
10.6 今天的VIP和10点抢购!东西很多,需要的看看!保暖衣,外套,靴子,苹果5手机膜2.8,USB集线器等等,男女老少的都有!
北极绒 男女 黄金甲特厚保暖内衣套装
阿诗玛 羊毛竹炭男女黄金甲加厚加绒 24.8元
男士短款棉服外套 45元
男士棉服外套 45元,评价不错
男士休闲长裤 32元
男士牛仔裤 25元
蕾丝中袖连衣裙 45元
长袖打底连衣裙 28.9元
女士运动套装 39.8元
打底连衣裙 28.8元
女士长袖衬衫T恤 25元
黑白条纹女士T恤 27.9元
女士抓绒卫衣 26元,无评价,可以加上运费险
豹纹外套女款 49元
女士风衣外套 39.9元,评价少,加上运费险
聚拢调整型文胸 25元
磨砂皮马丁靴 59元
中老年女士中长款棉服 49.9元
中老年女士棉衣外套 59元
中老年女士蝙蝠袖两件套 29元
儿童电子琴 带麦克 32元
女童靴子 38元,评价不错
女童棉鞋 49.9元
乖乖狗 儿童运动鞋
阿诗玛 儿童内衣套装 19.9元,限购一件
南极人 儿童保暖内衣套装
金丝肉松饼 13个 14.5元
毛衣链 24.5元
夜光石英手表 29.5元
卡登仕 车载充电器 22元
逸菲阁珊瑚绒四件套 149元
红双喜 乒乓球拍 1对 带拍套、3颗球
超轻碳素钓鱼竿 59元,价格不是很白菜
熊火 帐篷露营灯
苹果5 手机贴膜 2.8元
4口 USB3.0集线器 9.9元
纯棉毛巾 9.9元
红桃K 钙D软胶囊 60粒
生命维他 葡萄籽软胶囊60粒
布艺沙发垫 5.8元
苹果4数据线 3.5元
草娃娃DIY种植 5.8元
瘦腿袜 9.9元
女士打底吊带背心 7.9元
净立方 防噪音耳塞 8.5元
邦宝 回力车
文胸 19.9元
汽车用吸尘器 19.9元
毛绒玩具 19.9元
女士无缝美体塑身内衣 17.5元
蕾丝女士长袖上衣 19.9元
1.8米 6位插线板
10.5 今天的VIP!保暖衣,甩脂机,棉拖鞋,儿童画板等,男女老少都有!需要的看看!
10.1 国庆节快乐!10点抢购!需要的看看!男士衬衫,北极绒男士内裤,电脑初学者电脑键盘,儿童棉拖,管道疏通剂,浪莎内裤,男女袜子等
9.30 VIP!地板精油1.98元,暖宝贴20片4.9元,去毛球器9.9,电池充电器,开关,纱巾,折叠据,北极绒内衣等
9.29 VIP和11点抢购!保暖衣,风衣外套,棉服,儿童积木,杂七杂八,泸州老窖,***棒,移动电源等等
9.28 今天的VIP和10点抢购!鼠标,暖水袋,19.9雪地靴,雷锋帽,打底,衬衣,保暖衣,羽绒棉服等秋冬服装,男女老少的都有!
