
万能泡妞宝典 在老实的男人也能泡到_百度文库
万能泡妞宝典 在老实的男人也能泡到
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Sex Secrets
How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way, And Get Her To Do
The Things You've Always Wanted
To begin with, I want to remind you of the differences between how men and women approach and experience sex.
在开始,我要提醒你男人和女人对性的感受是不同的。& &
To set the stage, I first want to talk about “experience.”
& && &As humans, we use our five primary senses to take in informationabout the world. This is called “Perception.” Most of this happens on anUNCONSCIOUS level.
& && & We then take what we get om our senses and we process thisinformation. We compare it to what we’ve experienced before, we classify it,we imagine it in different ways, and we have UNCONSCIOUS reactions to it.
& && & Next, we make decisions about what we’re going to do with what wejust experienced. Again, these are mostly UNCONSCIOUS.
接着,我根据以前的经历决定该如何去做。仍然是潜意识的。& && &
Finally, we take action on what we decided to do. You guessed it...again, mostly unconsciously.
最终,我们接我们决定的去行动。你猜到了。大部分是潜意识的。& && &
This description is oversimplified, but I think it’s a useful model towork with here.
这个描述过分单纯化了。但我想在这里它是个有用的模型。& && &
Basically, I believe that men and women go through these four stagesa little differently. And when it comes to sex, I believe that they go throughthem much differently.
& && & I mention this because most people deal with other people the waythat they want to be dealt with. They communicate in ways that make senseto themselves. They usually assume that they know what’s best for otherswithout checking first.
& && & This only makes sense. Most people don’t walk around saying tothemselves “Hmmm, I wonder if Sarah tastes the same thing as I do whenshe drinks coffee?” and “I wonder if water tastes exactly the same to her...or if it’s just slightly different...”
& && & Most people have asked these questions once or twice in life, but theyusually stop asking once they decide that most people have the sameexperiences as they do when they drink coffee, etc.
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& && &Here’s the deal: When it comes to most ‘gross’ experiences (meaningcommon level) like getting hit with a baseball, tasting salt, or seeing a color,we as humans usually have pretty similar experiences.
& && & But when it comes to ‘subtle’ experiences (meaning less extreme, andin this context, also more complex) people, and especially different genders,have vastly different experiences.
& && & For instance, if you show a man and a woman a picture of a Victoria’sSecret catalogue, the man will usually notice all of the women, while thewoman will notice the clothing, including the colors and the details.
举例,如果给一个男人和一个女人看Victoria’s Secret这系列里的一幅画的时候,男人通常关注的是女人,女人通常关注的是衣服,包括颜色和细节。
& && & Finally, the order or sequence of experiences and thoughts have amajor role in the responses that men and women demonstrate.
& && & In the area of sex, men are usually pretty simple: See hot woman, getturned on and want sex. All in about 1-3 seconds. A man can be outsideworking on his car and see a beautiful woman out of the corner of his eye,and instantly be in the mood.
& && & On the other hand, women are a bit more complex. Even if a womansees a handsome man, she will RARELY get sexually turned on. The firstthing that women experience when they SEE an attractive man is usuallymore of a curiosity or intrigue... a wanting to know more.
& && & If a man smiles at a woman, the woman usually interprets the smile as“Hi, you look nice and friendly.”
如果一个男人对女人微笑,女人对这个微笑的解释是:“HI,你看起来很友好 。”
& && & If a woman smiles at a man, the man usually interprets the smile as“I’m interested in sex.”
& && & This one difference causes many first meetings to go the wrong way.
& && & Here’s the deal: In general, it takes women longer to get in ‘The Mood’for sex, and it happens differently than it does for men.
& && & As I talk about sex and how to do it better, you need to keep this inmind. Some of the things I’m going to tell you might sound like just‘interesting’ ideas, or unusual things to do.
& && & Not so.
& && &While they may be interesting and unusual, they are all specifically toappeal to the female mind and mating preferences. 50,000 years agowomen had to figure out some way to determine if a man was going to be agood provider and a loyal mate.
& && & I believe that the concept of ‘Romance’ was that way.
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& && &If a man was really interested, he would go through somedemonstrations of his devotion... and be willing to wait for sex.
& && & And so it goes. Women love things like ‘taking your time’,‘anticipation’, ‘sensory rich experiences’, ‘romantic talk’ and ‘foreplay.’
