
记者 王瑞水 通讯员 庞道宁;[N];中国交通报;2010年
施科 庞道宁;[N];中国水运报;2010年
张仲明 骆忠明
地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 大众知识服务
出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号
  再来就是影魔至宝 影魔至宝在10月31日以前购买将有尊享前缀
  至宝效果如下(内容太多 瞎翻 大家能看懂就好):
  全新样式和特效  一些新的动作动画  不同声音  新英雄标志 头像 载入等待动作和小地图头像  全新技能效果和图标  新声效  当同一个英雄多次被毁灭阴影击中,影魔将有特殊效果  至宝拥有记录"三炮全中"的宝石  特殊攻击效果  全新载入台  这次更新也有全新箱子(之前的更新预告有发过里面的内容了) 里面的套装质量都不错&套装为稀有掉落&小信使为非常稀有掉落
  你是不是经常玩C 而无法展示自己心爱的信使? 现在不用烦恼了 新版本 不管谁买的信使 当信使送东西给你的时候 信使将暂时变身为你所装备信使的样式
  梦幻联盟将推出第二季 同时录像将加入战斗重述功能 让你更方便的分析精彩战斗
  6.82 也有新符和新物品加入  首先是新符 英文名字是 BOUNTY RUNE(符) 带有金钱和经验 然后现在符每到时间都会在2个符点同时出现 其中1个都将会是赏金符
  同时新物品 CRIMSON GUARD 之前玩过活动的 应该对这个物品不陌生
  2个英雄也得到了重做 分别是和&技能得到修改&
  首先是地图更新  图片可以点击放大 首先肉山的位置有了很大的变动 然后其他几个分路也有一些改动 地图的修改 对游戏有多大的影响 需要刀友自己去体会了  肉山地形变化:
  1 基础改动:  GENERAL  Fountain area is now at a higher elevation level  Fountain vision increased from 1400 to 1800  Fountain attack range increased from 1100 to 1200  Fountain True Sight increased from 900 to 1200  温泉现在处于更高的地面  温泉视野增加,从1400 加至1800  温泉的攻击范围从1100增加至1200  温泉真视范围从900 增加至1200  Reworked terrain surrounding the Roshan area  Reworked terrain around the Dire bottom lane  Reworked terrain below the Top Radiant Tier 1 Tower  Reworked the area to the left of the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower  Moved Dire bottom Tier 2 Tower back very slightly  Added an alternate path to the north of the bottom lane Side Shop  Added an alternate path to the right of the bottom Dire Tier 1 Tower  Added a new ward spot near the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower  Added a new ward spot near the top Radiant Tier 2 Tower  Added a new ward spot between Roshan and the Dire bottom lane  Bottom Lane Dire creeps now arrive slightly closer to the Dire Tier 1 Tower  Top Lane Radiant creeps now arrive slightly farther from the Radiant Tier 1 Tower  重做了roshan附近的地形  重做了 天灾下路周围的地形  重做了 近卫上路一塔附近地形  重做 天灾下路2塔周围地形。  天灾下路2塔 稍微进行位移  下路的地精野店北方增加了天可选的逃生路线。  天灾下路一塔增加了条可选的逃生路线。  在天灾下路2他 增加一个眼位。  在近卫上路2他增加一个眼位  在roshan与天灾下路之间增加了一个眼位。  天灾下路的初始兵线现在更靠近天灾一塔  近卫上路的初始兵线现在更靠近近卫一塔。  Added a Bounty Rune [?]  Two runes now spawn in the river every two minutes. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune  Runes are replaced every two minutes if they are not picked up  Denied creeps now give less experience [?]  First Blood bonus gold decreased from 200 to 150  Reworked the bonus area of effect XP  Reworked bonus area of effect Gold and Streak ending  Glyph of Fortification cooldown is now refreshed whenever you lose a Tier 1 tower  Tier 2 Tower*s armor increased from 20 to 25  Tower bounty gold for destroying Tier 1/2/3/4 reduced from 264/312/358/405 to 160/200/240/280 (denied is 50%)  新增加了赏金神符【后边有解释】  现在河道每两分钟会生成两个神符,其中一个一定是赏金神符。  神符每两分钟总会刷新,无论是否被拿走。  被反补的小兵 经验更少了。  一血钱的额外赏钱从200降至150  重做了经验获取范围。  重做了终结连杀所获得的额外赏金的机制。  现在每失去一个1塔,塔符文刷新一次。  