9.27 VIP!秋冬服装,查理袋鼠男裤不错,杂七杂八,保暖衣,棉服外套,大衣,冲锋衣,打底衫,字帖,电水壶,豆芽机,渔具,电烤炉,行车记录仪,密封条等
9.25 VIP!保暖衣,衬衣,打底,棉服,小脚裤,老北京单鞋,睡衣,袜子等,19.9电热水壶,三合一充电数据线9.9,甩脂机,喷头,***棒,烟嘴等各种东西!男女老少都有!
9.24 VIP!浪莎内裤、丝巾,南极人打底裤9.9,老北京布鞋,儿童内衣,地板清洁剂,豆芽机,玻璃油壶,保暖衣,婚纱礼服等!男女老少都有!而且不少!
9.23 VIP!39元男夹克,南极人儿童服装,冲锋衣,男钱包,男女鞋子,中老年服装,豆芽机,大宝日晚霜,血糖仪,风信子,杉杉床垫罩,垃圾袋,电子体重秤等
9.22 VIP!苹果手机壳2.6,老北京布鞋9.9,纸皮核桃,内衣套装,打底等各种东西及服装!男女老少都有!
9.18 VIP!双面玻璃擦,儿童长袖纯棉衬衫,南极人黄金甲背心,棉拖鞋,节能灯泡,路由器散热器等
9.12 今天的VIP及10点的抢购!东西很多,很多不错的!北极绒羽绒服,加绒小脚裤,儿童安全坐椅,扫地机器人,全铜三角阀,led节能灯泡,婴儿湿巾等等
晒太阳的喵喵 11:21:52
黄品源小微 11:32:37
引用 晒太阳的喵喵 于
mick 15:25:32
引用 黄品源小微 于
晒太阳的喵喵 15:44:04
引用 黄品源小微 于
mick 23:40:30
引用 晒太阳的喵喵 于
黄品源小微 23:43:20
引用 mick 于
北方的狼 07:54:01
引用 黄品源小微 于
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market hours &&B
= Before market hours &&D
= During market hours && U
= Time unknown
Birks & Mayors Inc
Buckeye Gp Holdings Lp
First Bancshares Inc Ms
Goodman Global Inc
Hearusa Inc
Louisana Bancorp Inc Ne
Majestic Capital Ltd
Nu Horizons Electrs Cor
Orchard Enterprises Inc
Chemspec Intl Ltd
Gigamedia Ltd
Shaw Group Inc
Acme Utd Corp
Adams Express Co
Aerosonic Corp Del
Alliance Financial Corp
Ambassadors Intl Inc
Americanwest Bancorpora
Ameris Bancorp
Bank Mutual Corp New
Bassett Furniture Inds
Blockbuster Inc
Bluefly Inc
Brooklyn Federal Bancor
Bsd Med Corp Del
Cardiac Science Corp
Cc Media Holdings Inc
Cca Inds Inc
Century Bancorp Inc
Circle Entmt Inc
Citizens & Northn Corp
Connecticut Bk&tr Co Ha
Constar Intl Inc New
Cryo-Cell Intl Inc
Defentect Group Inc
Dri Corporation
Dynacq Healthcare Inc
Eagle Rock Energy Partn
Ecotality Inc
Ellsworth Fund Ltd
Escalade Inc
Fidelity Southern Corp
Fpb Bancorp Inc
Geopetro Resources Co
Global Entmt Corp
Gramercy Cap Corp
Gtc Biotherapeutics Inc
Guaranty Fed Bancshares
Hallwood Group Inc
Healthcare Svcs Grp Inc
Icop Digital Inc
Igate Corp
Intervest Bancshares Co
Intralinks Hldgs Inc
Joes Jeans Inc
Ladish Inc
Lakeland Bancorp Inc
Lyon William Homes
National Bankshares Inc
Navios Maritime Acquis
Neptune Technologies Bi
Primeenergy Corp
Progressive Corp Ohio
Qiao Xing Mobile Comm C
Radient Pharmaceuticals
Schmitt Inds Inc Ore
Southside Bancshares In
Star Buffet Inc
State Bancorp Inc N.y
Suffolk Bancorp
Tasty Baking Co
Teletouch Communication
Titan Machy Inc
Tofutti Brands Inc
Tortoise North Amrn Enr
United Westn Bancorp In
Virco Mfg Co
Vsb Bancorp Inc N Y
Washington Fed Inc
Weis Mkts Inc
Westamerica Bancorporat
Winmark Corp
Zolon Corp
Fastenal Co
Tim Hellas Telecomm S A
Arts Way Mfg Inc
Biomet Inc
China Ceramics Co Ltd
Comforce Corp
Hancock Fabrics Inc
Locateplus Holdings Cor
Newlead Holdings Ltd
Ohio Vy Banc Corp
Point Blank Solutions I
Skyline Corp
Synthetech Inc
Taro Pharmaceutical Ind
Us Oncology Inc
Vitacost Com Inc
Wsp Holdings Limited
Mistras Group Inc
Streamline Health Solut
Jpmorgan Chase & Co
Lentuo Intl Inc
Northern Tech Intl Corp
Adtran Inc
American Mtl & Tech Inc
Bowne & Co Inc
Clark Hldgs Inc
Commonwealth Bankshares
Dgse Companies Inc
First California Financ
Golden Enterprises Inc
Hooker Furniture Corp
Ivivi Technologies Inc
Purecycle Corp
Stewardship Finl Corp
Superior Bancorp
Universal Fst Prods Inc
Volt Information Scienc
Zanett Inc
Bank Of The Ozarks Inc
Pacific Continental Cor
Check Point Software Te
Fairchild Semiconductor
Medtox Scientific Inc
Prosperity Bancshares I
Shengda Tech Inc
Ameramex Intl Inc
California Coastal Cmnt
Cardima Inc
Cel-Sci Corp
China Natural Resources
Commerce Bancshares Inc
Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Gametech International
Google Inc
Hasbro Inc
Hunt J B Trans Svcs Inc
Kinder Morgan Managemen
Mission West Pptys Inc
Pittsburgh & W Va Rr
Sgoco Technology Ltd
Simulations Plus Inc
Sinnerschrader Ag Hambu
Supervalu Inc
Cherokee Inc Del New
Christopher & Banks Cor
Independent Bank Corp M
Independent Bank Corp M
Kayne Anderson Energy D
Valmont Inds Inc
Zoo Entmt Inc
Bank Of America Corpora
Omega Navigation Enterp
Webster Finl Corp Conn
Blackrock Inc
Cass Information Sys In
Cdc Corporation
Citizens First Corp
Co Don Ag Teltow German
