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& Unit 3 Language in use.知识点 & “警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅...”习题详情
警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon. Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.2.Yesterday morning at 9.30a.m. a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff. Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.3.A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon. If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.4.At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food. The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair. 5.A car was stolen from the supermarket carpark on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack. A reward of $500 is offered for the car’s recovery.
A. Name: Ziggy NizottHeight: 1.82 mWeight: 90kgAge: 35Details: Long history of violent crime including robbery, assault
and car theft.
B. Name:Dennis
TsokasHeight: 1.95
mWeight: 70 kgAge: 28Details: Well
known to local police having been arrested several times for pick-pocketing.
C. Name:Michael
ClarkeHeight: 1.7 mWeight: 65 kgAge: 20Details: Arrested
as a youth for car theft and the selling of stolen goods.
D. Name:Mark
HughesHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 60kgAge: 29Details: Is
wanted by police for several armed robbery of grocery stores, banks and post
E. Name: Herb
ElliotHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 22Details: Recently released from prison where he served 2
years or selling stolen goods.
F. Name: William DanielsHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 32Details: Arrested
4 times for the selling of drugs and car theft.&
习题“警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valua...”的分析与解答如下所示:
1.根据witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses可知,跟E中的图片相符2.根据Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair可知,符合D图片3.根据A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses可知,与A图片相符4.根据as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair可知,与B中图片相符5.根据1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack可知,与C图片相符
警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A ...
经过分析,习题“警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valua...”主要考察你对“Unit 3 Language in use.”
Unit 3 Language in use.
与“警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valua...”相似的题目:
句型转换 (每小题1分,共5分)【小题1】How is the weather in Yichun?(同义句)&&&& the weather&&&&in Yichun?【小题2】He goes to school on his bike.(同义句)He&&&&&& &&&&& bike to school.【小题3】Do it like this.(否定句)&&&&& &&&&it like this.【小题4】It’s about twenty minutes’ walk from my home to school.(划线提问)&&&&&& &&&&is it from your home to school?【小题5】You can’t eat in class.(同义句)&&&&&& &&&&in class.
School ShowNameShowTimePlaceLi XinChinese kung fuSunday 8:00 amHallLucyEnglish songsFriday 3:40 pmClass FiveMikePlay the pianoTuesday 2:00 pmMusic room【小题1】 You can ask &&&&to do Chinese kung fu for us.A.Li XinB.LucyC.MikeD.All of them【小题2】We can see the piano show in &&&&.A.the hallB.Class FiveC.the music roomD.the drawing room&&&&
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon. Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.2.Yesterday morning at 9.30a.m. a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff. Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.3.A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon. If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.4.At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food. The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair. 5.A car was stolen from the supermarket carpark on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack. A reward of $500 is offered for the car’s recovery.
A. Name: Ziggy NizottHeight: 1.82 mWeight: 90kgAge: 35Details: Long history of violent crime including robbery, assault
and car theft.
B. Name:Dennis
TsokasHeight: 1.95
mWeight: 70 kgAge: 28Details: Well
known to local police having been arrested several times for pick-pocketing.
C. Name:Michael
ClarkeHeight: 1.7 mWeight: 65 kgAge: 20Details: Arrested
as a youth for car theft and the selling of stolen goods.
D. Name:Mark
HughesHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 60kgAge: 29Details: Is
wanted by police for several armed robbery of grocery stores, banks and post
E. Name: Herb
ElliotHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 22Details: Recently released from prison where he served 2
years or selling stolen goods.
F. Name: William DanielsHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 32Details: Arrested
4 times for the selling of drugs and car theft.”的***、考点梳理,并查找与习题“警方近期正在缉拿一系列案件的嫌疑人员。阅读下面有关警方通报查找人员的信息(A、B、C、D、E和F),根据案件及人物的描述,选出嫌疑人员,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。1.A valuable dog was taken while being walked by its owner in City Park yesterday afternoon. Police wish to talk to a man seen nearby at the time, described by witnesses as short and fat with short light hair and clear glasses.2.Yesterday morning at 9.30a.m. a man armed with a gun entered the National Bank and demanded money from the staff, before fleeing when confronted by bank security staff. Security cameras show the man as being short and thin with shoulder length blonde hair.3.A tall, strong built man with blonde hair, a thick black moustache and wearing dark glasses knocked a woman to the ground and stole her purse on Main Street last Saturday afternoon. If you see this man, do not approach as he is considered extremely dangerous.4.At the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool, several people had their wallets stolen while waiting in line to buy food. The victims did not see or notice the thief but bystanders describe him as very tall and thin, clean shaven with short light hair. 5.A car was stolen from the supermarket carpark on Friday, June 23 this year by a man described as very young, 1.7 metres tall with thin dark hair and carrying a blue backpack. A reward of $500 is offered for the car’s recovery.
A. Name: Ziggy NizottHeight: 1.82 mWeight: 90kgAge: 35Details: Long history of violent crime including robbery, assault
and car theft.
B. Name:Dennis
TsokasHeight: 1.95
mWeight: 70 kgAge: 28Details: Well
known to local police having been arrested several times for pick-pocketing.
C. Name:Michael
ClarkeHeight: 1.7 mWeight: 65 kgAge: 20Details: Arrested
as a youth for car theft and the selling of stolen goods.
D. Name:Mark
HughesHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 60kgAge: 29Details: Is
wanted by police for several armed robbery of grocery stores, banks and post
E. Name: Herb
ElliotHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 22Details: Recently released from prison where he served 2
years or selling stolen goods.
