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Title: Battle Battalions
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Release Date: 3 Nov, 2015
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“Battle Battalions is a frenetic, fun and zany 5v5 tactical brawler.”
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About This Game
Battle Battalions is a free-to-play, tactical PC game that allows you to command a role-specific ‘Battalion’ of military might on a fast-paced, team-based battlefield.
o Battalions are the Backbone - customize and command your personalized Battalions armed to the teeth with lethal military units ranging from stealthy Snipers to hard-hitting Juggernaut tanks.
o Real-Time Tactical Combat - engage in fast-paced, real-time action by deploying ability-boosting air drones, swiveling your tanks’ turrets to blast an enemy's weak side or extracting pinned-down friendlies in trouble.
o Control The Battlefield - roll your Pathfinder Recon Battalion into thick brush for added armor protection or deploy your Suppressor Mortar Battalion on elevated terrain for high-ground ranged assaults.
Taking and defending key points on the battlefield awards decisive advantages and a quicker path to victory.
o Teamwork Above All - each player's Battalion fills a critical role in your 5-player teams.
Coordination with your fellow Battalions is crucial as you play to your own strengths, offset your teammates' limitations, and contribute to your team's overall battle plan.
o Enhance and Advance - gain valuable experience and credit with each battle, allowing you to purchase powerful enhancements, personal customizations and perks unique to your Battalion.
Upgrade your player account to unlock a near endless variety of options to deepen and enhance your battlefield effectiveness.
o Ease of Play - eager to jump right in and join the fight?
Just click the big 'Battle' button at the top of the screen any time to get your Battalion's boots on the ground in seconds.
The controls are intuitive to keep the action flowing, and many visual elements in the interface offer helpful mouse-over tooltips.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista SP2
Processor: 2.6 GHz Dual Core Processor
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTS 250 or ATI Radeon HD 3870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
OS: Windows 7
Processor: 2.6 GHz+ Quad Core Processor
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
(C) 2015 Petroglyph Games, Inc.
All rights reserved.
All other intangible assets embodied in or arising from this work, including, without limitation, all intellectual property in and to the marks BATTLE BATTALIONS(TM), GLYPHX(R), PETROGLYPH(R), the corresponding design(s) and/or logo(s), software, or other intangible assets of whatsoever nature are owned by Petroglyph Games, Inc.
Any reproduction or distribution in any form or by any means, without the express written consent of Petroglyph Games, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
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10 people found this review funny
This game in one sentence: A more casual RTS experience with no base building and constant action, for free! (well, free-ish)Pros:_Fun, engaging gameplay that focuses on action._Good looking units and maps._Diverse arrays of unit types with different playstyle._Short matches that are easy to get into._Decent launch._It's free._Less hardcore than Starcraft 2.Cons:_A little Pay-2-Win (read more below)_Might not be super competitive in the long run compare to some of its contemporaries._Less hardcore than Starcraft 2.Try it if:_You're a fan of RTS._You're NOT a fan of RTS but looking for a nice entry point into the genre._If you like RTS but not the base building._If you have time to try out a free game.Pass it if:_You want a deeper, more classical RTS experience._If you're not a fan of RTS in any shape or form._If you want something ultra competitive.Now, for more details...The gameplay hook: Remember World in Conflict? This game is sort of like that. There's no base building or resource gathering. Rather, they give you a handful of units you get to control, and you have to work with other commanders to win. The game is won by capturing and holding points. What ends up happening is a constant rotation to try to catch people at key points and fight them. The maps are designed around this too. There are plenty of vantage points and hiding spot to set up for ambushes. The game is a constant stream of skirmishes and fights. It's fun.On the topic of Pay-2-Win: The game IS Pay-2-Win, make no mistake about that. There are units that you can buy with real money, as well as a variety of perks. With that said, everything in the game that affects gameplay can be EARN with in-game currency as well. So in theory, you can just play the game without spending a single cent on anything. But the fact that it's possible could become an issue in the long run. The game somewhat mitigate this however, but locking perks behind EXP that you H***E to earn by playing the game instead of paying. A good decision on their part.The final words: Overall, I think it's a fun game when it comes to it's raw gameplay, and while it's a bit P2W in nature, it's absolutely free to try. So you won't lose anything but some time. It's deffinitely worth a try.Thanks for reading!If you liked the review, consider hitting the thumbs up so more people can see it, and
in order to be notified everytime I review something, as well as meeting and interacting with new people., where I cover new, obscure games in video format. It really does help me out a lot morale-wise to have people watching content I put together.On that note, My name has been Bob, thank you for your time.
