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5 months ago
Heimerdinger Statistics for
Author's performance with Heimerdinger compared to the ranked average.
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Guide Details
Summoner Spells
Heimer lacks any method of escape, therefore this is obviously a skill you want to get. Don't hesitate to use this if you see someone coming in to gank. You may also use this offensively by flash + rockets to kill enemies attempting to escape. I almost exclusively get barrier instead of ghost when I mid or toplane if the enemy team has a large amount of burst or your enemy laner runs ignite. Because there are so many assassins with gap closers in the current meta barrier will save you life more often than ghost. Heimer also is typically positioned right in the thick of things during teamfights and greatly benefits from the shield. The health you receive is lower than that of barrier, but the movespeed burst will help you to kite to stay alive. Know that if you are against a champion that typically runs ignite, this will not help you much at all...therefore it is typically safer to run barrier instead. However if you are top lane and predict that the enemy laner will run teleport instead, this may be a better option.
Because Heimer is one of the squishiest and SLOWEST champions in the game, this skill improves your survivability by allowing you to kite those who are hungry for some heimer cheese. Use this offensively for chasing enemies down, setting up turrets on the battlefield, or ganking. Great when paired with distortion boots enchantment. I get this when top lane is going to be a farm fest and I don't need the survivability of barrier/heal or ghost. Also strong for teleporting down to secure objectives. Personally I think heimer needs the escape/shield, but feel free to use if it works well for you. If you are against an assassin such as Katarina, Zed, etc. If properly timed, this will negate their burst. Used to replace ghost if the enemy team has strong CC (that isn't suppress). Allows you to get out of really sticky situations with flash. Be careful with this spell, as you are more vulnerable to ganks. However it does add a lot to your killing power in lane if you do manage to get close enough to your target.
+0.87 magic penetration
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
+1.34 magic resist
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
+0.17 ability power per level
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
+1.33 health per level
Greater Seal of Scaling Health
Greater Seal of Armor
+4.95 ability power
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
+0.9 Armor Penetration / +0.62 Magic Penetration
Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
Quintessences:Flat Ability PowerMore AP = More damageGreat for early game harass with rocketsImproves farming ability and turret damageRecommendedMovement SpeedImproves ability to escape ganks/focus from enemy championsEasier to position yourself/turrets in team fightsRecommended for intro Heimer players who aren't yet used to his mechanicsMarks:Magic PenetrationNecessary for dealing more damage as all of your abilities are magic basedNot many other viable choices in my opinion, although hybrid penetration probably works better against melee mid/top laners with your autos.Glyphs:Scaling Ability Power/LevelMore ability power to increase your damageScales the best into late game for HeimerRecommendedFlat Magic ResistIf you're going up against a high burst-magic damage teamSeals:Scaling Health/LevelBest for late game survivabliityFlat ArmorBest for early game survivablity against AD mids or strong AD junglers.
Nothing too surprising here. Oppressor is stronger early game with grenade toss while bounty hunter is stronger late game unless you're feeding. I typically run expose weakness as you're usually damaging eve however, double edge sword or vampirism are viable as well. Secret stash vs runic affinity vs assassin is all personal preference. I take savagery to improve my last hitting. For keystones, 12-18-0 is probably the strongest setup for heimer in lane, as landing 3 rockets from your W triggers the burst. If you're looking at late game, 18-12-0 scales slightly better in damage over time. I think Stormraider's surge is an underrated mastery and could help you kite/escape. I have seen some heimer players utilizing the resolve tree, though I do not personally.
