Let's go and count the moonlet us togetherr 什么意思

所属专辑:The Capitol Albums Collection
演唱人:Glen Campbell
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Moonlight and roses are the goin' thingChampagne, a little love, and a weddin' ringBut everytime she leaves it's gonna break your heartIt's happened before, don't come to me, I don't want no partLet go, it ain't worth it if it hurts youLet go, you don't need it if-a she don't careLike a good old wine or rock 'n' rollIf it feels real good let it move your soulBut if it hurts to say her name, baby let goFirst time for both of you makes for urgent loveIt gives a feel that it's all unreal, it's from up aboveTellin' some small secrets, dreamin' dreams by phoneAnd terrified there'll be a time she won't be aloneWell let go, it ain't worth it if it hurts youLet go, you don't need it if-a she don't careLike a good old wine or rock 'n' rollIf it feels real good let it move your soulBut if it hurts to say her name, baby let goWalk away, leave well alo-one, you know you shouldTo be in love has as much that's bad as it has it's goodTo counsel friends ain't wise but you sure need to seeYou should know that before you, she di-id the same to meWell let me tell ya, let go, it ain't worth it if it hurts youAnd let go, you don't need it if-a she don't careLike a good old wine or rock 'n' rollIf it feels real good let it move your soulBut if it hurts to say her name, baby let goLike a good old wine or rock 'n' rollIf it feels real good let it move your soulBut if it hurts to say her name, baby let goLike a good old wine or rock 'n' rollIf it feels real good let it move your soulBut if it hurts to say her name, baby let go, oh-oh (fade)
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Glen CampbellLet Go歌曲在线试听、歌词由沪江外文歌曲提供together是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
在一起,共同 with or towards each other
同时; 一起 simultaneously
一致地,协调地 in or into negotiations aimed at bringing the two sides in the dispute closer together
不间断地; 连续地
in continuous succession
together&:&共同, 一起 ...
mentally an
"she's really together"
in contact with each o
"the leaves stuck together"
"we were gathered together"
in each other'
"we went to the movies together"
"the family that prays together stays together"
"we graduated together"
with coopera
"we worked together on the project"
"act in concert"
用作副词 (adv.)
Let's join hands and struggle together.
Let us rejoice together on your success.
They lived together as husband and wife for years.
They traveled together.
We will consult together about her education.
They tunked their heads together.
I am glad we have come together at last.
The committee finally got together on the proposal.
She sat for hours together just starring into the space.
用作形容词 (adj.)
He's incredibly together for someone so young.
用作副词 (adv.)
Let's go for a walk together.
He did more than the rest of us did together.
The brilliant career of the great French footballer Eric Cantona, and the unruly nature of his character, together present a bewildering picture.
They were all talking together and I couldn't understand a word.
Let us try to sing this song together so that the audience will be able to hear the words.
She can sit reading for hours together.
They sat talking for hours together.
All together,there are fifteen items.
用作副词 (adv.)
add together
加起来,总计 make a total of numbers
Add together 1,2,3.把1,2,3加起来。
When you add all the figures together, the sum is 100.把这些数字加起来,总数是100。
bind together
(使)捆绑在一起,(使)结合在一起 fasten two or
cause to join
bind sb/sth
People bound the enemies together.人们把敌人捆在了一起。
Fage bound the grasses together.费奇把草捆了起来。
He bound the sticks together.他将树枝绑在一起。
We must bind the members of the club together in loyalty.我们必须使俱乐部的成员团结在一起。
Commerce binds the two countries together.贸易把这两国联结起来。
The struggle against common enemy binds all the colonial people together.与共同敌人的斗争把殖民地各族人民紧紧联系在一起。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The sticks of wood were bound together in bunches.木棍被捆成了捆儿。
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.亲切和善良是把社会连接起来的金链子。
bring together
使相合或连接 cause (things) to join
Bring the broken edges of the plate together exactly where they were and then glue them carefully.
使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面 cause (two people or groups, as a man and woman or enemies) to meet
I'm so glad to have been the means of bringing you two young people together.
用于 be ~ed 结构
The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks.
使和解 cause (two or more parties) to end a disagreement
We hope these new proposals will bring the two sides in the dispute together.