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&Made a balance suggestion on the forums&Dev responded saying &We'll talk about it during our design meeting this week&&Next patch, problem was fixedI think this speaks for itself. It's a really unique RTS/MOBA hybrid with a great dev team behind it. You owe it to yourself to give it a try.
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Edit made on 11/13/15 due to PatchUpdate 2: Link to my review of the original Battle Battalions, called Victory Command (which I loved!): Edit 3: The fanboys are RAGING! Look at their downvotes! The Good, the Bad, the Ugly:The Good:-Fun, tactical gameplay-Short, yet exciting games (no 45+ minute LoL or Dota matches here!)-Interesting units-Easy to pick up and play, but lots of depth for mastery-Free maps! Petroglph updates the game regularly.Bad:-Units are horribly unbalanced.-Unit AI is ????????. Tell a unit to move when being fired upon, and often it will sit in place, turning in place, causing it to die. VERY frustrating. Units don't know how to turn around and take another route with one is blocked.Ugly:-EXTREMELY Pay 2 Win-Buy your way to more perks, better units, and more supplies Want to buy your way to victory? I wrote a guide to show you how!Examples of others confirming Pay 2 Win:Some people asked for clarification on the Pay 2 Win aspect:While you CAN earn everything in game through gameplay, the amount of time it takes to grind out a SINGLE unit tree (there are over a dozen) would take about 80+ hours of gameplay, assuming you're an above average player and you don't pay for any &Premium& time. Whereas a brand new player can unlock everything buy stacking boosts resulting in EIGHT TIMES FASTER PROGRESS AND 8x MORE IN GAME CURRENCY.
If you have all 5 perks maxed out and all the unit skills unlocked, you will DOMINATE a player who hasn't unlocked said battalion perks and skills. There is NOTHING wrong with allowing players to pay to unlock things faster, ala Battlefield 4 Battlepacks, but requiring players to grind this much for HUGE gameplay advantages is unethical, IMHO.&Perks& are similar to CoD's perks. There are perks to take less damage, units move faster, do more damage, etc etc. There are dozens avalible. These aren't tiny amounts, we're talking 20%+ increases to default values. This is a SIGNIFIGANT gameplay advantage, but takes dozens of hours for a free player to unlock, ASSUMING you're above average and win 3/5 games (against people who are paying for the above mentioned advantages against you)I have played ALL previous iterations of this game, including the original &Victory Command& before they pulled it from Steam, and once they finally released it, I played the Beta of this game from Day 1. I gave a lot of feedback directly to the devs via their forum, and they failed to respond to my and other players concerns about game balance, placing profits ahead of players.Overall, this IS a good game, at it's core, but I cannot recommend any game that is &F2P& but requires a substantial financial investment to win unless you're willing to put as many hours into it as you would a WoW character.Before someone says, &What do you expect&? Ever heard of Smite? AMAZING MOBA that is completely free with only COMSMETIC upgrades you can pay for. BB could have gone this route, but they decided to make a P2W game instead. If this changes in the future, I will update my review to reflect it.
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As a big fan of C&C Generals it had initial potential, the gameplay was also interesting albeit a bit simplistic and artificially cramped through bushes and vision ranges, but still fun and I enjoyed it, but now there are no players so none of that matters.However most notably it's P2W with the need to use monetised &supplies& to use various very strong abilities, supplies which are designed to run out unless you pay RL money to keep it up, the alternative would be to be a second class player very significantly weaker for many/most of your games to gain the privilege to fight on equal terms in some games. Notably they also removed PvE mode, making any PvE supply grind unavailable.I nearly maxed a battalion(last tier) and noticed how my supplies were dwindling increasingly constantly as I gained the progress, as I recall somewhat even with premium time active it dwindled in the end, after finally noticing a ~50 or so quite systematic supply loss per game I quit as I realised things would only get much worse in the end. Notably I neither used supplies actively in games through abilities nor was I using maximum supplies for a battalion bonuses, so I was already not at all using the supplies to the extent they are designed to be consumed.Don't waste your time, it had some good ideas, but a very bad exectution involving P2W.
