也给我发一个tunelab pro 破解版的破解吧,我...

我回复说:有法可依 有法必依 执法必严
初次使用此软件的朋友,看了猫版的介绍,再加上这个指南文件,上手应当很轻松了。 献给部分英文比我还糟的朋友,呵呵
Using this tutorial 如何使用此指南
This tutorial is meant to be used as a step-by-step guide to
certain operations in TuneLab Pro. 本指南将一步一步的指导您在TuneLab Pro中的操作.
Many of these operations involve the
keyboard.有相当一部分操作涉及到键盘的使用。& However, the keys that
you press when this tutorial is displayed do not always go to
TuneLab Pro.然而,当此帮助页面显示时,您按下键盘键并不总是能够回到TuneLab
Pro操作界面。& In fact, every time you call this
tutorial and every time you click in it, the tutorial acquires the
"focus" of the
To make the keys go to TuneLab Pro, you need to give the focus back
to TuneLab Pro. 要想使用键盘来控制TuneLab Pro的操作,您需要使焦点回到TuneLab Pro界面中。 You
can do that by clicking anywhere inside the TuneLab Pro window.
您可使用鼠标点击TuneLab Pro窗口来实现。 Remember to do that whenever the
instructions in this tutorial call for using the
The contents list shows the tutorial topics. 目录列出本指导的主题。 Some
topics require several pages. 部分主题包含了几页的内容。 These topics can be
viewed by using the "--Next--" link at the bottom of a topic.
可使用页面底部的NEXT链接来进行翻页查看。 If this help window gets in the way of some
part of the TuneLab Pro screen, then you can click and drag the
title bar of the tutorial window to move it out of the
way.& You can even resize the help window by
dragging at the borders.若此帮助窗口遮挡了TuneLab
Although this tutorial is focused& primarily on
how to do certain things, you can also find out why we do these
Click on the links in the text that say "(Why?)" and learn more
about the operation being described.点击文本中的“Why”以得到更多的操作描述。
These topics show only the simplest way to do the operations
shown.& For more in-depth coverage of any topic,
see the Help Topics in the Help menu in TuneLab Pro.
-----Selecting notes-----选择音
uMake sure the keyboard caps lock is off (Why?).&
确认键盘的caps lock在关闭状态(If you select notes by pressing upper case
versions of A-G, you will get the sharp version of these
notes.& To make sure you get the naturals, use
only lower case.&
如果为大写状态,您会选择带#的音) Press the B key.按B键,& Note how
the current note is now B.& 注意当前音显示是B,The octave
number after the B remains unchanged. 八度序号数没有变化。 Press the 3
key.按3键,& Note how the current note is now
uPress the right arrow key several times. 按几下右方向键, Note how the
current note goes up one note at a time. 可注意到当前音每次上行一个。 Press the
left arrow key.& Note how the current note goes
down one note at a time.按左方向键,可看到当前音每次下行一个。
uPress the Pg-Up or Pg-Dn keys.& Note how the
octave number goes up or down one octave at a
uHold the shift key and press the right arrow key to enable
automatic note switching (Why?You enable auto note switching so
that you can operate TuneLab Pro without touching the computer.
设置为自动切换方式您可以不用接触计算机来操作TuneLab Pro。TuneLab Pro listens to the notes
you play and when it hears that you are playing the next note in
the scale it will automatically switch to that note. TuneLab
Pro***您所弹奏的音,如果它听到您所弹音在下一个音的频率范围,它将自动切换到下一个音。 There are three
different versions of auto note switching - auto up, auto down, and
auto both.& 有三种自动切换方式,自动上,自动下,全自动。These modes can
be enabled by holding the shift key and pressing the right arrow,
the left arrow, or the left and right arrows together.
可以按SHIFT+右,左,左右同时来进行切换。 Auto note switching is disabled by holding
the shift key and pressing the down arrow. 退出自动切换模式只须按SHIFT+下方向键。
You can see the current state of auto note switching by noting
which auto note toolbar buttons are pushed in at the top of the
screen. 您可以看到屏幕上端的音切换方式显示工具栏上的按钮呈弹起状态。).按住SHIFT键按右方向键,设置自动切换方式。
uSelect note B3.选择B3
uPlay note C4 on the&.
弹奏C4, Note how the current note automatically switches to
uHold the shift key and press the down arrow key to turn off
automatic note switching. 按SHIFT+↓关闭自动切换状态。
Tuning with the spectrum display调音的频谱显示
uSelect note A4.选择A4
uPress the "+" key to select the zoomed-in view of the spectrum
uPlay A4 on a piano.弹奏钢琴A4, The spectrum display should show a
graph with a peak somewhere in the middle. 频谱图的曲线中部会出现一个波峰 ,If the
peak is to the left of the red line then the note on the piano is
If the peak is to the right of the red line then the note is sharp.
