暗黑破坏神3 unable to sign inin...

发布时间: 10:28:38
  Act II:第二章
  A2_AdriaSewer_Encounter_Name Event: Adria's Prison
  Free Spot's mother from the minions of Belial! (spot must be leah?)
  You are about to enter
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  SnakeMan_Caster_A_AdriaTorturer Goz'turr the Torturer
  Event: The Imperial Throne Room of Emperor Hakan II
  Warn the boy emperor of the machinations of Belial!
  You are about to enter
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  Boss: Magda's Den 老板:马格达的密室
  Defeat Magda! 战胜马格达!
  You are about to begin
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  Boss: The Battle for the Black Soulstone 老板:黑色灵魂石之战
  Defeat Zoltun Kulle! 战胜泽图·库
  You are about to begin
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  Boss: The Battle for Caldeum 老板:卡迪安之战
  Defeat Belial, Lord of Lies! 战胜 贝利亚,谎言君
  You are about to begin
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  A2C5Lanzuul_Torso Saddle (saddle=belial)
  Act III:第三章
  Boss: The Mistress of Pain 老板:疼痛娘
  Defeat the Mistress and destroy the final Demon Heart! 战胜疼痛娘!
  You are about to encounter
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  MistressOfPain Cydaea 疼痛娘名字叫希达娅哦
  MistressOfPainVO Cydaea
  Boss: The Larder 老板:拉得(储食室?)
  Defeat the demon Ghom!战胜那个满肚子是嘴的家伙!
  You are about to enter
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  dressage ghom
  Boss: Azmodan's Lair 老板:阿兹莫丹
  Defeat the Lord of Sin! 战胜罪恶君!
  You are about to enter
  The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
  a3dun_Crater_ST_GiantDemonHeart_Mob Sin Heart
  A3_AdriaBetrayal_Encounter_Name Event: Triumphal Return
  Azmodan is dead. Celebrate your victory! 阿兹挂了,庆祝你的胜利吧!!!
  You are about to witness
  Your party will teleport in when everyone has accepted
  Fetlock_BSS_soul Soul Essence of Fetlock
  Adria_Fetlock_BSS Adria
  Bridle_BSS_Fetlock Bridle
  A3_Tristram_Mayor Former Mayor Holus寻根问底 暗黑破坏神剧情常见问题与误区
文来源于NGA,作者:&Talon of Trag_Oul&
误区:死灵是狂拽酷炫的、高冷中二的、 可爱的 黑暗英雄/反派角色。
虽然在大多数游戏中,死灵都是坏人,但暗黑破坏神死灵却是完全正面的形象。死灵学名拉斯玛祭司,他们在光明与黑暗的争斗中是完全中立的,他们只为维护平衡而战,听听 时代眼泪 祖尔的台词就知道了。事实上在庇护之地的人类之中除了那一类你找不到比他们更守序、更神棍的人了。
首先要说全部给世界之石炸死了这个说法是肯定不对的。Mickey Nilson在凯恩之书发售前接受棒子的采访里有这么一段:棒子问“D2英雄是都死了吗”MN回答“Not all of them.”
另一个知道得比较多的是祖尔。我们知道他有且仅有一个徒弟麦坦,而麦坦如今也已经是大师死灵。由于麦坦可能是在祖尔去对抗三魔神之前就已经是他的学徒,因此无法确定祖尔如今是否健在。 毕竟坟头枢纽
&Much uncertainty surrounds the archangel Malthael. Once the calm guiding hand of wisdom, he was lost to us the moment the Worldstone disappeared. Unable to fathom that catastrophic event, he abandoned Heaven. His departure created a colossal fracture within the council, one that, to this day, remains unrepaired.”
-- Selathiel, writing on Malthael
“After the destruction of the World Stone, Malthael's mood darkened, and he left the Heavens frequently. Then he disappeared completely. He must have developed a connection -- no, obsession -- with human souls.”