The thing you need to understand about leveling Heimerdinger's skills is that every game is DIFFERENT. Generally, &
/ , but it really depends on the conditions of the game.Getting turrets first basically provides you with three sight wards to protect against enemy invades. It also does the most damage in early fights assuming it stays alive. Set up your turrets before minons spawn to provide vision and also to counter invades. If you get to the enemy red/blue by the 1 minute mark (whatever buff they do second) early, you can set up 3 turrets to clear it, wreaking havoc on the enemy jungler's early game.If your team is looking to invade, you may want to consider putting a point in grenade first for the stun as well as the vision it grants. In lane, against a ranged champion, rockets are your main harassing tool in lane, while grenade should be used primarily as an escape tool. Of course, if they make mistakes and walk into range of your turrets try to stun them with grenade to punish them. If you want complete lane dominance in terms of pushing ability and objective control, max turrets first but be careful of ganks as in doing so you will inevitably shove the lane. Grenade can be maxed second or third, depending on your preference. Although rockets scale better than grenades damage wise and are much better for harassing your lane opponents. However, higher ranks in grenade decrease its CD and increase the length of the CC. Being able to land more stuns in a shorter time frame is also very important in teamfights. It's really your preference what to max second, and depends mostly on how skillful you are at landing rockets versus grenade.Your ultimate as of 3.13 is ridiculously strong in all aspects:If you want burst damage against one target, use your rockets after activating your ult. This is probably the best ultimate to use if you're trying to kill someone at low health in lane. The ideal combo would be
(ERW). You can kill any squishy target at level 6 under 75% health, and any tanky (21 in defense mastery) target under 50% health.Say a large teamfight breaks out near dragon, and your team is in pursuit of the enemy. If you want a large, AoE stun that will catch enemies off guard in a cluster, use your grenade after your ult. Remember upgrade increases the range of grenade due to the added bouncing ability, and the damage is not bad at all (though not as bursty as rockets or DPS as turrets).
(RE), and try to set up
while the enemy is stunned.If you want to maximize your DPS throughout a skirmish/teamfight,
(QRQQQ) is the quickest way to set up multiple turrets at once. The ulti turret fires slow beams for massive damage along with its upgraded machine gun ability for an Aoe slow effect. When I get ganked, I always upgrade my turret and try to stun the enemy jungler in place so they take massive damage, allowing me to escape with possibly a kill.Personally, I find that the later the game gets, the more useful your turret or grenade ultimate becomes. The CC from grenade is strong enough to lock the entire enemy team for a couple seconds, dealing decent damage as well as allowing your basic turrets to hack away. Its range also allows you to catch an enemy carry who is out of position. The best ultimate damage wise for mid/late game is your turret ultimate. You'd ideally want to set one up in the middle of a teamfight as well as having your with banner of command, zhonyas, and a lot of AP, not even tanks can touch you. I use my turret ultimate the most if I have good positioning when a fight breaks out.
Starting Items
Usual start
Core Items
Core damage Build
Pushing/Hard lane
Core pushing build
Situational Items
Starting Items: My preferred start build. Overall it gives you nice mana sustain, ability power for harass, and survivablity. You don't really need health pots because of your passive which gives you significant HP regen, and you shouldn't be taking much harass either due to turret protection and ranged farming ability with auto attacks/rockets. This will also significantly increase your rocket/turret damage at early levels. Due to the price reduction, you can now buy a ward to allow you more time to react to ganks. Nice sustain over the course of the game, glory stacks are a bonus. Best with teleport. If you're laning against a strong AD assassin-type mid and/or the enemy team has a strong AD jungler, you might want to start cloth/pots/ward because your starting armor is the lowest in the game.Early Game: This is the item you should aim for on your first back, and it gives you the most optimal build paths. Boosts your waveclear, turret damage, and overall dueling potential if you get ganked. Versatile item that may be used in multiple build paths. I buy this if I back with an awkward amount of gold. Great if you need early armor to survive a certain matchup (i.e. Riven, Talon, Zed, etc). IF BEHIND: Two of these should give you enough mana sustain to continue harassing, and also some survivability to escape ganks with your summoner spells. Additionally, the AP will give your rockets a bit more of a sting to them. /
Magic penetration is relatively strong early game, and these items work well because of your high base damage. I wouldn't recommend upgrading to Liandry's until mid/late game. +
