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英文翻译i02praksarakshasa&&&& rakshasa kshatra ra ...&&&&russia&&&&raksasi&&&&rakshasa raja rakshasa_rukh&&&&rakshasa rani&&&&raka&&&&goodkl&&&&raksasa&&&&the jade raksha&&&&rakshasa rani&&&&the rākasī or female demon of desire&&&&goodkl&&&&romance and adventure of raksha&&&&rasetsu&&&&rakshasa kshatra
例句与用法Super fishing grander musashi rv vol . 19武藏与bb穷追“罗刹鱼”到死角As wolverine searches for clues to his origin , stryker puts into motion his anti - mutant program - launching an attack on xavier s mansion狼人与连系著他失去记忆的s将军正面交锋,在罗刹的帮助下,狼人成功救出了不少变种童。 This paper , based on the poems in the tang dynasty , makes further discussion about wu zixu and the relevant faith and legends including , the temple of wu zixu , billows of qiantang river , and luosha rock so as to manifest a more diversified appearance of wu zixu in the tang dynasty摘要以唐代文学中的诗歌为主,就伍子胥及其相关之信仰与传说(伍子胥庙、钱塘江涛、罗刹石) ,做更深层次的探讨,企图呈现出伍子胥在唐代更为丰富多彩的面貌。 This paper hold , the belief in avalokitesvara originated from the belief in precious horse saving " black wind wreck " and " raksasa ( man - eating demon ) disaster " on the sea of the south end of indian continent transmitted since ancient times , while the original form of the belief in avalokitesvara was a mundane belief for saving disaster strictly established on the basis of this kind of legend having a further development from this , there appeared various forms of beliefs such as belief in reception of and introduction to pure land , belief in intellectual emancipation of avalokitesvara本文认为,观音信仰起源于自古相传在印度大陆南端海上解救“黑风海难”和“罗刹鬼难”的宝马信仰,而最初的观音信仰形态正是建立在这种传说基础上的现世救难信仰,由此进一步发展才出现了观音的净土接引信仰、智慧解脱信仰等不同的信仰形态。 While dining at a floating restaurant , he chances upon a high level triad meeting and notices a family being bullied . enraged by the sight he defeats the bullies using his special kick - eighteen dragon slaying kick . at the same time , he unwittingly takes a gold medal which is a precious trophy of the triad gangs王小虎谢霆锋饰演身手不凡且具侠义心肠,某日在画舫用膳时因看不过黑社会到处横行霸道欺压债仔,遂与恶霸打起来小虎打交时误打误撞地取去黑帮头子马坤陈观泰饰演的罗刹令,更因此惹上马坤。 &&
汉语解释luóchà[demon] 佛教中指恶鬼寺内都有茹荤饮酒的罗刹
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