F. Name: William DanielsHeight: 1.6 mWeight: 90kgAge: 32Details: Arrested
4 times for the selling of drugs and car theft.”相似的习题。A) 根据上下文选择方框中适当的句子补全对话.将序号填在横线上. A.Let's call 120 for help. B.What happened? C.Don’t worry. D.1 must take you to seethe doctor. E.Of course.Peter: Oh,Mike!Can you help me? Mike : You don 题目和参考***——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
A) 根据上下文选择方框中适当的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。&&&A.Let's call 120 for help.&&&B.What happened?&&&C.Don’t worry.&&&D.1 must take you to seethe doctor.&&&E.Of course.Peter:&Oh,Mike!Can you help me? Mike&:
You don't look well.Peter: I can't move. My leg hurts.Mike&:&Oh, & Peter:But the hospitalis far away from here,and there are no buses there.Peter: Fifteen minutes passed and I can't see any taxis.Mike&:&I have an idea.
&A) E B D C A
题目来源: &
D) 看图回答问题,要求答句完整。(选做题)What season is it?2. What can the children (孩子们) do in this season?3. Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?4. How is Su Hai's dress?
The diet&Mrs White is worried about her weight,so she goes to see a doctor. “〇h,I'm too fat. I need to lose a lot of weight. ” “It isn’t difficult to lose weight ,” the doctor says.“All you need to do is to go on a diet. HI give you a method. ” The doctor takes out a piece of paper and writes ,“Eat lots of fruit,vegetables and grains. ” The doctor gives the paper to Mrs White. “Eat all those things and you?II soon lose weight. ”A few weeks later,Mrs Whitens friend visits her. Her friend sees that Mrs White is still fat. She is eating a big hamburger,a chocolate cake and an ice cream now. “I thought (think&的过去式) you were on a diet”’&her friend says. “Oh,I am”’ Mrs White answers. “I already had all the food on my diet today. Now l'm having my dinner. ”一、根据短文内容补全句子。1. Mrs White is
,so she goes to a doctor.2. Mrs White is too
,and she needs to lose
.3. The doctor
&_ a piece of paper and writes something.二、设计一份你自己或家人的健康食谱。& & & & & & & & & & & &
E) 根据上下文提示完成对话,每空格填一词。A:&Look at that girl. & she?B: She's my cousin Amy.A:
school is she in?B:&No. 3 Primary School. She,s
a good student. She has some goodA:&Really?she get up early?B:&丫es,she
up early every day and never goes to bed
.A:&Does she
her classmates?B: Yes,she also helps her parents.A:&Good.B:&She
to her teacher at school. She also
well at home.A:&Great. Does she have a healthy
. She often
a lot of vegetables and fruit.A:&I see. We should learn from
KaKa the sealKaka is a young seal in a zoo. Many children and their parents come to see him every day. They are happy to see him when he swims in the pool. Kaka can do many things as the people there teach him
He can play with a big ball in the pool. And if you wave your hand to him,he can wave his “hand” to you too.One day,Sushu,an 11-year-old girl,is very sad. Her mother takes her to the pool to see Kaka.&The mother tells her daughter,&u&Look,how happy Kaka is!He always tries his best to make people happy. Now,let's wave our hands to him to say hello!” The girl begins to smile when she sees Kaka waving his “hand” to them. She stays with Kaka for the whole afternoon,and feels happy all the time.根据短文内容选择正确的***。() 1. Kaka is
.&&&A. a dog&&&B. a child&&&C. a seal() 2. Many children like to play with Kaka because & & && .&&&A. Kaka needs them to come&&&B. Kaka can make them happy&&&C. their parents like Kaka() 3. What does the underlined word “wave” mean in Chinese?&&&A. 挥舞&&&B. 窗户 C.点头() 4. Why is Sushu sad that day?&&&A. Because she loses (丢失) her favourite doll.&&&B. Because she can't find her ball.&&&C. We don't know.() 5. What is NOT right about Kaka?&&&A. Kaka looks very beautifu when he is in the pool.&&&B. Kaka can sing a nice song.&&&C. Kaka can do many things as the people there teach him.
B) 根据首字母提不完成短文,每空格填一词。Do you have a good timetable? Keeping a good timetable is very 9
for us. We should have ten hours’ s
every night,or (否则) we can't do our study very well. So we should get up e and never go to bed I
, We’d better (最好) f
&Our homework before dinner. We shouldn,t
play computer games too much or w
TV too much. They are b
for our eyes. We should do sports too. Walking,running,swimming,jogging and playing ball games are all good exercises for us.
D) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“‘X”。& & An old tigerlives (居住) in a forest. Every day he asks a little monkey to get some food for him.& &One night,the tiger is very hungry. He says to the monkey ,“Go and get some food for me. ”“I can't do that,Mr Tiger ,” says the monkey. “There is another (另夕卜的) tiger in the forest. He tells me not to bring you food.”& & “What?” shouts (大声叫) the tiger. “Bring that tiger here. I will (将要) eat him. ”The monkey takes the tiger to a big river. “Look into the water ,” says the monkey. “There he is!”& & & The tiger looks into the water. There is a big tiger looking at him angrily (生气) && & “You te the monkey not to bring me food. I'll kill you!”& & &The tiger jumps into the river. He doesn’t come out again.( &) 1. The tiger always asks a monkey to &&&A. find something to eat&&&B. find another tiger&&&C. eat something with him( &)&2. The tiger is when he hears (听见) the monkey's words.&&&A. happy&&&B. angry&&&C. afraid( &)&3. When the tiger hears that there is another tiger in ther forest,he wants to .&&&A. leave the forest&&&B. kill the tiger&&&C. make friends with him( &)4. The tiger sees in the rive、&&&A. some food&&&B. a stronger tiger&&&C. his reflection (倒影)( &)&5. Which is right?&&&A. There are two tigers in the story.&&&B. The monkey likes to help the tiger.&&&C. The monkey is very clever.
