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IEC-A2:2008 翻译稿
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3秒自动关闭窗口Household and similar electrical appliances Safety(家用和类似用途电器的安全 第1部分 通用要求)
INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES &SAFETY国际电工委员会(IEC)家用和类似用途电器的安全Part 1: General requirements第1部分:通用要求FOREWORD前言1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees).1)IEC (国际电工委员会)是由所有国家的电工委员会(IEC国家委员会)组成的世界范围内的标准化组织。The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields.&IEC的宗旨就是促进各国在电气和电子标准化领域的全面合作。To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly&Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as &IEC Publication(s)&).鉴于以上的目的并考虑到其他活动的需要,IEC还出版国际标准。Their preparation is entrusted to
any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work.整个制定工作由技术委员会来完成。任何对此技术问题感兴趣的IEC国家委员会都可以参加制定工作。
I***ODUCTION引言It has been assumed in the drafting of this international standard that the execution of itsprovisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons.在起草本部分时已假定,由取得适当资格并富有经验的人来执行本部分的各项条款。This standard recognizes the internationally accepted level of protection against hazards such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, fire and radiation of appliances when operated as innormal use taking into account the manufacturer's instructions.本部分所认可的是家用和类似用途电器在注意到制造商使用说明的条件下按正常使用时,对器具的电气、机械、热、火灾以及辐射等危险防护的一个国际可接受水平。&It also covers abnormal situations that can be expected in practice and takes into account the way in which electromagnetic phenomena can affect the safe operation of appliances.它也包括了使用中预计可能出现的非正常情况,并且考虑电磁干扰对于器具的安全运行的影响方式。This standard takes into account the requirements of IEC 60364 as far as possible so that there is compatibility with the wiring rules when the appliance is connected to the supplymains. However, national wiring rules may differ.在制定本部分时已经尽可能地考虑了IEC 60364 (GB 16895)中规定的要求,以使得器具在连接到电网时与电气布线规则的要求协调一致。但是各个国家的电气布线规则可能是不一样的。If the functions of an appliance are covered by different parts 2 of IEC 60335, the relevant part 2 is applied to each function separately, as far as is reasonable. If applicable, theinfluence of one function on the other is taken into account.NOTE 1 Throughout this publication, when &Part 2& is mentioned, it refers to the relevant part of IEC 60335.如果一台器具的多项功能涉及到IEC 60335(GB4 706)的第2部分中不同的特殊要求,则只要是在合理的情况下,相关的第2部分特殊要求标准要分别应用于每一功能。如果适用,应考虑到一种功能对其他功能的影响。注1: 在本部分中,当提到&第2部分&时,它是指IEC 60335(GB4 706)的相关特殊要求。...
1 Scope范围This International Standard deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliancesand 480 V for other appliances.本国际标准涉及单相器具额定电压不超过250V ,其他器具额定电压不超过480V 的家用和类似用途电器的安全。Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public, such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of this standard.不作为一般家用,但对公众仍可能引起危险的器具,例如打算在商店、轻工业和农场中由非专业的人员使用的器具也属于本部分的范围。NOTE 1 Examples of such appliances are catering equipment, cleaning appliances for industrial and commercial use, and appliances for hairdressers.注1: 这种器具的示例为:工业和商业用炊事设备、清洁器具以及在理发店使用的器具。As far as is practicable, this standard deals with the common hazards presented by appliances that are encountered by all persons in and around the home.就实际情况而言,本部分所涉及的各种器具存在的普通危险,是在住宅和住宅周围环境中所有的人可能会遇到的。However, in general, it does not take into account...