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*** UPDATED TO REFLECT RECENT PATCHES 11/11/2015***There's a lot of elements that add up to a solid game in BattleBattalions. The gameplay of a tight-knit RTS.The teamwork of a summer camp tug-o-war match.The tactics of a fast-paced strategy game.Don't let some of the negative reviews sway you, (a good look and you can mostly tell they're short rage posts anyways)this is a great F2P game.The gameplay feels like a standard RTS, the way you order your units around, but there's no base building, and you are limited to what units you start with. Lose a unit, and it's gone. You don't get it back.This makes things like zerging impossible, as you can't just spawn a steady stream of guys to throw at an enemy. Each one of your units is one life, and each one lost weakens you that much more. Likewise, each one the enemy loses weakens them.BattleBattalions is built around a Rock-Paper-Scissors style damage system. This is something important to understand when going into the game. The rocket trooper beats tank, tank beats machine gun buggy, and the buggy beats the rocket trooper.
If you're playing with the troopers and come across a group of buggies, you're best off getting the heck out of there rather than trying to stand and fight. You'll find you do significantly less damage against them, and they do bonus damage against you. Aside from the basic units, there are several other styles of forces to suit your play style, each with a different balance or type of armor and weapon. Knowing what you're strong or weak against will make a big difference.Another important note is that a lot of people seem to think this is a deathmatch. It's NOT. The base of the game is capture point control. Yes, you CAN win the game by eliminating the entire enemy team, but that only happens about 1% of the time. Team play is VERY important in the game. Coordinating with teammates can make or break a game for you, and I've seen countless games where one well coordinated team utterly crushed a team that didn't work together. Support your team, and play for the win -not the kills-, and you'll do a lot better.(btw I played the game a LOT off of Steam. Don't let my Steam game time fool you.)The game overall is solid, and well polished, A lot of things behave and sound the way you'd want them to in a normal RTS. Petroglyph's pedigree shows here.There's a variety of different units, as well as a progression tree for each one. You can also start mixing and matching as you unlock things. Everything that's important is unlockable for in game currency, and the only things that are real-money exclusives are the cosmetics, taunts, and premium access. I HIGHLY recommend checking out some of the tutorial or community videos on the game to learn a bit about it before playing. I myself have made a couple you can find here: TLDR:Pros:- Solid, well polished gameplay.- Great Teamplay- Short, intense matches that usually last 7-15 minutes.- AI/PVE mode for practicing or trying out new battalions.- Non-P2W, money is for cosmetics, taunts, and premium.- It's NOT another friggin' mobile F2P- Developers, while quiet, are actually listening to the community.Cons:- Matchmaker sometimes needs to be poked with a stick.- Progression on a battalion can get grind heavy.- The cosmetic items available for purchase are a bit weak, atm.- No in-game tutorial for new players.- The golden turd taunt just costs a ridiculous amount of money. No, seriously. (I know it's a joke)Overall I'm quite enjoying the game, even though I tend to shy away from more intense PVP games. It feels like a real game, not a hashed up early access thing missing it's legs and half of it's head, like so many other &f2p& games on Steam. It may not be for everyone, but give it a shot and you might find you like it.I also have to give credit to Petroglyph for still honoring all the people that bought into the Victory Command packages, and giving them the equivalent in BB. A classy move.
