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国外玩家绝望吐槽 口袋妖怪服务器总是崩溃_GN手游网
国外玩家绝望吐槽 口袋妖怪服务器总是崩溃
作者: Sayonara |
来源: 全球电竞网 |
Pokemon go!一经发行,瞬间就让全世界陷入的癫狂。但在沉迷之余,国外玩家还是不忘吐槽游戏的服务器,总是让人欲仙欲死!
  Pokemon go!一经发行,瞬间就让全世界陷入的癫狂。但在沉迷之余,国外玩家还是不忘吐槽游戏的服务器,总是让人欲仙欲死!  【本文由Sayonara 翻译,转载请注明出处!】[–]mlkn 1375 指標 18小時前I have a girlfriend, but Niantic's the onlyone fucking me everyday.*我有女票 但是任天堂才是那个每天把我睡得死去活来的家伙[–]HexalyseI chose arandom team. 81 指標 14小時前I can relate. Sadly.*很悲伤 但感同身受[–]ThorkksValorGames64 指標 15小時前I should find this funny... but i cried.*我应该对你说的感觉到好笑的 但是我哭了。。。[–]mikestorm 168 指標 19小時前Your poor pokeballs*你真是可怜的精灵球(蛋)[–]CrowbarSmash 0 指標 14小時前Wait till you get blueballs*等到你找到蓝色的球(蛋)吧[–]lordofthetvTeam Me28 指標 14小時前those are called greatballs*那个叫做大师球(蛋)[–]MechaTrogdor 2 指標 9小時前Aww shucks*啊 太草蛋了[–]Bobertishere 60 指標 15小時前3 pokestops on my way home from work, thatdon't involve me changing my route or anything, 5 minutes before work is over,servers go down and I can't get back on till at least half an hour after I gethome... rage... just rage*在我从家里去公司的路上有三个精灵站 但是它们却并没有对我造成任何影响*在上班时间的前5分钟 服务器就宕机了 而且在我到家后的至少一个半小时里 我都不能玩了残酷。。。太残酷了[–]feral4l 29 指標 14小時前At least you have pokestops near you*你该感到开心了 至少你周围还有精灵站[–]Shadax 3 指標 12小時前I couldn't wait to see what pokestops werearound my work, namely on my walk path. Two... there are two that I actuallyhave to walk a bit out of the way to reach.*我已经迫不及待想要看到在我工作地点附近有精灵站了 就在我路过的地方*不远处的确有两个 但是我不得不走出一点距离才能找到[–]f4hy -1 指標 8小時前At least you live in a country the game isout.I was visiting the US for release. Backhere in Japan, walking doesn't even count for my eggs since it has not beenreleased in Japan.*至少你活在一个可以玩Pokemon Go的国家*我是来美国放松的 回到日本后就玩不了 它甚至还没在日本发行[–]feral4l 1 指標 7小時前Japan was the second region to get it agterAus. You literally had the game for a week*日本是第二个发行的好吗 仅在澳大利亚之后 你事实上都能在日本玩了一周了[–]Solo_Act 8 指標 13小時前I feel your pain. I've only got 2 on my wayto and from work, one of them being in view on the app while sitting at mydesk, but not close enough to spam it during the day. I'd walk over during mylunch break but by then the servers are down most of the time until like 9pm(I'm East coast U.S).The best I can do right now is wake upearlier in the morning and do a somewhat out of the way route where I can hit 6of them before I get to work. Catching anything though is still a huge dilemma.I can't tell you how many times I tried catching a Pokemon, it went in theball, and then nothing happened.*我能感觉到你的痛苦 我从家里去公司的路上有两个站点 有一个从APP里面看是在我的桌子上面 但一天我都没什么机会去接近它 我不得不在午饭时间走出去 但是服务器在那个时候却宕机了 一直持续到晚上9点*我能做的最好的决定就是早上早点起来 在去上班之前抓到6只 不过不管抓到什么都糟糕得不行 我不想说有多少次我抓到口袋妖怪了 都在球里面了 但是什么都没发生(服务器挂了)[–]airdoncitionerElmyMcElmface2 指標 9小時前Same pain here my friend. The game crasheson me probably 1/4 times at the last ball wiggle :( Still, I expect theseissues to work out as the days go by, it's hard dealing with the FOMO thoughlol*感同身受阿大胸弟 这游戏有1/4几率在我最后一击的时候宕掉:( 尽管如此 我还是抱有他们尽快修复好的期待[–]hammersticks359 25 指標 15小時前Lunch time on the east coast, time to goout for a causal walk and catch some Pomemon! Oh wait, the servers are ALWAYSDN AT LUNCH!*到了东部午饭时间了 是时候出去散个步抓点口袋妖怪了!不 等等 服务器永远在午餐时间宕机!(大写的懵逼)
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