2塔的护甲从20 增加至25  补 外塔/中塔/高地/基地塔 的赏金从264/312/358/405 下降至160/200/240/280(反补也变为相应的50%)  In Captain*s Mode, the 3rd ban phase order is swapped  Reworked how All Pick works in Ranked Matchmaking  Picking starts after a 35 second strategy period.  Teams alternate picking. Whenever it is a team*s turn to pick, anyone on that team can pick for themselves.  Teams have up to 30 seconds to pick a hero. If the timer expires, each player that hasn*t selected a hero will lose 2 gold per second. The selection will stay on this team until a hero is picked.  Once a selection is made, it immediately switches to the other team to pick.Additional Notes:  Initial starting team is random, but known at the start of the strategy period.  If a team has not picked and continued losing gold for more than 30 seconds, a player that hasn&t picked will be assigned a random hero and the turn will resume to the other team.  队长模式中:3手Ban 换位。  重做了天梯全阵营选择模式:  现在在开局35秒钟的策略时间过了之后才可以选英雄。  两边轮流选,当轮到一方选英雄的时候,这一方所有人都可以选。  双方各有30秒时间选择,时间一过,没选的人每秒掉2G,持续30秒后没选的人给随机一个,或者30秒内该方有人选英雄。  每方选一次,选过之后立刻轮到另一方。  现在载入时是看不到对手ID的,只有在策略时间时才看得到。  Aegis duration decreased from 6 minutes to 5  Roshan*s Slam area of effect increased from 250 to 350  Roshan*s Slam damage increases by 20 every 4 minutes  Centaur Conqueror*s Swiftness Aura has been moved to Hellbear Smasher  Hellbear Smasher Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.55  Hellbear Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.5  Centaur Conqueror Attack Time improved from 1.65 to 1.5  Centaur Courser Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.3  Dark Troll Summoner*s Ensnare duration increased from 1.5 to 1.75  Satyr Banisher HP increased from 240 to 300  Satyr Banisher movement speed increased from 300 to 330  Satyr Banisher attack range reduced from 600 to 300  Satyr Banisher Base Attack Time improved from 1.8 to 1.7  Satyr Banisher*s Purge cast range increased from 200 to 350  Wildwing Ripper*s Toughness Aura now works on Siege units.  不朽盾 从6分钟将为5分钟。  roshan 的 震击范围从250 增加到350  rosan 震击 伤害 每4分钟增加20  野怪大人马的迅捷光环 现在转移到地狱熊怪上。  大熊怪的攻击间隔 从1.35 增加到1.55  小熊怪的攻击间隔从1.35 增加到1.5  大人马攻击间隔从1.65下降到1.5  小人马攻击间隔从1.35 下降到1.3  大巨魔的 诱捕持续时间从1.5增加到1.75  小萨特血量从240增加到300  小萨特移动速度从300增加到330  小萨特的攻击范围从600下降到300  小萨特基础攻击间隔从1.8下降到1.7  小萨特的净化 施法距离从200 增加到350  大萨特的回血光环现在能作用于攻城车。  亚巴顿  Mist Coil mana cost rescaled from 75 to 50/60/70/80  迷雾缠绕 耗魔 从75 平衡至 50/60/70/80  炼金术士  Acid Spray negative armor increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7  酸液喷洒 降低的护甲从3/4/5/6 增加至 4/5/6/7  敌法师  Base strength increased from 20 to 22  基础力量从 20增加到22  斧王  Counter Helix chance to activate increased from 17% to 20%  Culling Blade no longer ignores Linken*s Sphere  反击螺旋 触发几率增加到20%  淘汰之刃现在会被林肯所抵消。  祸乱之源  Aghanim*s Scepter Fiend*s Grip now also causes anyone who attacks Bane while he is channeling to be afflicted with Nightmare  A杖 后祸乱之源放大时 攻击他的单位将被施放噩梦。  