
Exercise for Sciatica from Degenerative Disc DiseaseBy& & &While degenerative disc disease most often causes low back pain, if a degenerated disc impinges on a nerve root in the low back it can also cause a form of sciatica. & &&For complete information about degenerative disc disease, see&Sciatica Exercises for Degenerative Disc Disease & & The form of sciatica exercises typically recommended for treating disc degeneration and the&&that results is a dynamic lumbar stabilization program, sometimes using the exercises included in the&. & &Alleviating sciatic pain caused by degenerative disc disease includes finding the most comfortable position for the lumbar spine and pelvis and training the body to maintain this position during activities. In doing this correctly, one can improve the proprioception (sense of movement) of the lumbar spine and reduce the excess motion at the spinal segments. This will in turn reduce the amount of irritation at these segments, relieving pain and protecting the area from further damage.Lumbar Stabilization Exercises for Sciatica & &These&&often require specific hands-on instruction because they offer much less benefit if done incorrectly, and they tend to be much more difficult than they appear. This type of exercise program is progressive, starting with the easier exercises and advancing to the more difficult exercises once the lower level program is mastered. The most important aspect of using these sciatica exercises is sensing and controlling motion in the spine. Once learned, the body can eventually take over and do this without the level of concentration it takes early on.警告:请在有WIFI的场所观看视频,土豪请随意。Sciatica Exercises for Degenerative Disc Disease & &We want to show you some of these exercises and how they’re done because, looking at them on paper sometimes makes it difficult on understanding how to perform them yourself. So if you see someone doing them, you can actually follow along. We’re going to start with degenerative disc disease and demonstrate those exercises now.How to Perform a Pelvic Tilt & &The first thing that’s quite important to learn is a proper way to perform a pelvic tilt. Tilting the pelvis is very important because you need to be able to move the pelvis separate from the spine. So, the easiest way to do this is lying on your back with your knees bent up and think about pulling your bellybutton down towards your spine. Don’t think so much about flattening the back against the floor, but more try to pull the bellybutton towards the spine and your back will automatically flatten towards the floor. So as you pull your bellybutton in, your pelvis will actually roll up towards your chest. This is a position you should hold while you are performing many of these exercises.Hook Lying March Exercise & &Again, begin by performing a pelvic tilt and now slowly raise one leg at a time, only an inch or two, and back down, back and forth. The goal here is to do this without rolling your pelvis side to side and if you lock your pelvis in position, it should stay fairly strait. You should be able to speak while doing these exercises so you