2 Normative references2 规范性引用文件The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.下列引用文件因本标准的引用而成为应用本标准的构成部分。凡是标注日期的引用文件,仅引用版本适用于本部分。凡是未标注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括任何的修改)适用于本部分。IEC 60061-1, Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of& interchangeability and safety & Part 1: Lamp capsGB1406 螺口式灯头的型式和尺寸(GB ,eq vI EC 9)IEC , Environmental testing & Part 2 Tests. Tests B: Dry heatGB/T 2423.2 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验B:高温(GB/T 2423.2 - 2001,idt IEC :1974)IEC , Environmental testing & Part 2: Tests & Test Ed: Free fall (Procedure 1)GB/T 2423.8 电工电子产品环境试验第二部分:试验方法试验Ed:自由跌落 (GB/T 5,idt IEC :1990)IEC , Environmental testing & Part 2-75: Tests & Test Eh: Hammer testsIEC 环境试验第2-75部分:试验方法一试验Eh:冲击试验IEC 60083, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IECIEC 60083 在IEC成员国中使用的家用和类似用途标准化插头和插座IEC , Electrical insulation & Thermal classificationIEC 60085 电气绝缘的耐热评价和分级IEC , Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materialsIEC 固体绝缘材料在潮湿条件下相对漏电起痕指数和耐漏电起痕指数测定IEC 60127 (all parts), Miniature fusesIEC60127(所有部分) 微型熔断器IEC 60227 (all parts), Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 VIEC60227 (所有部分) 额定电压450/750V 及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆...
3 Definitions3定义An Index of the defined terms is provided at the end of this publication.标准的最后的附录提供了定义的索引。3.1When the terms &voltage& and ¤t& are used, they are r.m.s. values, unless otherwise specified.除另行规定外,术语&电压&和&电流&都是指有效值(r. m. s).3.1.1rated voltage额定电压voltage assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer由制造商为器具规定的电压。3.1.2rated voltage range额定电压范围voltage range assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer, expressed by its lower and upper limits由制造商为器具规定的电压范围,用其上限值和下限值来表示。3.1.3working voltage工作电压maximum voltage to which the part under consideration is subjected when the appliance is supplied at its rated voltage and operating under normal operation器具以额定电压并在正常工作条件下运行时,考虑的那部分所承受的最高电压。NOTE 1 The different positions of controls and switching devices are taken into account.注 1: 考虑控制器和开关装置不同位置的影响。NOTE 2 Working voltage takes into account resonant voltages.注 2: 工作电压考虑了谐振电压。NOTE 3 When deducing the working voltage, the effect of transient voltages is ignored.注 3: 在确定工作电压时,可忽略瞬间电压的影响。3.1.4rated power input额定输入功率power input assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer由制造商为器具规定的输入功率。3.1.5rated power input range...
4 General requirement4 一般要求Appliances shall be constructed so that in normal use they function safely so as to cause no&danger to persons or surroundings, even in the event of carelessness that may occur innormal use.各种器具的结构应使其在正常使用中能安全地工作,即使在正常使用中出现可能的疏忽时,也不会引起对人员和周围的环境的危险。&&In general this principle is achieved by fulfilling the relevant requirements specified in this standard and compliance is checked by carrying out all the relevant tests.&一般来说,通过满足本部分中规定的各项相关要求来实现上述准则,并且通过进行所有的相关试验来确定其是否合格。
5 General conditions for the tests5. 试验的一般条件5.1 Tests according to this standard are type tests.按本部分进行的试验为型式试验。 NOTE Routine tests are described in annex A.注 :例行试验已在附录A中描述。5.2 The tests are carried out on a single appliance that shall withstand all the relevant tests.各项试验应在一个器具上进行,此器具应能够经受所有有关的试验。However, the tests of clauses 20, 22 (except 22.11 and 22.18) to 26, 28, 30 and 31 may becarried out on separate appliances.但第20章、第22章(22. 11和22.18 除外)~第26章、第28章、第30章和第31章的试验可在另外单独的几台器具上进行。The test of 22.3 is carried out on a new appliance.22.3 的试验是在一个新的器具上进行。 NOTE 1 Additional samples may be required if the appliance has to be tested under different conditions, for example if it can be supplied with different voltages.注 1: 如果器具必须以不同的条件进行试验,则可能要求附加试样,例如器具能以不同的电压供电.
