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GB GB的意思 GB是什么意思 GB什么意思 GB的解释
GB基本概念GB = Gigabyte,千兆字节,电脑的一种存储单位,1GB=1024MB,1TB=1024GB。GB = Gigabit,千兆位,1Gb=2的30次方位=24=1 073 741 824bit,电信工业术语。GB ,沙林(甲氟磷酸异丙酯),一种神经性毒气的代号。GB =GetBackers,日本漫画闪灵二人组的缩写。GB = game back,篮球数据“胜 差”的意思。GB = Great Britain,大不列颠。GB = gilbert,吉伯,磁通量的单位。gb = gameboy,任天堂出品的黑白掌上游戏机,日,任天堂GameBoy的总销售量正式突破了1亿台。GB=Goldberg,美国职业摔跤WWE的选手,1997年加入WWE,绰号:战神gb 也是民间部分地区骂人(狗B--雌狗生殖器)的一种拼音缩写拼音缩写GB = guó biāo,国标,中华人民共和国国家标准,是包括语编码系统的国家标准码,都能由在国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(或称国际电工协会,IEC)代表中华人民共和国的会员机构:国家标准化管理委员会发布。《中华人民共和国国家标准》有时也简称中国国家标准。GB = gài bāng,丐帮,网游天龙八部中丐帮的简称。GB = guà bī,G,外挂,挂的缩写;B,地球上未知的低贱生物缩写GB = guo biao 国家标准,简称国标,GB指国家标准中的强制性国标。国家标准是指由国家标准化主管机构批准发布,对全国经济、技术发展有重大意义,且在全国范围内统一的标准。国家标准是在全国范围内统一的技术要求,由国务院标准化行政主管部门编制计划,协调项目分工,组织制定(含修订),统一审批、编号、发布。法律对国家标准的制定另有规定的,依照法律的规定执行。国家标准的年限一般为5年,过了年限后,国家标准就要被修订或重新制定。此外,随着社会的发展,国家需要制定新的标准来满足人们生产、生活的需要。因此,标准是种动态信息。下面是关于国家标准的介绍。全球商务GB是Global Business 的简称,中文意思:全球商务。参考:GB86?COM通信术语Gb接口 Gb接口是SGSN和BSS间接口(在华为的GPRS系统中,Gb接口是SGSN和PCU之间的接口),通过该接口SGSN完成同BSS系统、MS之间的通信,以完成分组数据传送、移动性管理、会话管理方面的功能。该接口是GPRS组网的必选接口。在目前的GPRS标准协议中,指定Gb接口采用帧中继作为底层的传输协议,SGSN同BSS之间可以采用帧中继网进行通信,也可以采用点到点的帧中继连接进行通信。其他GB = GOGOBOX,博弘科技在2007年五月份推出的一个大容量资料室。玩CS和CF的时候 ***的人 一般叫 GB
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GB是什么意思 GB在线翻译 GB什么意思 GB的意思 GB的翻译 GB的解释 GB的发音 GB的同义词 GB的反义词 GB的例句 GB的相关词组 GB意思是什么
GB英 [?d?i: 'bi:] [,d?i:'bi:] GB 基本解释abbr.千兆字节(=gigabyte); Great Britain 大不列颠GB 网络解释1. 1. 吉字节:基于 IIS 的服务器使用四个 Xeon 450 兆赫 (MHz) 处理器和 1 吉字节 (GB) 的内存. 基于 SQL Server 2000 的数据库服务器使用八个 Xeon 550 MHz 处理器以及 2 GB 内存和 100 GB 硬盘. HeadTrax 通过使用几种强大的安全功能,2. 英国:[地址]英国英格兰伦敦 [申请人]曾尼卡有限公司 [公开号]1203539 [国家省市]英国(GB) [国际分类]B01J13/10 [摘要] 一种固体微囊包封的产品,通过如下的方法来制备,即(i)制备包括成膜聚合物如聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮和微囊包封物质水悬浮液的成膜含水介质,3. 中国国家标准:德国工业标准(DIN) 中国国家标准(GB) 国际标准(ISO)普通楔式卡盘通过楔槽机构将卡盘活塞的轴向运动转换成卡爪的径向移动. 这类卡盘结构简单,但在高速时由于卡爪的离心力作用,夹持力丧失较多. 为了弥补这类卡盘高速性能的不足,4. gb: 变速箱5. 5. gb: 银杏叶6. gb:gall- 胆囊7. 7. gb: 绿带GB 双语例句1. 10GB. Make sure that you get the best price and watch out for coupons giving a discount!&&&&请确保您得到最优惠的价格,看给的折扣券了!2. 2. The current status of the water spray system in China has been analyzed.&&&&分析了我国水喷雾灭火系统发展的现状,论述了现行的《水喷雾灭火系统设计规范》GB 50219-95需要进行修订的内容,并提出相关建议。3. GB的意思3. The i9 has an impressive 128MB of internal memory and the microSD slot can accommodate cards up to 8GB.&&&&该i9有惊人的128MB的内存和microSD卡扩展卡最多可容纳至8GB 。4. 4. We are a synthesis fastener supplier with design, product and sale. With ourspecial in high-strength bolt, we also product and distribute differenttype fastener, hardware and standard part that maybe GB, BS, ANSI, DIN, NFE, JIS and so on&&&&我们的紧固件机构是集研发,生产和销售为一体的综合性紧固件配套组织,主打产品为高强度螺栓,同时兼以国标、英制、美制、德制、法制、日制等标准或异形紧固件、五金件的生产。5. 5. According to Brian Marshall, BroadPoint AmTech, the whole system BOM and manufacturing costs are costing around $270.50 for 16GB iPad, indicating that they may gain around $200, or at least 40 percent with each unit being pushed to market.&&&&据布赖恩马歇尔,BroadPoint Amtech公司,整个系统的BOM和制造费用的成本约为16GB的ipad公司,这显示他们可能会获得与各单位约为200美元,或至少百分之四十被人欺负,270.50推向市场。