mef魔法高材生生 结婚之夜~我上了伴ac

2013年 全国学中生英语力能赛竞中高组年各级初试赛题参***及评考分准标013 2NaiotanlE ngishl rPfocieicnyCmopeititn oor Sfeoncadry Shcol SotdeutsneSnor iPart国中全学生语英力竞能组委赛会办公 制室目录 1.高一年 级试题组考参案答及分标评准(含力听原文)()1.2 二高级组试年题参答考案及评分标(含听准力文原)()3. 6高年级组试三题参考答及评案标分准含听力(原文)(1)1203 1年国中全学生语能力英竞赛(NPCE)S赛初高一年组级题参考试案答评分标及准听力部分(共大三题计, 园 3)I分.Res opnss(e句子答)应共 ( 5小题每小题; 1分 ,计 5 )分1--5 BADCBII D.ailogeus(话理解)(对共1 0 小;每题小 题1分 ,计10 分 )A )--160CBACD )B11-- 15 BBCDAIII Pa.ssgaes短(理解文() 共1 0小题16;20-小题每 题小 1 ,分12-52小题每小
题2分, 计 1 5)分A 16--)2 0ACABD) 2B.1( heay) vdse k22 covered .2. 3 acr a42 .(atl)l uiblidgn 52 open .aera笔部分(试七大共,题计 120分 )I M.ultplie-hoice(c择填选)空共(15 小 ;每小题题
分,计1 5 分)126--30CDABB 31--35 B BCD 3B--406 DCBCAI. IlozC(e完填空形()共1
5题小每;题 1小分 ,计 1 5)分) 4A1 .inkd ron / gtrongesr43 .i cnersea 4s4.spo rst 4. s5aitsB)r46
.forcde 47 .locke 4d8 lo.ts 49 dir.cteiosn50.
ecasedp 5.1 rifghetnd e52.r eocgnze / iecrgnisoe5.3 gaian 54. tird e5. a5rirevdII. IRaeidg Conmperhesnion阅读理解(() 共02 小;56-题0 小6题小每 1题分 61-75 ,小每小题题 2分, 计3 分)A5 )5--658AAB;
9--60 FT5B )6165 D--GEACC)66. T ehmo t expsesnvieite m.s67. eGnricepr douct.68s T.heyare
usalul pyckagad ine ht pleaiens tayw.69. Becuaesthe
unti pirc willebe
owlre fr laorgre isze stanh orf samlerl oesn.70 .icR,e bans,e utsn nd faour.lD )1. ma7nly /i lrgael 7y2.t hugo h /atholuhg7 . he3lp7 .4 ralizee/
raeilse 7. 5trhughIo.VT arnlstiao(n译)(翻共5
分,计210 分 )-1 - 67 播.音员手用播报语新闻同,时文字有出现在屏幕。上7. 7年平均有几百种野每生植物灭绝。7动.8 I onru ityc ,omre thnat wo millio pnepleo hveadr ivin gilensce.7s9. heT yavh egertlya mproved iteih qrualityo fl fei sinc teehym ovd to theiern ewh usoe/
house.s80. lAhtouh tgeho dl an msint蒺 irh,c e dohntesa sme oomey tno he chitdrle in tne phoo arre averyemont .Vh.E rro rCorrcetio(n文短改错(共) 1 0题小每小;题1
分,计10 分 )81 .eay 寅ease s8.2 oFrtnuteay 寅Ulnfoturntelay83. co mmuniationc communi寅ace t8.4wh ta5. b8eielevs寅ebilefs8 6 . 在aticevly前加
hatt / hicwh 或 ropmto寅permotingo8 ngsety寅ounegr8 8 姨.8.9 age寅age d90.fl unte寅lufncyVIe I. Test(Q智力试)测共(5 小题; 每小 1题 ,分计5 分 )1.97. 方 框每中行、每列数相字加均 15为3+,+5?=5,故1答为 7案。92. rToulb.e陷入 烦麻比摆容脱易。93. .S6 6(si6x unhreddand
isty-xis)x文首字母为英 ,S39(t8hreeh ndured ad nighteynin-)e T为972,(nie hundnredan
sedvetn-twy)为oN 故, 70(?)7答为案 S。94.D
对.线角图形阴与空白部影正好分反相故,答为 案。D95.5 5/+5=6VI.. IWitirng(写作()共
小题;A)题满2 1分 分0,)B题分满 2 分0计 30, )分A) neO psoiblesv rseio:nReectnly tsuendt sin ur sohcool did a suvey orn“Views n oeNwpaspres” Th.e popel whem owe ntievrieew dahevtw difforenteo pniions.Fort yf-iv peercetno
tfh peepleo usrevydee noj readyin gnwseapers.p iFrts o allf,the y beilee as avocnevneintsourc
ef inforomtiaon r,edaing nespwpaer cas nbe ode an atn ytmie Se.ocdlyn, eradngi lsa moakespoele phtnk,i wichhhelps d veloep heitri ntelilgnee.c Mroevor,e eppleoca n elsce atdn erda hwteavr secteon iheytareint reetsd ine .Hweveor ,55 of%t h eeppoe dln蒺tot rn ut oewspapernsto get
niormfaton.iTh yeh od lte ihdeatah tenwsapprseare no tv rey atratctvei becase tuheylack t e hsuodna n vdied thota mka etohreso ucer osfinformaitn omroe ecixintgt ol ookat th a nnwseapers. phWtas 蒺ome, rreders raecevie nifromatoin rfmonew spaerpslater hta nrfmot heI tnrneeto
Tr.VI nm oypiionn pe,pol eacnm ak eus eofw atheervm ane so tagher tinfomrtaon, asilong
s ita蒺s oncvneeitnfor thme.B) On pesosbie lervsio:nMroe na dmoerm idldesch-olos tdentsuar
goine gt aoll ikdsn o tfarinig cnlssae orsh irnigt utor at tse wheeekn.dTehe raretw
oifdferne vtiepwontisa buo tthi.sSomethin k it i secesnsar. Fiystrof all,
efecfivet ots utdy itwha
etchaert hn aybthmeslees.vSe condly, thye avh meoer oporpunitiets t coomunmiatc withetea chers .Tey cha nlso maaek puf rowathth ey isms or afi tol udnrsetadn nic las.sOhtes rhtnik i is tnuencssaeyr.Fo ro en ting, hhtyes y, stauedns ctane sial yofmra