&Once the Aspect of Wisdom, Malthael abandoned heaven after the Worldstone's destruction. In secret, he had resolved to end the Eternal Conflict by becoming a Reaper of Souls and eliminating everything affected by demonic corruption, including humanity.&
发布时间: 17:43:37
作者:Josh Bycer
暗黑破坏神3(from all-things-)
在多部分故事***有两种类型的情节点:元点和局部点。元点是那些与宇宙或大情节相关的点:例如在《指环王》中Sauron掌控了大局,在《星球大战》中帝国受到威胁等。局部点则是指故事特定章节中的某些内容:例如Helm’s Deep战役以及Rebels打败第一个克星。
Leah设置存在的另一大问题便是违背了《暗黑破坏神》的宇宙主题:堕落。游戏的背景以及之前的游戏都是关于好人遭到侵蚀而衍生出了邪恶力量,包括Leoric,Tal Rasha,黑暗流浪者以及《暗黑破坏神1》中的盗贼。让玩家根据占有物选择从“善良”转变成“邪恶”却是一种糟糕的讲故事方式。
Bad Story Writing in Games: Featuring Diablo 3
Josh Bycer
Story writing is an art-form in and of itself, and one area where most games falter. Personally, I always prefer great gameplay over a great story. But a game with an amazing story can turn a good game, into an excellent one. With all the time spent playing Diablo 3, I had a chance to examine the story and in my opinion it doesn’t compare to Diablo 2.
Diablo 3 featured several problems that are inherent of bad story telling in general. Now, Diablo 3 isn’t the only game that has made these mistakes, but it’s the most recent one and a game I’m sure a lot of people have played. Of course, what follows is open season for spoilers so if you haven’t played Diablo 3 yet, you may want to avoid reading this.
1. Faulty World Logic:
One of the biggest challenges when creating a fantasy setting is defining the rules of the world. In a real world setting, the writer already has this taken care of. But a misconception is that just because the world is based in fantasy that things don’t have to make sense.
If in the first 10 minutes the story declares that only Orcs can use magic, then having every single race cast spells two hours in is an example of lazy writing. One of the hallmarks of a great writer is being able to create a universe or setting that stays consistent in the rules established.
Each Harry Potter movie did a good job in showing how the world works. By taking place in Hogwarts, it allows both the main characters and the audience to see firsthand the rules of the setting. How potions work, spells are cast and the laws of the society for example.
Now, setting up world logic doesn’t mean you have to explain how everything works to the audience, only the relevant parts matter. For example, I’m a huge fan of the works of Miyazaki and one area that his movies excel in, is the setting. Each movie takes place in a completely unique setting with its own rules, laws and people. The stories never truly explain how the entire world works, only the parts that fit into the narrative and character’s lives.
In Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl knows a number of people from before the events of the movie, but the audience is never told just exactly how he knows these people. Instead, we find out their motivations for how they respond to Howl in the present and how it affects the world.
With that said we can turn out attention to Diablo 3 for this point. The problems with Diablo 3 are that the logic of the world is never really explained or fits with the narrative.
First off, it’s never explained why returning enemies: The Butcher, Izual, and The Skeleton King were brought back to life after being defeated in previous games. Diablo gets a pass for being reborn in Leah’s body, but it’s to our understanding that once a demon is killed, they’re gone for good.
Speaking about the Skeleton King, his whole appearance in Diablo 3 is full of plot holes. Why is he a ghost for the first encounter? What happened to the person he cursed? And why is the crown so important to defeating him?
What was the entire point about the sin hearts, and why were there only two of them? The game throws different objects and people into the story, but they’re never explained why they are important. What exactly did the catapults do that would turn back an entire army of demons for instance. or why we needed to save the angel of hope?
The more plot elements that aren’t explained, leads to plot holes and logical inconsistencies that can ruin a story. What’s worse is that if the back-story of the world isn’t set, it can lead to the writers adding more layers to an already shaky foundation, which takes us to the next point.
2. RetCon:
Multi- part stories can be tricky to design, as the writer needs to keep the plot moving. A common pitfall that can happen is the writer going back over previous plot points to reintroduce them into the story with a different meaning. The hero finds out that he was the chosen one all along but didn’t know it until this very moment for example.
Or: the hero’s best friend actually hated them the entire time and was just using the hero and now wants to back-stab them. This point reeks of bad writing and the audience can collectively groan when the writer uses this point.
Diablo 3 features a very confusing retcon in the form of the Nephalem. According to the game, these are the children of angels and demons from a long time ago. They supposedly have super human powers and are set up as the game’s version of the chosen one.