蝙蝠骑士  Flaming Lasso cooldown increased from 90/70/50 to 90/75/60  火焰枷锁的 冷却从90/70/50 平衡为 90/75/60  兽王  Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical  Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160  Primal Roar side knockback radius increased from 250 to 300  Primal Roar side damage same as primary damage now (100/200/300 to 200/250/300)  Primal Roar push distance increased from 240 to 300  Primal Roar side push duration increased from 0.4 to 0.6  兽王 飞斧 伤害 现在是纯物理。  飞斧伤害从90/120/150/180 改为 70/100/130/160  野性之吼 击退释放路径的范围 从250增加到300  野性之吼 对释放目标的伤害 调整 (从100/200/300 改为 200/250/300)  野性之吼 的击退距离 从240 增加到300  野性之吼的 击退释放路径单位的时间从0.4 增加到0.6  嗜血狂魔  Removed from Captain*s Mode  Base movement speed from 300 to 290  从队长模式中移除  New Bloodrage  ===============  Amplifies all damage taken and dealt (including spells)  A hero affected by the Bloodrage buff who kills a unit will be healed for 25% of the dying unit*s max HP, however heroes affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal 25% of their max health to their killer  - This no longer dispels the target  - Buff can be dispelled  - Duration: 9/10/11/12  - Amplified Damage: 25/30/35/40%  - Mana Cost: 0  - Cooldown: 12/10/8/6  - Cast Point: 0.2  Can target Spell Immune (but Spell Immunity does remove it)  Notes: This no longer silences or does damage over time. .  重做了血之狂暴:  血之狂暴会使目标受到所有伤害增加,但这个技能不造成任何伤害,也不沉默。  血之狂暴现在使目标能从杀死的单位中获得其 最大HP 25的治疗,杀死被施放了血之狂暴的目标也能获得其最大HP25%的治疗。  现在血之狂暴 不会沉默目标,能被净化或移除。  持续时间 9/10/11/12  增加的伤害 25%,30%,35%,40%  法力消耗 :0  冷却 12/10/8/6  施法前摇 0.2  无法施放于 魔免单位(但魔免不会移除)  Replaced Blood Bath with a new active ability, Blood Rite  Blood Rite  ==========  Targets an area. An effect that is visible to enemies appears on the ground. After 3 seconds, enemies in the area are damaged and silenced.  Area of Effect: 600  Cast Range: 1500  Silence: 3/4/5/6  Damage : 120/160/200/240 Pure Damage  Mana Cost: 100  Cooldown: 29/26/23/20  Thirst visibility and true sight are granted only when the target is at or below 30% HP (instead of 50/25% for vision/true sight)  Thirst now shows a debuff and a visible effect to the enemy when they are revealed  Thirst movement and damage bonuses are now proportional to how low the enemy*s health is [?]  Thirst movement speed and damage bonus increased from 5/15/25/35 to 10/20/30/40  Rupture no longer deals initial damage  Rupture duration increased from 7/8/9 to 12  Rupture cooldown reduced from 70/60/50 to 60  血魔的2技能从 血浴 改为 血之仪式  血之仪式:  对目标区域施放,所有能看到目标区域的法术效果。3秒钟后,区域内的敌人将受到伤害并且被沉默。  区域范围:600  施放距离 1500  沉默时间 3/4/5/6  伤害:120/160/200/240 纯粹伤害。  法力消耗 100  冷却时间 29/26/23/20  血魔的血之饥渴 的视野和真实效果,现在只有在目标 在30% 血量时才会触发。  血之饥渴 会使目标获得一个两边 都可见的效果。  血之饥渴现在会逐渐给血魔加buff(护甲,攻击), 满血的英雄给血魔加1% ,残血加100%.  血之饥渴增加的攻击 调整为 10/20/30/40  血魔的割裂 不再有初始伤害。  割裂持续时间 从7/8/9 增加到12  割裂的冷却从70/60/50 调整为 60  赏金猎人  Shuriken Toss now bounces to all Tracked units within a 900 range  飞镖对施加了 大招的目标施法距离为900  酒仙  Drunken Brawler*s critical strike/evasion timer increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10 seconds  醉拳主动触发 的致命一击/闪避 的记时 调整为 16/14/12/10 秒一次。  