求木瓜奇迹挂机脚本 挂机自动捡物 脚本,送上我...

11:28:12 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
本帖最后由 花落无间 于
11:33 编辑
//& & 脚本开始
KeyPress 50,1
RightClick 1
KeyPress 51,1
RightClick 1
KeyPress 49,1
& & Gosub 回位
RightDown 1
Delay 1000
Gosub 搜宝
KeyPress 18,1
Gosub 搜宝
Delay 2000
Gosub 搜宝
KeyPress 18,1
Gosub 搜宝
KeyPress 18,1
Gosub 搜宝
Delay 2000
Delay 1000
//& & 打怪子程序
& & Rem 打怪
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 00
& & RightUp 1
//& & 搜宝子程序
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\木瓜.bmp&,1,BSx,BSy)
& & If BSx&=0 and BSy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 木瓜
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\祝福.bmp&,1,XBx,XBy)
& & If XBx&=0 and XBy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 祝福
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\木瓜1.bmp&,1,ZJx,ZJy)
& & If ZJx&=0 and ZJy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 木瓜1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\祝福.bmp&,1,ZLx,ZLy)
& & If ZLx&=0 and ZLy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 祝福1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\之翼.bmp&,1,ZDx,ZDy)
& & If ZDx&=0 and ZDy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 之翼
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\之翼1.bmp&,1,ZSx,ZSy)
& & If ZSx&=0 and ZSy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 之翼1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\之翼2.bmp&,1,MYx,MYy)
& & If MYx&=0 and MYy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 之翼2
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\生命.bmp&,1,EMx,EMy)
& & If EMx&=0 and EMy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 生命
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\灵魂.bmp&,1,YJx,YJy)
& & If YJx&=0 and YJy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 灵魂
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\汉斯.bmp&,1,CBx,CBy)
& & If CBx&=0 and CBy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 汉斯
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\宝石.bmp&,1,YSx,YSy)
& & If YSx&=0 and YSy&=0
& && &&&Gosub 宝石
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\血低.bmp&,1,DDx,DDy)
& & If DDx&=0 and DDy&=0
& && &&&KeyPress 81,1
& & Delay 100
//& & 捡宝子程序
& & KeyPress 44,1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo BSx+30,BSy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &木瓜&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\木瓜.bmp&,1,BSx,BSy)
& & If BSx&=0 and BSy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&MoveTo BSx+50,BSy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&SayString &木瓜没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 400
& & SayString &哈哈木瓜捡到了&
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\木瓜.bmp&,1,BSx,BSy)
& & If BSx&=0 and BSy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&MoveTo BSx+70,BSy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&SayString &木瓜还没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo XBx+10,XBy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &祝福&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & KeyPress 44,1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo ZJx+15,ZJy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &木瓜1&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo ZLx+10,ZLy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &祝福1&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & KeyPress 44,1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo ZDx+30,ZDy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &之翼&
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\之翼.bmp&,1,ZDx,ZDy)
& & If ZDx&=0 and ZDy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&MoveTo ZDx+50,ZDy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&SayString & 之翼没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 400
& & SayString &哈哈之翼捡到了&
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\木瓜.bmp&,1,ZDx,ZDy)
& & If ZDx&=0 and ZDy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&MoveTo ZDx+70,ZDy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 1000
& && &&&SayString &之翼还没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & KeyPress 44,1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo ZSx+35,ZSy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &之翼1&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & KeyPress 44,1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo MYx+35,MYy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &之翼2&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo EMx+10,EMy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &生命&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo YJx+5,YJy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &灵魂&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo CBx+30,CBy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &汉斯&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\汉斯.bmp&,1,CBx,CBy)
& & If CBx&=0 and CBy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 300
& && &&&SayString &汉斯没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&MoveTo CBx+50,CBy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 2000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 300
& & SayString &哈哈汉斯捡到了&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&Attachment:\汉斯.bmp&,1,CBx,CBy)
& & If CBx&=0 and CBy&=0
& && &&&Delay 600
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&Delay 300
& && &&&SayString &汉斯还没捡到再捡&
& && &&&KeyPress 13,1
& && &&&MoveTo CBx+50,CBy+20
& && &&&Delay 500
& && &&&LeftClick 1
& && &&&Delay 2000
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & Delay 200
& & RightUp 1
& & Delay 600
& & MoveTo YSx+10,YSy+20
& & Delay 500
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 1000
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & Delay 1000
& & SayString &宝石&
& & KeyPress 13,1
& & MoveTo 640,307
& & RightDown 1
& & KeyPress 77,1
& & Delay 1000
& & MoveTo 272,581
& & Delay 300
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo 942,526
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo 571,688
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo 477,592
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo 308,380
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo 345,505
& & Delay 1000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
& & MoveTo
& & Delay 3000
& & LeftClick 1
& & Delay 3000
Return 回位
那位大侠帮帮忙 奇迹MU挂机捡物脚本问题
06:00:19 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
小弟抄了一段奇迹MU自动捡物挂机的脚本 进行了些修改 也重新截图了 但是调试 提示&&第10行form1 缺少对象&&应该怎么更改 测试多次未能成功 能成功挂机不能自动捡物
Dim babySet,mySelect
Set babySet = CreateObject(&Scripting.Dictionary&)
If Form1.money.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &金&,&money&
If Form1.linghun.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &灵魂&,&linghun&
If Form1.zhufu.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &祝福宝石&,&zhufu&
If Form1.zhiyu.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &神鹰之羽&,&zhiyu&
If Form1.kw.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &木瓜套&,&mg&
If Form1.xianglian.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &卓越项链&,&xianglian&
If Form1.jiezhi.Value = 1 Then
babySet.Add &卓越戒指&,&jiezhi&
mySelect = babySet.Items
Call 挂机()
Call 搜宝()
Sub 搜宝()
If babySet.Count & 0 Then
For i=0 To babySet.Count-1
Call 找图(mySelect(i))
Sub 找图(picName)
KeyDown 18,1
FindPic 0, 0, 806, 628, &attachment:\& + picName + &.bmp&, 0.9, intX, intY
KeyPress 18,1
If intX & 0 And intY & 0 Then
MoveTo intX+15,intY+35
KeyDown 18,1
LeftDown 1
Delay 2000
KeyPress 18,1
Call 回位()
Sub 挂机()
RightDown 1
Sub 回位()
LeftDown 1
Delay 1000


