
Beijing (AFP) - China has legalised overseas counter-terror operations by its military, details of a controversial new law showed, as it tries to tie violence linked to mainly Muslim Xinjiang into global concerns about extremism.
北京(法新社)&一个有争议的新法律的细节显示,中国已经合法化其军队的海外反恐行动 ,同时中国试图把以穆斯林为主的新疆暴恐事件与全球关注的极端主义联系起来。&
Under the counter-terrorism legislation passed at the weekend Beijing &may send personnel outside the border to carry out anti-terror activities& when the &relevant country& agrees, according to the text published by the official Xinhua news agency.
据官方(通讯社)&新华社发布的消息,根据本周末通过的的反恐法, 在&有关国家&同意的情况下,北京&可能派人在境外进行反恐活动 &。
Thomas 1 day ago
China has no friends. All it's neighbors hate China. Watch Beijing burn in the coming years.
C 1 day ago
The U.S. has been doing so for years, as is our right as being superior to all other nations. The fact that China thinks itself on par with us is ludicrous and should be refuted. I support the total and utter destruction of China and the genocide of all of its people.
美国已经这样做了好几年了, 事实上中国认为自己和我们是同一水平的,真很可笑(怎么没有人)反驳。我支持完全彻底毁灭中国并且使他们灭族
Allen C 1 day ago
Well done, China. Terrorists are the common enemy of the world, with your contribution, I am sure the world would be a lot more peaceful.
Skeptic 14 hours ago
Now China can officially rescue Chinese getting kidnapped in Malaysia or Philippines.
Keystone 1 day ago
Look at this hate towards China. China has given reason, right? Unlike how the world seems to have hate towards the Philippines. Look at the world hate reaction to Miss Philippines winning Miss Universe.
JeffW 1 day ago
The new Chinese law would make a forum like this impossible. Remember that.
Christine 21 hours ago
Looks like China is imitating the USA, which certainly set the trend. The excuse back to the British Empire and Opium Wars days was to defend British interests, businesses, citizens abroad, which excuse was taken up by the USA and now China. Frankly, considering how bad the USA record of actually stopping terrorism is, THIS IS A GOOD THING FOR CHINA TO BE DOING.
Amused-In-CT 10 hours ago
This is not a big deal. Crikey. They will conduct overseas operations with the agreement of the host country. This is a problem why?
Umalohokan 20 hours ago
as if other countries would aggree to chinas commie acts
John 1 day ago
The Communist's are well versed in oppression and violence.&
I would like to see ISIS murder 60 Million people in just 2 decades. The Communist's make ISIS look like amateur's when it comes to mass murder.
Ron 1 day ago
Seems like a great idea to me.
Winter 1 day ago&
It's nice to be in a position to give yourself rights. It's like my state's senate voting unanimously to give themselves a nice raise every year. Very nice.
Aquinno The Filipino Clown 1 day ago
Flips are the most selfish people in asia .
Alano Dalman 1 day ago
Wow! I know, exclamation points are used only by juveniles when expressing awe. But this one takes the cake! These Chinese must be taken down more than just a peg or two. They just declared themselves Gods with this latest ludicrous statement.
Aquinno The Filipino Clown 18 hours ago
For the first anti terrorist target, Aquino will top that list.
Greg 1 day ago
Maybe China will send special ops into the US to kill/capture corrupt Chinese officials hiding from Chinese authorities. They will point to how we got Osama bin Laden in Pakistan as justification.
Yue 1 day ago
What is the China's policies which caused XingJiang's terrorism? As far as I know the Chinese government gave XinJiang more favored policies than to other ethnic groups in China. So policies are not the cause. These people are religious extremists. If you kill civilians and terrify the public, you are terrorists, and must be killed. International community should keep the same stance that terrorism is our common enemy. If anyone make double standard, it just makes more riot to the world.
Vin 1 day ago
If you can do it white boy, I can do it better...
James 23 hours ago
Will there be Chinese Ninjas fighting in Syria and Iraq ?
pedo 22 hours ago
Why is this news? US had been doing the same thing for decades
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