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Ubuntu 13.10: It just works - TechRepublic
I've been using Ubuntu for a very long time. I was one of
the few in the media who adopted Unity as my primary desktop interface. In fact, I've
grown so used to Unity that I have trouble finding any form of efficiency in other
desktops. So, naturally, when a new Ubuntu release is about to be unleashed upon
the world, I grab a beta and install it.
The hype surrounding the upcoming 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)
was fairly significant. Leading this charge was the much-anticipated switch to
Xmir. Well, thanks to a few show-stopping issues (such as dual-monitor
support), Xmir has been pushed back to 14.04. Is this a big deal? Yes and no. Yes,
because Xmir will be a major change to the sub-systems of Ubuntu. No, because
Xmir must be faultless when released -- otherwise, the backlash will knock
Canonical back so far in the past that they'll have a hard time recovering in the
eyes of the Linux community.
Beyond Xmir, the biggest change from .04 to .10 is the
much-maligned inclusion of Smart Scopes. What are Smart Scopes? Let me explain
it in the simplest terms as possible.
When you open your browser and begin typing a string
of characters, you know how that browser will make suggestions for you based on
search terms, location, and history? Smart Scopes brings that same functionality
to the desktop. I've run some tests on it, and it's pretty incredible. Search
for nearly anything, and it will return results based on a number of criteria.
Want to know the location of a restaurant in your area? I conducted a
search for my favorite Mexican restaurant, Bazos, and an entry appeared in
Smart Scopes (Figure A). Click the entry to get the address or open that entry in a web browser to get more information (and even
My favorite place to eat listed in Smart Scopes.
I get it, there are people out there suffering from
apoplectic fits of terror because Smart Scopes is an invasion of privacy. This
is no different than what your web browser is doing. So, unless you constantly run
your web browser in Incognito mode, all those search strings are saved and
compared anyway. And the truth is, why wouldn't you want your search results
based on your preferences and behavior instead of some generic algorithm? Personally, I don't
mind my search results being quantified and qualified, so long as it constantly refines the search results based on my needs.
Smart Scopes isn't limited to seeking out search results
from the network. You'll be happily searching for anything and everything on
your local (or locally attached) drives as well. With this inclusion, Smart
Scopes becomes one of the single most powerful search tools available.
Of course, if you don't like Smart Scopes, you can turn them off. Here's how:Click the Settings launcherSelect Security & PrivacyIn the Search tab, turn Include online search results to Off (Figure B)
It's easy to turn off the Smart Scopes feature.
With all of that said, let's step away from the arguments
for or against search privacy and let me explain exactly why Ubuntu
13.10 is the perfect desktop for nearly any user.
The install was fresh from the latest daily build. During
the installation, I included third-party software, updates, and was even able to
authenticated to my UbuntuOne account. The install was incredibly simple (as
most modern Linux distributions are), and at first login, everything was smooth.
What initially struck me about Ubuntu 13.10 is how everything
worked out of the box. There was no need to install codecs to listen or view
various multi-media files, flash worked, and everything was ready for average, daily
computer use. You could work on office documents, set up your email
account... you name it. But that has become the standard operating procedure for
Ubuntu. So, what's different? Honestly, not much. However, what little difference
there is should go a long way with the average user. Probably the single most
important thing I've found is that a lot of the little quirks and oddities
are gone. There are no longer any strange errors that randomly pop up to cause confusion
and disdain among new users. Windows don't artifact or stall, the Dash is
very responsive (as is Smart Scopes), and the compositing is smooth and
effortless against your CPU. Also, the bug is resolved that plagued the Dash when trying
to use the arrow keys to navigate through search results.
Ubuntu 13.10 just works
I would go as far to say that Ubuntu has done to the desktop what Apple
did with hardware/software -- it developed a clean, solid convergence of pieces to create a cohesive whole. Although that whole has ruffled some feathers, Ubuntu
13.10 should go a long way to smooth them out. How is that possible,
considering how many users have turned their back (thanks to )? Outside of Smart Scopes, there are no major changes. There's little excitement
on the desktop -- it's still the same old look and feel. Oh sure, there are tiny
tweaks here and there, but overall, 13.10 and 13.04 look the same at first
blush. Under the hood? Same thing. You'll find a new kernel (3.11) and a few
other tweaks, but nothing to cause the cheerleaders of the world to frustratingly toss their
pompoms in the air.
Instead, Ubuntu 13.10 is a refinement of something that was
already there and polished. There are no show stopping or curtain call
worthy new features --
just countless tweaks here and there that make
the whole system run smooth and fast.
The final release of Saucy Salamander is set for October 17,
2013. You can get a copy of the
for the release date. Either way, you're going to get a solid, reliable
platform that just works.
What are your thoughts about Saucy Salamander? Share your opinion in the discussion thread below.
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About Jack Wallen
Jack Wallen is an award-winning writer for TechRepublic . He’s an avid promoter of open source and the voice of The Android Expert. For more news about Jack Wallen, visit his .
Jack Wallen is an award-winning writer for TechRepublic . He’s an avid promoter of open source and the voice of The Android Expert. For more news about Jack Wallen, visit his .


