
1楼发表于 日10:31&&|&&&&|&&得是出6大神奇的时候这种武器才能进路路通&一看你们发帖子的就是**的托内部人员2楼发表于 日12:14&&|&&&&|&&说远了,为了雷神我都重置一万五千多了。你说神器就差龙袍了,那你前面抽的神器是闭眼抽的吗?或是新手?不知道神器的出现规律吗?竟说这么弱智的话。上一篇帖子都告诉你了,说有的都是撒毕,你怎么死活都不信呢?3楼发表于 日18:16&&|&&&&|&&**&脑。残?&&&&你确定。得&完&全部&*?&&&呵呵。&&&&龙袍?&&&&还没有入库&呢。&如果。&你。得。完。全部。&*。的话。&&那么。&&&&&&&&路路通。&里面。&的奖励。&&是500个。&延长卷。&**?。。。&&&&呵呵。&**。&想得太。天真&了。&&大家。&说。有木有。道理。&&&&&还有。&当你。得完全部。&*。那500个&延长卷。是&重置&不了得。&很&明显。你。没有&得完。全部。&&*。&&哈哈。&**。4楼发表于 日18:17&&|&&&&|&&被。禁&的是。(*)5楼发表于 日18:18&&|&&&&|&&*&&没有得完全部。&&*。&&6楼发表于 日18:50&&|&&&&|&&****1&都&让&*&*&占&领&了&,&*&*&还&是&&那&么执&著&?7楼发表于 日18:52&&|&&&&|&&*、*&&&连话都不让说了8楼发表于 日19:17&&|&&&&|&&能重置到关刀吗???9楼发表于 日19:49&&|&&&&|&&该有的我都有了,没啥太大追求!****现在我只喜欢玩竞技团战!其他无爱!喷我的全是我私生子。10楼发表于 日22:37&&|&&&&|&&楼主是不看别人回复的吗?好像都说过几次了,路路通奖品和现时抽芯片金勋里面的武器一样,你想在一线牵抽黑龙,建议你五一,十一,新年试试‘币’气!11楼发表于 日08:25&&|&&&&|&&本帖最后由 不好玩丶坑我呢 于
08:26 编辑 楼猪是逗比,鉴定完毕!顺便,模版二楼,真土豪啊!我花了400片还没重置出雷神,换来换去尽是6,7把一样的破木仓!
不做***,仅供参考:(我来翻翻,呵呵)Someone says: &21st century is biomedical century, the commercial stage in the 21st century
in China. & As science and technology combines with commercial economy, it is not merely the improvement of the global people's life that get, Base that the society
of our country
developping in a healthy way by lasts. So, China's economy, reform of the Chinese enterprise and development seem that particularly attracts people's attention.
Since last century from the 1990s, the reform of China had never stopped, from developping the open coastal cities to the development of the West Regions, Bright jewels glitter in the Divine Land. At the beginning of 21st century, China's accession to WTO marks the resolution that our country integrates with the world. The enterprise, especially the large-and-middle-scale state-owned enterprise is a back of our national economy, The SOE reform is that our country realizes the key changed thoroughly to the socialist market economy system from planned economic system, It is primary task of the present stage. This thesis current situation and existing problem of rounding China's medicinal enterprise launch describing . Flow long as the beginning with the origin of the Chinese medicine, narrate medicinal trade history briefly. Draw current situation and development trend of medicinal enterprise development as follows, including the development of the world, domestic market traditional Chinese medicine enterprise and regional competition. In addition enter to our country international market make current situation analyse, expound of our country medicinal enterprise have question among market competition also. The third part Proceed from trade standard and desirability and propose that the competition of the medicinal enterprise of our country is by moving towards the health, benign market in order unorderedly of current situation certainly . The fourth part Deep to compare state-owned enterprise medicine company and foreign enterprise excellent inferior position of medicine company with, focus on state-owned enterprise medicine company should hold one's own advantage and promote enterprise value further. At last, it is a key part of a thesis too. Probe into by the problem that must be considered and solve of development in the future the problem that traditionals Chinese medicine enterprise of our country generally existed at present too in terms of marketing, Put forward two concepts from the superficial to the deep --Customer satisfaction, customer loyal, expound the fact why want and pursue customer satisfied and keep customer loyalty and the two impact on development of future of the enterprise enterprise. 医学经济论文,好难啊!!!(没接触过,呵呵)好多都是估计来翻的
(1) To : right-spirit.Did you lose something or there has been some mis-types. The firstfew lines are totally
incoherent.E.g. & it is not merely the improvement of theglobal people's life that get, Base that the society of our ...&Are there something missing from here ?
