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Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute.
Meeting nutritional needs during disasters.
K Caribbean Food and Nutrition I -3 p.
(Nyam News, 1 & 2).
It is wise therefore always to have some extra food and supplies on hand and to equip ourselves with skills that will be needed.
The previous issue of Nyam News dealt with planning food stocks and this issue will look at the skills to acquire.
- M閐ical Sciences Library
TT5; W1, NY37
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Campbell, Versada S.
Nutrients, additives and the food processing industry.
K Caribbean Food and Nutrition I 1987. 31 p. tab.
The paper reviews the issues relating to health, nutrition, food nutrient loss and their replacement during processing, other intentional food additives and suggests ways to grapple with the issues
JM2.1; CFNI-J-16-87
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Cook, R Yang, Yueh H.
National food and nutrition policy in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Bull Pan Am Health O8(2):133-42, 1974.
For many years the Governments of the Caribbean have made concerted efforts to improve the nutrition of their peoples.
Nevertheless, the idea that there should be a coordinated food and nutrition policy at the national level is relatively new. This article discusses what a national food and nutrition policy should be, ways to formulate it, what scope it should have, some ingredients essential for its success, and the government machinery needed to make it work. (AU)
JM3.1 - M閐ical Library
JM3.1; RA421.P21
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The effects of food processing on nutritional values
C9(2):90-7, Apr. 1976.
JM3.1 - M閐ical Library
JM3.1; RA784.C3
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Alfin Slater, Roslyn B; Jelliffe, Derrick B.
Too much salt?
C13(3):123-5, Sept. 1980.
JM3.1 - M閐ical Library
JM3.1; RA784.C3
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Warpeha, Rosalie A.
Dental caries and salt fluoridation
Assoc Gen Pract Jamaica N5(3):6-8, Dec. 1985.
JM3.1 - M閐ical Library
JM3.1; R18.N4
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Jood, S; Kapoor, A. C; Singh, R.
Available carbohydrates of cereal grains as affected by storage and insect infestation
Plant Foods Hum N43(1):45-54, Jan. 1993.
Total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and starch contents of wheat, maize and sorghum grains were affected adversely at 25, 50 and 75 percent insect infestation caused by Trogoderma granarium Everts and Rhizopertha dominica Fabricius, separately and mixed population. R. dominica caused significant (P < 0.05) reduction in available carbohydrates at 50 and 75 percent. Mixture of both insect species caused intermediate losses. Storage of cereal grains up to 4 months resulted in substantial increase in sugars and decrease in starch content, but storage for a shorter period of time did not cause any significant changes in levels of carbohydrates (Summary)
JM3.1 - M閐ical Library
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McDowell, James.
The role of food science and technology in developing and implementing national food policy.
Port of S National Nutrition C
Apresentado em: Food and Economic Planning in Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Nov. 27-30, 1972.
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Oostburg, Baltus F. J.
Veilig eten: diesrede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van het vierde lustrum van de Faculteit der Medische Wetenschappen op 1 november l989 / Eating safely: commemoration speach at the fourth anniversary of the Faculty of Medical Sciences on November 1, 1989.
P s.n; Nov. 1989. 16 p.
Through food essential nutrients are ingested into the body. To prevent foodborne diseases, the food should be prepared hygienically. This applies to households, as well as mass catering. Each government should supervise mass catering. Food hygiene is also important for the food trade. The time between the preparation and eating of food, as well as the place where this happens, are also important. Food should be eaten shortly after its preparation (1-2 hours). It may contain unwanted chemical or biological substances. Various forms of mass catering are discussed. According to the WHO there is a small number of factors responsible for most of the foodborne diseases. That is why 10 golden rules for foodhandling were drawn up
SR3.1; DoSu 292
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safely is very
to take care of the food safely.First,we should eat at home,try
to outside
often.Because outside of food is not very healthy.Second,when we buy food,we should carefully check the production date a是什么意思?
safely is very
to take care of the food safely.First,we should eat at home,try
to outside
often.Because outside of food is not very healthy.Second,when we buy food,we should carefully check the production date a
安全地吃,这是对我们的健康很重要的。下面是一些关于它的建议。我们需要照顾的食品安全。首先,我们应该吃在 home,try 不到外面吃很多。因为外面的食物不是很健康的。我们买 food,we Second,when 应仔细检查生产日期和指导。Third,we 应煮这
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