育母蜘蛛  Spin Web now has 1/2/3/4 charges with a 40 second replenish time, instead of a 30 second cooldown [?]  Spin Web time to enter hidden mode after taking damage increased from 3 to 6 seconds  Spin Web movement speed bonus is doubled whenever Broodmother is in hidden mode (having not taken damage recently)  Spin Web phasing and speed bonuses now work on Spiderlings  Spin Webs are now selectable and have an ability to destroy themselves  Spin Web can now be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches another  Whenever Broodmother is taken out of Spin Web*s free pathing, she destroys nearby trees  育母蜘蛛 :  网现在改为 每 40秒充能 1/2/3/4 次,而不是每30秒施放一次。  受到攻击后 ,蜘蛛在网内的隐身需要时间从3秒改为6秒。  隐身后 网对育母蜘蛛移动速度加成 加倍。  现在 网 对小蜘蛛也有 移动速度加成 和相位移动的效果。  现在 育母蜘蛛可以选择网,并且摧毁它。  网现在可以任意在原有的网周围施放。  育母蜘蛛从网里出来时会摧毁周围的树木  
  Stampede mana cost increased from 80 to 100  踩踏的耗魔从80 增加到100  混沌骑士  Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34  大招幻想持续时间从24增加到34  陈  Penitence duration rebalanced from 7 to 5/6/7/8  Penitence slow and damage amplification rebalanced from 8/16/24/32 to 14/18/22/26  Penitence now amplifies a damage source directly instead of attempting to re-deal a percentage of the damage taken as Physical damage  Penitence cast range increased from 600 to 800  Holy Persuasion is no longer restricted from targeting Spell Immune neutral creeps  Aghanim*s Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)  忏悔的 持续时间从7 调整为5/6/7/8  忏悔的 减速 和增加伤害效果 从8/16/24/32 调整为 14/18/22/26  忏悔现在 会直接增加伤害源头的伤害,而不是将增加的伤害改为物理伤害 作用于目标。  忏悔的施放距离从600 增加到800  神圣劝化 不在有无法释放与魔免中立单位的限制(我了个草)。  A杖现在可以使神圣劝化 远古野(最大数量为大招等级。)。  克林克兹  Searing Arrows is no longer an Attack Modifier  灼热之箭 不再是法球。  发条技师  Hookshot now pulls Clockwerk to neutral creeps normally like any unit [?]  发条的钩现在碰到中立生物也会生效。  水晶室女  Frostbite damage interval from 70 per 1 second to 50 per 0.5 seconds (total damage now [?]  Freezing Field explosion radius increased from 230 to 250  冰封禁锢 的伤害从70每秒增加到50 每0.5秒。总伤害150/200/250/300)  冰封领域 的爆炸半径从230增加到250  黑暗贤者  Vacuum cooldown rescaled from 28.0 seconds to 28 seconds  真空冷却时间从28.0 秒改为28 秒 (有病?)  戴泽  Aghanim*s Scepter Weave armor reduction per second increased from 1/1.25/1.5 to 1.25/1.5/1.75  A杖 的大招 加减护甲速度 从/1.25/1.5 增加到 1.25/1.5/1.75 每秒  死亡先知  Exorcism cooldown increased from 115 to 135  大招冷却时间 从 115 增加到135  末日使者  Doom now requires Aghanim*s Scepter to disable passives  Doom ability cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.5  现在 末日大招只有A杖后才能移除目标的被动效果。  末日模型的施法前摇 从0.3增加到0.5  卓尔游侠  Frost Arrows slow increased from 11/24/37/60 to 15/30/45/60  冰箭 的减速 增加 到15/30/45/60  大地之灵  Added Aghanim*s Scepter: Grants Earth Spirit a new ability, Enchant Remnant, which lets him temporarily convert a hero into a Stone Remnant.  Boulder Smash unit targeting now only selects units  Boulder Smash point targeting now knocks back the closest Remnant (within 200 area of effect) in the direction selected [?]  