&life that get...(?? get what ???)&Base ....that...
& (base what ????? or rather Based on what....)I think that paragraph should look something like this:When science and technology are combined with business and economy, not only will the livelihood of everyone in the world beimproved, but it
provide the foundation from which Chinese health and welfare can be maintained , expand and improved.This will enable China to make radical changes to its economy and business enterprises, resulting in
(spectacular/eye-catching) growth and development. --------(2) To :阳阳cfyh Is this a homework assignment, take home exam or some such ?If it is , then I think we should all wait for another week beforetackling it.
These forums and BBS are suppose to be for &idea exchange¬ &plagarism and cheating.&Another fair way is to produce a version that is clearly not of your level sothat you cannot hand it in without your teaching noticing the discrpencyin level. It can still be use as a study help for you, but not as a sourcefor plagarism.-------------------If this is something associated with yourjob, something you are paid to do,then I think
you should work on a first draft yourself andthen let other people supply the refinements, if any. I think that's the own fair way to go. Not that people should not help,but if it is you duty to do the translation, and are paid for it,you should at least earn your part of the paid first before anyone comesin to help.
The biggest mistake is that &medicinal& should be &phamaceutical&.
What I was saying was that you should at least make an effort to producea first draft. Without doing so, you are asking others to do EVERYTHINGfor you, and that is not right . (Especially when you are dealing with a wholearticle, not just a few individual phrases or sentences.)I hope you see my point. It makes a big difference betwen showingthat you have
already made a serious effort
or not. If you hadproduce a rough draft, no matter how rough, people would say & OK, hehad tried to do it, fine, let's help him out .& But if you just dump the wholething on someone else's lap, people would say & What do you thinkthis place is ?
Free translation service for people who are hired to do the job ?&If you are serious about this is part of your job, then surely you musthave made a start on it. So show us some good faith by showing us your draft.Besides, technical translation involves technical terms that may notbe familiar to the outsiders. By providing a first job, people will havesome idea
of what to use for those special terms.Take for example the piece on Chinese Painting which appeared in thisBBS not too long ago. I had no idea what those &artistic styles& were. All I did was to use the terms given in the first draft.---2nd note to &right-spirit&Chinese source texts have a tendency to use very long sentences and extremely long paragraphs.You may have to break the paragraph up to 2 or more paragraphs whentranslating them into English.
Some people says:”21st century is the biologic-medicine century, the stage of commercial point of convergence will transfer to China.”When science and technology combines with commercial economy, obtain not only improvement of people’s life in all over the world but cause that our country can hold health and benign. Thus, Chinese revolution of economy attracts all attention, including business. Since last century from the 1990s, the progress of China’s reform has never stopped. From opening coastal cities to today’s west regions, glorious jewels raise on grand land shining its radiance. At the beginning of 21st century, we entering into WTO, symbolized that we associate with world’s fate closely. The enterprise, especially state-run large and medium-sized enterprises act an important role of domestic economy. It also a key to achieve target that our country realized social market economy system fromplanned economic system, also the top task of present stage. The thesis discussed around the problem that the current situation and existent issue Chinese medicine enterprise hold. Beginning with the history of Chinese medicine, simply expounded its industry. Then, put out a question the current situation and development tendency of medicine enterprise in the future, including the development and regional competition in the international and domestic market. Moreover, analyses the chance we’re entering into the international market under so sharp competition. The third part ,
proceed from guild regulations and objective demand, proposed that
the competition of the medicine enterprise in our country will move toward a healthy and benign orderly market. The forth part compare advantage with disadvantage between domestic medicine enterprises and oversee medicine enterprises, with emphasis that state-run enterprise should grape its own advantages and make further to raise the value. At last, is also the important part of
this thesis. Point of marketing view, probed into the problem which generally existed nowadays in the chinese medicine enterprise, that must be consideration in the future. It proposed two concepts --- consumer's satisfaction, consumer faith. Discussed why enterprises want to chase consumer's satisfaction and try hard to keep the consumer’s loyalty and the two elements impact on the future development of the enterprise. I've tried my best.Could you help me again?