Commerical Natl Finl Co
Cross A T Co
Duckwall-Alco Stores In
Eagle Bancorp Mont Inc
Eastern Light Capital I
First M & F Corp
Genuine Parts Co
Magellan Pete Corp
Mattel Inc
Optimumbank Holdings In
Osi Geospatial Inc
Schwab Charles Corp New
Smithtown Bancorp Inc
Subaye Inc
Tri-Tech Holding Inc
Valueclick Inc
Virginia Comm Bancorp I
Voltaire Ltd
West Marine Inc
Park Natl Corp
Home Fed Bancorp Inc La
Swift Transn Co
Allegheny Technologies
Monarch Community Banco
Bank Hawaii Corp
Citigroup Inc
Gannett Inc
Grainger W W Inc
Pick N Pay Stores Ltd
Td Ameritrade Hldg Corp
1st Source Corp
Active Power Inc
Acura Pharmaceuticals I
Advanced Energy Inds
Airtran Hldgs Inc
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Alleghany Corp Del
Allegiant Travel Co
Alliance Distrs Hldg In
Allscript Misys Healtca
American Defense Sys In
American Natl Bankshare
American River Bankshar
Arrow Finl Corp
Astec Inds Inc
Bancfirst Corp
Bard C R Inc
Bcsb Bancorp Inc
Bottomline Tech Del Inc
Bridge Cap Hldgs
Brown & Brown Inc
Bucyrus Intl Inc New
Builders Firstsource In
C&d Technologies Inc
California First Ntnl B
Cardinal Finl Corp
Changyou Com Ltd
Chemical Finl Corp
Citizens Hldg Co Miss
Colony Bankcorp Inc
Columbia Sportswear Co
Community Cap Corp S C
Community Health Sys In
Community West Bancshar
Consolidated Tomoka Ld
Continental Matls Corp
Costar Group Inc
Cyberoptics Corp
Cybex Intl Inc
Danvers Bancorp Inc
Dearborn Bancorp Inc
Delta Air Lines Inc Del
Delta Apparel Inc
Destination Maternity C
Digi Intl Inc
Dst Sys Inc Del
Duane Reade Inc
Ecb Bancorp Inc
Encore Bancshares Inc
Endologix Inc
Enterprise Bancorp Inc
Enterprise Finl Svcs Co
Evercore Partners Inc
Exponent Inc
Farmers Cap Bk Corp
Fbr Capital Markets Cor
First Bancorp Inc Me
First Busey Corp
First Cmnty Corp S C
First Finl Corp Ind
First South Bancorp Inc
Flushing Finl Corp
Freeport-Mcmoran Copper
Freescale Semiconductor
Gentex Corp
Gilead Sciences Inc
Glacier Bancorp Inc New
Great Southn Bancorp In
Green Bankshares Inc
Greenhill & Co Inc
Guaranty Bancorp Del
Gulf Island Fabrication
Halliburton Co
Hancock Hldg Co
Hanesbrands Inc
Heartland Express Inc
Hmn Finl Inc
Horizon Bancorp Ind
Horizon Lines Inc
Hubbell Inc
Hudson City Bancorp
Icu Med Inc
Innsuites Hospitality T
Insweb Corp
Interphase Corp
Iparty Corp
J & J Snack Foods Corp
Jakks Pac Inc
Kensey Nash Corp
Keycorp New
Kinder Morgan Energy Pa
Knight Transn Inc
Labranche & Co Inc
Lilly Eli & Co
Lin Tv Corp
Local Com Corp
Lodgenet Interactive Co
M & T Bk Corp
M D C Hldgs Inc
Manpower Inc
Marshall & Ilsley Corp
Massey Energy Corp
Mattson Technology Inc
Mcclatchy Co
Mcmoran Exploration Co
Mgic Invt Corp Wis
Micrel Inc
Microfinancial Inc
Microsemi Corp
Mid Penn Bancorp Inc
Monarch Casino & Resort
Mutualfirst Finl Inc
Myers Inds Inc
Nabors Industries Ltd
Ncr Corp New
Netgear Inc
Newmarket Technology In
Northrim Bancorp Inc
Novellus Sys Inc
Old Rep Intl Corp
Omega Flex Inc
Omnicom Group Inc
Pacific Premier Bancorp
Pacwest Bancorp Del
Park Sterling Corp
Patriot Coal Corp
Pc-Tel Inc
Pdf Solutions Inc
Pegasystems Inc
Peoples Bancorp N C Inc
Peoples Finl Corp Miss
Performance Technologie
Phazar Corp
Premiere Global Svcs In
Premierwest Bancorp
Price T Rowe Group Inc
Provident New York Banc
Rambus Inc Del
Raymond James Financial
Renasant Corp
Roma Financial Corp
Ruths Hospitality Group
S Y Bancorp Inc
Savannah Bancorp Inc
Scbt Financial Corp
Seabulk Intl Inc
Sensata Technologies Hl
Sigma Aldrich Corp
Southcoast Financial Co
Southern Cmnty Finl Cor
Southwest Bancorp Inc O
Station Casinos Inc
Superior Uniform Gp Inc
Synalloy Cp Del
Syntel Inc
Teche Hldg Co
Teradyne Inc
Terrestar Corp
Texas Capital Bancshare
Theravance Inc
Tompkins Financial Corp
Tower Financial Corp
Townebank Portsmouth Va
Tradestation Group Inc
U S G Corp
Uci Med Affiliates Inc
Union Bankshares Inc
Universal Health Rlty I
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Watsco Inc
Werner Enterprises Inc
Westwood Hldgs Group In
Wilmington Trust Corp
Wilshire Bancorp Inc
Wimm Bill Dann Foods Oj
Woodward Governor Co
