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让你的游戏更有个性--GTA SA贴图修改教程
发布时间: 01:09 () 作者: 编辑:不死鸟
让你的游戏更有个性--GTA SA贴图修改教程
相信目前好多玩家主线任务都通关了吧?是不是觉得SA很没意思呢?其实GTA的扩展能力是超超强的,不仅仅是游戏内容,连大多数数据脚本都是公开的,这样就方便玩家们制作各式各样的mod。GTA的modding最容易上手的就是改改handling.cfg shopping.dat等等简单的脚本和修改贴图,实现起来简单小朋友都明白。通过标题大家都知道本人下面要说什么了吧 我就马上切入正题了阿 废话不说了阿 以下省略1000字(众人:唐僧来了!快堵耳朵~~~~)修改贴图必备工具:1:txdworkshop.目前最新的版本是3.5 各位请到www.gtatools.com下载2:imgtool.GTA好多文件都是img格式打包的 这个工具可以从img文件中提取文件。在这个帖子中我会传上来的3:photoshop.这个就不用说了吧?!除非读者是火星人,错了!是冥王星人
实例教程之修改车牌篇:SA里面的车牌太没特色 咱们做个好点的 各位和我来做一个--------中国1986式车牌!首先用txdworkshop打开“游戏***目录\models\generic里的vehicle.txd文件(注意备份)然后找到plateback1 plateback2 plateback3这几个文件 这些文件就是车牌的底板 我们先把这个替换掉用photoshop新建的图层用来制作新的车牌底版(懒得动手的人士就下载我的底版) (制作时一定要注意图像长宽比例要与之前的相等。而且修改图像时只能在上方的一点点 还要留出车牌数字的位置 不然会贴图混乱!)制作好后保存为tga格式,名称无所谓。(注:BMP无法导入)然后用txdworkshop点击plateback*(*为123)(刚才打开vehicle.txd文件的话) 会出现原来的底版 在点击工具栏的“import”导入选项来导入刚才制作的文件 文件类型选择tga(严重警告:导入后不会新增文件 而是以选择的贴图文件直接替换且没有任何警告提示 不要选错了)plateback1为SanFierro车牌 plateback2为LasVenturas车牌 plateback3为LosSantos车牌 完成之后右边的预览图就是你的作品了,别忘了save!
车牌可以说基本完成了 不过字体还是有点难看 我们接下来制作新车牌的字体 不好找的话就下载我的吧(那些车牌数字是我冒着生命危险现拍的)要注意的是这种文件不能更改尺寸 且字体位置必须与之前的相符 因为它是以坐标区域来生成贴图的 这么说起来有点不好解释 例如一件衣服的贴图 model贴图的坐标为 x轴38-250 y轴250-38(多么好的数字啊)如果图像大的话他仍然以哪个位置去生成 这样的话就会显示异常 想衣服贴图也是这样的 车牌字体也在vehicle.txd里面 是platecharset
最后简单说一下 大部分贴图都在那个近1G的GTA3.img里面 文件为txd 各位自己去研究把,提醒一下修改前先将要修改的文件的重命名(例如加个0) 再将新的导入这样比较保险小弟初次写教程 有任何纰漏之处敬请贵人指点 在此提前谢下Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas & PC (Windows, Mac OS X)
Save Information
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
PC (Windows, Mac OS X)
October 4,
September 30,
Number of Downloads
Save Name / Last Mission
Chain Game 49 bar. 1
Binary/EXE Version
2.00 Original or Converted
Script/SCM Version
Cheats Used
Times Wasted
Times Busted
Player Cash
Download Save
These modifications are applied at download and do not affect the original file.
Be aware that these modifications may cause problems with modded games.