are not overworking yourself. Once this exercise is done correctly, you can add a combination. Again, lock your pelvis into position and as you raise your left leg, drop your right arm down over your head. And then alternate back and forth. Here what you don’t want to do is let your pelvis tilt back up and arch your back, so your back should stay relatively still while performing these exercises.Bridging Exercise & &Now for the bridging exercise, start in the same position - pelvis in position - and just think about raising your hips up in the air. As you do this, you should stay fairly straight through your trunk. The common mistake here is rolling your pelvis up first and coming up to the shoulders and then rolling back down. If done correctly, everything should leave the floor together and come back to the floor together. Notice at the top I am not arching up in the air. Try to remain as straight as possible.Leg Raise Exercises & & Then we are going to use the same pelvic position and roll onto our stomach and perform several exercises there. Now on your stomach, you are still going to pull your belly up towards your spine and lock that pelvis into position. And now you are going to hold that position and raise one leg up off the floor. Again, we don’t need to go real high. And alternate back and forth. Try to avoid arching the back. To advance this exercise, you can again add the arms for the combination. Now when we add the arms, again lock the pelvis into position. Raise one leg and the opposite arm without arching the back. Notice the arm and leg are only raising approximately one to two inches off the floor.:骨科实习医师考试时间(20)A1型题 &每一道考试题下面有A、B、C、D、E五个备选***。请从中选择一个最佳***。 1.脊髓震荡是指 &A.脊髓受压 B.脊髓挫伤 C.脊髓裂伤 D.脊髓血运障碍 E.脊髓暂时性功能抑制 &2.关于跟腱断裂诊断依据,下列哪项是错误的 &A.在跑跳过程中?突感跟后部剧痛 B.患足感觉障碍 C.跟腱部可扪及凹陷 D.患足背屈范围超过健侧 E.患足单独站立,足跟不能离开地面 &3.骨筋膜室综合征,最主要的治疗措施是 &A.给予血管舒张剂,消除血管痉挛B.抬高患肢,以利消肿 C.被动***,以利消肿 D.做臂位麻醉,解除血管痉挛 E.解除包扎固定物,经观察不见好转,切开筋膜减压 &4.骨盆骨折由于解剖位置的关系,易于出现并发伤,以下描述错误的是 &A.骨盆壁与多处静脉丛相邻,骨折后可伴有这些静脉的出血 B.骶管内为马尾,骶骨骨折可损伤骶神经 C.坐骨神经从闭孔穿出时,可因耻骨骨折而伤及 D.坐骨支骨折可刺破直肠形成开放骨折 E.后尿道损伤多为耻骨骨折引起 &5.以下关于周围神经解剖的叙述,错误的是 &A.周围神经的支持组织,由内到外依次为神经鞘膜、神经内膜、神经束膜、神经外膜 B.神经的血液供应丰富,对缺血的耐受性不如肌肉 C.神经内的血管系统由外膜、束膜及内膜血管丛及其相互交通支组成 D.神经的抗牵拉作用,主要是由束间结缔组织决定的,脊神经的束间结缔组织少,对抗牵拉的能力也差,如臂丛受牵拉时,损伤部位一般在神经根 E.神经的外在血供系统来源于邻近的动脉干、肌肉等,呈节段性分布 &6.关于?窝囊肿,下列哪项不正确 &A.又名Baker囊肿 B.一旦确诊应立即手术治疗 C.可局部穿刺、抽液、注射强的松龙 D.多发生在半膜肌腱滑囊和腓肠肌腱内侧头与半膜肌之间的滑囊 E.常与关节腔相通 &7.男性,马车翻车时砸伤下腹部?查体耻骨联合处压痛,挤压试验阳性,膀胱胀满,橡皮导尿管插入一定深度未引出尿液,导尿管尖端见血迹,此时应考虑 &A.导尿管插入深度不足 B.导尿管插入方法不对 C.导尿管阻塞 D.骨盆骨折合并尿道断裂 E.骨盆骨折合并膀胱损伤 &8.股骨干上1/3骨折出现下列哪种畸形 &A.近端前屈,远端内收并向外成角 B.近端呈屈曲,外旋,外展,远端向上向内移位,成角短缩畸形 C.远端后屈,近端向后成角 D.近端呈伸直,内旋畸形,远端向下向外移位 E.骨折远端向后屈,而近端向后成角 &9.男性,10岁,发热、咳嗽、咽痛l周,近2日颈背痛,头部不能屈伸和旋转,四肢无异常。为确诊应行哪项检查 &A.颈部CT B.颈段MRI C.风湿***化验 D.外周血白细胞计数和分类 E.颈椎侧位和张口位的X线平片 &10.病人膝关节轻度屈曲时胫骨前方受到外力,伤后膝关节疼痛,肿胀,X线片发现胫骨平台前方有游离骨块,前抽屉试验阳性,常用的手术内固定方法是 &A.螺钉固定 B.钢丝固定 C.克氏针固定 D.摘除游离骨块 E.以上都不是 &颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗(jjyttzyzl) 
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A:  原发性的坐骨神经痛一般是神经炎的原因,这个所占的比例并不多,大多数是由腰椎病(腰椎间盘突出、骨质增生等)所引起的继发性坐骨神经痛,因此可挂骨科
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