6 Classification6 分类6.1 Appliances shall be of one of the following classes with respect to protection against electric shock: class 0, class 0I, class I, class II, class III.在电击防护方面,器具应属于下列各种类别之一:0类、0I 类、I类、II类、III类。Compliance is checked by inspection and by the relevant tests.通过视检和相关的试验确定其是否合格。6.2 Appliances shall have the appropriate degree of protection against harmful ingress of water.器具应具有适当的防水等级。Compliance is checked by inspection and by the relevant tests.通过视检和相关的试验确定其是否合格。NOTE The degrees of protection against harmful ingress of water are given in IEC 60529.注 :防水等级在IEC60529(GB4208)中给出。
7 Marking and instructions标志和说明7.1 Appliances shall be marked with the器具应有含下述内容的标志:& rated voltage or rated vo& 额定电压或额定电压范围,单位为伏(V);& symbol for nature of supply, unless the rated& 电源性质的符号,标有额定频率的除外;& rated power input in watts or rate& 额定输入功率,单位为瓦(W)或额定电流,单位为安(A);& name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer o& 制造商或责任承销商的名称、商标或识别标志;& mod& 器具型号或系列号;& symbol 5172 of IEC 60417, for class II& IEC60417(GB/T5465.2)的符号5172,仅在II类器具上标出;& IP number according to degree of protection against ingress of water, other than IPX0.& 防水等级的IP代码,IPX0不标出。Compliance is checked by inspection.通过视检确定其是否合格。NOTE 1 The first numeral of the IP number need not be marked on the appliance.注 1: IP代码的第一个数字不必标在器具上。NOTE 2 Additional markings are allowed provided they do not give rise to misunderstanding.注 2: 在不会造成误解的前提下,允许有另外的标志。NOTE 3 If components are marked separately, the marking of the appliance and that of the components is to be such that there can be no doubt with regard to the marking of the appliance itself.注 3: 如果元件上分别标有标志,则元件上的标志不应使器具本身的标志存有疑间。NOTE 4 If the appliance is marked with rated pressure, the units used may be bars but only together with pascals and placed in brackets.注 4: 如果器具标有额定压力,其单位可以是巴(bar),但其只能和帕(Pa)同时标示,巴(bar)标在括号中。The enclosure of electrically-operated water valves incorporated in external hose-sets for connection of an appliance to the water mains shall be marked with symbol IEC (DB:2002-10) if their working voltage exceeds extra-low voltage.与连接器和水源的外部软管组合的电动控制水阀的外壳,如果它的工作电压大于特低电压,则其应按IEC -5036(DB:2002-10)(GB/T 5465. 2)标注符号。7.2 Stationary appliances for multiple supply shall be marked with the substance of the following:用多种电源的驻立式器具,其标志应有下述内容:Warning: Before obtaining access to terminals, all supply circuits must be disconnected.&警告:在接近接线端子前,必须切断所有的供电电路&。This warning shall be placed in the vicinity of the terminal cover.此警告语应位于接线端子罩盖的附近。Compliance is checked by inspection.通过视检确定其是否合格。...
8 Protection against access to live parts&对触及带电部件的防护8.1 Appliances shall be constructed and enclosed so that there is adequate protection against accidental contact with live parts.器具的结构和外壳应使其对意外触及带电部件有足够的防护。Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of 8.1.1 to 8.1.3, as applicable, taking into account 8.1.4 and 8.1.5.通过视检和通过8.1.1 -8.1.3 适用的试验,并考虑8.1.4和8.1.5确定其是否合格。8.1.1 The requirement of 8.1 applies for all positions of the appliance when it is operated as in normal use, and after the removal of detachable parts.8.1的要求适用于器具按正常使用进行工作时所有的位置,和取下可拆卸部件后的情况。NOTE 1 This excludes the use of screw-type fuses and screw-type miniature circuit breakers which are accessible without the aid of a tool.注:不允许使用不借助工具便可触及到的螺纹型熔断器以及微型螺纹型断路器。Lamps located behind a detachable cover are not removed, provided that the appliance can be isolated from the supply mains by means of a plug or an all-pole switch.只要器具能通过插头或全极开关与电源隔开,位于可拆卸盖罩后面的灯则不必取下。However, during insertion or removal of lamps which are located behind a detachable cover, protection against contact with live parts of the lamp cap shall be ensured.但是,在装取位于可拆卸盖罩后面的灯的操作中,应确保对触及灯头的带电部件的防护。...
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