This doesn’t make sense, considering how the world of Diablo was set up. In previous games, the heroes have always been regular humans who were trained in supernatural professions, and they were able to save the world. Were they really Nephalem the entire time? And if so, why did no one mention this at all over the last two games?
For all the buildup around this plot point, it never goes anywhere. The player is never given any special powers to show that they are Nephalem outside of the level 60 magic find buff. All this point is used for, is to make the player’s connection to the story very dry. Every character refers to the player as a Nephalem, instead of by their profession.
Another retcon has to do with Adria, who at the end of act 3 uses demonic magic to wipe the floor with an entire group of solders, Tryeal and the player. Whenever we met Adria, she has not shown any use of magical powers, nor does she show any after this event. But for the writer’s sake, for one minute she is given special powers to move the plot along and it is another weak point in the game’s story.
3. Loose Threads
When creating a narrative that will be developed over multiple works, writers like to leave plot points open for future development. The problem is when writers completely forget to wrap up story elements and forget that they exist.
In multi-part stories, there are two types of plot points: Meta and local. Meta points are those relating to the universe or grand plot: Sauron taking over in Lord of the Rings and the empire as a threat in Star Wars for example. Local points are those localized in the specific chapter of the story: The battle for Helm’s Deep and the Rebels fighting the first death star for instance.
The important point to remember is that local plots have to be resolved in some way by the end of the plot. One of the biggest annoyances is when writers leave multiple plot points completely unresolved to be answered in future sequels.
An example of writers getting it right would be the build up to The Avengers. Each movie has the local plot of dealing with the main character’s situation. But there are mentions and little remarks about the Meta plot of the continuity between the movies that led to The Avengers. All points dealing with the local plot are resolved by the end of the movie, but the points that had to do with the Avengers were left open for that movie to explain them.
Harry Potter is another great example: each movie dealt with a year of being in Hogwarts and had a plot based on it. Then there was the larger plot of the war between Voldemort and the good wizards that loomed over the entire series.
Diablo 3 is full of loose threads that the writers made no attempt to clear up: The thieves’ guild threat in act 1, Covetous Shen’s mysterious objects and Adria’s fate. It’s obvious that Blizzard is saving those points for expansions, but it still reeks of lazy writing.
Diablo 2 ended with a more complete plot. At the end the local plot of defeating Diablo was finished, but the Meta plot of finishing off Baal and saving the world was reserved for the expansion. It worked in Diablo 2, because throughout the course of the game, the player’s main task was to beat Diablo, and that’s where all the plot points focused on.
But in Diablo 3, those points mentioned above, were left up in the air with no attempt to explain their purpose. If the writers would have referenced them in an attempt to wrap them up for the local point, then there wouldn’t have been a problem.
4. Leah’s end and the token female:
Leah was supposed to be Blizzard’s big plot point: featured in all the cut scenes and the next chapter in the world’s story. But, Leah’s character never grows beyond an object in the game.
Her only use in game is as a key to opening up the next part of the game.
Conversations with her never develop her as a character as they deal with her talking about past events and how she didn’t believe that this could happen. The big reveal at the end where we find out that she is Diablo’s daughter doesn’t matter by the fact that she becomes possessed by Diablo and robbed of any further character development.
All these points do is show another example of bad storytelling: introducing a female character whose only reason is to be a female character. Leah served no purpose to the game, as she could have been replaced by a magical object (such as the black soulstone) without missing a beat. Kerrigan from Starcraft was a better developed character who became a major point in the Starcraft mythos.
The other problem with how Leah turns out is that it goes against the theme of the Diablo universe: corruption. The back-story and previous games are all about good people being corrupted and turned towards evil: Leoric, Tal Rasha, the dark wanderer, the rogues from Diablo 1 etc. Having someone just flip a switch from “good” to “evil” in the form of a possession was weak storytelling.
What would have been a much deeper reveal would be if Leah over the course of the game became evil on her own and betrayed the group, instead of her mother enacting a plan, years in the making. More importantly, it would allow the designers to create a new threat instead of just reintroducing another form of Diablo.
By making the main enemy the possession by Diablo, it completely invalidates Leah as a character and any meaning she is supposed to have in the game.
All the new graphics engines and platforms available are not substitutes for story development. As mentioned above, a great story won’t save a horrible game, but it can help elevate a game from being good, to a classic.()
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