
  In fact, there are certain behaviors that actually telegraph that you are not relationship material. Becoming aware of those behaviors, and getting rid of them, can be very powerful in changing the way that you are perceived.
  My 20 tough love reasons for why you don&t have a boyfriend:
  1. You&re needy. You met him last weekend, he texted a few times, and now you just won&t leave the guy alone. This is probably the#1 behavior that gets girls labeled psycho in the early days.
  2. You like players. You can&t resist the bad boys, the ones who have dumped on other women. You think that you will be different, that nabbing a player will validate your feminine powers. But the player always wins, because the player always walks.
  3. You&re a princess. You want a man who will will worship the very ground you walk on. Do you really want a guy who will eagerly go to a bunch of chick flicks withyou? Wouldn&t you rather accompany him to Transformers from time to time?
  4. You flirt too much. Flirting is an essential skill in any woman&s toolkit. It is meant to indicate to a guy thatyou are singling him out for special attention because you are attracted to him. If you flirt like crazy withevery Y chromosome you encounter, it loses its effectiveness, and makes you seem “not very choosy.”
  5. You&re not in the game. If you&re shy, reserved, or aloof, you are not approachable. If you find a guy attractive, meet him halfway by signaling your interest with eye contact and a smile. If you know him, pay him some attention.
  6. You&re too picky. You want a guy who is well-educated, financially successful, handsome, funny, witty, generous, blah blah blah. Get realistic. Keep an open mind when you&re sizing up men. Allow yourself to find the good.
  7. You&re a Girl Gone Wild. Stop getting drunk. No one, male or female, ever became more attractive when they got drunk . When you are drunk, you say and do foolish things.
  8. You&re ditzy. I don&t know why some women love to get all girly and giggly. Isuppose it makes them feel sexier, a la Marilyn Monroe. If you&re with a guy who wants his women stupid, you need a new guy.
  9. You&re a Mean Girl. Sometimes, guys want to get with mean girls because they&re powerful, but that relationship isn&t about love.
  10. You&re high maintenance. You always feel slighted. He&s always saying and doing the wrong thing.Your feelings are constantly hurt, and he is constantly apologizing. Fighting all the time can be rewarding in the short-term, but ultimately it&s a total boner-killer.
  11. You&re aggressive. You act like one of the guys. Male is biologically programmed to seek his complementary opposite – which includes a much larger dose of estrogen. You can be strong, independent, and very, very female.
  12. You&re self-absorbed. You talk about yourself all the time. You&re not emotionally engaged in a caring and generous way. If you&re n if you are not hungry for details about who he is and what he&s into, then maybe he&s the wrong guy. Or maybe you&re the wrong girl.
  13. You&re a homebody. You are not going througheach day looking to interact with and smile at attractive and approachable people. And by the way, get off the cell phone. The adorable guy behind you in line at Starbucks can&t say hi if you&re on your phone, plus he&s hearing you sound like a complete idiot with your BFF.
  你是个宅女。你不出门,就没法向有吸引力的人微笑、没法和他们交流。另外,放下你的***吧。如果你一直在打***,在星巴克排队时你后面那可爱的家伙就没法给你打招呼了。 另外,你和最好朋友打***时,他听到你讲的话会觉得你像个白痴。
  14. You&re too hard to get. Yes, everyone likes a challenge. No one likes desperatation. If he asks you out spontaneously for tonight, that&s a real invitation. If you are interested, accept.
  15. Your number is too high. You don&t have to tell anyone your personal data. Just be aware that when you&re making the rounds within a certain community or group of friends, word gets out fast.
  16. You&re flaky. A plan is a commitment. Don&t blow someone off when something better comes along.Don&t ditch him because your friend “really needs you.” Don&t be late. Don&t get drunk . Women constantly complain that men aren&t reliable, but I&ve seen plenty of women flake out on guys.
  你不太可靠。计划就是承诺。不要因为有更好的事情而放别人的鸽子;不要因为你的朋友“真的很需要你 ” 就对他不告而别;不要迟到;不要醉酒。女性经常抱怨男性不可靠,但我也见过很多对男性食言的女性。
  17. You&re materialistic. You know what? The best dates are cheap dates. Cooking together. Hanging out. Taking a long walk.
  18. You&re scared. You&ve been burned before. You are understandably wary. You&ve got to find a way forward. There is no love for any of us without considerable risk, so do what you need to do to work through it.
  19. You&re rigid. Being rigid is largely about asserting control. That&s never a winning relationship tactic.
  20. You&re a pushover. You put up with all kinds of crap. If you do not respect yourself, he certainly isn&t going to respect you, and your value in his eyes will tank.
  你太容易被控制。 你忍受着各种不公平的待遇。如果你不尊重你自己,他当然也不会去尊重你, 你的价值在他眼里也会暴跌。
&&&&&& 13-04-15·
主演:尚格·云顿/乔·弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯·库珀/ 查宁·塔图姆/ 乔纳·希尔