用于 be ~ed 结构
I'm glad that the brothers have been brought together after all their quarrels.
call together
使集合〔聚集〕起来 cause (sb/sth) to gather
call sb/sth
Call all the members together and we'll take a vote.把所有的成员召集起来,我们要投票了。
When I am unwell I find it difficult to call my thoughts together.当我不舒服的时候,我发现很难将我的思想集中起来。
cling together
粘在一起 stay fixed together
The pages of this book have clung together.
We clung desperately together.
They clung together when the time came to part.
The two friends cling together wherever they go.
We should cling together in times of trouble.
(指两个以上的人)互相忠诚 be loyal to one another
Members of a family should cling together in times of trouble.
come together
聚会,相见 meet
come together
The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding.全家必须聚会,庆祝父母的银婚。
They finally came together after years of estrangement.在多年不和之后,他们终于言归于好了。
couple together
连接,结合 link or associate sb/sth with sb/sth
couple sth together
They coupled the carriages of the train together.他们把这些列车车厢连接起来。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles.火车的车厢是用钩链连接起来的。
draw together
(使)相遇或接近 (cause to) meet or come closer
draw together
The two cars drew too near together, and crashed.这两辆小汽车靠得太近,所以相撞了。
The two boys look just like one and they always draw together.这两个男孩长得很像,而且他们总是走得很近。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The man and woman were drawn together by an interest in poetry.对诗歌的共同兴趣使这一对男女关系更加密切。
fight together
并肩作战 fight with sb's help, as friends
The two brothers fought together against their attackers.
We must all fight together to prevent further evil.
相互争斗 fight together against (sb), as enemies
Two dogs were fighting together in the street.
fit together
〔说明〕 fit together通常不用于进行体。
把零散的东西拼凑成… make sth whole from separate parts
The police had to fit the story together from details given by different witnesses.警方只得把各方证人提供的情况收集到一起以拼凑出整个案情。
The ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together from building materials that they found on the island.这些遇险的水手在岛上找到一些建筑材料搭了一个简陋的房子。
组成一个整体 form a whole or unity
fit together
These broken pieces of plates don't fit together, they must be parts of different ones.这些盘子的碎片合不到一起,它们肯定是不同盘子的碎片。
The movements of this piece of music somehow don't fit together.这段乐曲的乐章不怎么连贯。
fling together
匆忙把(物品)收拢在一起; 匆忙收拾起(物品) gather (things) in a hurry
At the last minute I decided to go, so I flung a few clothes together and left.
使…相会 cause (usually two people) to meet
Jim and Mary were flung together by the war.
仓促地建造(某物); 匆匆写出(诗等) build or write (sth) hastily
The hut isn' it was just flung together.
This poem sounds as if it was flung together in half an hour.
freeze together
冻结在一起 be in ice together
freeze sth
用于 be ~ed 结构
These two pots are frozen together.这两个罐子冻结在一起了。
gather together
归拢在一起 bring together in a group
gather together
The clouds are gathering together and it's going to rain.云在聚集,天要下雨了。
gather sb/sth
She gathered some friends together.她约了些朋友到一块。
We must gather the people together to demand our rights.我们必须把人们团结起来去争取我们的权利。
He gathered the animals together.他把牲畜归拢到一块。
They gathered their belongings together and set off.他们把自己的行李收拾好,然后动身了。
Gather the ends of the wool together and tie them in a knot.把线头都收拢起来,把它们打成一个结。
We should often gather together what we have gained in teaching.我们应该经常总结教学经验。
Mr. White gathered his ideas together before planning his speech.怀特先生在准备讲稿之前先集中思想。
冷静下来; 控制住自己 control sb
gather oneself together
I shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors.我得冷静下来以对付整个董事会。
get together
聚会; 联欢 hav meet in order to discuss or spend time together
get together
When can we get together?我们什么时候欢聚呢?
We can get together sometime next week.下星期的某个时候我们聚一聚。
All the members of the family get together once a year.全家成员每年团聚一次。
Let's get together one evening and talk about old times.我们找一个晚上聚会一次,叙叙旧。
They all tried to get together during the Spring Festival.在春节期间他们都设法聚会一下。
The whole family tries to get together at least once a year at Christmas time.全家设法至少每年圣诞节聚会一次。
Some of the lads get together at the pub once a week.有些小伙子在这小酒吧每周聚会一次。
It's about time we got together for a chat.现在该是我们见面谈谈的时候了。
get sb/sth
He soon got an army together.他很快就集合了一支部队。
He got them together to talk matters over .他把他们召集一块儿来商量事情。
It is difficult to get them all together under one roof.把他们都聚集到一个屋里是困难的。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer.足够的志愿人员已组织起来,使海滩在整个夏天保持了清洁。
收集; 整理 put things in order
They are trying to get the data together.他们正设法汇集数据。
It took me a year to get the necessary materials together.我花了一年的时间才把所需要的资料整理好。
go together
协调; 相配 harmonize
These people go together all right.