如果在红线右侧,则偏高。 If you do not see a peak in the graph, then your
microphone may not be working. 如果看不到波峰,可能您的麦克没有***好。 See the manual
for troubleshooting help.可查看故障处理指南。
uTune the piano until the peak in the spectrum graph is centered at
the red line. 动手调,直到波峰在红线中央。
Tuning with the phase display 利用相位显示指导调音
uSelect note A4.选择A4
uPlay note A4 on the piano.弹奏钢琴A4,& Note the
moving squares in the box above the current note display.
注意在“当前设置”显示框上方的移动中的方块, If the squares move to the right then the
note on the piano is sharp. 如果方块向右方移动,则钢琴上的对应音偏高了, If the squares
move to the left then the note is flat.反之,则低。
uTune the piano until the moving squares are standing still.
Adjusting the offset调整偏调量(offset)
(Move this tutorial window over so you can see the right half of
the current settings window.)
uPress the Y key several times. 按几下Y键, Note how the offset display
goes up by 10 each time.注意“当前显示”的右上角显示的offset值每次增加10,
uPress the U, I, or O keys several times. 按U,I,或者O键, Note how the
offset display goes up by 1, .1 or .01 each
uPress the H, J, K, or L keys several times. 按几下H,J,K,或者L键, Note
how the offset display goes down by 10, 1, .1, or .01 each
time.& offset值每次减少10,1,.1,.01。Note how the offset
flashes whenever it is not zero.我们注意到,当offset为非零值时,它是闪烁的。
uPress the Z key.& Note how the offset is cleared
to zero. 按Z键,offset值归零。
uSelect note A4.选择A4
uStrike an A-440 tuning fork and hold it up to the
uPress the period key (".") two times to enable locking
mode.按下(".")键两次,进入锁定模式。& Note how the offset
gradually adjusts itself to make the moving squares in the phase
display stand still (Why?)注意相位显示中的方块将自动调整直至停止不动。
uIf the tuning fork dies out before the phase display stands
still,如果音叉在方块停止移动前死去(呵呵), press ESC to stop the locking
mode.按ESC键退出锁定模式。 Repeat the previous step until the squares stand
still when the tuning fork is
uPress ESC to cancel locking mode and double check that the phase
display stands still when the tuning fork is
uFrom the File menu, select Calibrate to an External
Reference.从主菜单中选择Calibra to an External
uIn the box that pops up enter exactly 440,在弹出窗口中输入440, even if
that is not the number that was initially there
uIf you really want to make this calibration permanent,
如果您确定想使本次校准生效,then click on OK.点击OK。& If you are
just practicing calibration, then click on CANCEL.
如果只是练习一下,点击CANCEL。 See the regular help file for the recommended
(but harder) calibration procedure using NIST
&& --checking
uBack on the main screen.& 返回主屏幕,Strike the tuning
fork and check that the phase display stands still.
Measuring inharmonicity失谐度测量
uSelect the note C3.选择C3
uMute all but one string of the note C3 in the piano
uPress the M key to enable an inharmonicity measurement.
按M键进入失谐度测量模式。 Note the box that appears saying "Measuring, waiting
for trigger..".屏幕上显示:"Measuring, waiting for trigger.."
uPlay and hold C3 on the piano.弹钢琴C3并保持。& The
measurement status should change to "listening to note" right away.
测量状态马上变换到"listening to note" 。Hold the note until the status
changes or a results box appears
uAfter a short calculation, you should see a results box appear.
经过短暂计算,你会看到一个测试结果对话框弹出。 There should be cents offsets for several
partials and an inharmonicity constant displayed.
结果中以音分显示每个分音的偏差值,及一个失谐度常数。 Click on "Save" to save the
inharmonicity measurement for this note.点击S***E保存此音的测量结果。
uPress the Insert key to display all the inharmonicity
measurements. 按Insert键显示失谐度常数表。 In this display you should see the
inharmonicity constant in the box for the note
uRepeat the procedure for C1, C2, C4, C5, and C6 (Why?).
在C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6音上重复以上步骤。 It is not necessary to view the results
with the Insert key each time.&
没有必要每次都按Insert来查看结果。In fact, it is not necessary to view the
results at all unless you are curious or suspect that you may have
some bad readings.事实上根本没有必要在测量后查看失谐度常数,除非您很好奇或者对自己的操作不太放心。
Adjusting the tuning curve音准曲线调整
uFrom the File menu, select Open Tuning File.从主菜单选择打开调音文件(open
tuning file)
uIn the list of files that is displayed, select and double click on
Practice.tun. 从文件列表中,选择Practice.tun,双击打开。 This will load a practice
tuning file that contains inharmonicity
uPress the T key to display the tuning curve adjuster screen.
uPress the left arrow key and then use the up and down arrow keys
to select 6:3 single octaves for the bass (Why?).在Bass项中,按←和↓键选择6:3
single octaves 。 Press Enter to make the
uPress the right arrow key and then use the up and down arrow keys
to select 4:1 double octaves for the treble.
