c9 为什么三星c9手写不出字刀舞

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原文作者: Pranjal &pranjal26& Drall 龙腾网
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Cloud9 has officially disbanded after finishing 9th-12th in TI5, way below expectations. It's still unclear what is the next move for the organisation.
Cloud9's DotA2 team has
first confirmation came from Misery on his stream, he said that C9 has disbanded and added &I can't say anything more than that. It's for the better, guys.& Then EternalEnvy tweeted the same as well
The owner of the North American organisation, Jack Etienne said that they will be sponsoring a DotA2 team in the future as well. No &official& reasons have been given for the disbandment but its fairly obvious that their poor performance at The International 5 is one of them.
这支战队属于北美战队,战队老板Jack Etienne 声称,他以后会继续投资DOTA2项目。虽说官方并没有给出解散战队的“官方”原因,但很容易让人想到,原因恐怕就是C9战队在TI5的表现大失水准。
memory of the old C9 roster. Please note that any player on the poster may not be in C9 next DotA Year— EternaLEnVy (@EternaLEnVy1991) August 14, 2015
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & ————EternalEnVy(C9战队队长)& && &
Yes, Cloud9 will remain in#Dota2. I'll miss our old team but I'm excited to create our new squad. TY EE, Misery, Fata, Bone, & BigDaddy!— Jack Etienne (@CLOUD9_Jack) August 14, 2015
是的,c9战队永垂不朽。我会时常怀念我的队友们,不过我也很期待我们的新组合——TY EE ,Misery, fata, Bone&&名字就叫BigDaddy
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & ———— Jack(C9队员)& && && && && && &&&


