谁有《我将我永远与你同在在》 演唱:索菲亚...

Lasse Lindh演唱的孤单又灿烂的神鬼怪OST3插曲Hush中英文歌词+MP3音源百度云网盘资源下载Lasse Lindh演唱的孤单又灿烂的神鬼怪OST3插曲Hush中英文歌词:Hush歌手:Lasse Lindh所属专辑:??? OST Part 3作曲 : ???/???作词 : ???/???Through the endless daydreamI saw you on the way backThere I walked with you in my armsThrough the blurry darknessWho’s veiling on the twilightWe’ve been far away from my fearsSomewhere else I’ll see youOur days be like a blossomBlooming all around youso brightBy and by, I’ll miss youand your laugh like a sunshineFading into shadow of tearsAll around me is your lightWith you, everything so shinesHow come we’ll leave all behind?Cause your love is falling on my heartAnd I’m falling for youFalling with broken wings againHush now, my angelI will always be with youIn your pretty smilein a glow of tearsOut across the frosty nightI’ll be there with youMaybe somedayyou’ll wake up alone without meBut don’t cry again,I’ll be waiting hereWhere the moon is on the riseAs the olden daysI could just go with youbetween our timeWhere they can’t find ussomehowYou could just come awaywith me, out thereWhere we could dream awayAll dayHush now, my angelI will always be with youIn your pretty smilein a glow of tearsOut across the frosty nightI’ll be there with youMaybe you‘ll always breath in meever in my heartAll the little pieces of youlook how they shine aboveCome away with me tonightWe’ll be dreaming away thereMaybe you‘ll always breath in meever in my heartAll the little pieces of youlook how they shine aboveCome away with me tonightWe’ll be dreaming away thereAlways&Hush中文歌词:通过无尽的遐想&我看到你在回来的路上&我和你走在我的怀里&通过模糊的黑暗中&他在暮光之城的面纱吗&我们已经远离我的恐惧&别的地方我将见到你&我们的日子像开花&盛开在你周围&如此的明亮&渐渐地,我会想念你的&和你的笑像阳光一样&影子的泪水&我周围都是你的光&和你在一起,所以照耀一切&为什么我们会留下所有?&使你的爱是落在我的心&我给你下降&折翼之下降了&嘘,我的天使&我将永远与你同在&你的美丽的微笑&发光的眼泪&在寒冷的夜晚&我和你在一起&也许有一天&没有我你会独自醒来&但是别再哭了,&我将在这里等&月亮是在上升在哪里&作为古代&我可以和你一起去&我们之间的时间&他们找不到我们在哪里&在某种程度上&你可以离开&和我在一起,&我们可以梦想吗&整天&嘘,我的天使&我将永远与你同在&你的美丽的微笑&发光的眼泪&在寒冷的夜晚&我和你在一起&也许你会总是在我的呼吸&永远在我的心里&你所有的小块&看他们如何闪烁&今晚远走高飞&我们会做梦&也许你会总是在我的呼吸&永远在我的心里&你所有的小块&看他们如何闪烁&今晚远走高飞&我们会做梦&总是Lasse Lindh演唱的孤单又灿烂的神鬼怪OST3插曲HushMP3音源百度云网盘资源下载地址链接:


