
《侠盗飞车OL》多名玩家抱怨自己被封号 因使用了MOD
日 来源:游迅网 编辑:一封情书
& &近日,很多《侠盗飞车OL》玩家在Reddit论坛上《》PC子版块上抱怨,称自己被封了号,而他们也没做什么太出格的事,只是用了MOD,他们称不知道什么样的MOD会导致封号,是不是皮肤类的MOD也按***器处理。
& &有一位网友表示自己由于使用了可视角度的MOD,被封号了。但许多网友回帖表示自己依然还在《侠盗猎车OL》上使用可视角度MOD,完全没问题。
& &另外还有一个帖子展示了R星***的回复
& &&视觉效果MOD并不是一种可以导致封号的违规行为。如果您在***MOD以后需要技术支持,您需要先卸载MOD然后我们才能提供帮助。我们并不官方支持MOD。&
& &所谓&视觉效果MOD&,应该是狭义地指改变画面颜色或者光影效果的MOD。可视角度MOD虽然本质上是视觉上的改变,但在程序后台却可能需要修改一些内存数据,而这种行为和***器的原理一样。自然也就会被在线游戏查处封禁了。
& &让玩家们困惑的是,R星一直都没有明确地告诉我们,究竟哪些MOD不能用。当然这也是可以理解的,毕竟MOD那么多,推出速度也很快,不可能面面俱到全程跟踪,所以大家只能自己多加小心了。
& &游戏截图:
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菇凉,你这吹泡泡的技术到底跟谁学的? 本该当主播年入百万,结果被送到杨教授那戒网瘾...
妹子们,你们这样公然晒***美腿,可是很危险的哦! 美女护士聚集,她们到底想干嘛啊!
企鹅帝国板块再度扩张,Steam我就问你怕不怕? 最后的防线被攻破,但是有游戏可以玩吗?
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备案编号:沪ICP备号-6游戏又被毁了。steam论坛上全是抱怨BUG超多的,看一位玩家给制作方写的一封信 - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
标题: 游戏又被毁了。steam论坛上全是抱怨BUG超多的,看一位玩家给制作方写的一封信
作者: wintimes& & 时间:
标题: 游戏又被毁了。steam论坛上全是抱怨BUG超多的,看一位玩家给制作方写的一封信
An Open Letter to GungHo America
First off, I just want to say that, like many others visiting the Discussions page forGrandia II: Anniversary Edition, Grandia II happens to be one of my favorite games that I've played, let alone my favorite RPG.
That being said, you should be ashamed of yourselves, regardless of how much I happen to enjoy this game and regardless of the current efforts to fix things. Now, I don't know how involved of a process porting 15-year-old code from a Dreamcast game running on a custom Windows OS (CE) actually is or what Game Arts's original code even looked like (how &hacky& it was, whether stuff was documented, etc.), but the fact that two pinned threads and a &semi-pinned& bug list thread were needed as a response to the finished product speaks volumes.
I'm sure that the last thing that you wanted out of this release was negativity and bad PR amongst the gaming community, but, frankly, at this point, it is what it is, and you've basically owned up to the fact that mistakes were made. But, as a gamer, if the President of GungHo America goes on the record saying &With the rise of digital downloads, it is especially important that classic games continue to remain available to play in some form,& and this is the product that you release, why should we ever consider trusting you in the future?
I happened to be looking forward to the results of the survey that you initially released, and when Grandia II was announced as the first fruit of that endeavor, I was excited. Heck, I was excited for what might follow it, too. But now, I don't know what to feel, even if you were to announce some kind of blockbuster title that I adore as the next game in this line of re-releases. I'm willing to give people a chance and not pigeonhole or typecast them, but the negative PR caused by this release makes me seriously have to push back the thoughts of, &Well, they do 'mobile'-type games like Puzzle and Dragons, so why did I expect anything different, quality-wise?&
Once that negative stigma is attached, it's very hard for it to go away. Much as I want to wash it away and look ahead to what might happen down the road, I simply can't, at least at this time. It's wonderful that you're addressing the problems that have arisen, but the point of the matter is that they never should have been there in the first place. I shudder just thinking of how buggy future re-releases could end up being.
Frankly, that doesn't make you as a publisher look very good, and that's bad foreveryone. We want to be able to enjoy classic titles that some people might not have access to as it stands, but if one bad release has us questioning titles that you're porting and re-releasing, then it makes you look bad, makes you consider not giving other games this same treatment, and then prevents gamers from experiencing those games, leading to an unfavorable outcome for everyone involved.
Those previous two paragraphs are especially important in the case of Grandia II: Anniversary Edition, when you consider why so many people had it high on their list and why they called out a specific version of the game. To once again directly quote the President of GungHo America, &Grandia II was chosen for a PC re-release because it represents both a hallmark of the Grandia series and an example of how great JRPGs can be.& There is a caveat with his quote, however - in most everyone's minds, only the Dreamcast version is a hallmark of the series, and the previous ports are worth avoiding at all possible costs.
We were adamant about using the Dreamcast version as what to use as a base - no, as what to strive for, because, of the three, it was the optimal release. As someone who owns the Dreamcast version and has played through it many times, I honestly cannot think of a single time where I experienced any issues with it whatsoever. We (or at leastI) didn't just want a port of the game that could run on PC, we wanted what the Dreamcast release of the game represented, a port that ran as smoothly and flawlessly as the version that we were putting up on the pedestal. The community of fans that loves the game had been forced to bare through two ports with issues and imperfections strewn about them - we didn't want that to be the case for a third time. Apparently, unless you own a Dreamcast, you're still out of luck on that front, and that's an utter disappointment.
The fact that this game appears to be the amalgam of a compressed release schedule and no QA testing only gives way to more reasons to be ashamed of yourselves. Yes, I recognize that you are not an EA or an Activision, or any of the other &AAA& Publishing Studios of the world and that budgets and time frames must fall within your means, but releasing a poorly-finished product is not going to garner any favor or sympathy from gamers. I'm not even going to throw SkyBox Labs under the bus, because, with the information I have right now (i.e. none), for all I know, they were given the outlandish task of understanding the original Dreamcast code, porting it to work on modern hardware, and deal with the &HD& aspect of the game, all in a four month timespan! (And that's if you decide that you don't want it done early to do QA testing!)
The fact that this project was announced in the middle of May 2015, saw its first set of screenshots two months later in July, and then was announced just one month later to be releasing at the end of August, is very telling of the timetable that this game was given. Could development have been started before the May 2015 announcement? Quite possibly, however the press release sent to GameSpot for that announcement would seem to indicate that development had barely begun at that time. Unless SkyBox Labs bent the truth and claimed that the port was fine and would be ready for the deadline, surely there must have been internal communications raising red flags about the problems with the release. Look, I come from the era of gaming where, unless you printed a new master to fix a really broken game, once the game was released, that's how it stayed. And, to quote Mr. Miyamoto, &A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.&
Lastly, there is the &HD& aspect of this release, especially picking a few phrases from that same, original GameSpot press release announcement: &Grandia II for Steam is being remastered using the game's Dreamcast version& and &In addition to an HD visual upgrade&. Outside of resolution options (widescreen complaints excluded, as, having played the game previously, I already know that the spells and FMVs are prerendered at a 4:3 ratio), the extent of this &remaster& and &HD visual upgrade& is, what, a percentage of textures that were up-ressed?
I wasn't expecting the game to be rebuilt from the ground up to give all of the characters full models, give each weapon unique textures, and so on and so forth - in fact, I don't want that, as Grandia IIs graphics are part of its charm for me. However, I think it's fair that people are raising points about the various UI elements in the game and the nonuniformity of the new textures. If this game was still running in 640x480 like it does on the Dreamcast, the UI however, you have increased the possible resolutions that players are rendering the game in and are simply scaling the graphics to match that ratio, leaving those assets looking wildly out of place. Surely some basic image-manipulation could have at least gussied the graphics up to the point where they still &were& the original graphical elements, but looked much cleaner? &Maintaining the original experience& has nothing to do with anything in regards to this, as all that needed to be done was make the original graphics look better, not replace them with completely new ones.