6. The technique of oxide-blanket insulation has been successfully applied to the flame-retardant series. Not only have XLPE cable of 0.6/1kV and cross-link XLPE flame-retardant cable reached class A of GB/T18380.3 Test on bunched wires or cable, cross-link flame-retardant XLPE cable with rated voltage of 6/10kV and 8.7/15kV has also reached Class A highly flame -retardant qualification with a margin.&&&&在阻燃型系列产品中,成功地应用了隔氧层技术,不仅0.6/1kV的聚氯乙烯绝缘和交联聚乙烯绝缘阻燃电力电缆能达到GB/T18380.3 《成束电线或电缆的燃烧试验方法》中A类,而且额定电压6/10kV及8.7/15kV交联聚乙烯阻燃电力电缆也能达到A类高阻燃要求且有较大裕度。7. 7. The property of flame retardant meets the requirements of class A, B or C of GB/T12666.5 Test on bunched wires or cable correspondingly. The property of fire resistant meets the class A or B requirements of the GB/T12666.6 Test on fire resisting characteristics of wire or cable.&&&&阻燃型和耐火型控制电缆其电气性能符合GB9330《塑料绝缘控制电缆》,阻燃性能根据要求可符合GB/T12666.5《成束电线电缆燃烧试验方法》中的A、B或C类,耐火性能根据要求可符合GB/T12666.6《电线电缆耐火特性试验方法》中A或B类。8. 8. The property of flame retardant meets the requirements of class a, b or c of gb/t12666.5 test on bunched wires or cable correspondingly. the property of fire resistant meets the class a or b requirements of the gb/t12666.6 test on fire resisting characteristics of wire or cableo&&&&阻燃型和耐火型控制电缆其电气性能符合gb9330《塑料绝缘控制电缆》,阻燃性能根据要求可符合gb/t12666.5《成束电线电缆燃烧试验方法》中的a、b或c类,耐火性能根据要求可符合gb/t12666.6《电线电缆耐火特性试验方法》中a或b类。9. 9. The company has the Iatest most advanced production device throughoutChina, import sevral product-ion Iines which are controlled with DCinverter micro computer from Britain, with complete inspection device, the major products are:general rubber sleeve flexib1ecab1e、mining cable、anti-flammable cable for coa-lmine、cable for submersible motor、rubber cable for outdoor purpose、electic welder cable、plastic cont-rol cable、shielded cable、power cable、aeralcabe、computrr cab1e、electric equipment wire、special ca-ble andso on, all the producs are manufactured follow the standard of GB、IEC、BS、VDE.&&&&本公司目前拥有全国最先进的生产设备,进口英国欧陆公司直流变频微电脑控制多条全系列连硫生产线,检测设备齐全,主导产品有:通用橡套软电缆、矿用电缆、煤矿用阻燃电缆、潜水电机用电缆、野外用橡皮电缆、电焊机电缆、塑料控制电缆、屏蔽电缆、电力电缆、塑铜铝线、民用电线、硅橡胶电缆、电气装备电线及特种电缆等系列产品,产品全部按照GB标准和国际IEC、BS、VDE等标准组织生产。10. Products: Combined Air Conditioner, V*** air conditioner, fan coil air conditioners, various wind chassis, muffler, GB, non-standard ventilation pipe, outlet, casual flow, control valve, fire dampers, blinds, fans and Various ancillary items, such as more than 100 kinds of products.&&&&公司产品:组合式空调器,变风量空调器、风机盘管空调器、各种风机箱、消声器、国标、非标通风管道、风口、散流器、调节阀、防火阀、百叶窗、风机及各种配套件等上百种产品。11. Noninverted wavelength conversion for 40 Gb/s return-to-zero signal based on semiconductor optical amplifier and optical bandpass filter.&&&&&&基于半导体光放大器和整形滤波器的40 Gb/s 的归零正码波长变换研究。12. As time goes on, the polysaccharide content rises. But when surpasses 8 hours, the influence by the time ~snt large.&&&&&&在浸提时问上,随着浸提时间的延仰,浸提液抑瘤性增加,但在达到gb以后,抑瘤性减弱。13. According to GB, GA400-2002 and NFPA2001, we design our inert gas system.&&&&&&惰性气体灭火系统的设计计算根据GB,GA400-2002和NFPA2001中的相关规定。14. 00Mb/s promotion comes to 155Mb/s 1.25Gb/s, and offer the independent port of two ONU and an OLT system, customers can replace the DUTs below the TRX module of nowadays with this system, can evaluate their efficiency, in this system framework, FMTS-PON just can not measure OLT only, and still can differentiate the Performance that on every ONU place launchs.&&&&&&00Mb/s晋升到155Mb/s至1.25Gb/s,而且供给两个ONU和一个OLT系统的自力接口,顾客们能以此套系统来代替现今的TRX模块下的DUTs,可评估他们的效能,在这个系统架构里,FMTS-PON不单单只是能量测OLT,而且还能判别在每个ONU上所发射的performance。