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Even though this game can be Very frustrating at times, due to a lack of coordination because nobody listens to pings and the chat is very hard to notice during the heat of battle, I absolutely adore this gameThough this game has a lot of grinding to get EVERYTHING, it gives me the insentive to keep playing for replay value. I like games that I have a very long term goal, that is possible if you play enough... such as for example the seriously 2.0 achievement from gears of war 2. A very rare thing to have, but something to show off if you like the game a lot.The tutorial... well it is a bit of a confusing game at first, but once you pick it up, it is very fun.Though the solo queing experience isn't very fun, if you are playing with a single friend it is like an addiction. Problem with that is you can only have one friend playing with you currently as there is probably a bit of lack of playerbase for enough people for 5v5 PvP games. Though it can still be fun with up to 4 other friends in coop.Anyone starting out, don't get discouraged because the game is a little confusing. My advice to everyone new is look though some gameplay footage, probably grind out or buy all the units, try them all (for the love of got in coop) and stick with it until you max it.I know this is a bunch of negative stuff, sorry. I really like the rest Exp system that encourages playing multiple units. The devs are very interactive and extremely friendly. As far as I know, it seems they know what they want their game. There is a reconnect feature, there is coop for the casual players, there is even solo games that allow you tot test stuff.For the most part the community is fairly nice with of course the negative person... probably just a little frustrated after losing some units due to a a bit of unlucky positioning or lack of teamte response.With enough community, maybe a custom lobby system, and replay system (some time in the future hopefully). I think this game could be a great ESL game.
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I previously played Victory Command
, this is like an improved version of that game . Battle Battalions has become so much more of a refined game. It's a Rock, Paper, Scissors with RTS and MOBA style game all in one.I've put in a lot of hours of play (pre steam and steam) before writing this , not just a couple of games and writing a rage quit statement but again its an opinon nothing more, nothing less.This is NOT a Pay to Win , I'm Ranked and so are a lot of my friends and we have done nothing to help the game develop as we have bought nothing, nor have we needed to. I'm going to as it will help , but thats a choice.Game play is smooth and IMHO looks good, its like playing C&C
in a MOBA form, also with the new
'extras' such as taunts
plus style your army, it adds
to the fun. Theres PvE (against AI) , PvP (Player vs Player) and Practice modes plus videos and helpful players so if your new you can get your skills up without getting wiped constantly by more experienced players . Add friends (create a team) and fight together is another improvement that is
very welcome and means you can get some serious ???? whooping yer mates going.The guys that created this game are active players and they listen to what's needed and have (for me at least) made it happen. Don't judge ANYTHING by a review (including mine) as its a point of view , give a game a good hard test out then make your own opinon.Be my team mate or enemy ,give it what you got, I'll be playing .
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I will only include a comparison between Victory Command and Battle B and yes you should play this game.P- Units no longer have the old ridiculous lore backgrounds stories but a proper explanation of their abilities.- Since perks are scattered between battalions, you have to unlock at least 5-6 squad to build your desired perk set. This forces players to play with other battalions as well and I think it is somewhat good.- Global Experience conversion and utilization is fantastic- A very broad store which allows you to customize your units to its extent. Skins, taunts, portraits etc.- Updated unit responses ( I favor this alot )- An enhanced research treeC- I started to believe this game seriously requires a forced tutorial. Make a forced to play tutorial with rewards (gold, credit, supply, global exp etc.) - Suffers from playerbase being small, very long quenes in week, but this will surely eliminated when this game gets the popularity it deserves.- I found myself in a game with 4 crusader squad as I was playing hellfire.- You can still witness some vehicles sway away like a fish would do.- Activate-able perks doesn't appeal me- Although I'm aware that people make games to make profit, which is totally understandable, but I found store prices quite expensive. As now I'm awaiting discounts.- Requires advertising, I bet there are people who still await victory command be back online.Like in VC, I rate BB 8/10 worth to try.