TONS of sustain in lane. If you're building for late game,
are the items you need to generate the most AP. You will charge this relatively slowly as you however, the additional mana will allow you to endlessly harass your lane Don't forget to buy
as needed!Core Items:
There is never a static build path when playing Heimer. If you are undecided between which item to buy, ask yourself the following questions:Am I snowballing? Do I need more damage? Go for
as it will give you the most noticeable increase in damage. I typically rush this first if even/ahead of my lane opponent.Do I need to protect myself from burst/enemy engages? Enemy AD? Go for
as its active will negate all enemy burst if timed properly. I typically buy this if survivability is my priority, or against Talon, Riven, Zed, etc.Am I being shoved out of lane? Are my turrets always on cooldown? Healing debuff? Go for
for the CDR which will allow you to spawn more turrets. Athene's has better mana regeneration and provides magic resistance, and is better against lane bullies. Morello's provides more ability power an its passive is useful against healers (I.E. Swain, Soraka, etc).Do I need to kite the enemy team (Melee champs)? Do I need extra HP for survivability? Get
as it will create a "slow zone" wherever you place your turrets, increasing your team's kiting potential and turret damage over time. Also you can easily chase down escaping enemies with your long range rockets. In terms of survivability, the additonal HP is more useful than Zhonya's if you are against teams with high poke/harass damage.Does the enemy team have carries with magic resistance or an exceptionally tanky front line? This should be a no brainer: get . While the cost is somewhat higher, it's still a strong item vs. tanky enemies.Does the enemy team have carries with little magic resistance? Is the enemy front line stacking HP?
coupled with Rylai's will shred enemies with high HP/low MR in your turret zone because of the passive. Also the magic penetration will destroy squishy targets.Do I need magic resistance? Is my team majority AP? Build
as it is a very strong item both offensively and defensively for a AP-heavy team. Great synergy with other magic penetration items and will likely drop a squishy target's MR below 0 with void staff, sorcerer's boots, liandry's torment, and runes/masteries.Do I need mana to stay in lane? Is my lane a farm fest? Top lane? Build
Note that this build is fairly weak early and sacrifices your early- however upon completion it will give you the most ability power late game because the mana synergy between these two items is amazing. You also gain significant survivability with the HP form RoA and the active from Seraph's when you fully stack it.Do I need to long range poke the enemy team? Extra movespeed?
will do just that, though after the current 5.13 patch I believe there are more viable AP alternatives. Do I need to push down towers more quickly? Heimer has great turret siege potential, and
will enable you to shove down enemy towers more quickly. Otherwise this items is not very useful on Heimer in my opinion.Item Summary:Note: To be honest, I never really caught on to the pushing-heimer
build, as I feel as though heimer is stronger as a damage dealer. However, in a tank-infested meta, the typical AP heimer build is pretty weak and it is sometimes better to go the pushing route.
/ These items are usually your standard core. Yes you are glass, but you will hurt like hell. The purpose of Heimer is to 1) Push down towers and secure objectives and 2) Deal as much AoE damage as possible during teamfights. Deathcap should be your first core item as it increases your damage tremendously. Zhonya's is useful for its ability power as well as its active. Once people figure out how much damage you do, they're going to target you very often--Zhonya's is a great countermeasure as its active will cause them to derp around for a bit as your turrets hack and cleave away at their health. Once they start building magic resist, get void staff as it'll turn their magic resist into mush. If they don't build it, then consider other ability power alternatives. Remember that the more AP you have, the tankier your turrets become post level 9. If you're new to heimer, I would get this first. This item helps you survive high bursts and increases your teamfight kiting potential by creating a "slow field" with your turrets. Great for chasing down escaping enemies with rockets. Best against teams with a strong front line or melee bruisers that you need to kite around in teamfights. This is a versatile item that works against both squishy targets (because of the mpen) as well as tanks (passive). Coupled with , Heimer's high damage over time enables this item to shred through enemies with high HP. Also the health will help you stay alive.
AP, health, MR, CDR...this item gives a little bit of everything to help you stay in lane. The promote active is useful against AP laners, specifically those who are roamers or have innately strong wave clear. The passive is geared more towards versus AP-heavy teams.
The magic resist is helpful, and the aura synergizes well with your turrets. Get this if the enemy team is very AP-heavy, as it will greatly improve your surivability. This item now gives CDR which is also nice.
