I just got your message. O my gosh will magnesium def will cause so so so may
many problems. I am a chronic dieter , always trying the next diet out there, so of course I become defficient in all nessacary vitamins and minerals.
Ok Im going to give you some advice again. I focus on you because you may as well be my clone cause we seem as if we have alot of the same terror.
I told you i think that im in the health and fitness industry so i speak to lots of people daily. I see first hand that stress and panic can cause misery.
Most women have some type of anxiety disorder that they can relate to another about thats why i have said get out and do things so you
can meet others that are in your shoes. Who knows what doors may open for you. If you sit around its going to get worse and your life will be further anxiety stricken.
So let me tell you what i charge lots of dollars for that i have learned and teach other women like us.
One get time released magnesium so your gettting it all day long
2) Get to a health food store and get to know someone there who you can refer to always. Once you get there tell them that your having panic and anxiety that is affecting your sleep.
3) Purchase Hawthorne berry with co enzieme Q-10
also calcium to help with the mag
also vitamin C 1000 mg for two weeks then go to a reg dose
4) Take a regular vitamin like centrum complete
5) take extra calcium at night or drink a big glass of lowfat milk. Non fat even better.
Try this to start. I am not a Dr but ive spent lots and lots of money trying to cure my panic.
NOW If you really want to get rid of your panic attacks and anxiety. there is a program by Lucinda Bassett called ATTACKING ANXIETY This program really really really works. Its not cheap but truthfully it works. It comes on c.d and it has a Dvd you watch as well. I have talked to the medical clinic that Lucinda Bassett founded they are awsome there. When im working the program it relieves my anxiety right away. I will admit if i put my program away for a year my anxious thoughts return untill I get it out and start working it again. But the nice thing is that you can get it out after its collected some dust and it will still be there to work for you. Lucinda Bassett suffered from anxiety and panic for years and now she has a solution that works for any age any gender. Panic has no favorites. It attacks people of all walks of life. I live a busy life, and if it wasnt for demanding information to find a solution my life would all together stink. Information is the key to your happiness.
Hugs from calif! lol
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I just got your message. O my gosh will magnesium def will cause so so so may
many problems. I am a chronic dieter , always trying the next diet out there, so of course I become defficient in all nessacary vitamins and minerals.
Ok Im going to give you some advice again. I focus on you because you may as well be my clone cause we seem as if we have alot of the same terror.
I told you i think that im in the health and fitness industry so i speak to lots of people daily. I see first hand that stress and panic can cause misery.
Most women have some type of anxiety disorder that they can relate to another about thats why i have said get out and do things so you
can meet others that are in your shoes. Who knows what doors may open for you. If you sit around its going to get worse and your life will be further anxiety stricken.
So let me tell you what i charge lots of dollars for that i have learned and teach other women like us.
One get time released magnesium so your gettting it all day long
2) Get to a health food store and get to know someone there who you can refer to always. Once you get there tell them that your having panic and anxiety that is affecting your sleep.
3) Purchase Hawthorne berry with co enzieme Q-10
also calcium to help with the mag
also vitamin C 1000 mg for two weeks then go to a reg dose
4) Take a regular vitamin like centrum complete
5) take extra calcium at night or drink a big glass of lowfat milk. Non fat even better.
Try this to start. I am not a Dr but ive spent lots and lots of money trying to cure my panic.
NOW If you really want to get rid of your panic attacks and anxiety. there is a program by Lucinda Bassett called ATTACKING ANXIETY This program really really really works. Its not cheap but truthfully it works. It comes on c.d and it has a Dvd you watch as well. I have talked to the medical clinic that Lucinda Bassett founded they are awsome there. When im working the program it relieves my anxiety right away. I will admit if i put my program away for a year my anxious thoughts return untill I get it out and start working it again. But the nice thing is that you can get it out after its collected some dust and it will still be there to work for you. Lucinda Bassett suffered from anxiety and panic for years and now she has a solution that works for any age any gender. Panic has no favorites. It attacks people of all walks of life. I live a busy life, and if it wasnt for demanding information to find a solution my life would all together stink. Information is the key to your happiness.
Hugs from calif! lol
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