( & )6. ——Whose gloves are these? —— .&&&A. They’re the twins’&&&B. It's Meimei's&&&C. They are Meimei
B) 看图并根据上下文提示完成对话填空,每空格填一词。&1. A: Look at that boy. He's funny. His gloves are so .B:
gloves they?A:
his father's,I think.B: I see.
请输入手机号/ renwuhulian
Index: LoactionUtils.java
--- LoactionUtils.java (revision 0)
+++ LoactionUtils.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:56:22
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+import android.content.C
+import android.content.I
+import android.location.LocationM
+import android.net.U
+import android.os.B
+import android.provider.S
+import android.util.L
+ * @ClassName: LoactionUtils
+ * @Description: TODO(定位工具类)
+ * @author Jerry
+ * @date 日 下午2:00:31
+public class LoactionUtils {
+ private static final String SCHEME = &package&;
* 调用系统InstalledAppDetails界面所需的Extra名称(用于Android 2.1及之前版本)
+ private static final String APP_PKG_NAME_21 = &com.android.settings.ApplicationPkgName&;
* 调用系统InstalledAppDetails界面所需的Extra名称(用于Android 2.2)
+ private static final String APP_PKG_NAME_22 = &pkg&;
* InstalledAppDetails所在包名
+ private static final String APP_DETAILS_PACKAGE_NAME = &com.android.settings&;
* InstalledAppDetails类名
+ private static final String APP_DETAILS_CLASS_NAME = &com.android.settings.InstalledAppDetails&;
* 判断GPS是否开启,GPS或者AGPS开启一个就认为是开启的
* @param context
* @return true 表示开启
+ public static final boolean isOPen(final Context context) {
LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) context
// 通过GPS卫星定位,定位级别可以精确到街(通过24颗卫星定位,在室外和空旷的地方定位准确、速度快)
boolean gps = locationManager
// 通过WLAN或移动网络(3G/2G)确定的位置(也称作AGPS,辅助GPS定位。主要用于在室内或遮盖物(建筑群或茂密的深林等)密集的地方定位)
boolean network = locationManager
Log.e(&TTTTTTTTTTTTT&, &gps=& + gps + & network=& + network);
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
boolean flag = (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == pm
boolean flag1 = (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == pm
Log.e(&EEEEEEEEEEEEEE&, &flag=&+flag+& flag1=&+flag1);
if (flag) {
// 有这个权限,做相应处理
Log.e(&===========&, &有这个权限,做相应处理
} else { //
Log.e(&===========&, &没有权限
if (gps || network) {
* 调用系统InstalledAppDetails界面显示已***应用程序的详细信息。 对于Android 2.3(Api Level
* 9)以上,使用SDK提供的接口; 2.3以下,使用非公开的接口(查看InstalledAppDetails源码)。
* @param packageName
+ public static void showInstalledAppDetails(Context context,
String packageName) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
final int apiLevel = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
if (apiLevel &= 9) { // 2.3(ApiLevel 9)以上,使用SDK提供的接口
Uri uri = Uri.fromParts(SCHEME, packageName, null);
} else { // 2.3以下,使用非公开的接口(查看InstalledAppDetails源码)
// 2.2和2.1中,InstalledAppDetails使用的APP_PKG_NAME不同。
final String appPkgName = (apiLevel == 8 ? APP_PKG_NAME_22
intent.putExtra(appPkgName, packageName);
Index: LocationService.java
--- LocationService.java (revision 0)
+++ LocationService.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:43:31
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+import android.content.C
+import com.baidu.location.BDLocationL
+import com.baidu.location.LocationC
+import com.baidu.location.LocationClientO
+import com.baidu.location.LocationClientOption.LocationM
+ * @author 百度定位服务类
+public class LocationService {
+ private LocationClient client =
+ private LocationClientOption mOption, DIY
+ private Object objLock = new Object();
* @param locationContext
+ public LocationService(Context locationContext) {
synchronized (objLock) {
if (client == null) {
client = new LocationClient(locationContext);
* @param listener
+ public boolean registerListener(BDLocationListener listener) {
boolean isSuccess =
if (listener != null) {
isSuccess =
return isS
+ public void unregisterListener(BDLocationListener listener) {
if (listener != null) {
* @param option
* @return isSuccessSetOption
+ public boolean setLocationOption(LocationClientOption option) {
boolean isSuccess =
if (option != null) {
if (client.isStarted())
DIYoption =
return isS
+ public LocationClientOption getOption() {
return DIY
* @return DefaultLocationClientOption
+ public LocationClientOption getDefaultLocationClientOption() {
if (mOption == null) {
mOption = new LocationClientOption();
mOption.setLocationMode(LocationMode.Hight_Accuracy);// 可选,默认高精度,设置定位模式,高精度,低功耗,仅设备
mOption.setCoorType(&gcj02&);// 可选,默认gcj02,设置返回的定位结果坐标系,如果配合百度地图使用,建议设置为bd09