& && & I know, I know. We all want a woman that gets turned on by justseeing your unshaven face and dirty hair in the morning. But these are thecards we were dealt, and we might as well learn how to play them in thislifetime.
& && & Onward.
& && &So I just mentioned a bunch of ideas. Let’s tie them ether.
& && & As far as the senses go: In general, women get turned on by a fewmajor categories of things:
& && & 1. Voice tone, sensual (not sexual) language, and vivid descriptions.
& && && &&&音调,有快感的语言(不是性快感)和生动的描述。
& && & Women love to hear a sexy voice describing ideas, feelings, and
& && && &&&scenarios in painful detail.
& && && &&&女人喜欢听到性感的声音来描述想法,感觉,和剧情的细节。
& && & 2. A wide range of different touching, kissing, stroking, caressing, and cuddling.
& && && &&&一系列不同的触摸,亲吻,安抚,爱抚,和拥抱。
& && & 3. Smells and smelling. Women love great cologne. And women love&&to be smelled.
& && && & 闻,女人非常喜欢香水,女人喜欢被别人闻。
& && & 4. Tastes. Women love to be fed all kinds of wonderful things like& && && &&&Strawberries, chocolate, and champagne.
& && && &味道,女人喜欢所有种类的好东西。像草莓,巧克力和香槟。
& && & Did you notice anything missing from the list?
& && && & 你注意到这个列表里少了什么吗??
& && & I left out SIGHT on my list. Why?
& && && & 我漏过了视觉。为什么?
& && & Well, women don’t get turned on as much by sight as they do by othersenses. Men are usually more turned on by visuals than by the other foursenses combined.
& && & Women are turned on more by the others.
& && && & 其它几方面会让女人兴奋。
& && & It’s true that what you look like can PREVENT you from beingattractive due to not taking care of yourself, not being her ‘type’ orwhatever.
& && & But I believe (and have proven to myself over and over) that if youpave the way correctly, you can overcome looks and get a woman VERYsexually stimulated by using her other senses and her imagination.
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& && &Next I talked about how women notice details. Women notice subtlethings. If you rub a woman’s hand, she’ll feel warm and friendly toward you.
& && & If you very very gently and slowly run the tips of your fingers over herhand, she will begin to get aroused (other conditions have to be right, ofcourse).
& && & If you kiss a woman on the lips and stick your tongue down her throat,she’ll probably be disgusted. But if you kiss her gently... then slowly pullaway and look into her eyes... then kiss her again slowly and gently... you’llstart a fire inside of her that will build (if you do everything else correctly aswell).
& && & I also mentioned romance. To me, romance is simply demonstrating toa woman that this whole encounter and ‘relationship’ with her is meaningful.
& && & It’s a way of saying “I want to create a great experience for you” toher. If you play up the romance too much, you’ll push a button inside of awoman called “He loves me and wants to marry me.” So be careful.
& && & I recommend sticking to the kinds of romance that involve the senses,and not the kind that involve money, gifts, and love letters. There’s nothingwrong with these... it’s just that they lead to the M word. If you want a wife,great. If not, use care and stick to the senses.
& && & I believe that anticipation, excitement, and tension are some of thebiggest turn-ons that a woman can feel. Women LOVE to wonder what’scoming next. They LOVE to be surprised. They LOVE to be waiting on theedge of their seats.
& && & Here are a few ways to do it:
& && && &&&这有几种方法
& && & 1. Say “I have a surprise for you.” Then say “But I’m not going to give& && && & it to you yet... it’s for later.” The surprise can be anything from a& && && & piece of chocolate to some melon-scented massage oil that you& && && & bought to rub her shoulders. It doesn’t matter. The key is to pique&&her curiosity and make her want to know what it is.
& && & 2. Put a blindfold on her. Women LOVE to be blindfolded! Don’t ask,&&just do it. Go grab a scarf out of your closet (silk if you have it) and put it on her. Remember, women are turned on more by their other&&senses anyway. Turning their vision off heightens their other senses&&and makes them even more responsive.
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& &&&3. When you’re doing something that’s turning her on, STOP. This&&seems counter-intuitive, but it’s the promise land. Guys like to find what feels good and KEEP DOING IT BABY. Women like to have&&what feels good taken away... so they can feel some more anticipation!
& && & Do you get it? Come up with your own ways to build anticipation. Tellher a story about someone that felt anticipation. Tell her you’re feeling it.Whatever. Just make her anticipate what’s coming next.