ahbi tfod ependneec .Froanotehr st,duntes ende imt foe rretso r rerectain ot waekendes. Whtas more蒺 ,they lciamatte dinng triningaclas ses- 2 or hi-ingrtu otsrma
yeev nauce somses udtens ntot to lstie natentitvly ie their nreuglra clsass.In my oepinion, hwethr a ertinani clgass or tuot rsi nededed epnesd not e hstudent. fIy ouar e rallye ervywekaa
tr oeryvin trestee id a ncetarin usjebtc, amye it蒺s bK forOy ou. Bu bte sur teo hocos aesu itale cblassor teacehr, thorwisee tic old ubea
awts ef tioem nd manoye写.评分作原:员援 本则总题为分3 0分:
A10 分);B)0 2分按。四个档给分。次圆 援评时分,先据文章的根容和内语初步确言定所其档次属然,以该后次的档要来求衡,量确或定整本调次档,后最分给猿援 作。词文数少于多于或定词数 规0 词的2从,总中减分 2去 。分源 援书如较差写,至以响影卷,阅将分数降低一档次。附:个各次的档分数范围和求:要第四档(很好:A))--90 1;分)B1--620 分全完成完试了规定的要题,求覆所盖内容有点,要符英合表达语惯习 应,了较用的语法结构多和词,汇没有语法词汇运用和错误具备,强的语言能力较完,全达了到期的写预作的目。第三(好):档)A6--8分 B);11--51分 完成了题试定规的要,应求的用语结法构和汇词能足满目题的求,符合要英语表达惯,习基 本没语有和词汇法用运错误达,了到预期的作写目。的第二(一档)般A)3--:5分; )6--1B0分 恰当完成未题规试定的要,求掉漏容内点要未描,清楚主要内容述写了,一无些内关容有语,和法词汇用运误,错影响了写对内容的作解,信理未息能清楚地传达给者。读第档一差(:A)1--2 )分B;)--5 分1未成试完题定的要求,规显遗明主漏要容内写了一些无,关内容,语法构结调,单汇项目有限词有,多语较和法汇运词错用误,影对响写作内容的理解,息未能传达给信读者。园 未能分达给读者传任信何:息没内容有或容太内少,无法判评写的内,均容与所要求内容关无所或写容内无看法。清-3 -20 13年 全国学生英语中能力竞赛(NPESC)赛初高一级组试年听力部题(分音原录文)I.Res pnosselPase elistneto the
oflloiwgn fiv eestneces nand chooe thseb st responee tsoea c onh yeo heua. rach Eesnetnecwill ber ade onlyonc .e1.H w aor yoe eunojiyn yguort rpi niEngla n?2d .oWlud youl ki te oo gto the patyr wtihme? .3 蒺Im orrsyt otel l yu toht I haaveto
cnaec mlya ppoinmentt..4 Do yuolik eto
pal foyobatl?l5 .Hw ooftn do eyo guo otsee
af lim?II .DiaoglesuA) leaPseli tenst
toh efololiwg nfve miii-ndiaoluesg hdaliogeuis
flolwoe dby a uesqtoi. nCohso ehteb setanwer st eoch qauetsiona ccrdoingt ot he iadoglu yeo huaer Eac. dihaloueg na qdestuoinw lilbe
erd atwci.e6 W.: ay I helM yop?uM Ye:s. 蒺Idli eka c u pfoco ffeeand
a ahmurbgre ple,sa.eQ:W hreed oest he coversntaonimos
probatby takelp laec?7. : MLook It蒺s !nosinw.gLe ts蒺 o gkising.W :Tat housnd srgaet.Q: hWta蒺ert e mha nna thd weoma gonin gt do?o8. W E:cuxse e.m oHw frai s htepos
tfofce ifom rhree ,ir?sM:W tihi wnalkng idsianct.eQ H:w wiol tlhe owmna ropbbay legt o thetpo t osffic?e9. : M Iophe Davi widll behe e.Wr :H wae slpnninag otc me, obuth eh a dt toae hksim ohtr te ohositalpQ: .Woh aws lil?10 M:. Hruy urp it蒺s, 73:. The 0onccre twillbeg n in iahfl n aour.hW: aTkei
tase. Iyt tkae soln 10 minyuet tos et tghree.Q :heWnw illth
conecer tegibn?) PBleaesl itesn o thetf ololing widlagoe unda chooe sthebest
eaohcqu stieon.Th e dalogue wiil bl eeradtice.wM Dr: Br.oo,kI
justdon t know what蒺蒺s rwng oith mw. e Ilwaas yfeleti re and wdea.kMy wi e fifnllayper usdaedmet
ovisityo ut ofi n out wdht ateh torubl ies. 4 -W: -rFom hat iwswr ittne hee r caI seen thta yo uha a dvre byd aocld theeryea s ago and yor ulaso ah d saamllopeatiron alts ear. Didy ouy ufser fna yilleffe tcs aftert ht?aM: Well ,I do蒺t nrmeebemr.W:F or xeampe,lho wl no dgi dyu stayoa t hoeme ch tima eou werey ill?M Jus:ta cou lp eo fadsy ,btu abuotsi
mxonht sgo I aas homwe ofrabo ut wotw eeks iwt ahco d orl omesthngi.W: Di doy ueesa do tor at chattt iem?M N:, oIdidn 蒺 steea
ocdtr.o heW n bIegn atof eel beter,t
Irternue tod orkw.: AWndwhe n dd ioy utsrat eflenigso ti erd agin?aM:It m us hate beenvab outt e nadsyag . Wheon
caIm eomhe fro wmrok one ignht ,theer jus didtn蒺 tseme tobea n ryaeson o gtob ckat e hnet dxya.W :ell,W i soutns ad sf youi prorblme myab
teh kendi fow ro ykoud . oThetes ts Ij su tid dod蒺t nhsowaythinn rgealyl ronwg. ButI
wouldli k et od oosmefu thrretes t si tnh ehopitsa.M:l Tha蒺tsf inew ithm e.W:All