Was it determined midway through development that &remastering& the game with &HD visuals& was a problem, facilitating the name change to the current Grandia II: Anniversary Edition? I have yet to play this release (and will not consider purchasing it or making good on my promise to a dear friend to gift him a copy so that he can enjoy the version of the game that I have for so many years), so I cannot judge the actual acuity of however, everything I have seen in the released screenshots leads me to wonder what exactly is being considered &remastered& and &HD visuals& beyond the defined concept of HD in terms of displayable resolution.
As I said previously, I'm appreciative of the fact that steps are being taken to improve upon this release, and I will certainly keep my eye on this discussion page for updates to the game, waiting, hoping for the day when the game matches the version that it is supposedly a port of. Until then, this release will not find its way into my Steam Library and I will personally recommend to anyone that I talk to about this title to do the same. I certainly do not want to do that, because Grandia II is something that I cherish and I want more people to experience it as I have. I was also very pleased at the concept of the original survey and what it might produce, so I truly want to support this release to ensure that future titles may be re-released, but I cannot, in good conscience, support a product that has as many issues as this at this time. I enjoy video games, but I very strongly believe in the principle of &voting with my wallet&, especially in regards to consumer activism.
Thank you for reading.
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首先,我只是想说,像许多其他参观讨论页面forGrandia II:周年纪念版,Grandia II恰好是我最喜欢的一个游戏,我玩,更不用说我最喜欢RPG。
这些先前的两款是尤其重要的Grandia II:周年纪念版,当你考虑为什么如此多的人在他们的名单和为什么他们叫一个特定版本的游戏。再次直接引用GungHo美国总统“Grandia二世被选为PC再发行,因为它代表Grandia系列的标志和JRPGs可以多么伟大的一个例子。“有警告他的报价,不过----大部分人的思想,只有“土星”系列的版本是一个标志,和前面的港口需要避免所有可能的成本。
最后,这个版本的“高清”方面,尤其是从同样的挑选几个短语,原始GameSpot新闻稿宣布:“Grandia II使用游戏的蒸汽被重新灌录的“土星”版本”,“除了一个高清视觉升级”。决议以外的选项(宽屏投诉排除在外,,在玩之前,我已经知道,法术和fmv prerendered 4:3比例),这种程度的“remaster”和“高清视觉升级”是什么,一个百分比的纹理up-ressed吗?
我不希望游戏从头开始重建给所有字符的完整模型,给每个武器独特的纹理,等等等等----事实上,我不希望这样,因为Grandia IIs图形是对我的魅力的一部分。然而,我认为这是公平的,人们提高对游戏中的各种UI元素和新材质的不均匀性。如果这场比赛仍运行在640 x480喜欢它的“土星”,UI将罚款;然而,您增加了玩家的一种可能的解决方案呈现游戏,简单的缩放比例的图形匹配,离开这些资产看起来疯狂的地方。肯定至少一些基本的图像处理可以增强图形到了这个地步,他们仍然“是“原始的图形元素,但看上去更加简洁?“保持最初的体验”与任何无关的问候,因为所有需要做的事情是使原始图像看起来更好,没有完全换成新的。
是决定中途发展“重设主控”游戏“高清视觉效果”是一个问题,促进名称更改为当前Grandia II:周年纪念版呢?我还没有玩这个版本(也不会考虑购买或制作好承诺一个亲爱的朋友礼物一个副本,以便他可以享受游戏的版本,我这么多年),所以我不能判断实际游戏为自己的敏锐度;不过,我在发布截图看到的一切让我知道到底是被视为“第五元素”和“高清视觉效果”超出了高清的概念定义的可显示的分辨率。
正如我之前所说,我欣赏的事实正在采取措施改进这个版本,我肯定会让我的眼睛在这讨论页面更新游戏,等待,期待那一天游戏匹配的版本,它应该是一个港口。到那时,这个版本不会进入我的蒸汽图书馆和我将亲自推荐给任何人谈论这个标题来做同样的事情。我当然不希望这样做,因为Grandia II是我珍惜,我希望更多的人,我有经验。我也很高兴在原始调查的概念和它可能产生什么,所以我真的想支持这个版本,以确保未来的标题可能发布,但我不能,凭良心,支持产品尽可能多的问题,这在这个时间。我喜欢电子游戏,但我非常强烈地相信“用钱包投票”的原则,尤其是在对消费者维权行动。
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