Stimulating Her Senses
& && &So how do you best stimulate these other four senses in a way thatwill turn her on? Now that’s a GREAT question.
& && & 1. Touch her very very gently and slowly. Use the very tips of your fingers. Run them over her arms, neck, shoulders, lips, hands, legs,&&feet... everywhere. If you avoid her breasts, crotch, and ass, you’ll even get her more turned on for later (Remember anticipation? It will drive her crazy... “When is he going to touch my tits?”).
& && &2. Kiss her sensually. Let the first kiss be very light... almost a brush. Then wait (anticipation). Kiss her 100 times on the neck and shoulders. Suck on her lips gently. Lick her just a tad on the neck, shoulders, and lips. Think eating an ice-cream cone, then tone it back a bit. Like you’re tasting her a little each time.吻她。让第一个吻非常轻。。像小刷子一样。然后等(期盼)在她脖子和肩膀上亲100遍。温柔地亲她嘴唇旁边。像小孩子一样在她的脖子,肩膀,嘴唇上舔。想像在吃甜筒。
& && &3. Feed her little bits of things that are sexy. Try strawberries,&&chocolate, champagne. Also, go out and get yourself some of that‘Kama Sutra Oil’ at the adult store. The flavored kind not only tastes good, it HEATS UP if you put it on and breathe on it. Nice.
喂她吃小块的东西是非常性感的。试一下草莓,巧克力,香槟。出去去***商店买点“Kama Sutra油”。这玩意不仅味道好。而且会让你的呼吸变的炽热。NICE..
& && &4. Smell her. Smell her neck and shoulders for about 5-10 minutes&&STRAIGHT. No kissing. No licking. Just smelling for 5-10 minutes.&&Gently run your nose and lips over her shoulders and neck smelling her. Say “Mmmmm... you smell good. I’m just going to smell you for awhile.” You’re going to love how she reacts to this.
& && & 5. Talk sexy to her. Men like to hear “I want it harder big boy”...& &women like to hear “Your lips feel so soft and sexy. I love the way your lower lip feels when I kiss it... And I could just kiss you for hours... it feels so nice.” Women love to hear about the DETAILS, remember?
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& && &6. Tell her stories, and describe what you’re going to do to her. If she’s getting turned on, take a few minutes to whisper in her ear exactly what you’re going to do to her. “You know what I’m going to do next? First, I’m going to slowly and gently kiss your&&shoulders... and then work my way up to your neck... smelling your&&sexy perfume... mmm... you smell soooo good... then, I’m going to&&kiss you deeply...” Get it? Also tell her what feels good in the same detailed way. Use a soft, slow, deep tone of voice.
The Transition Into Sex (Also Known As ‘Foreplay’)
& && & I have a lot of guys ask me things like “How to I make my move?” and“How do I get her to actually have sex with me?”
& && & My answer: Remember the old saying... “The hungry don’t get fed.”
& && & I know that this sounds paradoxical, but you have to ACT LIKE YOUDON’T NEED IT. You have to have an “I can take it or leave it” attitude atthe beginning. Later, after things are rolling, you can bang her brains outlike it's your last chance to have sex this lifetime (interestingly, if you set itup correctly, she’ll love it if you do, too).
& && & So to begin with, start then stop. Start then stop. Do something that’sarousing, then cool it and do something else. Did someone say“Anticipation”?
& && & I thought so.
& && & The way to get her to want to have sex is to create this anticipationwhile at the same time stimulating her senses. Combine this with a casualattitude of “I’m enjoying this, but I don’t NEED it” and you’re off to theraces.
& && & But you have to keep it up. It might take you an extra 20 or 30minutes of this teasing and whatnot, but if you’ll just be patient, my son,you’ll reap the great rewards.
& && & There are a few major signals:
& && & 1. She starts grinding her hips on you.
& && & 2. She starts taking your clothes off.
& && & 3. She starts taking her clothes off.
& && & 4. She says “I’m getting really turned on” or “I’m really getting hot.”
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& && &5. She grabs your crotch.
& && & If you keep it up for long enough, one of these will usually happen.that’s your cue that it’s time to take things to the next level.
& && &When you get the signal, it’s time for you to act like a man and dosomething (isn’t it a bitch being a guy sometimes?).
& && & I recommend this sequence:
& && & 1. Run your hands over her breasts (through her clothes).
& && & 2. Run your hands over her ass (through her clothes).