righ,ty o uac cnheck n io tthe ospitha ltonigh tadnI ll do 蒺th testset oomrorw omnrig.nII.I aPssgaseA)Pl aese islet to nhtef ollowig matenrila nadc hoose he btsetan sewr t oaceh uqetsoi nccardoig nt toh maetrialeou heary .Th meteriaalw il belr edatwic e.: IM orkwi n ano fice frof moMndyat oTh usrdya ,adn n FridaosyI work f or hmme oebausceI
ive lqitu ear frfommy foife. Ict蒺 absut oa nohurs d蒺ivre,. .. m..u .s omy omcpany prvoieds rmeoet acess so cI canc nnecto to thenetwrk aon adccss alleth e ame files asn drporgms faromh ome that Iwould be
bla et odoif
Iw a si nhe otffci,ewihhc akmsei tpre tt yesya t okee up pwit thingh.s tIs蒺go o dcau蒺se ti蒺 salot m roe relxea and divgsey o uite tmo ogot or udos ome ojs baorund ht ehuos ewihh yco uondt us蒺ualylh vaeti e mor.fAl thoughI
odm ss ibineg bla toe jsutogup
t osmoonee nada k s queasion, tbecaseu oyuk ni do felryo n maei aldnp hne ocllsawhi ch arent 蒺laawsy asgodoas just s eeig snomoeen afce t oafe ac thtiredesk
adn sakng thime hat wyuon eedt okno w.B)P elaes lstein otthe f llowongi ametialr, ad fnlil int ehb anlks ccaroidg tno tehma trealiyou
earh wtih no oerwotw ods.r hTe maerialtw illb
eeadr tiwceA. naethrquaeki s noeo ft ehb igegs dtiastess frro eoppe llivign o enatr.h s Aaretqhakeu sacnon be tofrcase etxcaltya tpesenrt it, siq iut iemopratntf or usto
knwo how o tkepeour selev sasfedu rnig na eatrhqauek.Wehna ne atrquhka ehapenp,sth
eightls mayg o uo, tirfe larmsa my aousnd a,dn ou yaym eflet heg oundrhsaking. I fouya eri snide ab uilingd,st a tyhre aendk epe hetd orso oen. Hidp ueder na eavhyd eks or atlbe .fIyuo ar ein al irabry ,omv eawy aromf th ebooskehlves.fIy ouar e ina c lsarosom,hide
adek snda eekpy uo headrand
enkcc oeverd.f youI are niisd a earc,d ont蒺 et gou tan ddn蒺o tsop tteh arc nea r taal lbuldiig.nT h caer ilw prlotetcyo u.I yofu re aotusdei ,tsy ahtree. Mvo to an oeep anea raawyfr ombui lings.d-
52013 -年全国中生英学能语竞赛力NE(CP)S赛初高年级组试二题考***参评分标及准听力部(共分三大,题 3园 分)I. Res计posen(s句应子答)共(5
题;小每小 题1分 计 ,5分 )15 A--CDBAII. Dilaogue(s对话理)解共( 01 题小;每小 1 分,计 题1 分0)6--10 CCAD C1--115 DDBCAIII Pa.sages(s文理解短)共 (01小题;16 20 小题--小每题
分12,1--52 小题小题每2
,分计 15分) )A16 --02DBBDCB) 21.
c(oolr / coour) lpirnter 2. 2,150023.
utfreu 2. 4eltehpneon ubmr e25. Mrahc试笔部(分共大七,题 计201分 ). MuItlplei-chice(选择填o)(共空 15 题;小每题小 1 ,分计 1 5)分263-- 0ADCCA 13--53CDB CD3 --46 0CABDCII.Cl oe(z完形空填(共) 5 小1;题小题 1 每分计 ,5 分1))A 4. 1oticend 4.2 aleep s4.3safely 4 4. woh 4. mo5reB)46 .a kesd 47 .t 48a. ohplees 4s.9 ehl 5p0.thi kn 1. 5lcarey l2.5 util n5. t3ha n5.4 which55. ex ressponiIII.R adeig nCmorpheesnino阅读理解((共 )2 小0题56;--0 6题每小小题1
,6分1--5 7题每小小题 2分, 计35
)分A)5 --58 A6CA59--6
T0TB 61--6)5F EBGCD)66 . I Sndyny.e76.Her dogs
,Dguna ad nSsteri . /Her dgs.o/ D uga ann Sdstei.r68. H ewas ogig nno as kiin goliday.h96.1 7,0 0klimoterse.70 C.ichesthers蒺sa liin gornd thu woerld.D)7 .1Ja ap n72 afu n3.7 whee r47. llaoew d p/ermtiet d5. co7mlpinatsIV. rTaslatnin(翻译o(共)5 小题;每小题 2 分,
10 计分)76. 开始/终我认于到,识友之间挚那种特的情感是殊永远不也真正消失会的。7.“文7冲击”是专家们在谈化论人们新环境下在感受时所用的术语的。7.8 hZna Qgiagnsaid
hsew s ant owrtoy hfo het ohno /r onourhth
sechoolh dag iven hre.79.No m atet whrat
jesut des noto belevi eem.80.It s蒺 eenbfou r yeas rsinc emymoth r eent abwoadr, na d蒺m lIokinogf owrra do tseengi erh gaai.n-6 -V. Error
小0题每小;题1 分,计 10
分)Dear oRebrot,Thnask of ryor lettuer .Godolu kcin
ouy examr. sWehn oyu aps tsem,hyoul蒺l e abbe tol tasy夷 E gnald.n uJst emerbemrt ht!a 1. 8inIv蒺eju t hads m ycra epairr yb ame hcnic.aI
wats ver yxepnseiev !谊80! 08.2rep iaredI reall yiws Ihha e veonuhg mneo to buyya
htni k蒺Ill buya
