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本帖子已过去太久远了,不再提供回复功能。QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
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QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
I am getting this error:
&QQmlComponent: Component is not ready&
how can I get the detail of why the component is not ready ?
Re: QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
The error(s) are usually logged as well.
If you handle the QQmlComponent yourself, you can also access the errors using QQmlComponent::errors()
By tonnot in forum Newbie
By .:saeed:. in forum Qt Quick
By Abeer in forum Newbie
Digia, Qt and their respective logos are trademarks of Digia Plc in Finland and/or other countries worldwide.QQmlProperty Class | Qt QML 5.9
QQmlProperty Class
class abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML.
Header: #include &QQmlProperty&
qmake: QT += qml Since:
Public Types
{ InvalidCategory, List, Object, Normal }
{ Invalid, Property, SignalProperty }
Public Functions
(QObject *obj)
(QObject *obj, QQmlContext *ctxt)
(QObject *obj, QQmlEngine *engine)
(QObject *obj, const QString &name)
(QObject *obj, const QString &name, QQmlContext *ctxt)
(QObject *obj, const QString &name, QQmlEngine *engine)
(const QQmlProperty &other)
bool (QObject *dest, const char *slot) const
bool (QObject *dest, int method) const
bool () const
int () const
bool () const
bool () const
bool () const
bool () const
bool () const
bool () const
QMetaMethod () const
QString () const
bool () const
QObject *() const
QMetaProperty () const
int () const
PropertyTypeCategory () const
const char *() const
QVariant () const
bool () const
Type () const
bool (const QVariant &value) const
QQmlProperty &(const QQmlProperty &other)
bool (const QQmlProperty &other) const
Static Public Members
QVariant (const QObject *object, const QString &name)
QVariant (const QObject *object, const QString &name, QQmlContext *ctxt)
QVariant (const QObject *object, const QString &name, QQmlEngine *engine)
bool (QObject *object, const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
bool (QObject *object, const QString &name, const QVariant &value, QQmlContext *ctxt)
bool (QObject *object, const QString &name, const QVariant &value, QQmlEngine *engine)
Detailed Description
class abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML.
As QML uses Qt's meta-type system all of the existing
classes can be used to introspect and interact with objects created by QML. However, some of the new features provided by QML - such as type safety and attached properties - are most easily used through the
class that simplifies some of their natural complexity.
which represents a property on a class type,
encapsulates a property on a specific object instance. To read a property's value, programmers create a
instance and call the () method. Likewise to write a property value the () method is used.
For example, for the following QML code:
import QtQuick 2.0
Text { text: "A bit of text" }
object's properties could be accessed using , like this:
#include &QQmlProperty&
#include &QGraphicsObject&
property(view.rootObject(), "font.pixelSize");
() && "Current pixel size:" && property.read().toInt();
() && "Pixel size should now be 24:" && property.read().toInt();
version of this class was named QDeclarativeProperty.
Member Type Documentation
enum QQmlProperty::PropertyTypeCategory
This enum specifies a category of QML property.
QQmlProperty::InvalidCategory0The property is invalid, or is a signal property.
QQmlProperty::List1The property is a
list property
QQmlProperty::Object2The property is a
derived type pointer
QQmlProperty::Normal3The property is a normal value property.
enum QQmlProperty::Type
This enum specifies a type of QML property.
QQmlProperty::Invalid0The property is invalid.
QQmlProperty::Property1The property is a regular Qt property.
QQmlProperty::SignalProperty2The property is a signal property.
Member Function Documentation
Create an invalid .
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj)
for the default property of obj. If there is no default property, an invalid
will be created.
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj,
for the default property of obj using the
ctxt. If there is no default property, an invalid
will be created.
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj,
for the default property of obj using the environment for instantiating QML components that is provided by engine. If there is no default property, an invalid
will be created.
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj, const
for the property name of obj.
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj, const
for the property name of obj using the
Creating a
without a context will render some properties - like attached properties - inaccessible.
QQmlProperty::QQmlProperty( *obj, const
for the property name of obj using the environment for instantiating QML components that is provided by engine.
Create a copy of other.
bool QQmlProperty::connectNotifySignal( *dest, const char *slot) const
Connects the property's change notifier signal to the specified slot of the dest object and returns true. Returns false if this metaproperty does not represent a regular Qt property or if it has no change notifier signal, or if the dest object does not have the specified slot.
Note: slot should be passed using the () macro so it is correctly identified.
bool QQmlProperty::connectNotifySignal( *dest, int method) const
Connects the property's change notifier signal to the specified method of the dest object and returns true. Returns false if this metaproperty does not represent a regular Qt property or if it has no change notifier signal, or if the dest object does not have the specified method.
bool QQmlProperty::hasNotifySignal() const
Returns true if the property has a change notifier signal, otherwise false.
int QQmlProperty::index() const
Return the Qt metaobject index of the property.
bool QQmlProperty::isDesignable() const
Returns true if the property is designable, otherwise false.
bool QQmlProperty::isProperty() const
Returns true if this
represents a regular Qt property.
bool QQmlProperty::isResettable() const
Returns true if the property is resettable, otherwise false.
bool QQmlProperty::isSignalProperty() const
Returns true if this
represents a QML signal property.
bool QQmlProperty::isValid() const
Returns true if the
refers to a valid property, otherwise false.
bool QQmlProperty::isWritable() const
Returns true if the property is writable, otherwise false.
QQmlProperty::method() const
Return the
for this property if it is a , otherwise returns an invalid .
QQmlProperty::name() const
Return the name of this QML property.
bool QQmlProperty::needsNotifySignal() const
Returns true if the property needs a change notifier signal for bindings to remain upto date, false otherwise.
Some properties, such as attached properties or those whose value never changes, do not require a change notifier.
*QQmlProperty::object() const
Returns the 's .
QQmlProperty::property() const
Returns the
associated with this QML property.
int QQmlProperty::propertyType() const
Returns the
type of the property, or QVariant::Invalid if the property has no
QQmlProperty::propertyTypeCategory() const
Returns the property category.
const char *QQmlProperty::propertyTypeName() const
Returns the type name of the property, or 0 if the property has no type name.
QQmlProperty::read() const
Returns the property value.
*object, const
Return the name property value of object. This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name);
*object, const
Return the name property value of object using the
ctxt. This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name, context);
*object, const
Return the name property value of object using the environment for instantiating QML components that is provided by engine. . This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name, engine);
bool QQmlProperty::reset() const
Resets the property and returns true if the property is resettable. If the property is not resettable, nothing happens and false is returned.
QQmlProperty::type() const
Returns the type of the property.
bool QQmlProperty::write(const
&value) const
Sets the property value to value. Returns true on success, or false if the property can't be set because the value is the wrong type, for example.
[static] bool QQmlProperty::write( *object, const
&name, const
Writes value to the name property of object. This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name);
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
[static] bool QQmlProperty::write( *object, const
&name, const
Writes value to the name property of object using the
ctxt. This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name, ctxt);
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
[static] bool QQmlProperty::write( *object, const
&name, const
Writes value to the name property of object using the environment for instantiating QML components that is provided by engine. This method is equivalent to:
p(object, name, engine);
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
Assign other to this .
bool QQmlProperty::operator==(const
&other) const
Returns true if other and this
represent the same property.
(C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of
their respective owners.
The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.
in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.