Her green skirt and her blue dress go together.
I'm afraid your hat and dress don't go together.
The carpet and curtains go together well.
The colours go so very well together.
伴随,共存 be usually found together
Bullying and cowardice often go together.
Vanity and virtue do not go together.
Poverty and disease often go together.
相爱,陪伴 combine well with sb
That fellow and that girl go together.
互相牵扯 entail each other
These events go together.
Such conditions always seem to go together.
Medical symptoms of this kind often go together.
grow together
集中在一起生长 grow in places very near to another
Farmers don't usually grow crops and flowers together.农民通常不把庄稼和花草种在一起。
These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil.这两种灌木可种植在一起,它们适于同一类土壤。
形成更紧密的联系 become larger in such a way as to become joined
grow together
The brother and sister used to quarrel a lot in their childhood, but grew together more as they got older.他们兄妹孩提时代经常吵架,但随着年龄的增长,彼此关系融洽起来。
hang together
相配合,不矛盾 be consistent
Your idea doesn't hang together.
Your story doesn't hang very well together.
Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
His story of why he was absent from school seems to hang together.
互相支持,团结一致 unite
If we all hang together, we are sure to succeed in our plan.
If we don't hang together we may all hang separately.
We can come through any crisis if we hang together.
We must hang together, or our plan will fail.
hold together
把…结合在一起; 团结一致 remain firm or united, or be complete or consistent
hold together
I've tied up the parcel with string, but I'm afraid it won't hold together.我已把那个包用绳捆上了,只是怕捆不牢。
They hold together for collective security.他们为了共同安全而团结在一起。
You can't be defeated as long as you hold together.只要你们团结起来,就不会被打败。
hold sth together
The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.这个国家需要有一个能把全民族团结起来的领袖。
join together
将…拼〔连〕在一起 fix things into one whole
join together
How does this model boat join together?这艘模型船是怎样拼制起来的?
The whole class all joined together to sing Happy Birthday to the teacher.全班学生一起对着老师唱起了《生日快乐》歌。
Can you join the broken pieces together?你能把这些碎片拼起来吗?
用于 be ~ed 结构
How are the two halves of the machine joined together?这台机器的两部分是如何连在一起的?
The welding is so smooth that you can hardly see where the sections of pipe are joined together.这管子焊接得很光滑,你很难看出什么地方是焊接的。
Two or more sentences may be joined together by a conjunction.两个或两个以上的句子可以用连词连接。
keep together
〔说明〕 keep together通常不用于进行体。
(使)留在一起 (cause to) remain together
keep together
He has tied the sticks firmly. He hopes they will keep together.他把木柴捆扎得牢牢的,他希望这些柴禾不会散开来。
When the mist comes down, we must keep together or we'll be lost.雾笼罩下来时,我们最好待在一起,否则会走散的。
keep sb/sth
I'd like to keep the children together in school.我乐意把孩子们集中到学校里。
You must learn to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house.你必须学会收拾自己的东西,不要在屋子里到处乱丢乱放。
A library usually keeps books of the same kind together.图书馆常把同类书放在一起。
用于 be ~ed 结构
It is really incredible how these old records have been kept together through the centuries.这些古老的文献竟然保存了几百年而不遗失,真是难以置信。
(使)保持行动协调 (cause to) maintain a coordinated action
keep together
We try to keep together as a family.我们尽力团结得像一家人。
You singers must keep together or you will spoil the music.你们这些歌手一定要唱得谐音同调,否则就把曲子糟蹋了。
The conductor is good at keeping the players together.乐队指挥善于使表演者演奏协调。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The party was kept together by personal loyalty to the leader.这个党是靠对领袖的个人忠诚而维系在一起的。
live together
住在一起; (通常指异性)同居 exist at the same time
live as if married
live together
Now they are living happily together with the Hans.现在他们和汉族人愉快地生活在一起。
They are not congenial to each other, but they can live together peacefully.他们之间并不是意趣相投,但他们能和睦共处。
I hear Jane and Bill are living together.我听说简和比尔现在同居了。
How long have they been living together?他们已经同居多久了?