You can change the default modifications on the
Binary/EXE Version
Current version: 2.00 Original or Converted
Standard 2.0
German 2.0
Script/SCM Version
Current version: v2
IPL Flags Version
No detection available
Fix Zone Glitches (Taxi Glitch)
Glitch not detected
Fix Erratic Traffic Glitches
No detection available
Move Madd Dogg Mansion Save Disk
Save disk is already in new, safe location
Fix Disabled Basketball Court Glitch
Glitch not detected
Fix Missing Pool Player Glitch
Glitch not detected
Fix Gym Workout Glitch
Glitch not detected
Undo Peds Riot Cheat (Fix NPC glitches)
Glitch not detected
Custom Save Name
When you save the game, an ID pertaining to the EXE (gta_sa.exe/gta-sa.exe) used is stored in the save.
v1 EXEs will load saves with any EXE ID, even a v2 ID.
v2 EXEs will only load saves with a v2 ID (including the Steam version).
German v2 EXEs will only load saves with a German v2 ID.
Recommended: "Standard 2.0" unless you are using German 2.0.
This option will allow you to convert the save file to a different script version.
v1 saves will only load when using v1 scripts, and v2 saves will only load when using v2 scripts.
Recommended: Use the script version you currently use. If you are unsure which version you have, you can upload
one of your saves to this site to find out.
Save files contain IPL flags that enable and disable map objects in the game.
The order of the IPL flags is determined by the models\gta3.img file being used when the game is saved.
This site cannot detect your IPL version for you.
Saves will work regardless of which version of gta3.img you use, however there may be glitches, such as
road barriers to other cities still appearing after they should have been removed.
You can check which version of gta3.img you are using by checking it's file size or checksum.
If your gta3.img doesn't match either of these, then your gta3.img is likely modded.
Recommended: Find out which version of gta3.img you have or leave unmodified.
v1 gta3.img
v2 gta3.img
940,064,768 bytes
937,680,896 bytes
A glitch in the game can cause zone information in the save file to become corrupt over time, leading to some glitches, such as
taxi fares not appearing, map areas being labeled incorrectly, or the Mike Toreno mission not progressing properly.
The zone information is the same across all unmodded games.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.
A glitch in the game can cause traffic to behave oddly as you spend more and more time playing
(total time played across multiple sessions, such as 100+ hours).
Behavior includes traffic vehicles driving backwards, through each other, or in the air.
The glitch gets worse over time and can be fixed by resetting various timers and a few variables in the save file.
This site cannot detect the glitch for you.
Recommended: "Yes" if you are experiencing these glitches.
This save disk can cause basketball courts to be disabled because it is too close to a nearby court.
The disk can be moved to one of the rooms in the hallway not far from it's original position. This places it far enough away to avoid the glitch.
Recommended: "Yes" if disk is in default location.
This glitch occurs when you save near a basketball court and prevents you from using them.
This most commonly happens when saving at Madd Dogg's mansion.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.
This glitch occurs when you save near a pool table and prevents you from using them.
This should only occur in modded games, or saves where a save disk has been moved too close to a pool table.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.
The exact cause of this glitch is unknown, however it causes some missions to either refuse to start or crash the game when starting.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.
This glitch is present if you are unable to use gym equipment and receive the message "You have worked out enough for today, come back tomorrow!" even after returning the next day.
Recommended: "Yes" if you experience glitch.
Using the Peds Riot cheat (AJLOJYQY on PC), can cause some NPCs to behave incorrectly during some missions, making them incompletable.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.
This option allows you to change the save name that appears in the game's save slot menus.
Save names can be up to 100 characters long.
are allowed.
Be aware that non-standard characters can cause glitches in the save menus and may not display correctly.
Choose the slot you wish to download this file for. Every link is the same file, but for different save slots.
Share Save
BBCode Link
Helper BBCode
For use on GTAForums.
[b]Missions:[/b] Chain Game 49 bar. 1
[b]Link:[/b] [url]/19874[/url]
Chain Game BBCode
For use on GTAForums.