See, you can do it. A very good effort. Here is my version. (***I hurt my back yesterday and could not sit down for a long time.So
I only worked on the first two paragraphs very quickly. I willwork on the rest if I feel better tonight.)(**I use &cut and paste& . I don't know how well it will
show up here.)有人说:?1世纪是生物医学的世纪,21世纪的商业舞台在中国。?当科学技术与商业经济相结合,得到的不仅是全球人民生活的改善,而且还是我国社会持续、健康发展的根本。因此,中国经济、中国企业的改革、发展显得尤为令人瞩目。( It has often been said/ Some people say) ?The 21st century is the biotechnology (Note 1) century and China will become the center stage for (international
trade)/(global commerce )(note 2..)?(Note 0:
??means take your pick of the possible alternative(s) ?(Note 1)
: Although the source text says ?io?and ?edical? I feel theword ?iotechnology?is more appropiate. If you don? like that paricular
choice,use your own choice of ?io-medical?(Note 2) ?I assume that ? ?业?here refers to international
trade or global commerce.When science and technology are combined with business and economy, not only will the livelihood of everyone in the world be improved, but
the foundation from which Chinese health and welfare can be maintained, strengthened and expanded.
This will enable China to make radical changes to its economy and business enterprises, resulting in (spectacular/eye-popping) growth and development. (Note 3)(Note 3: Alternative: This will enable China to make……. Enterprise, achievingresults that will make everyone sit up and take notice.? I don? likethis one, but I am
putting it down here as a second choice.)---------------------自上个世纪90年代起,中国的改革就从未停止,从开发开放沿海城市到西部大开发,一颗颗璀璨的明珠闪耀在神州大地。21世纪伊始,中国加入世贸组织标志着我国同世界接轨的决心。企业,尤其是大中型国有企业是我国国民经济的脊梁,国有企业改革是我国实现由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制根本转变的关键,是现阶段的首要任务。China? reform has been continuing ever since the beginning of the 1990s (Note 4). Opening up
coastal cities
large scale development of the Western provinces
created pockets of
economic successes
resembling bright jewels glistering in a charmed and blessed land.In the beginning of this century, the entry of China into the WTO signifies our commitment to become an integral part of
the world trade. Business enterprises, especially those of
large and middle scales, forms the backbone of our economy. (note 5)Reforming the state-own industry is pivotal to the success of
realizing the goalof converting from a planned economy to one of socialistic market economy. Thisremains our prime objective.-(Note 4) Since the number 1990 signifies the 20th century, there is no need to mention?ast century?(Note 5)
I am translating this particular sentence in the way it is presented. However, I feel that the sentence in the source text is
意尤未尽(Since these (….) are the backbone of Chinese industry… then what ???)(General note: 企业
can be translated as Business, business enterprises, enterprises,industry, industries, venture(s) ….depending on the particular context.)---To be continued....."Damn the torpedoes,full steam ahead."
All those &??& marks were originally
things like
& etc..I don't know how they got from one form to the other.
I have to say I really admire those who can translate such a long essay. For me, myself, might be able to translate it, but I can't really be bothered to put sooooo. much effort into it. :-)阳阳cfyh , what is the essay for? 雨横山2, what do you do for a living? Because you seem to be very good with the English language? Are you an english teacher? If you are, you must be a nice teacher, because I remember in yr12, I really liked my english teacher, and she is also my mentor. :-)H***E SOME CHERRIES. SO CHEER!
(0) Watch out for &tense& errors. I am notariously bad at that. I: Errata:errata: (i)Change &but the foundation...etc..
& to&but also provides the basis for themaintainance and robust development of our society.&(ii) take out the &will & before &enable&--(iii) replace &continuing& with &growing strong&
( China's reforms have been growing strong since..)(iv)Replace
&This remains our prime object&
with & This has been and
still is our prime objective.&---------------------------------------------------------------II:
Some preliminaries:(i)
Although the Chinese source text is in one single paragraph, there is noway this can be, or should be, written in one single paragraph.One you change the idea under discussion, you have to start a new paragraph.(ii) I hope you are not thinking of using this as an abstract. It is simply toolong to be one. (And not in the correct form either.)This can only be use as the &Introduction page& in a thesis.If that's the case, you need a &dedication and acknowledgement& paragraphat the end of that chapter.(iii)
&/& means possible alternatives or I have no idea what the sourcetext says so I put in several possibilities.-------------------------------------(III) Recap (without those annoying interruptions)( It has often been said/ Some people say) &The 21st century is the biotechnology (Note 1) century andChina will become the center stage for (international trade)/(global commerce)&-When science and technology are combined with business and economy, not only will the livelihood ofeveryone in the world be improved, but also provides the basis for themaintainance and robust development of our society.