psors t83.h dcar next tiam!eOhte thrnig Id蒺real yl ikl to eo disto t rave morel.M
s8.4An thorepanninglt
gooon a hol iay soond .eH wntea dto ccle over yteh yrPenes 8e5.wa tnsthough rtehSpa n and ihetng
oarocssthe M edtierranaenby
obat.H e 86. hteexpectsto
arivrei n hteM diled aEtsi
nto wonth蒺smti em I.o lynw ih s7.8m onht蒺sIc uldo g woti himhI h.peot
oomcet oLo ndn for oaw ekeed nn Jineu .Myabey uo acn 8.8 姨et tgciets fok a mrsicaulso
s aes LiMesarleb? Ones ofm y fiends torld e m98. suchhtta i蒺t vesryg ood, an dIhav e蒺t seen in ttslli .90.y teBestw shes,iaMinraV. IQI eTs(t智测试力)( 共5小 题每;题小1 分,计 5 分) 91. O.( Statrat the H
i nhet tp oelfthand-co rnr enadju pmt
oaterlnae tetltres .fter Aeachinrgth
ebttoomrght, iertur not the ecsondl ette on rhett p roo anwd onticneuj mpuig not latenatre ettels ro tpsel oltuth
phraeesHere “otday ,gne ootmroro.w”hTe imssinglet trei sO.) 92. SN.U (unSda, synuhine,ssu bnea,ms nurse)i3. 197. (95-4, 9=7-=; 25111-4, =511-=32 ;7-22=34,27 25=-; 22119=2,- 21-7=1)494 .e.( af,-b-e, c d-)5. 489 mh.p( Say d,stiane cratvlede =60 mi else cah wy,a therforee ourjnyeou
衣4 0 =.1 5ohus,rjoruney n = i06衣 6
0 =1ho r,u1 2 m0lis journey = e10 2 衣25.=
8 4mhp)IVI. Wrtini(g作)(写共2 题; )A题满 分0 1,分)题B分 满2 0分,计3 0分) ) OnA epossblei evsroinF:rst ifo la,l lthaouhg we obkod dinneer fo r p.7.m,o r uable tas wot readyn unit l p8m..T eh,n hen wwed idstido nw fo thr emeal,we
iscovededr tha thete wra soln yno vegetarien disha aailablv,etho uh gyo uad hropisedmthree wuod le a cbhico.esAf ro te hdscoi,we ha dt o watiun ti 1l0p m.. orfit to st atr ecaubse ht disco jeokey was lact. eostMof
suadh otl ave at 1e1 p..mto
catch ht leats bs,uw hch ieanm twe adhhar lydany tim e ofr dancng.iI ohepyou
iwl laregethat
evy risdpaoipnitgneve ing.n
wIuod leb gareftl uif ou couldyse d ounrstdunts ea npolaoyg.B)On ep osibse lvresoinI:蒺s vert impyrtona tfo ur tsok ee pehalhy itn ou erveydry liae.f uB htw?o ere iH ssoem avdicefor y uot ofo low.lirFst yuos ohudlh aev
heaatlhy ied. Itt蒺 sncessera tyoeat enoug h fesrhfrui t an vegdtebale,sbec uaseth eycontai nall ikdnsof
viamints tat yoh unee dveer dyay. utBdo
otn atet o mocuhfa ,t usc ha cshese,ebu tetr ornyathnig to faotty .oT omanys wets cae do nahrmto
yorut eth.eS oy uoh dabet er totne tatoo
anmys wetes or- 7 -cohcloaestand st yaaway
rfo mocffee.Godoh bats iacnhel pyou kee p fit greulgarex reiscei s creatinlya goo d wy to enasur eyou aimtnai naheatly bhdy. ofAet a radys work,蒺 an eihg-thoru sleep i neseedd .vAido owrinkgor
tsuydignt o ohar.dRe emmbremsokngi ac dnmaagey ur heaotlh, so neev rmose.k作写评分则:原援 员题本分为总 3 0: 分)A01 分B);02 。分四个按档次分。给圆援评 时,分根据先文的章容和语内初步言确定其所档属次,然后以该档的要次来求量,衡定确调整或本档次,最后给分。援猿 作文词少于数或于规多定词 数20 词的从,总中减去分2
。分援 如书写源差,以至影响较卷阅,将数降低一分个档。次附:各次的档数分范和围求:要第四档(很好:A)9--)10分; B1)6--2 0完全分完了成试规定的题求要覆盖所,内容要有,点符合语表英习达, 应惯了用多较语的结构和词汇法,有语没和词汇法用运错误具,备较的强言语能力,全完达了到预期写作的目的。第档三(好:A))68 --;分)11--15B分 完成了试题规定的求要,应的用语法结构和词能满汇足目题要求,符的合英语达表习惯, 本没基语有法和词运汇错误用,达了到期的写预目的。作第档(一般)二:A)--3 5分B;6--)0 分未恰当完成试题1定的规要,漏掉求容内要,点描述清楚未要主内容,了写些无一内关,容有法和语汇词运用误,错响影对了写作内的容理,信息未解能清地传楚达读给。者第一档(差:A))--2 分1B);1--5分 未成完题规试的要求定明,显遗漏主内要容写,一些了无关容,内语结构单法,调汇词目项限,有较多有语法词和运汇错用,影响误写作内容的对理解信,未能传达给息者。读 园分未能达给传者任何读息信没有内容或内:太容,少法评判无写的,内均容与要所求内无容关或所内写容法无清。- 8 -2013看年 全国学生中语英能竞赛(NE力CSP)赛初高二年级组试题力部听(分录音原)文I R.esonsepsPleaes ilste to nhe toflowlnigf vei esntncees nd ahcoseo th ebse tesprnoesto ea chone y uoh ear.E cahsen tnceewlli ebrea d onyl ocne.1.J il, clognatrlautios onnpas sngi oyur divirg ntets..2M
