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备案编号:粤ICP备号-1swfchan: Shinobi Girl 1.00 (Trial-Uncensored).swf (wiki)  
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This is the wiki page for Visit the flash's index page for basic data and a list of seen names.Shinobi Girl 1.00 (Trial-Uncensored).swf4,02 MiB, 00:00 |
Threads (6):[]ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 14/2 -:22 Ended: 14/2 -:32Flashes: 1 Posts: 9File: Shinobi Girl.swf-(4.02 MB, Porn)[_] post some fucking porn Anon 1885906 && [_] Anon 1885912 &trial version Son, I am disappoint. && [_] Anon 1885913 &&# Then post the full version so I can get rid of this. && [_] Anon 1885922 The full version is too large to upload here. && [_] Anon 1885931 &&# Mediafire? && [_] Anon 1885936 /?fosdp7c7ul82mvu If you enter "thanks" as a password, you'll unlock everything. && [_] Anon 1885949 &&# I grant this post and it's link the Anon Seal of Legitimacy and Novirus && [_] Katastor !XA554SfdZc 1885965 &&# Cool, thanks anon. && [_] Anon 1886056 &&# I DON'T KNOW WHO TO TRUST ANY MORE[]! ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/12 -:04 Ended: 30/12 -:51Flashes: 1 Posts: 11File: shinobi-girl-v10.swf-(4.02 MB, Hentai)[_] Anon 1843396 This is probably the hottest hentai game I've seen. Are there any better ones out there? I know there is a newer version of this one but when I found it, it was censored. && [_] Anon 1843407 anyone have the full verion of this or where to get it? && [_] Anon 1843411 Fuck you. Now I'm working my ass off to find it. && [_] Anon 1843418 Well if you are okay with torrents this is a full version ed-t6301655.html That guy also has a newer version but it's censored && [_] Anon .04 DDL /?6nsl33vhokkctkc Uncensored Password for gallery = allinone && [_] Anon .05 DDL /?xf29c9sfkryxrc7 Also uncensored, pass again is allinone Have a nice day, yeah? && [_] Anon 1843428 Password "thanks" gets you slightly more. Allinone isn't complete. You get Gallery+ mode and the final level with thanks. && [_] Anon 1843430 &&# &&# Thanks bro && [_] Anon 1843458 Anyone have the site for the game's author? I tend to like to follow those so I don't have to ask on /f/ for updates && [_] Anon 1843460 Nevermind, found it in the readme file. For anyone who doesn't know, it's && [_] Anon 1843490 &&# thanks also "thanks" is a better password, gallery+[]! ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/3 -:11 Ended: 7/3 -:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 13File[shinobi-girl-v10.swf] - (4.02 MB)[_] [H] Anon 1631645 && [_] Anon 1631647 This is on version 1.8 and you can get it off Megaup -- oh right, ha ha ha, fuck. && [_] Anon 1631648 What sets off the 'trial over' kill screen? && [_] Anon 1631649 Correction, 2.0. && [_] Anon 1631650 Oh man. Going to upload 1.8 && [_] Anon .00 is here: /?4hku6zwd3wk4ity && [_] Anon 1631702 Cheats from the old version don't seem to work. Anybody have working passwords? && [_] Anon 1631706 &&# allinone unlocks all old content thanks unlocks all 2.00 content && [_] Anon 1631771 I haven't played this game, how do I enter the cheats, it's different from angel girl. && [_] Anon 1631773 &&# where it says password. press it and a bar comes up. && [_] Anon 1631774 I could be too inept for this.. I see no password bar from starting the game. && [_] Anon 1631777 The cheat codes are for the release versions. They don't work in this demo. && [_] Anon 1631779 &&# oh... 3:[]ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 1/8 -:55 Ended: 1/8 -:19Flashes: 1 Posts: 8File[Shinobi Girl 1.00 (Trial-Uncensored).swf] - (4.02 MB)[_] [H] Anon 1544273 Marked for deletion (old). && [_] Anon 1544356 anyone know the gallery code... cant seem to remember && [_] Anon 1544375 A B A B left right && [_] Anon 1544387 &&# where do you enter it? && [_] Anon 1544388 &&# in the main menu but this is the trial version so it doesn't work. && [_] Anon 1544401 &&# In the version that's not the trial. && [_] Anon 1544405 This work includes minors deserve representation. Played under the age of 18, please. && [_] Anon 1544411 &trial You mean someone wants you to actually pay for a full version? Who the fuck are they kidding?[]! ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/5 -:56 Ended: 30/5 -:16Flashes: 1 Posts: 10File[Shinobi Girl 1.00 (Trial-Uncensored).swf] - (4.02 MB)[_] [H] /r/'ing full version Mikan !MikanS8F.. 1516678 I found a broken full version that is uncensored on swfchan but I can't fin_; && [_] Anon 1516683 You're right it's not on Swfchan... I just purged my desktop. Sorry. I don't have it anymore. && [_] Anon 1516690 Version 1.00 came out? && [_] Anon 1516692 /?nc13abp9zsc6i7e && [_] Anon 1516695 &&# Thank you good sir. && [_] Anon 1516706 what's the cheat code for the gallery? && [_] Anon 1516707 &&# I think it was abbaab right right left && [_] Anon 1516711 ABAB left right, actually. && [_] Anon 1516716 &&# Viruses? && [_] Anon 1516723 I didn't find any viruses on it[]F ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/5 -:06 Ended: 24/5 -:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 5File[Shinobi Girl 1.00 (Trial-Uncensored).swf] - (4.02 MB)[_] [G] Shinobi Girl Trial Uncensored Fenomynous 1513970 Shinobi Girl Trial Uncensored Marked for deletion (old). && [_] Anon 1514064 Way too easy when you can kill everything by kicking. On another note, it's good to see they added voices. && [_] Captain Lazy !cpLazy.DWA 1514070 Hawt. Full version plz. && [_] Anon 1514077 &&# i'm pretty sure it's not out yet. not _entirely_ certain because it's a machine translation, but google translate has the words ""Shinobi Demo Girl "is now ver 1.00. Apply to retail sales." on the latest update. although that -could- mean the full version is out and the demo is available on the site? && [_] Anon 1514132 Full version is not out yet. He has yet to put it up for sale, he is considering his options. As it stands, not every part of his game was censored to Japan's standards, so he's working on that.shinobi girl 2.10AdvertisingOur servicesWe supportOur toolsNeed help ?This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Findeen - Copyright (C) 2013


