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5% of HP points restored by normal spells woll heal you as well读音,音标,英语如何翻译,英文意思,英语怎么说?--上海科技翻译网-021-
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5% of HP points restored by normal spells woll heal you as well
spells是什么意思 spells在线翻译 spells什么意思 spells的意思 spells的翻译 spells的解释 spells的发音 spells的同义词 spells的反义词 spells的例句
spells[spelz] 911查询?英语单词原级:现在分词:过去分词:; 过去式:; spells 基本解释spells什么意思拼写,拼读( spell的第三人称单数 );招致;带来;构成单词的字母拼作;spells 网络解释1. 1. 魔法:事实上许多魔法(Spells),包括寄生虫(Broodling)和EMP振荡波(EMPBlast),具有非常特殊的作使用,使调整这些兵种的平衡性就简单得多. 当然在游戏alpha测试阶段之前通常应已进行了宏观调整,所以可能随着新功能的增加要重新进行调整.2. 法术:在西游记这样一个人神鬼怪的世界里, 法术(spells)当然是很要运用法术, 你必须学好基本法术(spells)和一门特别法术,象查询各门各派的技法). 然后还要通过静思冥想(meditate)来增的一点是:一定要把施法强度(enchant)加到最大, 于伤敌护己3. 免费符咒开关:spells 免费符咒开关 | win 立即获胜 | lose 立即失败4. ?始雨升?法?:→ Spells:?始雨升?法? | Meteor:召??石攻?,?建?物的?害力?倍 | Blizzard:召?暴?雪?????的目?一段??spells 双语例句1. These spells are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list.&&&&这些法术依照术士/法师的法术列表。2. 2. These spells are drawn from the sorcerer/ wizard spell list.&&&&这些法术依照术士/师的法术列表。3. 3. Most people complain about having to cancel their current spells and then hitting Counterspell.&&&&很多人都抱怨他们要先取消自己的施法然后再点法术反制。4. Cattle wore collars of rowan wood to protect them from spells and curses.&&&&家畜戴着山梨木项圈以免受咒语和诅咒的伤害。5. Before they can decide who they will slay, I'm calling upon spells of mesmerization, and sieze the entire crowd under a hypnotic trance in seconds.&&&&正当队友犹疑不决选择目标当下,我率先施法将群兽瞬间催眠,将其中一只扭其意志令其侯命。6. Can steal benediction spells.&&&&概率与魔法等级有关。7. If those spells were of questionable or no utility then the class distinction really starts to devolve into damage, healing and tanking. But none of them should be mandatory.&&&&如果这些法术变得不确定或者不再必须,那么dps/heal/tank真正开始分离,但他们不应当是强制的。8. When I look up into the star-studded sky at night, every star spells out your unfade name----Alex Del Piero.&&&&当我仰望繁星璀璨的碧海青天,每一颗星都在拼写你永不褪色的名字----德尔皮耶罗。9. There are three types and they're combined together to let the Death Knight cast spells.&&&&死亡骑士有冰/血/邪三种符文,你可以任意设定你的六个符文槽刷新何种符文。10. 10. In addition to resting skill there are healing spells and potions.&&&&在此之外还有补写法术与药水可以使用。11. spells什么意思11. When you take over a mob, you have access to all their abilities and spells.&&&&&&如果你控制一个怪物,你可以使用他们全部的能力和法术。12. For Yankey, whose club career started with the Gunners at 16 and has now come full circle after spells with Canada's Laval Dynamite, Fulham, Birmingham City and USA's New Jersey Wildcats, the prospect of conquering Europe in the red-and-white jersey is the stuff of dreams, particularly as she grew up supporting the club from the Highbury terraces.&&&&&&对延姬来说,她16岁就在***手开始了俱乐部生涯,在她先后效力了加拿大的拉瓦尔炸药队,富尔汉姆队,伯明翰城队和美国的新泽西野猫队后,她又完成在***手的轮回。征服欧洲的前景是红白衫军团的长久梦想,特别是对于她在海布里球场成长的有更深的意义。13. For this purpose, the test pieces shall be taken out of the test chamber by spells according to the prescribed frequency and visual check shall be conducted to locate corrosion marks.&&&&&&为了达到这个目的,这些测试片需被带出实验室一段时间,根据规定的频率和目视检查来定位腐蚀标记的位置。14. 14. It can't be the target of spells or abilities.&&&&&&它不能成为咒语或异能的目标。15. Summoning spells and effects can be cast on tiles occupied by the invisible units, but the summoned effect/creature will appear on a random tile next to it.&&&&&&召唤魔法和特技能够使用在隐形单位所在的格子,但召唤生物将随机出现在相邻的格子里。16. But dating Luke again is a step back in time - and spells trouble.&&&&&&但是和Luke正式交往又勾起了Laura对过去的回忆-----当然也不可避免的引来一大堆麻烦事。17. 17. With Pink busy promoting her album and Carey tending to his tattoo parlour, the couple have spent long spells apart whichhas put astrain on their relationship.&&&&&&与粉红的繁忙,促进她的相册和凯里的倾向,他的纹身,帕劳尔,该对夫妇已用了,只要写,除了which提出a应变对彼此的关系。18. 18. And the magicians did the same with their secret spells and brought up frogs on the land of Egypt.&&&&&&8:7 行法术的也用他们的秘咒照样而行,叫青蛙上了埃及地。19. And the magicians did the same with their secret spells, to try to bring forth lice, so there were lice on man and on beast.&&&&&&8:18 行法术的也用秘咒这样行,要生出虱子来,却是不能。於是在人身上和牲畜身上都有了虱子。20. 20. And the magicians of Egypt did the same with their secret spells; and Pharaoh's heart hardened, and he did not listen to them, just as Jehovah had said.&&&&&&7:22 埃及行法术的,也用秘咒照样而行。法老心里刚硬,不肯听摩西、亚伦,正如耶和华所说的。spells 单语例句1. The Yangtze River has been regularly affected by dry spells since 2000.2. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterized by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.3. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterised by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.4. Witch doctors were invited to cast spells to chase ghosts and demons away.5. Coffee plants require the right mix of temperature, rainfall and spells of dryness for beans to ripen properly and maintain their taste.6. But there is no law that spells out the control and use of online data.7. And that the wicked queen had a crow to help her cast spells?8. A query about Richie's dizzy spells last month on the set of " The Simple Life " was cut off before she could respond.9. Since global warming makes droughts worse and more frequent, stemming the rise in the Earth's temperature is vital for preventing such damaging dry spells.10. The students began to vomit and experience dizzy spells after having lunch at the school's canteen.spellsspells是什么意思,spells在线翻译,spells什么意思,spells的意思,spells的翻译,spells的解释,spells的发音,spells的同义词,spells的反义词,spells的例句,spells的相关词组,spells意思是什么,spells怎么翻译,单词spells是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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