
Leptopus marusiki Vinokurov, a new species of the bug family Leptopodidae (Heteroptera) from Northern India
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Leptopus marusiki Vinokurov, a new species of the bug family Leptopodidae (Heteroptera) from Northern IndiaN. N. VinokurovShort CommunicationsDOI:
10.Cite this article as: Vinokurov, N.N. Entmol. Rev. (0. doi:10.
A new species, Leptopus marusiki Vinokurov, sp. n., of the family Leptopodidae is described from northern India (Himachal Pradesh State). The new species is closely related to the Western Palaearctic L. hispanus Rambur, 1840, which is distinguished by a dark transverse spot on the apical part of the corium and the pale colored femora. The known Indian Leptopus species are distributed in the south and characterized by the following features: L. decus Drake, 1955 has the brown body and long 1 the lower part of the head of L. scutulus Drake, 1954 bears 4 very long spines, the fore femur bears 2 rows of very long spines (5 in each row). L. travancorensis Distant, 1910 differs in
the 1st and 2nd antennal segments, collar and posterior margin of the pronotum, and legs are ochreous.1.Distant, W.L., The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. V. Heteroptera-Appendix (Taylor and Francis, London, 1910).2.Drake, C.J., “An Undescribed Leptopodid from India (Hemiptera),” J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 27(3), 111-112 (1954).3.Drake, C.J., “A New Leptopodid from India (Hemiptera, Leptopodidae,” Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 57(4), 201-202 (1955).4.Kiritshenko, A.N., “New and Little-known Hemiptera (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of Tajikistan,” Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 10, 140-198 (1952).5.Kiritshenko, A.N., Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Tajikistan (Acad. Sci. Tajik. SSR, Dushanbe, 1964) [in Russian].6.Lindskog, P., “Family Saldidae,” in Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 1 (Wageningen, 1995), pp. 116-137.7.Schuh, R.T., Galil, V., and Polhemus, J.T., “Catalog and bibliography of Leptopodomorpha (Heteroptera),” Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. N.Y. 185(3), 243-406 (1987).N. N. Vinokurov11.Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithic Zone, Siberian BranchRussian Academy of SciencesYakutskRussia
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SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
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