mOption.setScanSpan(5000);// 可选,默认0,即仅定位一次,设置发起定位请求的间隔需要大于等于1000ms才是有效的
mOption.setIsNeedAddress(true);// 可选,设置是否需要地址信息,默认不需要
mOption.setIsNeedLocationDescribe(true);// 可选,设置是否需要地址描述
mOption.setNeedDeviceDirect(false);// 可选,设置是否需要设备方向结果
mOption.setLocationNotify(false);// 可选,默认false,设置是否当gps有效时按照1S1次频率输出GPS结果
mOption.setIgnoreKillProcess(true);// 可选,默认true,定位SDK内部是一个SERVICE,并放到了独立进程,设置是否在stop的时候杀死这个进程,默认不杀死
mOption.setIsNeedLocationDescribe(true);// 可选,默认false,设置是否需要位置语义化结果,可以在BDLocation.getLocationDescribe里得到,结果类似于“在北京***附近”
mOption.setIsNeedLocationPoiList(true);// 可选,默认false,设置是否需要POI结果,可以在BDLocation.getPoiList里得到
mOption.SetIgnoreCacheException(false);// 可选,默认false,设置是否收集CRASH信息,默认收集
+ public void start() {
synchronized (objLock) {
if (client != null && !client.isStarted()) {
+ public void stop() {
synchronized (objLock) {
if (client != null && client.isStarted()) {
Index: Point.java
--- Point.java (revision 0)
+++ Point.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:47:47
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+public class Point
public void setLongitude(double longitude)
this.longitude =
public void setLatitude(double latitude)
this.latitude =
public double getLongitude()
public double getLatitude()
Index: PoiListData.java
--- PoiListData.java (revision 0)
+++ PoiListData.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:53:19
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+ * 地理位置POI列表
+public class PoiListData {
+ /** POI地址 */
+ private S
+ /** POI名称 */
+ private S
+ /** POI对应唯一ID */
+ private S
+ public PoiListData() {
* @param address
* @param name
* @param uid
+ public PoiListData(String address, String name, String uid) {
this.address =
this.name =
this.uid =
* @return the address
+ public String getAddress() {
* @param address the address to set
+ public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address =
* @return the name
+ public String getName() {
* @param name the name to set
+ public void setName(String name) {
this.name =
* @return the uid
+ public String getUid() {
* @param uid the uid to set
+ public void setUid(String uid) {
this.uid =
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
return &PoiListData [address=& + address + &, name=& + name + &, uid=& + uid + &]&;
Index: GPS_Location.java
--- GPS_Location.java (revision 0)
+++ GPS_Location.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:43:10
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+import com.baidu.location.BDL
+import com.baidu.location.BDLocationL
+import com.renwu.legend.ar.gps.JZLocationConverter.LatL
+import android.content.C
+import android.util.L
+public class GPS_Location {
+ /** 获取GPS的时间 */
+ private static int location_timer = 0;
+ /** 定位服务类 */
+ static LocationService locationS
+ static C
+ /** 是否有开启定位权限提示框 */
+ // static ISLoactionHintDialog hintD
+ /** 屏幕宽度,用于修改提示框 */
+ /** 判断接收到gps是否给Unity发送消息 */
+ private static long gps_issend_unity = 0;
+ public static void StartLocationService(final Context mContext, LocationService locationSer, int widths) {
context = mC
locationService = locationS
locationService = new LocationService(context.getApplicationContext());
// 获取locationservice实例,建议应用中只初始化1个location实例,然后使用
locationService.start();// 定位SDK,start之后会默认发起一次定位请求
* 定位结果回调,重写onReceiveLocation方法,可以直接拷贝如下代码到自己工程中修改
+ private static BDLocationListener mListener = new BDLocationListener() {
public void onReceiveLocation(BDLocation location) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
boolean isSend =
* 时间也可以使用systemClock.elapsedRealtime()方法 获取的是自从开机以来,每次回调的时间;
* location.getTime() 是指服务端出本次结果的时间,如果位置不发生变化,则时间不变
if ((location.getPoiList() != null && !location.getPoiList().isEmpty()) && location.getPoiList().size() & 0) {
if (null != location && location.getLocType() != BDLocation.TypeServerError) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256);
sb.append(&time : &);
// GPS定位结果
if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeGpsLocation) {
GPS_Constants.Altitude = location.getAltitude();
GPS_Constants.Latitude = location.getLatitude();
GPS_Constants.Longitude = location.getLongitude();
GPS_Constants.Radius = location.getRadius();
sb.append(&Altitude : &+location.getAltitude()
+&Latitude : &+location.getLatitude()
+&Longitude : &+location.getLongitude());
// 网络定位结果
else if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeNetWorkLocation) {
// 运营商信??