[b]Mission:[/b] Chain Game 49 bar. 1
[b]Called by:[/b]
[b]Link:[/b] [url]/19874[/url]
[b]Status:[/b] Completed
[b]Completion %:[/b] 0%
100% Checklist
Story Missions
Los Santos
Tagging Up Turf
Cleaning The Hood
Nines And AK's
Sweet's Girl
Cesar Vialpando
High Stakes, Low-Rider
Home Invasion
Robbing Uncle Sam
Running Dog
Wrong Side Of The Tracks
Just Business
Life's a Beach
Madd Dogg's Rhymes
Management Issues
House Party
Burning Desire
Gray Imports
Los Sepulcros
Reuniting The Families
Green Sabre
Farewell, My Love
Local Liquor Store
Small Town Bank
Tanker Commander
Against All Odds
Body Harvest
Are You Going To San Fierro
San Fierro
Wear Flowers In Your Hair
Supply Lines
New Model Army
Photo Opportunity
T-Bone Mendez
Mike Toreno
Snail Trail
Ice Cold Killa
Toreno's Last Flight
Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Back To School
Zeroing In
Test Drive
Customs Fast Track
Puncture Wounds
Mountain Cloud Boys
Amphibious Assault
The Da Nang Thang
Verdant Meadows
Learning To Fly
Black Project
Las Venturas
Fender Ketchup
Explosive Situation
You've Had Your Chips
Don Peyote
Intensive Care
The Meat Business
Fish In A Barrel
Saint Mark's Bistro
Architectural Espionage
Key To Her Heart
& Keycard Acquired
& &&(Obtained outside mission, but required.)
Dam And Blast
Cop Wheels
Up, Up, And Away
Breaking The Bank At Caligulas
Los Santos II
A Home In The Hills
Vertical Bird
Home Coming
Cut Throat Business
Beat Down On B-Dup
Grove 4 Life
Los Desperados
End Of The Line
Other Missions
Vehicle Missions
BMX Challenge
NRG-500 Challenge
Chiliad Challenge
& 0 out of 100
& 0 out of 50
& 0 out of 50
& 0 out of 50
Fighting Lessons
Los Santos Gym
San Fierro Gym
Las Venturas Gym
Courier Missions
Roboi's Food Mart Asset
Hippy Shopper Asset
Burger Shot Asset
Driving School
Bike School
Boat School
Pilot School
Miscellaneous Missions
Shooting Range Challenge
Valet Parking
Freight Train
Quarry Mission
Export Vehicles
Stadium Events
Blood Bowl
Dirt Track
Los Santos Street Races
Little Loop
Backroad Wanderer
City Circuit
Into the Country
San Fierro Street Races
Dirtbike Danger
Bandito County
Go-Go Karting
San Fierro Fastlane
San Fierro Hills
Country Endurance
Las Venturas Street Races
San Fierro to Las Venturas
Desert Tricks
Las Venturas Ringroad
Las Venturas Airport Races
World War Aces
Military Service
Chopper Checkpoint
Whirly Bird Waypoint
These are not required for 100%.
Unique Stunt Jumps
& 0 out of 70
Beat the Cock
Zero RC Shop
Los Santos Safe Houses
Santa Maria Beach
Verona Beach
Country Side Safe Houses
Angel Pine
Palomino Creek
San Fierro Safe Houses
Calton Heights
China Town
Desert Safe Houses
El Quebrados
Fort Carson
Tierra Robada
Verdant Meadows
Las Venturas Safe Houses
Camels Toe
Clowns Pocket
Old Venturas Strip
Prickle Pine
Redsands West
Rockshore West
The Pirates In Mens Pants
Whitewood Estates|  
查看: 13882|回复: 4
【分享】GTA SA Savegame Editor 2.8(SA存档修改器)
中级玩家, 积分 149, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
中级玩家, 积分 149, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
第三项是各个驾校的完成度,实在拿不准就点一下&Set all to gold&好了。
新手玩家, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
新手玩家, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
初级玩家, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
初级玩家, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
初级玩家, 积分 32, 距离下一级还需 68 积分
初级玩家, 积分 32, 距离下一级还需 68 积分
初级玩家, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 36 积分
初级玩家, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 36 积分
谢谢楼主啊 *o*
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