
-- 刺杀行动刺杀行动剧情介绍浏览 2127主演: 文章来源:集数:47集在线观看:发布日期: 00:00:01这是一篇关于刺杀行动剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清刺杀行动请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看中文名:刺杀行动出品时间:2014年9月出品公司:上海云飞扬文化传播有限公司制片地区:中国大陆拍摄地点:车墩、横店首播时间:日重庆影视频道导演:白涛编剧:谈韦,林华主演:张一山,杨?,战菁一,刘威,柏智杰,郭柏松,田岷,杨念生,刘紫鸣,苏茂洋集数:47每集长度:45分钟类型:抗日、战争上映时间:日制片人:王宏在线播放平台:优酷网,56网,土豆网,西瓜影音电视剧《刺杀行动》剧情介绍1937年初,大战一触即发,天津城内波云诡谲。天津守城将领陆有义的独子陆子峥,帅气逼人性格豪放,聪明好斗亦正亦邪。李溪染是京剧名角的独子,处处和陆子峥争锋相对,两人是校内校外的竞争对手。《生活报》记者赵静,真实身份是天津地下党联络站负责人,眼下接到最新任务:日方有一批军火正偷偷运往天津。日军在天津的最大头目冈本将要把这批军火作为征服天津的利器。组织命令赵静要不惜代价夺取这批军火运,并往内地抗日前线。陆子峥与李溪染斗富,直接买下日本货船当众烧毁物资,却引发了军火爆炸。本来无意之举却拉开了天津城血雨腥风的序幕……艾小曼是陆子峥的恋人,忠心耿耿陪伴左右。冈本对天津加紧打击,陆子峥艾小曼等人都留在天津城守护家园,成立“杀寇团”,年轻人发誓要用热血保卫自己的家园,展开机智的绝杀行动……杀寇团的这一切都被暗中注意他们很久的赵静看在眼里,默默相助。组织上命赵静在天津潜伏,不得已千万不能暴露身份,赵静有意无意接近杀寇团,总是在危机关头帮助陆子峥和杀寇团度过险境……冈本布下圈套捉拿杀寇团,艾小曼不幸被捕牺牲,城内风声鹤唳,全城通缉杀寇团。杀寇团陷入绝境,此时赵静表明自己真实身份,“正义的革命事业”像一盏明灯,在陆子峥眼前点亮。陆子峥终于同意赵静的安排:去找部队。革命部队给了陆子峥从未有过的人生体验。陆子峥的人生揭开新的一页……惨烈的战事中,陆子峥从一个我行我素的孤单英雄,逐渐蜕变成一个训练有素的真正的革命者。在抗日部队中收获了人生最宝贵的经验。赵静看到野马一样的陆子峥逐渐蜕变在斗争中重生绽放,成为一个真正的,优秀的革命者,赵静欣喜万分。赵静也从没想到自己已经在不知不觉中爱上陆子峥……组织命令陆子峥再次潜回天津执行重要任务,大战之前,陆子峥将面临怎样的险况?陆子峥和赵静的感情能否走得更远?逝者已逝,生者无畏向前,一场血的较量,一场你死我活的搏杀,一场正义的战斗即将展开……求爱情赢得丁香香的心,各施绝技,演绎了一幕幕现实,浪漫,幽默,风趣让人捧腹大笑的爱情故事。抗战题材电视剧《刺杀行动》讲述了由六位爱国学生组成的抗日团体“杀寇团”英勇杀敌的故事。1937年7月,卢沟桥事变,中日战争全面爆发。***地下党员李彤临危受命,潜伏在天津城,表面身份是晚报记者,在最危险的地方进行艰苦卓绝的抗日斗争。日方驻军将官渡边在天津城展开针对抗日力量,尤其是爱国青年的凶残追杀。李彤和地下党员全力保护这些爱国青年,一次次帮助他们脱险。杜少华、林子姗、刘家明都是来自不同家庭的热血青年,他们的家人都被日寇所杀,他们怀揣同样的爱国之心,以自己绵薄之力拼死抵抗日寇,保卫家园。李彤的出现,像一盏指路明灯,让这些年轻人看到了斗争的光明所在,他们正式加入了中国***,离开天津城来到抗战的前线。对敌斗争中,这些年轻人的人生从此揭开新的一页,在抗日部队中收获了人生最宝贵的经验,他们从年轻走向成熟,从热血的普通青年逐渐蜕变成训练有素的真正的革命者。& 战菁一饰演女主角艾小曼。她在剧中与张一山饰演的陆子峥是一对“抗日侠侣”,他们联合身边六位爱国学生组成“杀寇团”保卫家园、英勇杀敌,展现了一段激情澎湃的热血青春。而柏智杰饰演的纪明浩虽是个高中生,但对陆子峥的英勇抗日佩服的五体投地,说什么也要加入其组织。但陆子峥却担心他太小、太危险,一直不同意他加入组织。但纪明浩却暗下决心跟定陆子峥,不让参加的杀敌活动他也想办法参加,最终用实际行动打动了陆子峥,成为该组织中最小的成员。刺杀行动相关剧情刺杀行动英文剧情In early 1937, the threat of war, the city of tianjin wave cloud complex. Tianjin guarding city land territory a righteous child Liu Zizheng, who the handsome aggressive uninhibited personality, smart aggressive also are also evil. Li Xi dye only one child, who is a Beijing Opera characters everywhere and Liu Zizheng vs., two people is the campus off-campus competition.