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3 people found this review funny
A deceptively simple Modern Combat RTS that is quick to learn but hard to master, Battle Battalions can cater to both the casual player as well as the serious RTS player.Introduction:Battle Battalions is a Zone Control RTS involving:A short battle between 2 teams of 5 players eachAim of the match is to control 2 out of 3 target zones to increase team score (Capture the Flag)1st team that earns 250 points, winsThere are various other points which can give your team additional boosts. You can view a detailed tutorial at Battalions (Units) can be divided into 3 main categories - Armoured (Blue) / Light Vehicles (Brown) / Infantry (Green)Each individual unit can be used to counter one other type of unit and is weak against another. (Or itself, like Skirmishers, an Infantry unit that is strong against Infantry)Pros:Not Pay to Win. 40+ hours of gameplay has allowed me to unlock 7/12 battalion types and multiple Perks, not including the original 3 given. I have not spent any money yet. Only cosmetics (Unit skins/Taunts) require real money payment.Starting 3 battalions cover 3 major basic roles in the game (Zone Control/Scout/Damage)Easy to learn, but with a lot of loopholes that allow for strategiesAll necessary details about unit abilities, strengths and weaknesses are clearly described and listed in-gameExperienced players only have a slight boost to their unit abilities, but it is not major. (4 Perk Skirmisher Infantry Battalion still completely die to being burned by the flamethrower of a 2 Perk Dreadfire battalion =D)Immediate action without having to build basesShort waiting time of about 5mins for each matchUnit balance of the current battalions are good. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. (For example, shooting a Rifle against an Armoured Tank isn't effective, in game or in real life)Battalion Abilities - You can still kill other player's units when all your units are dead! (Artillery Barrage, anyone?)Cons:As mentioned earlier, this game is very difficult to master. It can be very frustrating to newcomers, especially when the battle situation can change in a matter of seconds.No reinforcements during battles. Losing a unit means it is gone from the match for good. (Life is precious)It takes some time and effort to purchase and develop new units, which you will be rewarded for (3 Perk Hornet Battalion should generally beat a 1 Perk Hornet Battalion. I stress should because I have seen otherwise =/)Waiting time may vary, depending on the unit types you use. (Non-standard unit types like Sniper Battalion etc. will take longer as generally only 1 set can be in one match, I think, and it is popular. Core Battalions like Dune Runner and Juggernaut Battalions have shorter waiting times.)No base building or resource management normally present in full RTS games.Battalion match-ups can be quite interesting. (Sniper vs Full Armoured/Light Vehicle Team =), which the Sniper's team won)Conclusion:Overall, this is a very smooth and well-developed RTS game which can be played for short periods of time with each match taking about 20 minutes. So far, I have not seen any bugs or issues, and the game has not crashed at all. On the other hand, there are quite a lot of well-thought-of functions (Players who disconnect in the middle of the match can rejoin the game once they re-connect / Players who have died can still affect the battle while spectating). I am greatly enjoying my time playing Battle Battalions. I would highly recommend that you try this game out for a while and see if it interests you.P.S. For all Shattered Galaxy Fans, this is probably an alternative game most similar in concept to Shattered Galaxy at the moment. Have fun!
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A goodish RTS with a low enough skill celing that anyone who understands the simple dynamics of Rock paper sisors can play, its only outstanding problem is a lack of 3/4 multyplayer queing restricting you to either solo or duo queing or putting together 5 people to play in an underpopulated 5 stack que.
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simply not good
The only reason i dont like this game is that it takes ages to kill one unit with an entire battalion shooting at it.
awesome game that blends moba and rts together very very well.... play and ull understand... but after certain point u hit a pay wall where ur gonna have to fork over cash to get the cool stuff... devs if u changed this or altered it with currency conversion etc u would have me HOOKED cuz ur mechanics r great
Great game played a while ago but there was very few players wondering if its still dead or not tbh i would relly like to get back into it, it wasent the best rts i ve ever played but it was a good one and it had a good community although a small one and i would love to see more people on the game i personally think it would be quite popular if they bothered to advertize but i would guess that they dont have the money for that seeing the small community and as for those who complain about pay to win i havent seen it make a big difference in this game anyways and its a free game most free games are pay to win and most have much worse balance then this one game devellopers need to make money to devellop games and i doubt they would get enough donations.
Loving the game but it may need some more single player options...
Battle battalions is the shitiest &strategy& game i have ever seen. This is game is not even worth being called strategy game. I wasted half an hour to download it and i want that 30 minutes of my life back. Simply: This game has more DLC contentent than basic content. Its missing PROPER tutorial. This game is missing basic strategy game characteristics. I maybe only played few minutes. But it took me long enough to realise what this game is about. Want to win? &BUY OUR AWESOME SKIN PACKS AND SETS OF EVERY USELLES ???? THATS NOT REAL AND WILL PROBABLY ENTERTAIN YOU FOR COUPLE OF DAYS!& should be theyr motto.
Player Base is dead, PvE is a joke and PvP is non existant.
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