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EOEO 基本解释abbr.Easter Orthodox 东正教EO 网络解释1. EO在线翻译1. 环氧乙烷:此外还可用于涂料、照相显微 液、刹车液以及油墨等行业,用途十分广泛 目前国内外大型EG生产企业都采用环氧乙 烷(EO)直接水合即加压水合法的工艺路线[1],2. 嗜酸性粒细胞:结果:各项指标的线性良好(r>0.995),在室温或4℃条件下至少可稳定48小时;不精密度除低值PLT(5×10^9/L)、单核细胞(MON0)、嗜酸性粒细胞(EO)及嗜碱性粒细胞(BASO)外各项指标的批内、批间和总重复性的CV均%;各参数的携带污染率非常低(.01%3. 嗜酸性细胞计数:测定参数二十二项:白细胞(WBC),红细胞(RBC),血红蛋白(HGB),红细胞比积(HCT),平均红细胞体积(MCV),平均红细胞血红蛋白量(MCH),平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC),血小板(PLT),淋巴细胞计数(LY),淋巴细胞百分率(LY%),嗜酸性细胞计数(EO),嗜酸性细胞百分率(EO%),4. 光电:Block 1B使用热成像自动捕获视频跟踪仪(A***T)和稳定系统,以适应对海模式和提供光电(EO)角跟踪. 以上改进使Block 1B具有昼/夜探测能力,能对付小型水面目标、慢运动空中目标和直升机. 基线2C型提供综合的多武器作战能力.5. eo:electro- 光电6. eo:electro- 电光7. eo: 环氧乙烷8. eo:engine- 机油EO 双语例句1. C and the deformation restorable temperature is room temperature to 50 deg. C, and also is dependent on the molecular weight of PCL and mole ratio of PCL and EO.&&&&它的可恢复变形温度在室温到60℃,变形恢复温度在室温到50℃,也决定于PCL的分子量和PCL与EO的摩尔比。2. 2. You can rest assured to buy the products marked EO which means the formaldehyde content is less than 0.5%.&&&&而像这样贴有环保EO标识的,也就意味着它的甲醛含量低于0.5%,您可以放心购买。3. EO Technics especially developed 4Beam Laser Markers which can be available to let two systems become one system and rise the UPH to make customer gain more profit space.&&&&尤其是4Beam激光打印技术的成功开发,使得打印速度倍增,大幅提高UPH,为客户创造更大的获利空间。4. 4. Z/a, ^2eO02769 One in he fears only the death of love.&&&&恋爱者不会害怕暴风雨,他只担心爱情的终止。5u4d2d3N;B$M5y5. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.&&&&没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。5585英语学习者的家园F4A4Db EO!6. 6. And sulfonation temperature has a certain effect on the activity of SPC, the higher the temperature, the feebler the activity, thus when petroleum coke is sulfonated in low temperature, its activity will be better than Moreover, alone with the sulfonation temperature ascending, the number of acid-site of SPC gradually increase, but the activity wears off, it also shows that weak acid catalyst is more sutible for hydration reaction of EO; In addition, the effect of reactive temperature on the activity of SPC is greatest, when reactive temperature going up, the activity of SPC is speedily enhanced, but when temperature exceeds a certain range, the activity of SPC And the activity of SPC will become stronger alone with reactive pressure rising, but when pressure exceeds a certain value, selectivity of EG will decrease Also, increasing airspeed will weaken the activity of SPC.&&&&其活性大小依次为:25℃磺化的石油焦活性炭≈50℃磺化的石油焦活性炭>100℃磺化的石油焦活性炭>150℃磺化的石油焦活性炭>200℃磺化的石油焦活性炭>230℃磺化的石油焦活性炭,因此磺化温度对石油焦活性炭的活性有一定的影响,低温磺化比高温磺化的效果好;并且随着磺化温度的上升,石油焦活性炭的酸中心数逐渐增多,而活性却逐渐减弱,说明环氧乙烷水合反应只适于弱酸催化;反应温度对石油焦活性炭的性能影响最大,随着反应温度的升高,催化剂活性是快速增强的,但超过一定温度范围后,活性还有所减弱;石油焦活性炭的活性还随反应压力的增大而加强,压力超过一定值时,乙二醇的选择性会降低;空速的增加也会引起石油焦活性炭的活性减弱。7. Maximum of 6 patch tests can be done at the same time but it is important to state clearly which area of the skin is testing for which EO.&&&&一次最多可以试验六种精油,但是必须记录好什?精油涂在什?部位,这样才能确定哪一种是安全的。8. The accordance between the simulation and experimental results supports the following hypothesis: The reason that the EO neuron does not show any response to the ipsilateral stimuli is probably that ipsilateral inhibitory input overcome the ipsilateral excitatory input.&&&&按此模型所作的计算机仿真和相应实验结果比较的一致性支持了下列假设:下丘中的EO神经元对同侧刺激不产生反应可能是由于接受了来自同侧的强烈抑制性输入,从而掩盖了它同时接受到的来自同侧耳的兴奋性输入。9. 9. These masterpieces are the touchstones7 they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and im they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another.8 eO~--Wf&&&&这些杰作是我们全部成果的试金石,是人类思想和想象力可及程度的试金石。它们承载着最深刻的信息,使之在人类成员之间传播。10. Eo Lim has helped many businesspeople succeed online using the revolutionary&&&&雇佣廉使许多企业家成功用革命性11. The sequence of steps to do this EO can be changed.&&&&&&施工步骤顺序仅为建议,可以变动检查顺序。12. Oleic acid ethoxylated with 6 to 9 moles EO.