cyrabro ekdo w. I蒺m sonryrt o hve aepk toyuwa tingif r soo lnog.. 3I idn蒺d togt o hteci neam esteyrdaybe caues I ahda b da ehaadche.4 .Dad, It hin tkih beef iss deliicuo. sow abouHt ose mmoe?r5.Sam! T oayds my bi蒺trdayh .Wil you le abbelto come t omy p arytton igthI?. IiDalogesuA )Plaseel istn toet e hoflowilg nfvi menii-diaoguels. Eca hidaolgu ei fsollwoe by ad qusteon.i hCoso the eesbt a原nswret o eac hqeusitn aoccrodngi t tho edilogue yau oeah. Eacrhd ialogeu an duqestoi wilnl ebread
twce.6i .W: aMrk,ha v yoe got ua momne,t lepae?s:MYe s,sure. W:L itesn, Ikn w thio is satlein the da , yut I wbodnr ei you蒺fd b aebe lto ly fout nad amk tehes eeph thcsFirday.i:Q Whn ewlil Mrk have at maok thee pesec?h7. W:I
htin kiksd have oto ucmh homeowr.k nI fatc,
Ithnk iikd shsuoldnt蒺 have nya homwero ak tall.:MN onea
atll?:W eY,sth e ntehycan do
mroe inertsetig nhintgs atfr ecshool.Q: Wah arte hey ttlakniga obtu?8. W: Dd yiu hoae va god oweeknde?M: Wel, li wtsa OK .I didn蒺 tdo much, erall,yjust s taa t omh reelxang, iyu koow.nHow a out boy?u: YeWah, Iha
a fdntaatsci eweenk,d evrynice! Q :Hw oas tweh woma蒺s wnekende?9.M:
蒺I mlookig nofr teho fifc ef aof reindof
i ntehch meistyrd eaprmtnt.eW:Can y uogiv
em hisef ul lnam?e: MSrue,i ts Cha蒺lrs Joenshnoan dI be levi hee elctuerse evyr edWensay,db tuI蒺m
nt ourse.Q :hWree aret hespe keas?r01 .: IM蒺m ome! Sorry Ihm 蒺ltea,darli n. I hgadt owo rkl te in ahet ffoic.eW :Butit蒺
sesenv 蒺clocok.A nd tis ihs he thtrid tiemt is weehk!M:I k ow, In蒺 mrallye orsyr, bu tti蒺 ispomtanrtbusi nes.sQ: Wy hwsath
men ahmoela et- ? -9)BPle aeslis ten tothe
olflwongi dilague aodnc oohs ehe best tnaserwto
ace hqustien. Theodi aoguel iwllb e eardtwic.e:WH lel, oick.MD H:, iayM .Ihav ent 蒺sen youef ro alo g tinm. Weha treay uo diongh ree?W: I蒺 mthniingk abut ospednng myi vactiao ni noutSeahtsAs ia but, I aveh蒺nt eciddedw here.: MO?h hWatk ndi f poale arc eyu ooolknigf ro?W: Soewhemre wtihgood
wetaerh,that蒺 squ ei tad fan rwaay rfomt eh crowsd.:MH mm, Phkuetmig t hebthe
palc.eW P:uhek?tWh re iest ath?: MnIT ailhnd. aIt蒺 s aeabutiful ilsan wdih etcelxentl ebchesa I hetre lat yesra .tIs蒺f atansitc!W: ouSnsdg oo.d uBtwh a tbauot te wehathe?rM:T h eewtahr eisgrea t.An dthere
arep eltynof
hcapehot le slona gteh ebah.c:W It suodns jsutl ie the kind kf poacleI 蒺 lmokoingfor. II. IaPsasesgA )Peale slstien t ohe tfloolwngi atemrilaand c hooest he bst ensaer tow ace qhuetisonac ocdrign t toehma trialeyo huear The m.teairal wll bie rae tdicwe.Ad nto infis ohru pogrrm aaoutb het aea, Irmu tsadv ise oy tu vosii Stiphotn.C asra rne蒺tal olwdein ott he centreso it蒺s ervy leaspatnt ow la akournd.lAol awt laets alf h daay t ovsiitt h emueum.sIt蒺s o na
ihllj us outsite dhe totnwin
ave y orldbu ldini gwhihcsuedt
beo a rpiso. Itns蒺a mu c hhpapirep alc eno whan it wta thsn, e canI tell you. ne room dOsecrbei tse hhiso原tr yfo tehbuil din gisetfl.Yo u ca蒺tn mis sti--i蒺t just snifr ot nf tho caetsl and eyuo ca see thnat fromwh reevreyouare i n twn.oHitsryois br ouhgtt
lifoe n ite muhsuem.Go
yalk wlong aas rteet itwhco iepsof la tle hriogian lhosps T.hre蒺see evna h orsean
dart tchat ouyc a rindeo n A.n dhere蒺t pslneyt ome--tryos, pto原teyr,j weleeyr.ave a Holk oruon tdh etown f Shiopotntoo w ilh eoyu蒺rethe re .I foy usatt rnithe
mina qsuare nd aofllw ohetgeernsig n,s they蒺ll tkeay u ototh e mseum.uAn dy oull蒺s ee otls foo the ritnreseitg nthngis n tho weayt oo. eWl,lhat蒺s all tfro otdayB.)lePas eistln etothe f olowlingm aertila, nd fail il thn ebalks acncrdoing t otehma etril aou yehr awih tneo ortwo owds. rTe mathrialew il lbe era dwtci.eW :Nwo it蒺 tismef ro m eo tellt ou aboyutour su erp nwe ompctetioin. And I hae vot as you ywn蒺ot bleiee thvprezi ew蒺veeg t ofro ou tyhis omnht.W oudl oyube leiv eew蒺r eiving gyo uhetcha nce tow i nyourow
ncoputmr,ea ndntoju ts