Wvs Finl Corp
Yadkin Valley Financial
Young Innovations Inc
Zimmer Hldgs Inc
Lincare Hldgs Inc
Molina Healthcare Inc
Packaging Corp Amer
Pinnacle Finl Partners
Steel Dynamics Inc
Zions Bancorporation
Ameriserv Finl Inc
Bank Of New York Mellon
Comerica Inc
Drdgold Limited
Forest Labs Inc
Goldman Sachs Group Inc
Harley Davidson Inc
Journal Communications
Millicom Intl Cellular
New York Cmnty Bancorp
Northern Tr Corp
Sterling Bancshares Inc
Twin Disc Inc
Us Bancorp Del
Wolverine World Wide In
Access Natl Corp
Actelion Ltd
Badger Meter Inc
Burlington Coat Factory
Emulex Corp
Equity Lifestyle Pptys
Intel Corp
Intuitive Surgical Inc
Johnson & Johnson
Mercantile Bank Corp
Paccar Inc
Peabody Energy Corp
Pressure Biosciences In
Regions Financial Corp
Republic Bancorp Ky
Seagate Technology Plc
State Str Corp
Trustco Bk Corp N Y
Utah Med Prods Inc
Albemarle Corp
Crown Holdings Inc
Flexsteel Inds Inc
Fulton Finl Corp Pa
Hub Group Inc
International Business
Juniper Networks Inc
Linear Technology Corp
Manhattan Assocs Inc
Marten Trans Ltd
Mbt Finl Corp
Pervasive Software Inc
Platinum Underwriter Hl
Sterling Finl Corp Wash
Stryker Corp
United Rentals Inc
Vascular Solutions Inc
Vmware Inc
Abbott Labs
Altria Group Inc
Amb Property Corp
Autoliv Inc
Donegal Group Inc
E M C Corp Mass
Eaton Corp
Elan Corp Plc
First Comwlth Finl Corp
First Rep Bk San Fran C
Huntington Bancshares I
Knight Capital Group In
Lufkin Inds Inc
Media Gen Inc
Nasdaq Omx Group Inc
Noranda Alum Hldg Corp
Piper Jaffray Cos
St Jude Med Inc
Temple Inland Inc
Textron Inc
United Technologies Cor
Virgin Media Inc
Wells Fargo & Co New
Wmf Wurttmbgshe Metllwr
Affymetrix Inc
Amcon Distrg Co
Amphenol Corp New
Atheros Communications
Banco Latinoamericano D
Bank South Carolina Cor
Bjs Restaurants Inc
Capital Product Partner
Cathay General Bancorp
Clicksoftware Technolog
Cobiz Financial Inc
Deckers Outdoor Corp
Eastgroup Ppty Inc
Elmira Svgs Bk Fsb N Y
First Cash Finl Svcs In
First Midwest Bancorp D
Gardner Denver Inc
Hanmi Finl Corp
Hingham Instn Svgs Mass
Hq Sustainable Maritim
Icon Pub Ltd Co
Lam Research Corp
Malvern Federal Bancorp
Medicure Inc
Metalink Ltd
Mgt Capital Invts Inc
Nb & T Finl Group Inc
New Hampshire Thrift Ba
Nuvasive Inc
Orbital Sciences Corp
Oriental Finl Group Inc
Pimco High Income Fd
Polaris Inds Inc
Qualcomm Inc
Quest Diagnostics Inc
Rush Enterprises Inc
Seneca Foods Corp New
Sohu Com Inc
Taser Intl Inc
Tennessee Commerce Banc
Tower Bancorp Inc
Union Pac Corp
Usa Truck Inc
Vicor Corp
Wns Holdings Ltd
Yum Brands Inc
Align Technology Inc
American Express Co
Aptargroup Inc
Astoria Finl Corp
Basic Energy Svcs Inc N
Central Valley Cmnty Ba
Cheesecake Factory Inc
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Cohen & Steers Inc
Computer Programs & Sys
Covanta Hldg Corp
Cvb Finl Corp
Cypress Sharpridge Invt
Datalink Corp
E Trade Financial Corp
Edwards Lifesciences Co
F5 Networks Inc
Forward Air Corp
Marriott Intl Inc New
Mks Instrument Inc
Newmarket Corp
Noble Corporation Baar
Oceanfirst Finl Corp
Peoples United Financia
Plexus Corp
Renaissance Learning In
Rsc Holdings Inc
Select Comfort Corp
Taubman Ctrs Inc
Tractor Supply Co
Western Digital Corp
Zhone Technologies Inc
Air Prods & Chems Inc
Applied Indl Technologi
Covidien Plc
Cypress Semiconductor C
Danaher Corp Del
Dover Corp
Du Pont E I De Nemours
Ensco Intl Plc
Entegris Inc
Fifth Third Bancorp
First Horizon Natl Corp
First Niagara Finl Gp I
Goodrich Corp
Home Bancshares Inc
Honeywell Intl Inc
Ingersoll-Rand Company
Insteel Industries Inc
Itt Educational Service
Janus Cap Group Inc
Kansas City Southern
L-3 Communications Hldg
Landstar Sys Inc
Mcdonalds Corp
Meridian Bioscience Inc
New York Times Co
Newmont Mining Corp
Northstar Neuroscience
Penn Natl Gaming Inc
Pool Corporation
Ppg Inds Inc
Rockwell Collins Inc
Schlumberger Ltd
Sherwin Williams Co
Simmons 1st Natl Corp
Snap On Inc
Sonoco Prods Co
Tempur Pedic Intl Inc
Thomas & Betts Corp
Tyco Electronics Ltd
Unitedhealth Group Inc
Wesco Intl Inc
1 800 Flowers Com
Advanced Micro Devices