Geomagnetic Grip silence rebalanced from 2/3/4/5 to 2.5/3/3.5/4  Geomagnetic Grip damage rebalanced from 100/150/200/250 to 50/125/200/275  Geomagnetic Grip pull speed on allies reduced from 1000 to 600  Stone Remnant drop range reduced from 1400 to 1100  Fixed Stone Remnant being unable to travel as a projectile through Chronosphere  Fixed Stone Remnants not appearing in fog of war  Magnetize search radius increased from 300 to 400  Magnetized Stone Remnants disappear after 8 seconds instead of 5  加入Aghanim的效果:授予大地之灵的新能力,  附魔的神迹,这让他暂时将英雄转化为石头。  巨石冲击技能只能选择单位,不能对地面施放  巨石冲击,现在会把目标击退到方向上最接近的石头上去(在200范围内)  地磁之握的沉默重新调整 从2/3/4/5至2.5/3/3.5/4  地磁握 伤害 重新平衡从100/150/200/250至50/125/200/275  地磁之握拉盟友的速度降低, 从  施放残石的施法距离减少到1100  滚动巨石 现在会在路径上碰到 虚空大招的时候停下  召唤出的石头不会在战争迷雾 中显示  磁化 的触发半径为从300增加到400上升  磁化现在是残石在8秒后消失,而不是5秒。  撼地者  Fissure no longer has unit targeting  Fissure is no longer blocked by Linken*s Sphere  沟壑 现在只能对地施放  沟壑将无视林肯  上古巨神  Added Aghanim*s Scepter: Causes units that are pulled in by Earth Splitter to be disarmed in addition to being slowed. Slow/disarm duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6.  Natural Order armor reduction increased from 25/50/75/100% to 40/60/80/100%  Natural Order magic resistance reduction increased from 8/16/25/33% to 12/19/26/33%  增加A杖效果: 使大招会减护甲,兵持续时间增加 从3/4/5 增加到4/5/6  自然秩序 移除护甲 和魔抗 调整为40/60/80/100% 护甲,12/19/26/33% 魔抗。  魅惑魔女  Base movement speed increased from 310 to 315  基础移动速度 增加 从310 加到 315  谜团  Midnight Pulse cooldown increased from 25 to 35  Black Hole max damage rebalanced from 60/100/140 to 50/100/150  Black Hole max damage area of effect increased from 150 to 200  Black Hole min damage rebalanced from 30/50/70 to 25/50/75  Black Hole min damage area of effect reduced from 500 to 400  Black Hole mana cost rebalanced from 250/350/450 to 275/350/425  午夜脉冲 的冷却 从25增加到35  黑洞的最大伤害平衡为 50/100/150  黑洞的最大伤害半径 从 150增加到 200  黑洞的最小伤害 30/50/70 改为25/50/75  黑洞的最小伤害半径 从500 降低到400  黑洞的耗魔平衡 从 250/350/450 到 275/350/425  虚空假面  Chronosphere area of effect reduced from 450 to 425  Chronosphere flying vision area reduced from 1000 to 425  Chronosphere no longer disables passives  Chronosphere*s effects no longer linger for an extra 0.5 seconds (like normal auras do) at the end of its duration  大招的半径从450 减为425  大招的空中视野效果从1000 降低为425  大招 不在有 取消被动的效果  大招不在会在结束时额外持续0.5秒  矮人直升机  Homing Missile Maximum damage increased from 110/220/330/440 to 125/250/375/500  追踪导弹 的 最大伤害增加 ,从110/220/330/440 增加到 125/250/375/500  哈斯卡  Inner Vitality cooldown reduced from 25 to 25/22/19/16  Berserker*s Blood attack speed bonus increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20  Life Break cooldown reduced from 45/30/15 to 12  Life Break damage reduced from 50% to 35% [?]  