acmopteru I? tocmsew tih a coor lpinretr s awel. Tlhi ss a iompecittinoyo ur aell yave hote tner i,s蒺tn ti?So hwat odyo un edet
onok?wA dnw athd
oouy avheto
od?We watn ou toyw irte a hostrs toryu pt o1 ,50 word0s lno. gWat yho huae votdo is sit dow n nd awiret shora tcrie smtoy urisg nour oywn idea--snad htye cn ba esastr aneg nda wonedful ra soyuli kei--nf ca, tthesrtager,n th beettr, bet, and tuishis i mpotarnt e,evyrhitgn tathhap pnsein
oyrus otyrmu s te inb ht futere.uenSd yur enotresito m e,J y ooJnse,at t eh usaluadd res.sP u yotr uname, dardes, stelehpno eunbmr aen--ddo蒺tnf ogre toury ge--aa thete dn f oyor stouyr M.ake user you ostp our ytsor yi nite mo retch maeby teh 8t ohfMarc. Sohgoo d lcu,kg oodwrit ign andg oo derdang untili enxt omth.n-10 -2013 年 全中国学生语英能力竞(NEPCS)赛初赛高三级年组试题参***考及分评标准力听部分(三大共,题计3 园分 ). IesRpones(s句应答)子( 5 小共题;每小题1
,分 5 计)分1--5 ACDCIIB Dia.olgus(e话理解)(共 1对 0小;题每小 题 分1, 计0 1分))A --610BC BDBB )1--151CAD CAIII P.saasge(s短理文)解(共 10 小题1;--602 小每小题题1
,分12--25小 每题小 题2 分计 1, 分)5)A1 62--0 BCAABB) 21 di.fefrnet2 2. qauilyt2 . 3v(rye)ea sy2 . e4cellext ntosirs 25.esp rostpage s笔试部分(共七大,计 1题0 分2I援 Mu)lipte-lhoicec选择填空)((共 1 小题;每小5题1
分计,15 分 2)--360CA BDC 3135 CBC--A 3B640 --BCADID援 CIlzo(完形填e空()共1
5题小每;题 小1 分,计 15 分)A) 4.1h gihet 4s2 pr.earpign 43.c ahllneg 44e. isplm 45y m.nituesB) 46 da.liy47. c apaminge r4. c8ovnrseation49.
isltennig5 . 0aedg5 . wo1ser 52. nda5 3.d scissuins o54 .o5f5 together.III Re.dani Cgoprmheneson(阅i读理)(共 解02小 题;6--506小 题小题每1
,61分--5 小题7每题 2小 分,计 3 分)5A)56. A
7. C55 8. D 95 T. 0. F6B )6--651E FBDGC )66.B iloog sytdentus.6. To7 tse theirt iterents nithe c asue.68 2.69. ldEelr ynd adsiabldep epole.7.0 nIthe
cunotyrside.) 7D.1 Wrlo dWa rI 72.Im raird e g/to mrareidt
73. hosuandb74
docisa 7l5 c.hartieiIVs .Trasnlaitno翻译)(共 5 (题小;小每题2
分,计10 分)7 6 .你可考以虑人的建议/别劝和告观点,但是要不让们的意见他淹了没内你的想心。法7.7 个这宇中宙有一只角落你一定可个以改进,就是你自己那。-1
-781 Our E.n gish leatcer thertasus
e wwee rhreow
chilnrde,n o sal lth seudetts ni oun crlas shtiknhgihyl f oer.7h. 9cAtulla,yall of
usd siereto a hcevie uccssse ,buts motemie soru catoni sdont蒺 ocrresonpd itw whhta ewdsieer.8.0Thi
brsie aftriclewill
eltyou k on whw yoyu ahv bed haaits basw le ls hoa yow uanc reakb tosehbad hbiat.Vs.E rrorC roerctin(短文改o)(错共 1 处错0误;处错每误
1,计分 0 1分)he ToMibel Pohe Tnrohwin WgolrdCh mpaionhips sar heedl very yeer ainF inand,lt h ebrthilpaeco
fthe irftsomibel pone.hW he nhet hcmaiponshpisfi st rookt th elace pn 2i00 0tehe wrre enly 30 comoepttiosr ,bt nuw thoecahpmoishipn attartcw lle ovre 001pe olp from earundo ht woerdl .All ofth m areean rg yaout bone o fthe patscnetuy蒺r msost nfluinetia livnetionn.Th eocmptietoi isndiv iing idnt two soetcinso,conte tes bydt ame sna iddnviiduasl .he Troginia catlgeroyi sjdgueds mpie ol lenngt ofhthr o,wbut in t eh rfeetyls eveentc omepttiosr wnion
opits anwrdead fron oatbeperflormncea durisg the runn-u p. Tohuh gomseco mpeittro uss theie own hrnasets,dbut
ost tame kthe mbioelpohesn rfm a laorg reagn ef second-ohna pdhons ewich aher uppsleidb
yhte rgoainerz.shT ecopemittionis f uodedn y bloal bucsiensswmonaChristin aLu nd.I“ awstha ta l lf ou hsav verey idffreetnmeotoin abous ttehirmo blies mu:hc of teh ime ttehy aucseten sinoa dn rufstrtaoni otu s,es epcaliyl hicwh the geytrdopped.Th ye nevrering wh nethe y ares ppusoedto
nad het yogo f ftainco venienntt iems S. oIha d tehid a efo acmpoeitito nasbed r夷leaseig nsmeo of tah tenstino”.81. the8 . a2trtact s或将 atractt前的
camhpoinhsip 改 为hampiocnhspi 83s i.vnnteonis 84 d.vidid 8e5 .implsy86 .but 78.w a s8.8our 8 9.wh en 90 .nVo援 IIQTes (t智力试)测( 共 小题5每;小题 1 分,计5 分 )91.N ,o bceuas seh hates eapctailc iies.t92. 30.(A roldnh ad 9,Bea ticer2