& && & 3. Pull her shirt up just enough to expose her stomach a tiny bit, and& && && & then start touching it very gently and slowly... also touch her back& && && & where it’s exposed. Remember what I d about slow, gentle& && && & touching.
& && &4. Stop once in awhile. Create anticipation.
& && & 5. Next, take off her shirt. Don’t immediately go for the breasts! Don’t& && && & do it! Gently touch every part of her that’s exposed (I’m assuming& && && & that she still has her bra on). Kiss her shoulders... and her back.& && && & Add generous portions of light slow touching and mini-tasting.
& && & 6. If the “I’m getting really hot” signals keep coming from her, now& && && & touch and kiss her breasts gently through her bra. If this goes over& && && & well, then take it off and kiss some more. Remember, slow,& && && & gentle... and stop for anticipation breaks.
& && & 7. Next comes the pants. You may have to take shoes and/or socks off& && && & first. Slow and deliberate. Don’t act like you’ve been in prison for& && && & the last five years and this is your first time with a woman.
& && & 8. Once the pants are off, keep kissing, smelling, tasting, gentle slow& && && & touching... and add touching around the edges of her underwear.& && && & Women like to have the skin around the edges of clothing and& && && & underclothing touched (usually). Slowly and deliberately.
& && & 9.&&Finally, reach down and touch her gently between her legs. She& && && &might resist this (or any of the previous advances). If she does, just& && && & stop and go back to building anticipation. If you do this a few more& && && & times, she’ll usually get turned on to the point where she wants you& && && & to continue.
& && & 10.& &For the sake of all the dumb-ass men in the world, I have to say& && && & “If she says “STOP” or pushes you away, then stop. Never force a& && && & woman to do anything. It’s dumb, wrong, and illegal.”
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& && &So that’s it for the ‘transition.’ Now you’re ready for the real deal.
& && & For a woman, her whole body can get turned on. So don’t forget tokeep touching her and paying attention to the rest of her body.
& && & I recommend trying a few things when you first have oral sex with herto find what she likes.
& && & Here’s the list:
& && & 1. Begin by KISSING your way down her stomach... and then her& && && & inner thighs and legs... anticipation.
& && & 2. Ask “are you comfortable.” Women usually like to feel clean and& && && & ‘fresh’... and she might feel self-conscious because she hasn’t& && && & showered in several hours, etc. If this is the case, you might want& && && & to ask her if she’d like to share a shower with you. If she seems& && && & uncomfortable, ask if she’d like to join you in a shower.
问:舒服吗?女人通常喜欢干净和新鲜 。 她也许会感到难为情,因为她这几个小时没洗澡。如果因为这个,你也许要问她洗澡了吗。如果她看起来不自在。问她是否愿意和你一起洗。
& && & 3. Begin by kissing her gently. Kiss her and lick her slowly and& && && & deliberately. Make some “Mmmmm” noises and let her know that& && && & you’re enjoying yourself.
& && & 4. You have a couple of major tools, and a couple of ways to use& && && & them. Use your tongue on her clit, and your fingers on the inside.
& && & 5. Start with kissing and licking, then a few minutes later insert one& && && & finger. If she likes this, ask if she’d like two fingers. Go slow, as& && && & most women need to relax and get used to the stretching. If you& && && & don’t know where a clit and a G spot are, get a book.
& && & 6.&&Mouth options: Licking up and down, side to side, in circles, directly& && && & on her clit, around it, sucking.
& && & 7. Finger(s) inside options: Sliding in and out, staying still, rubbing top& && && & or bottom or sides, rubbing a spot inside, slow, fast.
& && & 8. Try each of the mouth options until you find the one she likes best.
& && & 9. Try each of the finger options until you find the one she likes best.
& && & 10.& & Combine. Once you find the magic combination, keep doing it& && && & EXACTLY that way, at EXACTLY that speed and pressure. Men like& && && & faster and harder, women usually like the same way until orgasm.
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& && &If you do a great job, she’ll usually want to reciprocate and use hermouth to make you feel great.
& && & Do yourself a favor: Tell her what you like and how you like it. Butdon’t make it sound like you’ve done this a thousand times and you’re anexpert at describing it.
& && & Say “Ohhh... I liked it when you did this...” and “It really feels goodwhen you...” Women like to know that you’re feeling good. So tell her asshe’s doing it. Tell her how you’re feeling.