sb.append(&\ndescribe : &);
GPS_Constants.Altitude = 0;
GPS_Constants.Latitude = location.getLatitude();
GPS_Constants.Longitude = location.getLongitude();
GPS_Constants.Radius = location.getRadius();
// 离线定位结果
else if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeOffLineLocation) {
sb.append(&\ndescribe : &);
GPS_Constants.Altitude = 0;
GPS_Constants.Latitude = location.getLatitude();
GPS_Constants.Longitude = location.getLongitude();
GPS_Constants.Radius = location.getRadius();
// &服务端网络定位失败&
else if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeServerError) {
sb.append(&\ndescribe : &);
GPS_Constants.Altitude = 0;
// &网络不同导致定位失败,请检查网络是否畅通&
else if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeNetWorkException) {
sb.append(&\ndescribe : &);
GPS_Constants.Altitude = 0;
// &无法获取有效定位依据导致定位失败,一般是由于手机的原因,处于飞行模式下一般会造成这种结果,可以试试重启手机&
else if (location.getLocType() == BDLocation.TypeCriteriaException) {
sb.append(&\ndescribe : &);
GPS_Constants.Altitude = 0;
Log.e(&百度地图定位结果&, &客户端定位
& + sb.toString());
// Log.e(&百度地图定位错误&, &初始化定位错误&);
+ /** LocationServer服务暂停 */
+ public static void LocationPause() {
if (locationService != null) {
* TODO&获取到poi信息进行保存等&
* @return void
+ protected static void getPoiList(BDLocation location) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
GPS_Constants.Latitude = location.getLatitude();
GPS_Constants.Longitude = location.getLongitude();
GPS_Constants.GPS_TIME = location.getTime();
if (GPS_Constants.poiList != null) {
GPS_Constants.dialogData =
for (int i = 0; i & location.getPoiList().size(); i++) {
// Log.e(&GPS_POI&, location.getPoiList().get(i).getName());
GPS_Constants.dialogData = new PoiListData();
// Log.e(&刷新集合&, GPS_Constants.poiList.toString());
if (location.getCountryCode() != null) {
GPS_Constants.CountryCode = location.getCountryCode();
if (location.getCityCode() != null) {
GPS_Constants.CityCode = location.getCityCode();
if (location.getCountry() != null) {
GPS_Constants.Countryname = location.getCountry();
if (location.getProvince() != null) {
if (location.getProvince().contains(&市&)) {
GPS_Constants.Provincename = location.getProvince().replace(&市&, &&);
GPS_Constants.Provincename = location.getProvince();
if (location.getCity() != null) {
GPS_Constants.Cityname = location.getCity();
if (location.getDistrict() != null) {
GPS_Constants.Districtname = location.getDistrict();
if (location.getStreet() != null) {
GPS_Constants.Streetname = location.getStreet();
if (location.getAddrStr() != null) {
GPS_Constants.Addrname = location.getAddrStr();
if (location.getLatitude() != 0 || location.getLongitude() != 0) {
GPS_Constants.Selected_PoiName = &&;
+ /** LocationServer服务停止,销毁,释放 */
+ public static void LocationStop() {
locationService.unregisterListener(mListener); // 注销掉***
locationService.stop(); // 停止定位服务
+ /** LocationServer服务停止,销毁,释放 */
+ public static void LocationResume() {
\ No newline at end of file
Index: JZLocationConverter.java
--- JZLocationConverter.java (revision 0)
+++ JZLocationConverter.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:47:32
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+ * Created by taoweiji on 15/3/26.
+public class JZLocationConverter {
private static final double LAT_OFFSET_0(double x, double y) {
return -100.0 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 * y + 0.2 * y * y + 0.1 * x * y + 0.2 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x));
private static final double LAT_OFFSET_1(double x, double y) {
return (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * x * Math.PI) + 20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * x * Math.PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static final double LAT_OFFSET_2(double x, double y) {
return (20.0 * Math.sin(y * Math.PI) + 40.0 * Math.sin(y / 3.0 * Math.PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static final double LAT_OFFSET_3(double x, double y) {
return (160.0 * Math.sin(y / 12.0 * Math.PI) + 320 * Math.sin(y * Math.PI / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static final double LON_OFFSET_0(double x, double y) {
return 300.0 + x + 2.0 * y + 0.1 * x * x + 0.1 * x * y + 0.1 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x));
private static final double LON_OFFSET_1(double x, double y) {
return (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * x * Math.PI) + 20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * x * Math.PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static final double LON_OFFSET_2(double x, double y) {
return (20.0 * Math.sin(x * Math.PI) + 40.0 * Math.sin(x / 3.0 * Math.PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static final double LON_OFFSET_3(double x, double y) {
return (150.0 * Math.sin(x / 12.0 * Math.PI) + 300.0 * Math.sin(x / 30.0 * Math.PI)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
private static double RANGE_LON_MAX = 137.8347;
private static double RANGE_LON_MIN = 72.004;
private static double RANGE_LAT_MAX = 55.8271;
private static double RANGE_LAT_MIN = 0.8293;
private static double jzA
private static double jzEE = 0.;
public static double transformLat(double x, double y) {
double ret = LAT_OFFSET_0(x, y);
ret += LAT_OFFSET_1(x, y);
ret += LAT_OFFSET_2(x, y);
ret += LAT_OFFSET_3(x, y);