Life Break self damage rebalanced from 40/35/30% to 35%  Life Break slow duration rebalanced from 5 to 4/5/6  Lifebreak slow rebalanced from 50% to 40/50/60%  活血术 冷却 时间 25 改为 25/22/19/16  狂战士之血的每层攻速增加的效果 从 8/12/16/20 改为 14/16/18/20  牺牲 大招的冷却时间 从45/30/15 降低至 12  牺牲的伤害 从50% 降低至 35% (A杖后仍然是 65%)  牺牲 的自我伤害 从40/35/30% 平衡为35%  牺牲的而减速效果 从 5 平衡 4/5/6 秒 ,从50%减速平衡为 40/50/60%  祈求者  Tornado flying vision area reduced from 1200 to 600  Tornado damage from 2*Wex+Quas to 3*Wex  飓风的 飞行视野 从1200 下降到600  飓风的伤害 计算 从 2*雷 +冰 的等级 改为 3*雷的等级  杰奇洛  Dual Breath movement and attack slow rebalanced from 30% to 28/32/36/40%  双重吐息 的减速效果 从 30% 平衡到 28/32/36/40%  主宰  The following abilities no longer cancel Blade Fury: Chronosphere, Toss, Black Hole, Global Silence, Doom.  Blade Fury cooldown from 30/27/24/21 to 30/26/22/18  时间结界 ,飞镖,黑洞,全领域沉默,末日 现在不会取消 剑刃之怒。  剑刃之怒的冷却时间降低,从30/27/24/21下降到30/26/22/18  光之守卫  Mana Leak mana removal percentage increased from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 5  Mana Leak duration increased from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8  Recall can now target invulnerable allies (e.g. allies affected by Song of the Siren)  Blinding Light knockback distance from 250 to 400  法力流失的 法力百分比 从 3.5/4/4.5/5 增加到 5  法力流失的持续时间 从4/5/6/7 增加到 5/6/7/8  召回现在可以释放与无敌状态的友军(比如被娜迦之歌沉睡的目标)  致盲之光的击退距离从250 增到400  昆卡  X Marks The Spot cooldown from 13 to 14/13/12/11  X标记的冷却时间 13降低到 14/13/12/11  军团指挥官  Enabled in Captain*s Mode  Duel no longer disables passives  Overwhelming Odds base damage from 60/100/140/180 to 40/80/120/160  Press The Attack mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 110  进入了队长模式。  决斗不再会取消目标的被动效果。  压倒优势的 基础伤害 现在从60/100/140/180 平衡到 40/80/120/160  备战 的磨耗 平衡 从80/90/100/110 改为 110  拉席克  Pulse Nova damage increased from 80/120/160 to 100/130/160; Aghanim*s Scepter damage from 100/160/220 to 160/190/220  Pulse Nova activation cost reduced from 110 to 70/90/110  脉冲新星的伤害增加 ,从 80/120/160 增加到 100/130/160,A杖后伤害 从100/160/220增加到160/190/220  巫妖  Ice Armor now slows ranged heroes for the full amount (instead of half)  冰霜护甲 现在会完全减缓远程攻击者的速度(以前只减速一半)。  莉娜  Light Strike Array cast range increased from 600 to 625  Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 to 1.6/1.8/2/2.2  光击阵的 施法距离从600 增加到625  光击阵的 眩晕时间 从 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 增加到1 .6/1.8/2/2.2  莱恩  Earth Spike damage increased from 60/130/200/260 to 80/140/200/260  尖刺的伤害 60/130/200/260 增加到 80/140/200/260  德鲁伊  Spirit Bear now has 300 mana  Spirit Bear using Hand of Midas now grants the XP to Lone Druid  熊灵现在又300的法力值。  熊灵 使用点金手,所增加的额外经验会给予德鲁伊  狼人  Shapeshift no longer grants 1.5 Base Attack Time  Shapeshift cooldown increased from 100/70/40 to 120/90/60  Shapeshift speed increased from 522 to 650  Shapeshift now has a 1.5 seconds transformation time  变形现在不会获得基础攻击间隔的降低。  变形的冷却时间100/70/40 改为 120/90/60  变形后 移动速度 从522 增加到 650( 继血魔后 第二个移动速度破522的)  变形现在又1.5 秒的变形时间。  马格纳斯  Empower is no longer removed by Spell Immunity  Empower mana cost increased from 40 to 30/40/50/60  授予力量 现在不会被法术免疫移除  授予力量的法力消耗40增加到 30/40/50/60  美杜莎  Mana Shield damage absorption rate increased from 50% to 60%  Mystic Snake outgoing speed increased from 633 to 800  Mystic Snake return speed reduced from 833 to 800  Mystic Snake mana steal increased from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65  法力盾的 吸收伤害比例 从50%增加到60%  秘法之蛇的 施放出去的移动速度从633 增加到800  秘法之蛇的回归速度 从833 降低到800  秘法之蛇的法力窃取 从20/30/40/50增加到 20/35/50/65  米波  Meepo clones* boot item slots now match whichever slot Meepo Prime has his boots in  现在米波主身无论穿什么鞋子分身都会继承。  