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14 August,
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14 August,
People with severe mental illness also have reduced life expectancy and diminished physical health. A review of research highlights how general nurses can better support this patient group
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14 August,
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We have just released details of the nurses and nursing teams that have made it onto the shortlist for this year’s Nursing Times Workforce Awards.
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13 August,
People with severe mental illness also have reduced life expectancy and diminished physical health. A review of research highlights how general nurses can better support this patient group
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During my time on an oncology ward I had the pleasure of caring for a man who I will name Peter.
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Nursing Times recently reported on the findings of a Cochrane systematic review into the impact of nurses working as substitutes for primary care doctors.
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Site powered byClincal efficacy of head mild hypothermia in treatment of hypertensive
intracerebral hemorrhage--《Editorial Departmert of Chinese Journal of Geriatric Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease》2002年05期
Clincal efficacy of head mild hypothermia in treatment of hypertensive
intracerebral hemorrhage
xin,Li Xin
li,ZHANG Xiao
dong,et al
(Department of Neurology,The 159 Hospital of PLA,Zhumadian,Henan 463008,China)
To observe the effect of head mild hypothermia(MHT) induced by the head temperature
control instrument on peri
hematomal edema and hemodynamics after hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage(HIH) and its therapeutic efficacy.Methods
eight cases of HIH were selected.Of them,30 cases served as control and 28 cases were treated with selective head MHI induced by head temperature
control instrument.The volumes of hematoma and peri
hematomal edema were measured by CT.The mean blood flow velocity(Vm)in the middle cerebral artery(MCA)and pulsatility index(PI)were measured by TCD.Neurological deficiency score(NDS)was assessed.Results
The volume of peri
hematomal edema was(13.43±2.67) ml and (19.63±
) ml in treated group and control group on day21 after treatment(P0.01),respectively.Vm was(43.35±6.28) cm/s and (41.87±
) cm/s in treated group and control on day7(P0.05),respectively and (
±8.92) cm/s,(58.78±8.45) cm/s in treated group and control on day21(P0.01) after treatment,respectively.NDS was 20.61±14.31 and 24.69±13.23 in treatcd group and control on day21 after treatment(P
The selective head mild hypothermia induced by head temperature
control instrument can reduce the peri
hematomal edema and improve Vm and NDS of the patients.
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Chinese Journal Full-text Database
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