Increasing numbers of young people choose to live together rather than to marry.越来越多的青年人选择未婚同居而不是结婚。
marry together
结合起来 combine together
They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.他们试图将多种科学方法结合起来。
mix together
把…混合在一起 put or stir together
mix sb/sth
You should mix the ingredients together.你应该将这些配料拌在一起。
She put the flour, eggs, etc., into a bowl and mixed them together.她把面粉、鸡蛋等放进碗里,把它们搅和在一起。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Many races are mixed together in Brazil.在巴西许多不同种族的人混处在一起。
piece together
把…拼合〔凑〕起来 add the separate parts of (sth) into a whole
She pieced together odds and ends of cloth.她将零布头凑成整块。
He pieced together the torn-up drawings.他把撕碎的画拼起来。
They pieced together the broken vase.他们把打破的花瓶拼凑起来。
The policeman tried to piece together the facts.***试图把事实联系在一起。
pull together
(使)齐心协力 (cause to) get on together
pull together
If we pull together, success is certain.如果我们齐心协力,肯定会成功。
We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
After studying the lessons drawn from previous failures, the coach pulled his team together for the forthcoming championship.教练研究了前几次失败的教训之后,要队员们齐心协力,投入到即将到来的锦标赛。
控制自己(的感情等) get control of sb, one's feelings, etc.
pull oneself together
He had been badly upset, but he was able to pull himself together.他感到非常心烦,不过他控制住了自己。
Stop crying like a baby! Pull yourself together!别像个孩子似地哭!要控制住自己的情绪。
After hearing the news, she was so excited that she felt it difficult to pull herself together.听到这个消息后,她激动得难以平静下来。
put together
组成整体 form a whole by combining parts
It's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again.拆卸一部机器比重新装配更容易。
I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform.在走上讲台讲演之前,我要把我的思绪整理一下。
用于 be ~ed 结构
This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease.这个玩具可容易地拆开再装起来。
remain together
保持在一起 continue to be in the time or place
remain together
These horses remained together for most of the race.在比赛大部分过程中,这些马都挤在一起。
You singers must remain together or you will spoil the music.你们这些歌手必须同声演唱,否则会把曲子搞乱。
When the mist comes down, we must remain together or we'll get lost.下雾时我们必须呆在一起,否则会失散的。
together with
和…一同,连同… as well as, in addition to
He,together with his classmates,is going to go swimming tomorrow afternoon.
He sent her some books, together with a dictionary.
用作副词 (adv.)
They both..arrived..as though a series of pure accidents had driven them together.
出自:Scott Fitzgerald
He put his hands together in an attitude of prayer.
出自:I. Murdoch
This ragtag-and-bobtail lot was no brotherhood..come together in a ceremony of..friendship.
出自:T. Tryon
together的基本意思是“在一起”,指相同的或不同的事和人聚在一起,用于时间方面,则意为“同时”; 用于思想或行动,则意为“一致地”“协调地”。
together也可用作形容词,意思是“情绪稳定的”“安排得很恰当的”“现代的”。例如:She felt very calm, very together.她感到非常平静,非常沉着。I have a beautifully together album.我有一本布局美观而协调的相册。The conditions in the factory are not so together.那工厂的条件并不很现代化。
together with, along with
together with表示“一起”,一般表示空间或时间上的联系; along with有“配合”或“步调一致”的含义,强调二者之间在性质或作用上的密切联系。例如:
The mechanization of agriculture will raise our output, and, along with it, the living standard of the peasants.农业机械化将提高产量,同时也将提高农民的生活水平。
误 They live peacefully together with one another.
正 They live peacefully with one another.
析 together和with one another不能同时出现在一个句子里。
误 My knowledge, together with his money, are very useful to the project.
正 My knowledge, together with his money, is very useful to the project.
析 together with在句中作状语,它后面的his money并不是和my knowledge并列作主语,主语只是my knowledge,所以谓语动词应为单数,不可用复数。但如果把together with改成and,那就成了并列主语,谓语动词应该用复数。
together&:&一起;合起 ...
together:介绍 语  种: 国语 发行公司: 华研国际 发行时间: 日 台湾当红女子组合S.H.E.,一年半内连推出三张唱碟,每张销量都在十万以上。这张推出新歌加精选专辑,将会收录四首新歌「A…