米拉娜  Leap speed reduced from 2000 to 1600  Leap distance rebalanced from 630/720/780/870 to 600/700/800/900  跳跃的速度 从2000降低到1600  跳跃的距离 630/720/780/870 平衡为 600/700/800/900  先知  Nature*s Call Treant magic resistance reduced from 20% to 0%  召唤的树人不再有魔抗  瘟疫法师  *s Scythe added respawn time penalty from 30% to a constant 30 seconds  收割之镰 增加的复活时间 从30% 改为30秒。  暗夜魔王  Hunter in the Night attack speed increased from 45/55/65/75 to 45/60/75/90  Darkness duration increased from 25/50/80 to 40/60/80  夜之狩猎者 的攻击速度加成 从45/55/65/75 增加到 45/60/75/90  黑夜的持续时间 从25/50/80 增加到 40/60/80  
  Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 2.5  Fireblast damage reduced from 80/145/210/275 to 60/120/180/240  2x Multicast chance increased from 25/40/50 to 40/50/60%  Multicast spread interval increased from 0.3 to 0.4 (affects Ignite and Fireblast)  基础 生命值恢复速度 从0.25 增加到2.5  火焰红包的伤害 从80/145/210/275 降低到 60/120/180/240  大招的双倍施放技能 的几率从 25/40/50增加到 40/50/60%  多重施放的技能施放间隔 从0.3 增加到0.4  全能骑士  Base armor increased by 1  Purification damage area of effect increased from 240 to 260  基础护甲 加 1  洗礼的伤害范围 从240 增加到260  殁境神蚀者  Essence Aura chance to activate increased from 10/20/30/40% to 40%  Essence Aura percentage of mana restored reduced from 25% to 10/15/20/25%  Aghanim*s Scepter Sanity*s Eclipse now always triggers the mana drain  精气光环 回魔概率 固定为40%  精气光环 回魔量 从25% 平衡为10/15/20/25 %  A杖的神智之蚀 现在一定会触发 法力流失效果(以前需要计算伤害)  幻影刺客  Blur minimap hide now has the opposite effect, and is active when no enemies are near  模糊后在小地图消失现在有另一个对立的效果,当周围没有敌方英雄时激活  幻影长矛手  Removed from Captain*s Mode  Agility gain reduced from 4.2 to 3.0  Base Agility increased from 23 to 29  Base Strength increased from 18 to 21  Reworked Phantom Lancer:  Spirit Lance: unchanged  Phantom Rush: a passive basic ability for Phantom Lancer, or his illusions, to quickly close the distance to an enemy  Doppelganger: a new ability for dodging immediate danger, and confusing enemies with deceiving illusions  Juxtapose: now his Ultimate, and allows both Phantom Lancer and his illusions to create more illusions  从队长模式移除。  敏捷成长 从4.2 降低到3.0  基础敏捷增加 ,从23 增加到29  基础力量 从18增加到21  重做了幻影长矛手。  幻影之矛 技能不变  幻影冲刺:被动技能,使幻影长矛手和他的幻想能迅速靠近远距离的敌人。  分身: 新的技能 ,是幻影长矛手能躲紧急危险,并用幻象迷惑敌人。  并列: 现在幻影长矛手的大招 能使他和他的幻象制造更多的幻象。  凤凰  Added Aghanim*s Scepter: Allows Phoenix to cast Supernova on an allied hero, bringing both into the Sun to be reborn together. This does not refresh either hero*s ultimate. 500 cast range. If the Sun is destroyed, both heroes will die.  增加A杖效果:使凤凰能能在一个友方英雄身上施放超新星,并将彼此都裹入生成的新星中。如果新星重生,不会刷新彼此的大招,如果新星被毁,则彼此都死亡。500施放距离。  