Alaska Air Group Inc
Alliance Data Systems C
American Elec Pwr Inc
Avid Technology Inc
Baxter Intl Inc
Blackstone Group L P
Brookline Bancorp Inc D
Cash Amer Intl Inc
Cnh Global N V
Codorus Vy Bancorp Inc
Community Tr Bancorp In
Courier Corp
Cra Intl Inc
Diamond Offshore Drilli
Ezcorp Inc
Fidelity National Finan
General Electric Co
Hopfed Bancorp Inc
Idexx Labs Inc
Inventure Foods Inc
Laboratory Corp Amer Hl
Lattice Semiconductor C
Life Time Fitness Inc
National Penn Bancshare
Newfield Expl Co
Nucor Corp
Philip Morris Intl Inc
Pnc Finl Svcs Group Inc
Reynolds American Inc
Sandy Spring Bancorp In
Severn Bancorp Annapoli
Southwest Airls Co
Strattec Sec Corp
Suntrust Bks Inc
Symmetricom Inc
Tcf Finl Corp
Tennant Co
Travelers Companies Inc
Ultratech Inc
Umpqua Hldgs Corp
United Cmnty Finl Corp
Verizon Communications
Weatherford Internation
Xerox Corp
Amsurg Corp
Associated Banc Corp
Biogen Idec Inc
Capital One Finl Corp
Chubb Corp
City Natl Corp
Cytec Inds Inc
Education Rlty Tr Inc
Informatica Corp
Interactive Brokers Gro
International Game Tech
Lacrosse Footwear Inc
Polycom Inc
Ramtron Intl Corp
Synaptics Inc
Autobytel Inc
Bank Of Marin Bancorp
Central Jersey Bancorp
Community Partners Banc
Complete Production Ser
Eastern Va Bankshares I
First Finl Bankshares
Home Bancorp Inc
Illumina Inc
Rimage Corp
Scansource Inc
Successfactors Inc
Svb Finl Group
Transcat Inc
Unica Corp
United Financial Bancor
Washington Tr Bancorp
Bridge Bancorp Inc
Dnb Finl Corp
Monarch Financial Holdi
Republic First Bancorp
Southern Natl Bancorp O
Us Ecology Inc
Arkansas Best Corp Del
Armour Tr Plc
Be Aerospace Inc
Capital City Bk Group I
Cooper Industries Plc
Illovo Sugar Ltd
Johnson Outdoors Inc
Matthews Intl Corp
Seacoast Bkg Corp Fla
Western Alliance Bancor
1st Constitution Bancor
Abington Bancorp Inc
Adept Technology Inc
Advent Software Inc
Affiliated Managers Gro
Akeena Solar Inc De
Alberto Culver Co New
Alliance Fiber Optic Pr
American Capital Agency
Amerigas Partners L P
Anaren Inc
Anixter Intl Inc
Apartment Invt & Mgmt C
Artio Global Investors
Associated Estates Rlty
Athenahealth Inc
Bancorp Inc Del
Banctrust Financial Gp
Bank Of The Carolines C
Bar Hbr Bankshares
Beneficial Mutual Banco
Boston Scientific Corp
C & F Finl Corp
Camden Natl Corp
Cascade Finl Corp
Cb Richard Ellis Group
Celgene Corp
Center Bancorp Inc
Cfs Bancorp Inc
Ch Energy Group Inc
China Automotive Sys In
China Bak Battery Inc
City Hldg Co
Clifton Svgs Bancorp In
Concurrent Computer Cor
Consol Energy Inc
Convergys Corp
Core Laboratories N V
Corelogic Inc
Corning Inc
Covenant Transn Group I
Crexus Invt Corp
Cullen Frost Bankers In
Deltek Inc
Dice Hldgs Inc
Dorman Products Inc
Dover Downs Gaming & En
Dover Motorsports Inc
Dun & Bradstreet Corp D
Dynamics Resh Corp
E Future Information Te
East West Bancorp Inc
Endwave Corp
Enteromedics Inc
Epicor Software Corp
Essa Bancorp Inc
Ethan Allen Interiors I
Expressjet Holdings Inc
Fair Isaac Corp
Falconstor Software Inc
Fauquier Bankshares Inc
Financial Instns Inc
First Bancorp N C
First Capital Inc
First Cmnty Bancshares
First Ctzns Bancshares
First Financial Northwe
First Finl Bancorp Oh
First Savings Finl Grou
First Sec Group Inc
Firstbank Corp Mich
Fox Chase Bancorp Inc N
Franklin Res Inc
Gen-Probe Inc New
General Environmental M
Gfi Group Inc
Global Clean Energy Hld
Green Mtn Coffee Roaste
Gs Finl Corp
Harris Corp Del
Harris Interactive Inc
Heartland Finl Usa Inc
Helmerich & Payne Inc
Hercules Offshore Inc
Heritage Commerce Corp
Hexcel Corp New
Hms Hldgs Corp
Holly Energy Partners L
Hollywood Media Corp
Home Fed Bancorp Inc Md
Hudson Highland Group I
India Fd Inc
Indiana Community Banco
Ingles Mkts Inc
Innospec Inc
Integrated Silicon Solu
Intermec Inc
International Shipholdi
Invesco Ltd
Investors Title Co
Itt Corp New
Jacobs Engr Group Inc D
Jda Software Group Inc
Jetblue Airways Corp
Johnson Ctls Inc
K Sea Transn Partners L
Keynote Sys Inc
Kimberly Clark Corp
Kinetic Concepts Inc
Kirby Corp
Kkr Financial Hldgs Llc
Kla-Tencor Corp
Laclede Group Inc