按→键,进入Treble项设置,按↓↑选择4:1 double octaves项, Press Enter to make the
uClick on the toolbar button that shows the word
"Auto".& 点击工具栏“Auto”按钮。This will enabled the fully
automatic mode of tuning curve adjustment, in case you had
previously selected some other mode.
如果您以前选择了其他模式,本操作可切换到音准曲线调整的全自动模式下。 This is the default mode and the
easiest mode to use. 自动模式为默认设置。 (If you are interested in taking
complete manual control of the ends of the tuning curve, then click
on one of these toolbar buttons: and then consult the comprehensive
manual for TuneLab Pro.如果对手动调整曲线感兴趣,可点击相应按钮,参考TUNELAB
uWith fully automatic mode enabled, press the U key on the keyboard
to cause the automatic adjustments to be
uPress ESC to return to the main screen. 按ESC键返回主屏幕。
Over-pull tuning过拉模式
Assuming a tuning curve has already been established or opened for
the specific piano..假定已测定好音准曲线或者已打开现有的音准曲线。
uSelect note A0选择A0,
uPress the F2 function key,按F2功能键, then press Enter to enable
over-pull tuning mode.回车进入过拉模式。
uPlay A0 on the piano. 弹奏A0, Note how the over-pull status changes
from "waiting" to "measuring" to "pulling from...".
可看到over-pull状态显示从"waiting" to "measuring" to "pulling from..." ,The
number of cents shown in the status box is the measured condition
of the string before you start to tune
it.以音分显示的数值便是你要调的这条琴弦的拉伸量。& Note how the
pre-tuning measurement is placed in the history list on the left
side of the screen.每次的拉伸量都被记录显示在在屏幕左侧。
Note: If playing the note does not trigger a measurement, play the
note again. 注意:如果弹奏琴键时不能触发软件的测量操作,重新击键。 If a bad measurement is
taken, press M to remeasure that note. 如果得出明显不正确的测量结果,按M键以重新测量之。
Press M several times to remove several bad entries in the history
uTune A0 for an in-tune indication in the spectrum display and the
phase display.根据频谱及相位指示调好A0。
uUse the right arrow key to select the note
A#0.使用→键选择A#0,& Note how the over-pull status box
changes back to "waiting".& Play A#0 on the
piano.& After the measurement has been taken, tune
uContinue selecting notes in order, playing them for a pre-tuning
measurement, and tuning them normally.&
继续选择音,弹奏该音以测量,然后按常规调。Tune unisons as you go.然后调好同度。
uPress function key F8. 按功能键F8, Note how the over-pull percentage
goes up by 1%. “过拉百分比”每次增加1%, Press function key
F7.& Note how the over-pull percentage goes down
by 1%.& 按F7,“过拉百分比”每次减少1%。Use these keys to adjust
the over-pull percentage according to the rule shown in the
uTo cancel over-pull tuning mode, press F2, TAB, and then Enter.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。tunelab|钢琴调音软件TuneLab下载_Pro v4.0 汉化绿色版_9号软件下载&用TuneLab软件调琴感受& 的相关文章
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.周末又对钢琴进行了一次调律,由于我高音区听不准,全部是看的软件进行的调整,发现这样一个现象:不少的单弦会出现两个波峰(主要是在最高音那两个八度),甚至最后一个C8键,在图形上是一片波峰,像山一样的图形。经过慢慢微调发现,高音区不像中音区,无论怎吗拉,都不会改变音色,而是在某一点音量明显增大,音色和 ...&&
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.最近看了别的论坛里的关于TUNELAB的贴子,很多人都用这个来调律,我有一个疑问,用这个软件测定钢琴的音准线的时候,虽然是按照平均曲线先把C1-C7都调到了曲线上的位置,但是这个平均曲线并不是这台钢琴的曲线啊!如果说用平均曲线(是因为弦张力对失谐率有影响所以要先把相对音调到曲线上的音高的话,那么一台钢琴, ...&&
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前一阵买了二手三益琴,女儿5岁,开始学琴。本来感觉音色挺好的,但是上周调音师来调律后,我就觉得音色变差了很多,高音部分变尖锐了,低音部分又变得很沉闷,并且有几个音好像不准。因为我完全是外行,又不敢相信自己的感觉,请教高人们一下,这是怎么回事?钢琴调律后音色会变吗?是要再调一下?还是过一段时间能恢复 ...&&
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自从儿子将我的个人信息发布到信息发布平台后,几个月来不断有朋友邀我到家中调琴,在此表示感谢!!在此也对流行钢琴网的所以工作与主创人员及版主表示感谢!!因此我特别撰写一篇文章浅谈钢琴调律的作用,以飨读者,已回答在调律过程中朋友们爱问的问题,篇幅有限,不能全概,容请后表……本文提要1.钢琴首次调音的重 ...&&
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