帕吉  Turn Rate improved from 0.5 to 0.7  转身速率从0.5增加到0.7  帕克  Dream Coil no longer ignores invisible units or Illusions  Aghanim*s Scepter Dream Coil snap stun now pierces Spell Immunity  Aghanim*s Scepter Dream Coil snap stun duration increased from 1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/3/4.5  梦境缠绕 现在对隐身和幻想也有效。  A杖梦境缠绕的昏迷效果对魔免也有效。  A杖梦境缠绕的昏迷效果从1.5/2.25/3 增加到1.5/3/4.5  帕格纳  Life Drain can now be targeted on allies, allowing Pugna to drain his own life into them  吸取生命现在可以对友军施放,使Pugna为友军输血。(我了个草。)  痛苦女王  Base Attack Time improved from 1.7 to 1.6  Removed unit targeting from Sonic Wave  Sonic Wave final area of effect increased from 300 to 450  基础攻击间隔从1.7降低到1.6  超声波不再能点击目标施放。  超声波的最终范围半径从300 增加到450  剃刀  Plasma Field minimum damage from 60/100/140/180 to 30/50/70/90 [?]  Static Link no longer ignores Linken*s Sphere  Static Link mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 50  Eye of the Storm no longer lingers through aegis reincarnation  等离子场的最小伤害 从60/100/140/180降低至 30/50/70/90(最大伤害不变)  静态连接 不再无视林肯,  静态连接的法力消耗 固定为50  风暴之眼不再会在重生时凝聚。  力丸  Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 290  Base damage reduced by 10  Base HP regeneration reduced from 1.5 to the default 0.25  Permanent Invisibility is now a basic ability  Permanent Invisibility fade delay from 3/2/1 to 8/6/4/2  Permanent Invisibility now provides 4/5/6/7 HP regeneration while invisible [?]  Blink Strike is now an Ultimate and can target Spell Immune  Blink Strike bonus damage from 30/60/90/120 to 50/70/90  Blink Strike now has 3/4/5 charges, with a 30 second replenish time, instead of a 20/15/10/5 cooldown  Blink Strike mana cost reduced from 50 to 40  Blink Strike cast range increased from 700 to 800  基础移动速度 降低,从300降低到290  基础伤害降低10  基础生命回复从1.5 降低到0.25  永久隐身 现在是被动 小技能。  永久隐身 进入时间 从3/2/1 改为 8/6/4/2  永久隐身现在会在隐身后提供 4/5/6/7的额外生命值回复  闪烁击 现在是大招,并且能对魔免单位施放  闪烁击 的额外伤害 从30/60/90/120 改为50/70/90  闪烁击现在有 3/4/5 次的充能,和30秒的充能时间 (类似于火猫的残影),而不是冷却。  闪烁击现在耗魔 从50降低到40  闪烁击施放距离从700增加到800  暗影恶魔  Soul Catcher now amplifies damage by 20/30/40/50% instead of attempting to re-deal 20/30/40/50% of the damage as Pure damage  Aghanim*s Scepter Demonic Purge charges increased from 2 to 3  灵魂猎手的增加伤害不再是纯粹伤害。  A杖的邪恶净化 充能次数增加为3  影魔  Necromastery soul cap increased from 12/20/28/36 to 15/22/29/36  Requiem of Souls debuff is now applied when the wave hits units instead of in a slightly smaller area independently  Requiem of Souls slow increased from 20% to 25%  支配死灵 灵魂数量增加,从12/20/28/36 增加到 15/22/29/36  魂之挽歌现在会在每个波浪碰到单位时生效,而不是独立的在各自小区域生效。  魂之挽歌的减速效果 从20%增加到25%  暗影萨满  Shackles mana cost rebalanced from 110/130/155/185 to 140/150/160/170  Mass Serpent Ward cooldown increased from 110 to 120  枷锁 的魔法消耗 从110/130/155/185 平衡为 140/150/160/170  群蛇守卫 的冷却时间 从110增加到120  沉默术士  Glaives of Wisdom percent intelligence to damage from 30/45/60/75 to 30/48/66/84  Global Silence mana cost from 250/350/450 to 250/375/500  智慧之刃 的智力伤害加成从30/45/60/75 增加到 30/48/66/84  全领域沉默 法力消耗从250/350/450 增加到 250/375/500  天怒法师  Concussive Shot movement slow rebalanced from 40% to 30/35/40...