Lakeland Finl Corp
Lancaster Colony Corp
Landauer Inc
Landmark Bancorp Inc
Lantronix Inc
Lazard Ltd
Lecroy Corp
Lexmark Intl New
Libbey Inc
Lnb Bancorp Inc
Logmein Inc
M/i Homes Inc
Macatawa Bk Corp
Mainsource Financial Gp
Mannkind Corp
Marinemax Inc
Marketaxess Hldgs Inc
Martha Stewart Living O
Mastech Holdings Inc
Mcgraw Hill Cos Inc
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Memc Electr Matls Inc
Mercury Computer Sys
Meredith Corp
Meridian Interstat Banc
Merit Med Sys Inc
Metals Usa Hldgs Corp
Mindspeed Technologies
Moneygram Intl Inc
Monster Worldwide Inc
Nara Bancorp Inc
National Technical Sys
Nbt Bancorp Inc
Network Engines Inc
Newalliance Bancshares
Newell Rubbermaid Inc
Newport Bancorp Inc
Nextera Energy Inc
Northfield Bancorp Inc
Northwest Bancshares In
Nutraceutical Intl Corp
Old Natl Bancorp Ind
On Assignment Inc
Oppenheimer Hldgs Inc
Optionsxpress Hldgs Inc
Orthofix Intl N V
Osi Systems Inc
P C Connection
Pacific Cap Bancorp New
Parametric Technology C
Park Electrochemical Co
Perrigo Co
Planar Sys Inc
Plumas Bancorp
Plx Technology Inc
Procter & Gamble Co
Provident Finl Hldgs In
Pvf Capital Corp
Qlogic Corp
Radisys Corp
Regis Corp Minn
Reliv Intl Inc
Revlon Inc
Rf Microdevices Inc
Rightnow Technologies I
Robert Half Intl Inc
Rochester Med Corp
Roper Inds Inc New
Rudolph Technologies In
Rurban Finl Corp
Sanfilippo John B & Son
Selectica Inc
Sfn Group Inc
Shore Bancshares Inc
Shoretel Inc
Sierra Bancorp
Silicon Image Inc
Silicon Laboratories In
Silicon Motion Technolo
Skechers U S A Inc
Sl Green Rlty Corp
Solutia Inc
Sonic Fdry Inc
Southwest Ga Finl Corp
Stamps Com Inc
Standex Intl Corp
Stanley Black & Decker
Startek Inc
State Auto Finl Corp
Stellarone Corp
Sterling Bancorp
Stoneridge Inc
Sunoco Logistics Prtnrs
Surewest Communications
Surmodics Inc
Susquehanna Bancshares
Sws Group Inc
Taylor Cap Group Inc
Tech Ops Sevcon Inc
Teledyne Technologies I
Telular Corp
Texas Instrs Inc
Tf Finl Corp
Timberland Bancorp Inc
Tomotherapy Inc
Transwitch Corp
Travelzoo Inc
Trico Bancshares
Triumph Group Inc New
Tuesday Morning Corp
Txco Res Inc
U S Airways Group Inc
Ugi Corp New
Ultra Clean Hldgs Inc
Umb Finl Corp
Under Armour Inc
Union First Mkt Banksh
United Bankshares Inc W
United Contl Hldgs Inc
United States Lime & Mi
Unitil Corp
Universal American Corp
Univest Corp Pa
Urologix Inc
Usana Health Sciences I
Vca Antech Inc
Vistaprint N V
Volterra Semiconductor
Wayside Technology Grou
West Coast Bancorp Ore
Whirlpool Corp
Whitney Hldg Corp
Willis Group Holdings P
Wintrust Financial Corp
Wisdomtree Invts Inc
Wms Inds Inc
World Accep Corp Del
Wsb Holdings Inc
Wsfs Finl Corp
Zoran Corp
Ak Stl Hldg Corp
Alliance Res Partner L
Amedisys Inc
Arbitron Inc
Arch Coal Inc
Ashland Inc New
Capella Education Compa
Carlisle Cos Inc
Carpenter Technology Co
Celanese Corp Del
Centene Corp Del
Coca Cola Co
Cooper Tire & Rubr Co
Cummins Inc
Grace W R & Co Del New
Group 1 Automotive Inc
Heidrick & Struggles In
Hershey Co
Hospira Inc
Iac Interactivecorp
Illinois Tool Wks Inc
Imation Corp
Knology Inc
Lca-Vision Inc
Lennox Intl Inc
Net 1 Ueps Technologies
Pentair Inc
Peoples Bancorp Inc
Potlatch Corp New
Privatebancorp Inc
Rayonier Inc
S & T Bancorp Inc
Signature Bk New York N
Sonic Automotive Inc
Wabtec Corp
Waddell & Reed Finl Inc
Waters Corp
Amcol Intl Corp
Autonation Inc
Bok Finl Corp
Buffalo Wild Wings Inc
Camden Ppty Tr
Castle A M & Co
Data I O Corp
Devry Inc Del
Duncan Energy Partners
Energizer Hldgs Inc
Enterprise Prods Partne
First Bancorp P R
Formfactor Inc
Genmark Diagnostics Inc
Hutchinson Technology I
Lockheed Martin Corp
Mips Technologies Inc
Mueller Inds Inc
Owens & Minor Inc New
Peapack-Gladstone Finl
Prg-Schultz Internation
Quaker Chem Corp
Radcom Ltd
Range Res Corp
Ryder Sys Inc
Sanmina Sci Corp
Stanley Furniture Inc
Summit St Bk Santa Rosa
Supergen Inc
Synovus Finl Corp
Telecommunication Sys I
Telenav Inc
Tellabs Inc
Ultralife Corp
United Parcel Service I
United States Stl Corp
Valero Energy Corp New
Vitamin Shoppe Inc
Acadia Rlty Tr
Acme Packet Inc