&&&&&&油酸聚氧乙烯酯,6-9摩尔的环氧乙烷加成数13. Results show that the swelling ratio of FAP rises with the increase of the content of polyethylene glycol diacrylate or ethoxylated trimethylopropane triacrrylate(EO15-TMAPTA). The dry pencil hardness of FAP increases with the increase of the content of EO15-TMAPTA, while it first increases, then decreases with the increase of the content of PEGDA. Its wet pencil hardness improves increasing the content of PEGDA or EO15-TMAPTA. The photo initiator is helpful to improve its wet and dry pencil hardness. The material removal rate polished with FAP is two or three times as much as that polished with conventional polishing, while the average surface roughness Ra of silicon wafer polished by FAP reaches 12.2nm, and is worse that the latter whose Ra is 4.32nm.&&&&&&结果表明:抛光垫基体的溶胀率随基体中聚乙二醇双丙烯酸酯或乙氧基化三羟基丙烷三丙酸酯(EO15-TMAPTA)含量的增加而提高;基体的干态硬度随PEGDA含量的增加先有所增大,而后减小,随EO15-TMAPTA含量的增加而增大;湿态下铅笔硬度随PEGDA或EO15-TMAPTA含量的增加而减小;光引发剂量的增加,有利于增大基体的干湿态硬度;固结磨料抛光硅片的去除速率是游离磨料加工的2~3倍,而前者抛光硅片后的表面粗糙度Ra为12.2nm,大于后者的4.32nm。14. 1A novel coordination polymer, [Mn3(NiL1)2(CH3OH)2(N3)6]∞, was synthesized. It has a macrocyclic oxamido complex molecule as capping ligand. The Mn ions having different coordination environments are linked by N3- bridges. The briging pattern in the chain is observed for the first time.&&&&&&1本论文合成了一个新颖奇特的以大环草酰胺单核配合物配体为端基、叠氮离子通过EO和EE两种桥联方式作为桥联集团连接两种不同配位环境的锰离子的配位聚合物[Mn_3(NiL_1)_2(CH_3OH)_2(N_3)_6]∞,这种桥联类型的配位聚合物尚属首次合成。15. Results from experiments in accordance with orthogonal design, under the conditions that the dosage of catalyst...&&&&&&正交实验结果表明:La2(B2O7)3-NaY催化剂的用量为正辛醇质量的5%,反应温度为140℃,初始压力为0 4MPa~0 5MPa,当环氧乙烷平均加成数为2 2时,EO加成数为1、2和3的3种组分之和占产物中醇醚总质量的73 2%,正辛醇转化率为85%,产品的分子质量分布指数E=2888,具有较好的窄分布效果,且催化剂可重复使用,重复使用3次催化速率没有改变。16. This series products are compounds polymerized from ethylene oxide as initiating agent and EO.&&&&&&本系列产品是以乙二醇为起始剂与环氧乙烷聚合制得的化合物。17. 17. The force, in gram, required to tear the paper eo a certain length gives the edge tear ing strength.&&&&&&撕到一定长度所需的力量,以克表示,就是它的纸边撕裂度。18. 911查询·英语单词18. A novel binaphthalene -based copolymer which containing alternating ionic conductive and light-emitting blocks on the main chain was designed and synthesized in order to overcome phase separation problem between the polar ionic conductive and the apolar conjugated polymers in the traditional light-emitting electrochemical cells.&&&&&&为克服聚合物电化学发光池中极性离子传导性聚合物与非极性发光聚合物两相分离的矛盾,设计合成了一种聚合物分子主链上同时含有发光链段与离子传导性链段的联二萘功能性发光共聚物 EO- PN。19. EO Technics is the pioneer in the development of pen type Laser Marking Technology in semiconductor industry.&&&&&&在半导体行业中,伊欧激光科技股份有限是激光打标技术发展中的先驱者。20. Benzyloxy benzoyldimethylsulfoxide was prepared by the reaction of ethyl 4-benzyloxybenzoate and dimethyl sulfoxide in the presence of sodium hydride, followed by Pummerer reaction with concentrated hydrochloric acid to afford eo-hydroxy-co-thio-methyl-(4/-benzyloxy) acetophenone, which reacted with urea, thiosemicarbazide, semicarbazide hydrochloride and o-phenylenediamine to give imidazolidine-2, 4-dione, l, 2, 4-triazine-3- one and quinoxaline derivatives, respectively.&&&&&&本文用4-苄氧基苯甲酸乙酯和二甲亚砜为原料,在氢化钠存在下反应,合成了(4'-苄氧基)-苯甲酰基-二甲亚砜。研究了该亚砜在浓盐酸的存在下发生的Pummerer重排反应,用重排产物ω-羟基-ω-甲硫基-(4'-苄氧基)-苯乙酮分别与尿素、氨基脲、氨基硫脲和邻苯二胺反应合成了2,4-咪唑啉-二酮、1,2,4-三嗪-3-酮、喹喔啉等含氮杂环化合物。EO 单语例句1. Johansen has been a member of EO Beijing since he moved to Beijing from Hong Kong in 2009.2. When she talked about her difficulties with her brand's consultant in a marketing forum, the consultant recommended EO Beijing.3. A Disney spokeswoman was quoted as saying that " Captain EO " would stay for as long as it remained popular.EO是什么意思,EO在线翻译,EO什么意思,EO的意思,EO的翻译,EO的解释,EO的发音,EO的同义词,EO的反义词,EO的例句,EO的相关词组,EO意思是什么,EO怎么翻译,单词EO是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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