This enables China to make radical changes to its economy andbusiness enterprises, resulting in (spectacular/eye-popping) growth and development. (break for paragraph)-China? reform has been going strong ever since the beginning of the 1990s .Opening up coastal cities and large scale development of the Western provinces created pockets ofeconomic successes resembling bright jewels glistering in a charmed and blessed land.(break for paragraph)   In the beginning of this century, the entry of China into the WTO signifies our commitment to becomean integral part of the world trade. Business enterprises, especially those of large and middle scales, formsthe backbone of our economy.
Reforming the state-own industry is pivotal to the success of realizing the goalof converting from a planned economy to one of socialistic market economy. Thishas been and still is our prime objective.--------------------------------------------------------------Continue....本论文围绕着中国医药企业的现状及存在问题展开论述。以中国医药的渊源流长为始,简单叙述医药行业历史。以下引出医药企业发展的现状及发展趋势,包括国际、国内市场中医药企业的发展及其区域竞争,此外,还对我国进入国际市场做了现状分析,论说我国医药企业在市场竞争中存在的问题。第三部分从行业规范及客观需要出发提出我国医药企业的竞争必定由现状的无序走向健康、良性的有序市场。第四部分深入对比国企药业与外企药业的优劣势,着重在国企药业应把握自己的优势并进一步提升企业价值。最后,也是本论文的重点部分,从营销角度对我国中医药企业目前普遍存在的问题也是今后发展必须考虑、解决的问题做了探讨,由浅入深提出两个概念----顾客满意度、顾客忠诚,论述企业为什么要追求顾客满意并保持顾客忠诚以及两者对企业未来发展的影响。*****IV: I think you need to fix up the source text itself, see
what happens below
( ! to the nth power !)***( In this thesis, the discussion centers around
the current and inherent problems related to
the Chinese pharmaceutical .
Using the deep rooted history of Chinese medicine as the starting point, we go on to describe briefly the history and evolution
of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. From that, the present status and direction for development of the industry is discussed . Issue such as international and domestic market expansion and regional competition for market shares will also be looked at.(Note
7) Where is Parts 1 and 2. ???
Time for a re-write !!! (You need to put back ?
?in the source text.)**********In the first part of this thesis, we center our discussion on the current and inherent problemsrelated to the Chinese
industry.(break for paragraph)Chinese herbal medicine goes back a long way. In part two, we start with this ancient root and trace the history and evolution of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry.From that the present status and direction for development of the industry is discussed . Issues such as international and domestic market expansion and regional competition for market shares will also be looked at. (break for paragraph)Part three deals with the necessity
for our pharmaceutical industry to move from the present chaotic
conditionto a healthy , benevolent and orderly market. This is achieved by carrying out an objective study of the established rules and regulations governing the industry as a whole and the application
of such standards to the pharmaceutical industry.(break for paragraph)
Part four makes an in depth comparison between the strengths and weaknesses of domestic and foreign
pharmaceutical industries with an emphasis on how our domestic market can best use our strengths to sharpen its competitive edge. (Note 8)(Note 8: I cannot understand the &economic value& or &industry value&
企业价值 in your source text.I translated it &competitive edge& based on &the continuation of idea& in your text.&The last part, and by far the most important, examines, from the point of view of marketing and sales, general/typical/overall
problems facing the further development of the industry which must
be immediately addressed.For that we have made details studies and have arrived at two key concepts : Customer Satifaction
and Customer Loyalty.How these two factor determines and influences the future development of the industry will be discussedin both general and specific terms.==============OK, one thing I won't do right now is to look at it. I am an extremelycareless person. (NOT trying to 掩盖 anything, you all have eyes to see for yourselves.And people who have known me from other places can attest to that fact.)
So I must have made tons of conscious and unconscious errors. If I lookat it again, I will be horrified by the stupid mistakes that I have made.So if something does not make sense, use your common sense andyou good judgment and you can figure it out easily.--Ok, for better or for worse, I am going to click the &send& button.
@#$! still wrong !When science and technology are combined with business and economy,not only will the livelihood of everyone in the world
be improved,but
WILL also PROVIDE the basis for the maintainance and robust development of our society.---I give up. I am NOT going to look at it again. I can't seem to make lessthan 3 mistakes per sentence!!!!!!Ugh.......