Altera Corp
American Campus Cmntys
Berkshire Hills Bancorp
Boston Private Finl Hld
Broadcom Corp
Buckeye Technologies In
C H Robinson Worldwide
Cabot Corp
Celadon Group Inc
Commercial Veh Group In
Community Bk Sys Inc
Delphi Finl Group Inc
Flagstar Bancorp Inc
Fmc Technologies Inc
Gallagher Arthur J & Co
Harleysville Group Inc
Iberiabank Corp
Irobot Corp
Jones Lang Lasalle Inc
Life Technologies Corp
Midsouth Bancorp Inc
Nalco Holding Company
Panera Bread Co
Pharmaceutical Prod Dev
Qep Res Inc
Ramco-Gershenson Pptys
Rock-Tenn Co
Satcon Technology Corp
Socket Mobile Inc
Tanger Factory Outlet C
Total Sys Svcs Inc
Transatlantic Hldgs Inc
Trustmark Corp
Ultimate Software Group
Websense Inc
Wesbanco Inc
Western Un Co
Acco Brands Corp
Arm Hldgs Plc
Asbury Automotive Group
Avery Dennison Corp
Baker Hughes Inc
Belden Inc
Brinker Intl Inc
Credit Suisse Group
Diebold Inc
Dime Cmnty Bancshares
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Glaxosmithkline Plc
Goldsun Development & C
Hudson Valley Holding C
Lithia Mtrs Inc
Marine Prods Corp
Meadwestvaco Corp
Medicines Co
Moodys Corp
National Oilwell Varco
Navios Maritime Partner
New Oriental Ed & Tech
Old Dominion Fght Lines
Orient-Express Hotels L
Owens Corning New
Praxair Inc
Rockwell Automation Inc
Rollins Inc
Scana Corp New
Sei Investments Co
Southern Co
Thermo Fisher Scientifi
Tupperware Brands Corp
Valley Natl Bancorp
Watson Pharmaceuticals
Wellpoint Inc
Wolfson Microelectronic
Adolor Corp
Akamai Technologies Inc
Alliance Bancorp Inc Pa
America Svc Group Inc
American Community Banc
Amkor Technology Inc
Anworth Mortgage Asset
Arbinet Corp
Axcelis Technologies In
Bolt Technology Corp
Cadence Design System I
Central European Media
Cirrus Logic Inc
Claimsnet Com Inc
Conexant Systems Inc
Converted Organics Inc
Cytokinetics Inc
Davita Inc
Dreamworks Animation Sk
Encore Cap Group Inc
Equinix Inc
Evans Bancorp Inc
Exelon Corp
Famous Daves Amer Inc
Flextronics Intl Ltd
General Dynamics Corp
Genzyme Corp
Graftech Intl Ltd
Intersil Corp
Lawson Prods Inc
Lincoln Elec Hldgs Inc
Lsi Corporation
Medisana Ag
Mellanox Technologies L
Meritage Homes Corp
Micronetics Inc Del
Monolithic Pwr Sys Inc
Nektar Therapeutics
Netlogic Microsystems I
Newport Corp
Northrop Grumman Corp
Northwestern Corp
Nustar Gp Holdings Llc
P F Changs China Bistro
Par Technology Corp
Parker Hannifin Corp
Princeton Natl Bancorp
Qiagen N V
Rait Financial Trust
Regeneron Pharmaceutica
Renaissancere Holdings
Rockwood Hldgs Inc
Seabright Insurance Hld
Sealed Air Corp New
Shutterfly Inc
Sports Club Inc
Starbucks Corp
Super Micro Computer In
Tessera Technologies In
Tetra Tech Inc New
Titan Intl Inc Ill
Trinity Inds Inc
Universal Stainless & A
Vist Financial Corp
Winland Electrs Inc
Wyndham Worldwide Corp
Allstate Corp
Arris Group Inc
Assurant Inc
Avalonbay Cmntys Inc
Banner Corp
Brandywine Rlty Tr
California Wtr Svc Grou
Cincinnati Finl Corp
Crown Castle Intl Corp
Developers Diversified
Duff & Phelps Corp New
Education Mgmt Corp New
Equity Residential
Everest Re Group Ltd
Fiserv Inc
Flowserve Corp
Hill Rom Hldgs Inc
Kaiser Aluminum Corp
Kona Grill Inc
Lincoln Natl Corp Ind
Logitech Intl S A
Lubrizol Corp
Magnachip Semiconductor
Mantech Intl Corp
Mb Financial Inc New
Meru Networks Inc
Montpelier Re Holdings
Morningstar Inc
Norfolk Southern Corp
O Reilly Automotive Inc
Oceaneering Intl Inc
Orchids Paper Prods Co
Railamerica Inc
Ryland Group Inc
Selective Ins Group Inc
Stericycle Inc
Superior Energy Svcs In
Symetra Finl Corp
Tessco Technologies Inc
Trueblue Inc
Varian Med Sys Inc
Xilinx Inc
Aetna Inc New
American Greetings Corp
Ametek Inc New
Aspen Insurance Holding
Autonomy Corp Plc
Bel Fuse Inc
Briggs & Stratton Corp
British Sky Broadcastin
Brunswick Corp
C D I Corp
Cabelas Inc
Cardinal Health Inc
Cme Group Inc
Coca-Cola Enterprises I
Colonial Pptys Tr
Conmed Corp
Cryolife Inc
Digital Rlty Tr Inc
Discovery Communicatns
Dominion Res Inc Va New
Dow Chem Co
Dsp Group Inc
Eastman Kodak Co
Federal Mogul Corp
First Amern Finl Corp
Harman Intl Inds Inc
Harsco Corp