Al-hayat reporter zhao jing, identity, head of the junction, is tianjin underground party now received a new mission: Japan has a weapons are secretly shipped to tianjin. The biggest leader okamoto, the Japanese in tianjin will use the weapons as conquest of tianjin. Organization command jing to capture the weapons shipped at all costs, and inland to the anti-japanese front.
Rich Liu Zizheng fought the Li Xi dye, direct to buy Japanese ships is burned in public goods, but the ordnance. Originally had no intention of act has opened the prelude of tianjin was there...
YiXiaoMan is Liu Zizheng lover, loyal companions. Okamoto, stepped up efforts to fight, to tianjin Liu Zizheng YiXiaoMan, have to stay in tianjin city to protect their homes, kill kou group, the young vowed to defend their homes by blood, converges to beat action... Kill Curtis of all this is quietly pay attention to their long jing see in the eye, silently help. Organizational life jing lurking in tianjin, have never expose identity, jing, intentionally or unintentionally close to kill Curtis, always help in a crisis Liu Zizheng and kill Curtis group through danger...
Okamoto set trap capture kill Curtis, YiXiaoMan arrested unfortunately sacrifice, like in the city, the city wanted to kill kou regiment. Kill kou regiment into despair, jing showed his true identity right now, the revolutionary cause of justice, like a beacon light in Liu Zizheng eyes. Liu Zizheng finally agreed to the arrangement of the jing: go to troops. Revolutionary forces gave Liu Zizheng never had the experience. Liu Zizheng opened a new page in life...
Bitter fighting, Liu Zizheng from a Bohemian lonely hero, gradually turned into a trained the real revolutionaries. During the anti-japanese forces in the life the most valuable experience. Jing see horse the same Liu Zizheng transformation reborn blossom in the struggle, gradually become a real outstanding revolutionaries, jing. Jing also never thought oneself already in imperceptible in fell in love with Liu Zizheng...
Organization command Liu Zizheng sneaking into tianjin important mission again, before the war, Liu Zizheng will face what kind of risks condition? Liu Zizheng and jing feelings can go further? Dead, dead, the living, courage, a bloody battle, a deadly fight, a battle righteousness is about to unfold...
Win ding sweet sweet heart for love, the stunt, deduced scenes realistic, romantic, humorous, funny to make the people laugh love story.
Anti-Japanese War drama assassination tells the story of anti-japanese groups composed of six patriotic students kill kou group the story of the kill. In July 1937, the Marco Polo bridge incident, the outbreak of the sino-japanese war. Communist party underground communists li tong reimbursing, lurking in the tianjin city, the surface is evening news reporter, in the most dangerous place arduous anti-japanese struggle. Japanese troops will guandu edge in tianjin city in view of the anti-japanese forces, in particular the enormity of his patriotic youth. Li tong and underground party members to fully protect the patriotic youth, time and time again to help them escape. Du Shaohua, Lin Zishan, Alan lau are teenagers from different families, their family members were killed by the Japanese aggressors, they with the same patriotism, to contribute to the death of their own against the Japanese aggressors, to defend their homes. The emergence of li tong, like a light beacon, let these young people see the light, in the struggle of them formally joined the communist party of China, left tianjin city came to the front in the war of resistance. Enemy in the struggle, a new page to these young peoples life from now on, in the anti-japanese forces harvest the most precious experience in life, from young to mature, from the blood of the ordinary youth gradually turned into a trained the real revolutionaries.
Kim YiXiaoMan a personate heroine. Liu Zizheng she and yishan zhang to play in the play is a pair of anti-japanese productivity, they united side six patriotic students kill kou group to defend their homes, kill, showed the blood of a passionate youth. And played BaiZhiJie JiMingHao although is a high school student, but on Liu Zizheng heroic anti-japanese admire pleasantly surprised, say what also want to join the organization. But Liu Zizheng worry that he is too small, too dangerous, always dont agree with him to join the organization. But JiMingHao decided to settle Liu Zizheng, dont let the enemy to participate in the activities he also try to attend, eventually moved Liu Zizheng with practical action, as a member of the youngest of the group. 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情