,Caluda i8, aDvi 4d and dgEa r.)739 .Yangze.t49.A. ( acEhho rionztlaa n vdrtiecl liaen souhld octnani on eecha ofth et rhee dffeiertn ymsobls).9. 58.5(Look ig nalng oorw ansddo w conulnms t,he thir dadn furthon mbuesr ra ethe dfiefrencse btween teehnmubes ir nte phevrois utwo qusresa)V.I.I Writngi(写)作共(
2题;)题A满 10分分 ,B题满) 分20 分计,30 分) A )Oen posisbl evesiron:ear PDinripal,cIw ouldli e tk orcoemenmdm yE gnish leatcer hiMssJo esnfo r he Outsttndiag Teanhecr wAad.rSehh s taauhg ts fou trowa dn a ahlf earys .We now k alto abotu Engishlan dw e lik Engeish lso ucmhebausec o fhe reachintg .hT awareds huol de given bt ohrebe case uhes nver eget asnrygor
miptainet wit us, honattem how rmnayt mis we easkh e rfr ohepl. Aslo,s e hash
apecsil waayo
mfaikg hnre lseons slvieyl. he Scanalwysam ka theeco mlicptad aend bring gramoamr impsela d internestin.Weg la flel eheslo vseus ve y rmcu hna wd like ehe troo. S Io hinkt w esoulhd sowh eh rowh muc wehappreiatce ehrb
givyignhe r hti aswra.dYors faithfuully,Zu hJnu- 1 -2B)One po ssible ersivn:oeveN rjugd eab ookb yi s tocverI toatllya reeg iwth thi saysng.iThreei sno d ubt toht tha efisrt imresspoi nsire aly limportatn o stoe exment.tIt蒺
scmoom sense tnha tonsheoldu g otogreat
elnthg st oool khtei brsetwh en nterviewei,d ofrth
eakesof t e fhris tmpresiios.nowHvere,it 蒺sun verialsl yrecognizde tah it蒺st ones蒺in er qnualiytth at oucnt notsonl yin
afmil lyiefb u atls oinno蒺sejob
T.ohsew o aherho estn,he lfupl st,ron-giwlled ,tleoarn,t omceptitve,ihumorou s. . a.rew leomec. n Ohetcotrary,npeop e with alna ttracivte paeprancae ca alwnya havs ehtnis gnit hire afouvra
tth eegbiningnbutg adrualy pleplo eetd ton ientifdy wti htohe sith owutsantidnga blities iand mprivoed qaliuiest Me.awhilne, oto umhcempasis on ahpepaarncec a wnsat eal ief w,thit mei psne ton cometsci srgury ena dhacsin gafousm brnads.nIc ncoluions on ,o anccuonts houl de wjdue a boogkby i st coer.v写作评分则原:员援本 总题为 3分 0:分A) 10 分;B)02分 。四个按档次分。给圆 援分评,时先根文章的据内容和语言步初确定其属所档,次然后该档次以的求来要衡,量定确或调本整档,次后给最。分猿 作援文词少于或数于多规词定 2数0 词,的总从中减分去2
分源。 如书写援差,较以影响阅至卷将分,数降低一个档。次附:档次的各分范围数和要:求第四档(好很:A)9--)1 0;分B)1--20 分6完完成了试题全定规要的,覆求盖所内容有要,点符英合语表习达惯 应用,较多了的语结构法词汇,和没有法和词语运用汇误,具备错较的强语言力能完全,达到预期的写了目的作。第档(三好):)6--A 8;B)11--15 分分成完了题规定的要试求应用的,法结语和词汇能构足题满的目求要符,英合表达习语, 基本惯没语法和词汇运有用误错达,了到预期写的作目。的二第档(一般:)A3--5 )分;B6)1-- 0分恰未完成当题规定试的要,漏求内掉容要点,未述清楚主要内容,写描一些无了关容内,语法有词和汇运用错,误响了影对作内容的理写解信息未,清楚能地达给传者读。第档(一差:))A12 --;分)B--15分 未成试题完规定的求要明,遗显主漏要内容,了一写些无关内,语容结法单调,词汇构项有限目有,较语法多词汇运和错误用,响影对写作内容的理,解息未信传达给读能者。园 分未传达给读能者任何信息没:内有或内容容太,无法少评判写的内容,与所均求要内无关或所容写内容无法看清。- 3 1-0231 年国中全学生语英能力竞(N赛PESC)赛初三年级高组题听力试部分(音原录)文I. espRnsoeslePas eiltsn eo tth foleloinwgf vei enstenesc na dcooseht eh ebs retsonsept
eaoh ocne ouy haer .Eah scetencenill wb reaed nol ynoec.1.Y ouve never蒺 ben teoF anrce ,haev oyu, iLnda?2. Hvaeyo
uot gaynplans
for thsiweek en, Mdegna?3.Co ud yolu peasel tle lm eowho dl tese hhitgsn ra?e4 .What seesm otbe the pr olbm,e Mr sraGic?e5. Yo蒺ul colm te oth aeninvrsarye ceelbarion,t ow蒺nt you?I. DiaIogulesA )leaseP ilsten to th eolfloiwn fgie mivin-daliouegs .aEhc diloagu es iflolwod ey ba qesutio.n Choos ehe testbanwser otea hc qusetoni ccardiong o tth dialeoue gyou earh E.ahc iadoglu anedquest oinwill be rea d twcei.6 .M:
hIva eo rteaprimy
ac trhi sormnig nan dhte nI蒺l log tot h eusperamrketthi
aftesronno.:W Lte蒺 go stgetoeh.r
neIed o getts omes eakt fsr oou brarbcue tenoghi.tM: 蒺Illp ik ycou puin fr ntoof y uo horsu around ehtre.eQ: Wher areet hey goig in thn eaternfon?o7. :W hTa ltoksol kie
parteyt badcut
Paul.,Ho w di yduodo th at?M: I wa suisn ghetp par ecuttre ,ut b Iws ai tno mucoho
a rushfW:.