Host Hotels & Resorts I
Intl Paper Co
Invacare Corp
Kvh Inds Inc
Lsi Inds Inc
Mack Cali Rlty Corp
Masterflex Ag Gelsenkir
Mercantildata Nk
Omnicare Inc
Pepsico Inc
Provident Finl Svcs Inc
Pulte Homes Inc
Raytheon Co
Sprint Nextel Corp
Starwood Hotels&resorts
Stewart Information Svc
Strayer Ed Inc
Sun Communities Inc
Tal Ed Group
Time Warner Cable Inc
United Cmnty Bks Blairs
Waste Mgmt Inc Del
West Bancorporation Inc
Xcel Energy Inc
3-D Sys Corp Del
Aci Worldwide Inc
Adventrx Pharmaceutical
Almost Family Inc
Ambassadors Group Inc
Amerisourcebergen Corp
Annapolis Bancorp Inc
Avx Corp New
Bancorp Rhode Island In
Bank Ky Finl Corp
Biomarin Pharmaceutical
Borgwarner Inc
Bristol Myers Squibb Co
Bryn Mawr Bk Corp
Bunge Limited
Cabot Microelectronics
Cal Dive Intl Inc Del
Cameron International C
Capstead Mtg Corp
Carbo Ceramics Inc
Choice Hotels Intl Inc
Cms Energy Corp
Colgate Palmolive Co
Deluxe Corp
Diana Shipping Inc
Double Eagle Pete Co
Dresser-Rand Group Inc
Duke Realty Corp
Elizabeth Arden Inc
Empire Dist Elec Co
Entropic Communications
Exxon Mobil Corp
Ferro Corp
First Merchants Corp
Fortinet Inc
Gorman Rupp Co
Graham Packaging Co Inc
Hugoton Rty Tr Tex
Integra Lifesciences Hl
International Coal Grp
Kennametal Inc
Key Energy Svcs Inc
Logic Devices Inc
Merchants Bancshares
Midwestone Finl Group I
Mine Safety Appliances
Motorola Solutions Inc
National Instrs Corp
Ness Technologies Inc
Nii Hldgs Inc
Nobel Biocare
Noble Energy Inc
Occidental Pete Corp De
Oclaro Inc
Officemax Inc Del
Oshkosh Corp
Owens Ill Inc
Pacific Mercantile Banc
Penske Automotive Grp I
Radware Ltd
Reliance Steel & Alumin
Republic Svcs Inc
Safeway Inc
Somerset Hills Bancorp
Steiner Leisure Ltd
Talecris Biotherapeutic
Tc Pipelines Lp
Tyler Technologies Inc
Valassis Communications
Vestin Realty Mortgage
Vestin Rlty Mtg Ii Inc
Viacom Inc New
Zoll Med Corp
Amdocs Ltd
Applied Micro Circuits
Bally Technologies Inc
Callaway Golf Co
Cardtronics Inc
Cbl & Assoc Pptys Inc
Citizens Republic Banco
Coinstar Inc
Constant Contact Inc
Curtiss Wright Corp
Digital Riv Inc
Eastman Chem Co
Enbridge Energy Managem
Enbridge Energy Managem
Federated Invs Inc Pa
First Finl Hldgs Inc
First Potomac Rlty Tr
Furiex Pharmaceuticals
Healthsouth Corp
Hittite Microwave Corp
Immunogen Inc
Infinera Corporation
Ingram Micro Inc
Investors Bancorp Inc
Key Technology Inc
Legacy Bancorp Inc
Leggett & Platt Inc
Lender Processing Svcs
Manitowoc Inc
Micros Sys Inc
Minerals Technologies I
Motorola Mobility Hldgs
Nanometrics Inc
Newpark Res Inc
Pmc-Sierra Inc
Resmed Inc
Sba Communications Corp
Skyworks Solutions Inc
Southwestern Energy Co
Spansion Inc
Sps Comm Inc
Standard Pac Corp New
Support Com Inc
Varian Semiconductor Eq
Verisign Inc
Washington Bkg Co Oak H
Washington Real Estate
Allete Inc
American Axle & Mfg Hld
Amerigroup Corp
Barnes Group Inc
Calpine Corp
D R Horton Inc
Flir Sys Inc
Magellan Health Svcs In
Simon Ppty Group Inc Ne
Weyerhaeuser Co
Bank Comm Hldgs
Benchmark Electrs Inc
Brigham Exploration Co
Britton & Koontz Cap Co
Caterpillar Inc Del
Cavco Inds Inc Del
Central Pac Finl Corp
Chart Inds Inc
Chevron Corp New
Cna Surety Corp
Co Don Ag Teltow German
Cobra Electrs Corp
Coventry Health Care In
Discovery Laboratories
Diversinet Corp
Dynamic Matls Corp
Educational Dev Corp
Energen Corp
Entergy Corp New
Hallador Energy Company
International Rectifier
James River Coal Co
Kentucky First Fed Banc
Kratos Defense & Sec So
Lyondellbasell Industri
Microstrategy Inc
Natus Medical Inc Del
Netscout Sys Inc
New Dragon Asia Corp
Omnicell Inc
Parkvale Finl Corp
Perfumania Hldgs Inc
Pitney Bowes Inc
Questcor Pharmaceutical
Rewards Network Inc
Salisbury Bancorp Inc
Salix Pharmaceuticals I
Sally Beauty Hldgs Inc
Simpson Manufacturing C
Skyterra Communications
Softship Ag Hamburg
Southern First Bancshar
Spectranetics Corp
Standard Register Co
Stifel Finl Corp
Summit Financial Group
Texas Pac Ld Tr
Triquint Semiconductor
Universal Truckload Svc
Wabco Hldgs Inc
Metrocorp Bancshares In
First Bus Finl Svcs Inc
Lake Shore Bancorp Inc