& && & I think it’s a good idea to always be paying attention to how she’sresponding to your touching, kissing, etc.
& && & Different women like things differently, and sex is where this makesitself more obvious.
& && & So.... if she liked it when you really sucked on her neck hard... andshe was pulling on you with force, then there’s a good chance that she’sgoing to like to be more ‘physical’ when it comes to sex.
& && & So pay attention.
& && &At first, you’ll want to go very slowly. Only insert the very tip of yourthrobbing manhood, cowboy. Then pull it out. Then the tip. Then pull it out.Anticipation. Anticipation. Anticipation.
& && & Repeat “I can wait” 1,000 times.
& && & It definitely helps if you’ve made her have a great orgasm momentsbefore... as she’ll be wetter.
& && & In any event, notice what makes her feel good, and do more of itduring sex.
& && & Here’s a list (did you notice that I like lists?) of other ideas for you:
& && & 1. Try variations, like 9 fast shallow thrusts then one slow deep one.& && && & This will make her gasp every time you go deep.
& && & 2. Look into her eyes while you’re having sex.
& && & 3. Caress her body, kiss her and touch her, and remember the rest of& && && & her.关注她的身体,亲吻和抚摸她,记得她身体其余的部分。
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& & 4. This is when it’s OK to switch into “I haven’t had sex in 47 years& && && & and I’m going to take it out on you” mode. At this point it’s OK to& && && & be a wild man.
& && &5. Find combinations of things that she likes. She might like to be& && && & kissed at the same time... or have her nipples pinched. Try things.& && && & Keep what works.
& && &6. If you need to stop because you’re going to blow like Mt. Vesuvius,& && && &just stop. It’s OK to pause if you need to. It builds my favorite& && && &thing: Anticipation. You don’t have to say “I’m going to ejaculate& && && & prematurely, therefore I’m going to take a break.” Just do it. Leave& && && & her thinking that you’re just so in control that you like to pause to& && && & enjoy kissing her. Same goes for if you get anxiety or just turned& && && & off. Take a break and kiss her for awhile... then get back to it.
& && &7. Another technique is to slow down (which women love) and imagine& && && &yourself somewhere else in order to prevent the premature EJ. Just& && && & imagine that you’re swimming in the ocean. Hear the waves, feel& && && &the water on your body, and taste the salt. This will distract your& && && & mind enough to get control.
& && &The theme here is to do things that are creative, but at the same timewonderful to her. By paying attention, you can learn what she likes, and atthe same time, by trying new things, surprise her.
Other Ideas
& && &Here’s a good one for you: Most women like sex in the missionaryposition or woman on top. Most men love doggy-style.
& && &In the surveys, women say that they feel “less intimate” when they doit doggy style. So how do you get a woman to enjoy sex in the freakypositions that you love and fantasize about?
& && &Another good question.
& && &Here’s the short answer: Transition smoothly, and pay attention.
& && &If you want to try doggy-style because you think she’s got a sexy assand you want to look at it, don’t just flip her on her stomach...
& && &You need to transition smoothly.
& && &Here’s the how to:怎么做:
& && & 1. Let’s say that you’re on top, and you want to switch to doggy.
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& && &&&2. First, lift up her legs and thrust deep inside of her. This will be more& && && &&&of an ‘animalistic’ feel for the moment.
& && &&&3. Next, push her legs over to the side so she’s still on her back, but& && && &&&her legs are slightly to the side.
& && & 4.&&Now, lean down and kiss her, pushing her legs even further over to& && && &&&the side.
& && &&&5. As you’re kissing her, lean down and lay behind her in the& && && &&&‘spooning’ position while you’re still inside her.
& && & 6.&&Hold her and kiss her neck for a bit so she gets accustomed to this& && && &&&position.
& && & 7. Start your thrusting again slowly.
& && & 8. As you’re going at it, turn her onto her stomach and continue.
& && & 9.&&Finally, stop and pull her hips up to you and lean down to kiss her& && && &&&neck and lips... this maintains some of the ‘intimacy.’
& && &&&10.& & Finally, lean back and grab on. Viola! You’ve done it!
& && & The key to getting into new and wonderful positions that you love it toTRANSITION smoothly. Later on, after she’s used to the new positions, youcan move quicker. But this is how to do it the first time!
& && & Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ve enjoyed this material.
& && & If you have any questions or comments, or there’s something that Ineed to explain better or correct, please email me .
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