public static double transformLon(double x, double y) {
double ret = LON_OFFSET_0(x, y);
ret += LON_OFFSET_1(x, y);
ret += LON_OFFSET_2(x, y);
ret += LON_OFFSET_3(x, y);
public static boolean outOfChina(double lat, double lon) {
if (lon & RANGE_LON_MIN || lon & RANGE_LON_MAX)
if (lat & RANGE_LAT_MIN || lat & RANGE_LAT_MAX)
public static LatLng gcj02Encrypt(double ggLat, double ggLon) {
LatLng resPoint = new LatLng();
double mgL
double mgL
if (outOfChina(ggLat, ggLon)) {
resPoint.latitude = ggL
resPoint.longitude = ggL
return resP
double dLat = transformLat(ggLon - 105.0, ggLat - 35.0);
double dLon = transformLon(ggLon - 105.0, ggLat - 35.0);
double radLat = ggLat / 180.0 * Math.PI;
double magic = Math.sin(radLat);
magic = 1 - jzEE * magic *
double sqrtMagic = Math.sqrt(magic);
dLat = (dLat * 180.0) / ((jzA * (1 - jzEE)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * Math.PI);
dLon = (dLon * 180.0) / (jzA / sqrtMagic * Math.cos(radLat) * Math.PI);
mgLat = ggLat + dL
mgLon = ggLon + dL
resPoint.latitude = mgL
resPoint.longitude = mgL
return resP
public static LatLng gcj02Decrypt(double gjLat, double gjLon) {
LatLng gPt = gcj02Encrypt(gjLat, gjLon);
double dLon = gPt.longitude - gjL
double dLat = gPt.latitude - gjL
LatLng pt = new LatLng();
pt.latitude = gjLat - dL
pt.longitude = gjLon - dL
public static LatLng bd09Decrypt(double bdLat, double bdLon) {
LatLng gcjPt = new LatLng();
double x = bdLon - 0.0065, y = bdLat - 0.006;
double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * Math.sin(y * Math.PI);
double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * Math.cos(x * Math.PI);
gcjPt.longitude = z * Math.cos(theta);
gcjPt.latitude = z * Math.sin(theta);
return gcjPt;
public static LatLng bd09Encrypt(double ggLat, double ggLon) {
LatLng bdPt = new LatLng();
double x = ggLon, y = ggL
double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) + 0.00002 * Math.sin(y * Math.PI);
double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) + 0.000003 * Math.cos(x * Math.PI);
bdPt.longitude = z * Math.cos(theta) + 0.0065;
bdPt.latitude = z * Math.sin(theta) + 0.006;
return bdPt;
* @param location 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* @return 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标&
* @brief 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84) 转换成 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标&
* ####只在中国大陆的范围的坐标有效,以外直接返回世界标准坐标
public static LatLng wgs84ToGcj02(LatLng location) {
return gcj02Encrypt(location.latitude, location.longitude);
* @param location 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)
* @return 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* @brief 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02) 转换成 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* ####此接口有1-2米左右的误差,需要精确定位情景慎用
public static LatLng gcj02ToWgs84(LatLng location) {
return gcj02Decrypt(location.latitude, location.longitude);
* @param location 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* @return 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
* @brief 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84) 转换成 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
public static LatLng wgs84ToBd09(LatLng location) {
LatLng gcj02Pt = gcj02Encrypt(location.latitude, location.longitude);
return bd09Encrypt(gcj02Pt.latitude, gcj02Pt.longitude);
* @param location 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标&
* @return 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
* @brief 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标& 转换成 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
public static LatLng gcj02ToBd09(LatLng location) {
return bd09Encrypt(location.latitude, location.longitude);
* @param location 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
* @return 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标&
* @brief 百度地理坐标(BD-09) 转换成 中国国测局地理坐标(GCJ-02)&火星坐标&
public static LatLng bd09ToGcj02(LatLng location) {
return bd09Decrypt(location.latitude, location.longitude);
* @param location 百度地理坐标(BD-09)
* @return 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* @brief 百度地理坐标(BD-09) 转换成 世界标准地理坐标(WGS-84)
* ####此接口有1-2米左右的误差,需要精确定位情景慎用
public static LatLng bd09ToWgs84(LatLng location) {
LatLng gcj02 = bd09ToGcj02(location);
return gcj02Decrypt(gcj02.latitude, gcj02.longitude);
public static class LatLng {
public LatLng(double latitude, double longitude) {
this.latitude =
this.longitude =
public LatLng() {
public double getLatitude() {
public void setLatitude(double latitude) {
this.latitude =
public double getLongitude() {
public void setLongitude(double longitude) {
this.longitude =
Index: JudgeInland.java
--- JudgeInland.java (revision 0)
+++ JudgeInland.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:47:16
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+public class JudgeInland {
+ private static Rectangle[] region = new Rectangle[]
new Rectangle(49.9..6.330000),
new Rectangle(54.9..5.000200),
new Rectangle(42.3..4.143255),
new Rectangle(29.2..7.035200),
new Rectangle(29.7..4.367395),
new Rectangle(20.7..1.744104),
+ private static Rectangle[] exclude = new Rectangle[]
new Rectangle(25.9..2.497559),台湾
new Rectangle(22.1..6.665000),
new Rectangle(21.6..8.051000),