Ithni khere蒺st af rst iia padk in the kctichn.eQ: hWa tapphened t Paoul?8.W: C olud ou yhepl me?I b ought his yetsetdary, ndaI蒺
mryitgn o ftni adtie t ht aouwldgo w el wilth thsidesing.M:Does this p attenr itenertsyo u?W :Yes, ub tod oyu ave htiin
shaade siilam rot the usti?Q: hW is oht womanepr oabbyl tlkaingt ?o9.M:
Cuold yo tuellme h wo anm peypoel re amelpoye derhe?I m do蒺niga su revy.W: Lat yesr, ano orem tah twnoh nuderd T.hsi yer, ahtreea r eatleast
hrte henured. dWhtais th e usrvy fer?oM:To de ermine thw oheailyv het neraby orad sraeb inegu es.d: QoHwm an ympeolyees are threet his year?10. :MI
thnk Iill ta蒺ek tehtr ian t Porasi.:WFl ghitsa reno
tmuhc orme xepneisv,e and oyud蒺b ethe r featesr.: ThMats蒺 fni, beutI m蒺 otn raellyi
anr shu.Besi es, d hIvae so uch that I mavh et orea.dQ: Whtado s teh ewmon maaen?B)P elaes istlento th
feollowni digloagu ena cdhoso ete behs tnaswre toeac hq euston.i The ialogdeu wil lberea dtiwe.cW:H elol .I蒺 ldkeito s end his tpackag eto witzSreandl.- 14 M: C-a ynuoput i to nt he scle, alpesae? O,Ks
othats a蒺but 1o3 .kg .Tathll蒺b
e5.谊8 2b yurfsaec amli. t Ishulodbe there n io nmroe tah nwto weesk. hatW蒺s ini ?tW:
Aobk onadten
DDVs. I蒺stfor
ac loeagle.u Howl ngo iwllit
yiaraimlM:?A rmiali will tae thker eays.d Ill j蒺utsc eck hte prhiec .. O., h谊5.89 N.o tucm hdffeiencer.W: hO w,lel, I蒺lls nedi
btya rmiialt ehn.Is it sa e?f
mIean ,tis hi suiqteimport at.nM: eWll,i f ou wynta asig natrue when t蒺sidel ivreed,yo u acnse n idt Intrneatinol SignedaFo .rT ahts蒺a n extar谊350.,so t at蒺hllb e 谊.99.3W : sIee.:M r, Oof ran xtrea 4谊.0, you 2an cesn dt iiArurse. Ths ieanm spioritr hyadnlni agn dolinne tarkcngi fort hewohe joluneyr. Its蒺t he mst oscuree ay to wendsi t ,nd aaftersto .oIt
tkeas two dya.s hat蒺Tllb
谊1e.090S.iwtzerlad ins uotide tsh eU, sE yooull蒺 hveat
fioll i naC sutmo labsl. erAe hte ottlac otnntseles s tan 谊h702?:W O,h ey.s he book is,Tsay
谊,10 ad tnh DeVsD ocstab ot 谊u each 3o mtka,eI
uegss.M T:henf llii nt ishCN 2 la2bl ena stidk ict o nth teo peft,lc an ouy?W: orryS? Culd oyuos y atatha agn?M: iomplCte ethsi alelb an pdut t in oteh ot plfe cortnreW:.Oh , irhtg .蒺Il lsne dit y bteh alstway
ouy siad .Th equicekt.s: AMrisrue ?Fie.nIII. PasagessA) lPesea isltn eo tthe oflolwni mgateiar anld cohoesth
bese tasnwre o teach uestioqna cocdrig nt thoema trialeyo uhera .Tehm tareal iilwlbe
eradt icw.eW:And
here ae rhe tolac news heallined.sA omcptue srtore n ith eigh strhee twsar obbdeon
Mondaymor ing.nT eh thevei sstlo leaptposan
dobimlephnosew roth thouasns df pouons. Pdoilceb eievle htta hte orbbersw re eno therad ebacseu onMdya asw
aolidahyand anym eople wpee rawya.Sturdaa蒺s yNaiotanl oLtetr yaw swnoby
al coalm n, autbc leerabtios ndid蒺n tlatsl nog .eJemry arHmnaw asquestoneid ybt hep lioce n Moodan yafer ta clloegueains sied that he atn MdrHa rman hdab oght uhte tckiettogehte.r Hamrantol d eroptrreshe h d apsen tihs onw mnoyeo nthe
ticke tna dws ant goiogn t osarheit. 77-yea-orldGr ca Keliyb wa savsed byhe
drg owhnes eh fllea d bnokr herele gin h re home H.e rod gariedsthealar
afmet rettgnigout o
the fouhesth ourgh ht freno todro,wh ihcMrs K lby ihdal fe tpone She w.sain
hspoialtlast ngiht.)BP elae sisltn to ethef llowino gatemrai,la d fnil ilnthe
lanbs acckordngi t the oamertai lyuohear
ith won ertoow owrsd. heTmate ira wlll ib reeda wicte.: MeWll, ymf avurioe tebwsti is the eGaudrain This .isa websi et htat I rea deevry dya f,o arn ouh rbefore rbakfeat s...You nko,wit
cmose u patumatocilly oanmy
computer srecn. I like eitb caesu ei tetlls e mhe ntew is annntertaienni wgyaa nd tereh reaa
lotof dif efrntes cetoins adnth equ ailyts蒺 evy rgood.M y avfourie sectiont s thieuGariad nFim lpae--gebcuse I aolve teh cnieam,an
dthe yhveae xecllnte sorite sadnre vews abiuot ht ealettsflism.The pctirues aer raely logdo ot,o ad nhet saech ri vsrye esa. yIcan fi d nan yatrile reclal yuqicly. k aIsol ilkehet sporst pagest--eh hyvae goo writdersa d I cannlist e not he ctmmoentaryas we l. I lcnae envtry
nd aifn dajo ifbI
anwt. Ilwaya logso
tn oteh uardGan bui I butya
nespawerpt o ot tae hweekedsn.I 蒺s morter laxengi f Ii ave tihmet orea itd.-15
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