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ae cs6插件集合Effections Plus v10
Effections Plus v10是由ReVisionFx出品的一系列AE插件合集,该系列插件可以应用在After Effects 7,CS3,CS4,CS5,CS5.5和AE CS6等平台上,故已最新版本的称之习惯叫做ae cs6插件集合。该套AE插件共有一十二款,热衷于AE的童鞋们可不要错过了。
ae cs6插件集合 Effections Plus v10所含插件列表:
DE:Noise v2.1.2(视频降噪插件): DE:Noise handles spurious frame-to-frame defects ranging from fine digital/electronic noise to blotchy spots (e.g. dirt on the film).
FieldsKit v3.2.3: FieldsKit allows the user to create interlaced material from progressive material using various techniques, including producing new fields using motion estimation techniques.
PV Feather v1.6: PV Feather performs feathering by using an inner mask for filling, and an outer mask for feather control. (Premiere Pro not supported)
RE:Fill v2.1.1(控制插件逐点羽化): RE:Fill can replace missing pixels in intelligent ways.
RE:Flex v4.1.1: RE:Flex creates visually stunning morphs and warps with an easy-to-use interface. (Premiere Pro not supported)
RE:Match v1.2.1: RE:Match takes intuitive color and texture matching to a whole new level by addressing common problems on multicam and stereo shoots.
RE:Map v2.2.1(专业质量映射和畸变插件): RE:Map provides professional quality mapping and distortion tools.
ReelSmart Motion Blur v4.1.2(智能运动模糊插件): ReelSmart Motion Blur automatically tracks every pixel in a sequence and blurs based on calculated motion. ReelSmart Motion blur also uses motion vector passes from 3D systems to perform a fast 2D post-process blur to 3D generated images.
Shade/Shape 4.1(形状阴影): Shade/Shape automatic shading techniques from the 2D outline shape of objects, Shade/Shape automatically turns 2D artwork into 3D rendered imagery.
Smoothkit v3.1(平滑肖像插件): Smoothkit is a blurring filter set that combines user-directed controls and feature-sensitive methods. In particular, what is novel is that the most of the tools in SmoothKit allow the user to blur or otherwise &smooth& images while retaining important features, such as edges in the imagery.
Twixtor v5.1.5(变速插件): Twixtor creates highly engaging slow motion and speed-ramped shots using intelligent and proprietary motion tracking techniques!
Video Gogh v3.6(喷绘&水彩画插件): Video Gogh turns pictures and videos into painted works of art by placing brush strokes on images and subsequently tracks them from frame to frame to follow the objects in the images.
ae cs6插件集合 Effections Plus v10注册码:
DeNoise 2.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: nSFEkP3NAzK6wboq
FieldsKit 3.2
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: I46JaGdtD7qBXopY
PV Feather 1.6
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: lNdtYDkGl9DlFwPS
RE:Fill 2.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: bof1SuTRo7OtyymL
RE:Flex 4.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: misYduS6P13QAO75
RE:Map 2.2
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: 5VtuHaP58f2mFyFU
ReelSmart Motion Blur 4.1
NAME: team SCO
Name: TEAM X-F
Shade/Shape 4.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: GsrYxPxp56mQRt6q
SmoothKit 3.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: 9pG7rEZQWONz0Sx5
Twixtor Pro 5.1
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: 15bCn7mBWT8446Xm
Name: TEAM X-F
Serial: 15bCn7mBWT8446Xm
Video Gogh 3.6
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
Serial: gKl1ufhUJiRt8Phg
REMatch AE v1.2.1
Name: The Blade
Serial: nyguTWcojFl21mTP
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