new Rectangle(55.9..9.127000),
new Rectangle(55.7..7.022700),
new Rectangle(44.1..7.022700),
+ public static Boolean IsInsideChina(Point pos)
for (int i = 0; i & region. i++)
if (InRectangle(region[i], pos))
for (int j = 0; j & exclude. j++)
if (InRectangle(exclude[j], pos))
+ private static Boolean InRectangle(Rectangle rect, Point pos)
return rect.West &= pos.longitude && rect.East &= pos.longitude && rect.North &= pos.latitude && rect.South &= pos.
+class Rectangle
public double W
public double N
public double E
public double S
public Rectangle(double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2)
this.West = Math.min(longitude1, longitude2);
this.North = Math.max(latitude1, latitude2);
this.East = Math.max(longitude1, longitude2);
this.South = Math.min(latitude1, latitude2);
Index: GPS_Constants.java
--- GPS_Constants.java (revision 0)
+++ GPS_Constants.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:42:24
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+import java.util.ArrayL
+import java.util.L
+ * TODO&定位的变量类&
+ * @author Jerry
+ * @data: 日 下午4:38:44
+ * @version: V1.2.5
+public class GPS_Constants {
+ public static String SearchType[][] = {
{ &房地产&, &旅游景点&, &美食&, &购物& },
+ { &教育培训&, &交通设施&, &酒店&, &休闲娱乐& },
+ { &运动健身&, &公司企业&, &医疗&, &生活服务 & },
+ { &文化传媒&, &金融&, &政府机构&, &汽车服务&, &丽人& }
+ /** GPSService定位后台服务多少米刷新 */
+ public static long GPS_SERVICE_UPDATA_M = 10;
+ /** 位置变化多少米刷新 */
+ public static long GPS_UPDATA_LENGTH = 300;
+ /** GPS初次定位后,执行几次发送给Unity */
+ public static int GPS_SENDUNITY_UPDATA = 4;
+ /** POI搜索范围 */
+ public static int GPS_POI_RADIUS = 300;
+ /** 维度N (X) */
+ public static double Latitude = 0;
+ /** 经度E (Y) */
+ public static double Longitude = 0;
+ /** 高度 (Z) */
+ public static double Altitude = 0;
+ /** 半径,定位 */
+ public static double Radius = 0;
+ /** 精确度 */
+ public static double GPS_HAccuracy = 0;
+ /** 时间 */
+ public static String GPS_TIME = &&;
+ /** 已经选择好的POI地理位置 */
+ public static String Selected_PoiName = &&;
+ /** 国家code */
+ public static String CountryCode = &&;
+ /** 城市code */
+ public static String CityCode = &&;
+ /** 国家name */
+ public static String Countryname = &&;
+ /** 省份name */
+ public static String Provincename = &&;
+ /** 城市name */
+ public static String Cityname = &&;
+ /** 区县name */
+ public static String Districtname = &&;
+ /** 街道name */
+ public static String Streetname = &&;
+ /** 详细地址 */
+ public static String Addrname = &&;
+ /** POI集合 */
+ public static List&PoiListData& poiList = new ArrayList&PoiListData&();
+ /** POI数据实体bean */
+ public static PoiListData dialogD
+ /** 选择poi地址后记录的经纬度 */
+ public static double Selected_
+ public static double Selected_
+ /** 清除保存的POI等地理位置信息 */
+ public static void ClearSavePOI() {
Selected_PoiName = &&;
Selected_latitude = 0;
Selected_longitude = 0;
+ /** 判断当前POI等信息是否有缓存 */
+ public static boolean PoiJudge() {
if (GPS_Constants.Selected_PoiName != null && GPS_Constants.Selected_PoiName.length() & 0) {
+ /** 判断当前Poi集合是否有内容 */
+ public static boolean PoiListJudge() {
if (GPS_Constants.poiList != null && GPS_Constants.poiList.size() & 0) {
Index: Converter.java
--- Converter.java (revision 0)
+++ Converter.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:45:24
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+public class Converter
double casm_rr = 0;
double casm_t1 = 0;
double casm_t2 = 0;
double casm_x1 = 0;
double casm_y1 = 0;
double casm_x2 = 0;
double casm_y2 = 0;
double casm_f = 0;
public Converter()
this.casm_rr = 0;
this.casm_t1 = 0;
this.casm_t2 = 0;
this.casm_x1 = 0;
this.casm_y1 = 0;
this.casm_x2 = 0;
this.casm_y2 = 0;
this.casm_f = 0;
protected double yj_sin2(double x)
double s2;
if (x & 0)
cc = (int)(x / 6.59);
tt = x - cc * 6.59;
if (tt & 3.7932)
tt = tt - 3.7932;
if (ff == 1)
else if (ff == 0)
ss = ss - s2 * 0.667;
ss = ss + s2 * 8.33E-03;
ss = ss - s2 * 1.98E-04;
ss = ss + s2 * 2.59E-06;
ss = ss - s2 * 2.17E-08;
if (ff == 1)
protected double Transform_yj5(double x, double y)
tt = 300 + 1 * x + 2 * y + 0.1 * x * x + 0.1 * x * y + 0.1 * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(x * x));
tt = tt + (20 * me.yj_sin2(18.764 * x) + 20 * me.yj_sin2(6.588 * x)) * 0.6667;
tt = tt + (20 * me.yj_sin2(3.794 * x) + 40 * me.yj_sin2(1.598 * x)) * 0.6667;
tt = tt + (150 * me.yj_sin2(0.1495 * x) + 300 * me.yj_sin2(0.6598 * x)) * 0.6667;
protected double Transform_yjy5(double x,double y)
tt = -100 + 2 * x + 3 * y + 0.2 * y * y + 0.1 * x * y + 0.2 * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(x * x));
tt = tt + (20 * me.yj_sin2(18.764 * x) + 20 * me.yj_sin2(6.588 * x)) * 0.6667;
tt = tt + (20 * me.yj_sin2(3.794 * y) + 40 * me.yj_sin2(1.598 * y)) * 0.6667;
tt = tt + (160 * me.yj_sin2(0.1495 * y) + 320 * me.yj_sin2(0.6598 * y)) * 0.6667;
protected double Transform_jy5(double x, double xx)
a = 6378245;
n = Math.sqrt(1 - e * me.yj_sin2(x * 0.9433) * me.yj_sin2(x * 0.9433));
n = (xx * 180) / (a / n * Math.cos(x * 0.9433) * 3.1415926);
protected double Transform_jyj5(double x,double yy)
a = 6378245;
mm = 1 - e * me.yj_sin2(x * 0.9433) * me.yj_sin2(x * 0.9433);
m = (a * (1 - e)) / (mm * Math.sqrt(mm));
return (yy * 180) / (m * 3.1415926);
protected int r_yj()
int casm_a = ;
int casm_c = ;
protected double random_yj()
double casm_a = ;