I'm awfully sorry to hear you're ill and hope you'll soon be well again!To help me revise the translation,it must take you much time to do it.So,I'm really don't know what I could say except for &sincere thanks for all your help!&让我down 下慢慢看吧
It is just a lower back pain I am suffering with. I pull a muscle somewheredown there. Damn inconvenient. Everytime I sneeze, it hurts. AndI cannot sit down for long . The longer I sit , the harder it is to get up.Sometime I type standing up. Most of the time I sit for 5 minutes thenstand up and move around for 5 minutes. I hope it will get better by tomorrow.---Re: AbstractThis is definitely TOO long for use as an abstract. If it is indeed intendedfor that purpose, let me know and I will give you some hints on shortening it.
I. Please note that as usual, I am very careless . There are places were&s& are missing for plural, &ed& missing for past tenses , &of&s &the&s and &a&smissing. You will just have to put them back for me.(E.g. THE opening up OF coastal cities.......... large and middle scales, FORM...... etc....)(Just a couple of examples to illustrate the types of errors I make all the time.)----------------II.
Not need to thank me. Just thank yourself. I made the promiseto you that if you would put up your version, I would put up mine. SoI was just fulfilling my part of the bargin.There are many others around here who can do a much better jobthan I . Some of them are very good in correcting grammaticaland syntactic
But they all have regular day jobs to go to and are justtoo busy to lend a hand even if they are perfectly willing to do so.-------------III:
I am serious about this article not being fit for use as an &abstract.&If you really want to use it as an &abstract& you need to re-write it.Here are some suggestions about writing it up as an &abstract& :Take out the &some people say &21 st century...&Remove all detail explanation.Mention only things you have done , analysis made and conclusions drawn.E.g. This thesis sets out to investigate/examine the problem of
......,the process was done in ____ parts in which we examined
(listtopics examined).
Conclusions and recommendations weremade based on..xyz...abc....And that's it. At any rate, check your
个人消息 for a message from me concerning this.
Re: the short exchange of information between you and me via
Tinayaclub's message center,It all depends on what this is for. The determining factor is actually
one of &what your professorexpects.&Let me outline here what is usually done, then you can decide for yourself.If it is a term paper, professors may or may not ask for an abstract. I knowsome people here demand an abstract even for lab reports at CEGEP 1 (theequivalence of Senior Middle 3 in China since there are only 11 yearsof elementary and secondary education in this particular place I am in.)but to me, that is ridiculous.For term papers that are only ten or less pages long, writing a 2 papeintroduction is definitely excessive.
An introduction should only be 5 to 10 %the size of the whole paper. A Ph.D. thesis, of the order of 200 to 400pages long, can have an introduction the size of a full chapter.The &introduction& is usually a combination of the objective of theexperiment/investigation/ the method by whithe topics investigated
and the conclusion or recommendations arrived at.In order words, something similar to what you have written above.An abstract is definitely required for a paper that is destined for publication.
Usually, all Masters and Doctoral thesis require anabstract inserted right at the beginning.
A abstract for a doctoralthesis can be as long as 1 full page . All it does is to tell people,in the most concise manner possible,
what you did and what you found.Go to any search engine and look up a few URL for abstracts andhave a look at how they are done.Here are 2 examples I have found:http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0109249
http://www.santafe.edu/sfi/publications/wpabstract/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just in case (just ,just !) that you want an abstract writtenfor what you have done, I took the liberty to cut out as much fatfrom you original paper as possible and the lean and meanpart is shown below:中国医药企业的现状及存在问题发展的现状及发展趋势,国际、国内市场中医药企业的发展及其区域竞争,我国进入国际市场做了现状分析,论说我国医药企业在市场竞争中存在的问题。; 行业规范及客观需要出发提出我国医药企业的竞争必定由现状的无序走向健康、良性的有序市场。对比国企药业与外企药业的优劣势,着重在国企药业应把握自己的优势并进一步提升企业价值。从营销角度对我国中医药企业目前普遍存在的问题也是今后发展必须考虑、两个概念──顾客满意度、顾客忠诚,论述企业为什么要追求顾客满意并保持顾客忠诚以及两者对企业未来发展的影响。If you can cut it down further in size, to say 150 words or less, thenwe can try working on an English version together.
That is, of course,if you really do need an abstract.Meanwhile it is bast for you to find out from your professor whether itis an abstract that is needed or an &introductory summary& thatis required.


