab code
X = data2(:,1);
Y = data2(:,2);
data3 = [X.*cos(X) Y X.*sin(X)];
plotcol (data3,ppm,'rgbk');
results in the dataset&&(a
1600 x 3 matrix) represented in the picture below. It was created
with the Partiview files&,&and&.
TITLE="关于Swiss&Roll数据集" />