double casm_c = ;
me.casm_rr = casm_a * me.casm_rr + casm_c;
t = (int)(me.casm_rr / 2);
me.casm_rr = me.casm_rr - t * 2;
me.casm_rr = me.casm_rr / 2;
return (me.casm_rr);
protected void IniCasm(double w_time, double w_lng, double w_lat)
me.casm_t1 = w_
me.casm_t2 = w_
tt = (int)(w_time / 0.357);
me.casm_rr = w_time - tt * 0.357;
if (w_time == 0)
me.casm_rr = 0.3;
me.casm_x1 = w_
me.casm_y1 = w_
me.casm_x2 = w_
me.casm_y2 = w_
me.casm_f = 3;
+ protected Point wgtochina_lb(int wg_flag,int wg_lng, int wg_lat, int wg_heit, int wg_week, int wg_time)
if (wg_heit & 5000)
x_l = x_l / ;
y_l = y_l / ;
if (x_l & 72.004)
if (x_l & 137.8347)
if (y_l & 0.8293)
if (y_l & 55.8271)
if (JudgeInland.IsInsideChina(point) == false)
point.longitude = x_l;
point.latitude = y_l;
if (wg_flag == 0)
me.IniCasm(wg_time, wg_lng, wg_lat);
point = new Point();
me.casm_t2 = wg_
t1_t2 = (me.casm_t2 - me.casm_t1) / 1000.0;
if (t1_t2 &= 0)
me.casm_t1 = me.casm_t2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
me.casm_x1 = me.casm_x2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
me.casm_y1 = me.casm_y2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
if (t1_t2 & 120)
if (me.casm_f == 3)
me.casm_f = 0;
me.casm_x2 = wg_
me.casm_y2 = wg_
x1_x2 = me.casm_x2 - me.casm_x1;
y1_y2 = me.casm_y2 - me.casm_y1;
casm_v = Math.sqrt(x1_x2 * x1_x2 + y1_y2 * y1_y2) / t1_t2;
if (casm_v & 3185)
return (point);
me.casm_t1 = me.casm_t2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
me.casm_x1 = me.casm_x2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
me.casm_y1 = me.casm_y2;
me.casm_f = me.casm_f + 1;
x_add = me.Transform_yj5(x_l - 105, y_l - 35);
y_add = me.Transform_yjy5(x_l - 105, y_l - 35);
h_add = wg_
x_add = x_add + h_add * 0.001 + me.yj_sin2(wg_time * 0.9433) + me.random_yj();
y_add = y_add + h_add * 0.001 + me.yj_sin2(wg_time * 0.9433) + me.random_yj();
point = new Point();
point.setLongitude(((x_l + me.Transform_jy5(y_l, x_add)) * 3686400));
point.setLatitude(((y_l + me.Transform_jyj5(y_l, y_add)) * 3686400));
+ protected boolean isValid(long validdays)
//long standand = ;
long h = 3600;
Date currentTime = new Date();
if(currentTime.getTime()/1000 -
&= validdays*24*h)
public Point getEncryPoint(double x,double y)
Point point = new Point();
double x1,
double y1,
x1 = x * ;
y1 = y * ;
double gpsWeek = 0;
double gpsWeekTime = 0;
double gpsHeight = 0;
point = me.wgtochina_lb(1, (int)(x1), (int)(y1), (int)(gpsHeight), (int)(gpsWeek), (int)(gpsWeekTime));
if ( point == null )
tempx = point.getLongitude();
tempy = point.getLatitude();
tempx = tempx / ;
tempy = tempy / ;
public Point getDecryptPoint(double x,double y)
Point point = new Point();
double x1,
double y1,
x1 = x * ;
y1 = y * ;
double gpsWeek = 0;
double gpsWeekTime = 0;
double gpsHeight = 0;
point = me.wgtochina_lb(1, (int)(x1), (int)(y1), (int)(gpsHeight), (int)(gpsWeek), (int)(gpsWeekTime));
if ( point == null )
tempx = 2 * x1 - point.getLongitude();
tempy = 2 * y1 - point.getLatitude();
tempx = tempx / ;
tempy = tempy / ;
protected String getEncryCoord(String coord, boolean flag)
double x = Double.parseDouble(coord.split(&,&)[0]);
double y = Double.parseDouble(coord.split(&,&)[1]);
Point point = new Point();
double x1,
double y1,
x1 = x * ;
y1 = y * ;
int gpsWeek = 0;
int gpsWeekTime = 0;
int gpsHeight = 0;
point = me.wgtochina_lb(1, (int)(x1), (int)(y1), (int)(gpsHeight), (int)(gpsWeek), (int)(gpsWeekTime));
tempx = point.getLongitude();
tempy = point.getLatitude();
tempx = tempx / ;
tempy = tempy / ;
return tempx + &,& +
return &&;
public Point getBDPoint(double x, double y)
Point point = new Point();
// double x = gg_lon,y = gg_
double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) + 0.00002 * Math.sin(y * 3.79324 * 3000.0 / 180.0);
double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) + 0.000003 * Math.cos(x * 3.79324 * 3000.0 / 180.0);
double bd_lon = z * Math.cos(theta) + 0.0065;
double bd_lat = z * Math.sin(theta) + 0.006;
public Point getGCJPoint(double x, double y)
Point point = new Point();
x = x - 0.0065;
y = y - 0.006;
double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * Math.sin(y * 3.79324 * 3000.0 / 180.0);
double theta =Math.atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * Math.cos(x * 3.79324 * 3000.0 / 180.0);
double gg_lon = z * Math.cos(theta);
double gg_lat = z * Math.sin(theta);
Index: DistanceUtil.java
--- DistanceUtil.java (revision 0)
+++ DistanceUtil.java (revision 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * @Title:
+ * @Description:
+ * @author:
+ * @data:
日 下午5:45:51
+ * @version:
+package com.renwu.legend.ar.
+//import com.baidu.mapapi.model.CoordU
+//import com.baidu.mapapi.model.LatL
+//import com.baidu.mapapi.model.inner.P
+ * TODO&计算两点之间经纬度的直线距离&
+ * @author Jerry
+ * @data: 日 下午3:34:42
+ * @version: V1.2.5
+public class DistanceUtil {
+// public static double getDistance(LatLng paramLatLng1, LatLng paramLatLng2) {
if ((paramLatLng1 == null) || (paramLatLng2 == null))
return -1.0D;
Point localPoint1 = CoordUtil.ll2point(paramLatLng1);
Point localPoint2 = CoordUtil.ll2point(paramLatLng2);
if ((localPoint1 == null) || (localPoint2 == null))
return -1.0D;
return CoordUtil.getDistance(localPoint1, localPoint2);
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