15. In particular, the enterprise product GB812, GB810, DIN981 nut round production technology and quality leader in China, the company has produced special equipment round nut 58 Units, from hate red hair hit high-frequency heat treatment, the Road, strict production process, quality and stability.&&&&&&特别是本企业产品GB812、GB810、DIN981圆螺母生产工艺和质量在国内领先,本企业有生产圆螺母专用设备58台,从毛?红打到高频热处理,各道生产工艺严格把关,质量稳定。16. Zhuo Yi tray product patent for its unique design, and good moisture-resistant, light weight, strength, recyclable reuse, without fumigation and disinfection, export exemption, and consistent with international export requirements, and many other properties, wood and foam Poly ene best new packaging materials green packaging alternatives, is the product export logistics new choice. Products are many well-known brands to be designated for long-term supply packaging trays, and sold to the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia, and other countries and regions.&&&&&&公司中文介绍济南卓艺包装有限公司专业生产各类出口专用包装材料(免熏蒸胶合板托盘、纸托盘、包装箱、纸护角、塑料托盘、集装箱充气袋等)及包装机械(全自动拉伸膜缠绕包装机器)等物流专用产品;生产设备均从国外引进,所有程序由自动化电脑控制,产品工艺已获多国专利(中国专利号:ZL),产品质量在国际同行业中处于领先地位;塑料托盘产品以塑代木符合国家环保要求,技术指标均达GB/T15234-94国家标准,公司已通过ISO国际质量体系认证。17. 17. We'll have all the top GB guys, including Chris Hoy and Cav - hopefully.&&&&&&我们很有可能拥有所有顶级的 GB 选手,包括 Chris Hoy 和 Cav 。18. Our company manufactures thewire rope sling, hoisting and drawingpractice with the advanced cold extrusion technique in making the aluminium alloy swaged ferrule.&&&&&&我公司生产的起重、吊装、牵引索具是采用先进的铝合金套管冷挤压固结技术,其各项技术指标均已达到了国外同类产品的技术水平,在生产中全部执行ISO,8793国际标准和GB6946-93国家标准及其它有关标准。19. Cable should bear voltage test of *** 1500V or DC 3600V for 5min. 2: Vertical burning test performance for single piece shall meet the requirement of GB2951.19 standard. 3: Insulated resistance constant is no less than 36.7MΩ.km at 20℃ for CKV series cable and 3670MΩ. km at 20℃ for CKJ series cable.&&&&&&电缆应经受交流电压1500V或直流电压3600V,5min 1,的电压试验; 2,电缆具有符合GB2951.19单根垂直燃烧试验性能要求; 3 ,C K V 系列电缆在 2 0 ℃时绝缘电阻常数不小于 36.7MΩ。km; CKJ系列电缆在20℃时绝缘电阻常数不小于 3670MΩ。km。20. PS: on one system I work Win7 in 1GB of RAM and it works very well.&&&&&&西蒙兹:在一个系统中,我的工作Win7在1GB内存,它工作得很好。GB 词典解释1. GB 单语例句911查询?英语单词1. About 65 percent of businesses said the Games could be a catalyst for positive change in the economy if Team GB does well.2. So I would have been honoured to have been part of this unique Team GB squad.3. LONDON - Alison Williamson will compete in her sixth successive Olympic Games this summer after being confirmed as a member of Team GB.4. Last week Geely signed an agreement with Egyptian company GB Auto to assemble cars using parts shipped from China.5. However he will not be taking part in the Olympic football after being overlooked by Team GB coach Stuart Pearce.6. The athletes'parade begun led by Greece and concluded with the entry of Team GB.7. Hollingsworth is keen to point to a general diversity of age in the GB squad.8. RIM said the recall only applies to the 16 GB versions of the device.9. The firm manufactured the official Team GB outfit, which was designed by Stella McCartney.GB是什么意思,GB在线翻译,GB什么意思,GB的意思,GB的翻译,GB的解释,GB的发音,GB的同义词,GB的反义词,GB的例句,GB的相关词组,GB意思是什么,GB怎么翻译,单词GB是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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