Really cost efficient, but not mandatory. Build this primarily if you need mana and CDR, though there are other options for the latter. CDR is one of your best friends as Heimer since your cooldowns are so stupidly long. The mana passive is also helpful in keeping your mana up in prolonged fights. This item isn't really necessary if you always have blue buff, though. Also EXTREMELY helpful against healers like
or life regen champs like . +
If you are going this route, always buy these items together. I seldom buy these items on Heimer as they negate his early-mid game power spike and they take too long to complete. However, this would be the strongest build late game because of the % AP/mana passive, so if you are engaged in a top lane farm fest for 20 minutes then feel free to proceed along this build path. Also, the HP and shield will greatly improve your ability to stay alive in teamfights as well. /
S both are pretty strong in my opinion. I feel as though GLP 800 is stronger for seiging/AoE damage while protobelt is stronger for burst (landing multiple rockets), teamfights or kiting. I would go GLP800 if I were utilizing a mana-oriented late game build with .
Great for pushing down towers. Movspeed is decent for kiting. Otherwise this is not the greatest item on heimer as his cooldowns are all very long and you won't get many passive procs off. For late game, odds are that you will eventually get caught in a teamfight and
this will help turn the tides in such teamfights as your turrets will still be firing even as you are awaiting to be revived from this item's passive.
Very helpful against teams will heavy CC, suppress, or magic damage.
Click on a champion below to see the author's notes on that particular matchup.
Twisted Fate
D charm most importantly as it sets up her entire combo. You can easily zone her pre-6, and try to push her to tower so she has a lot of trouble CSing. Care for ganks, though. Once she gets to level 6, you are in constant danger of her ultimate. I would suggest rushing 2 turrets + grenade so you can attempt to stun her in their range if she spirit rushes you. WARD, then push to tower so she can't roam without giving it up.
Easy till 6, then it gets difficult. Zone her using basic strategies and push to tower. I would get grenade earlier but still rush rank 3 rockets by level 5. Once she hits 6, you'll always want to keep your distance. Stay behind your own turrets, and grenade her if she dashes to you. Always stay as far away from her as possible and let your range harass/farm for you. Buy a pink ward if your jungler comes to gank and throw it down in the middle of her shroud. Keep doing this throughout the game, as that's the easiest way to counter her.
Really tanky, tons of gank followup if you push your lane too hard. Be careful not to shove the lane too hard. Use turrets defensively.
Easy if you dodge her skillshots. She's incredibly squishy, so rank rockets first and keep harassing her all through laning. Once she hits 6, she can wave clear pretty quickly and kill your turrets instantly, negating much of your pushing power. Try to space your turrets outside her circle of death. When she dies and spawns an egg, lay down turrets and she'll go down very quickly.
Lacks range so you can zone her really hard pre-6. When she gets her ultimate, always keep your health up because she can probably 100-0 you with flash-tibbers. Just keep your distance, let your turrets/rockets do most of the farming. Ward against ganks because of her stun, though.Stay away from tibbres in teamfights and use your range/poke.
He can destroy your turrets pretty quickly, so try to place them outside of his range. Just keep your distance, dodge his skillshots and you should be fine. Once he's level 6, his ultimate bounces off your tower, so don't get caught by it. Try to keep his health on the lower side so he's afraid to engage, and back off immediately if he does.
You want to dodge her Q at all times, which shouldn't be too difficult given your turret farming ability and range. Harass with rockets at all times. Getting caught in her ultimate shouldn't be a problem for you unless she flashes you, in which case flash-ghost away to safety. You may want to start boots + pots/ward because of her speed buff whenever she lands her Q.
He's weak early on, try to hack away as much health at early levels. Post lv 4, it becomes a pretty hard matchup because of his tankiness and sustain. Your poke will be doing peanuts to him, and if you get caught in his rupture during a gank, you are dead. Keep your distance and
level turrets first for farming/pushing power. Don't worry about harassing him unless he is squishy for some reason, because in the end you'll just be wasting your mana.
Zoneable pre-6. Keep your distance, dodge her Q, make her farm under tower since she doesn't respond to ganks very well. Then at 6, you want to play this like an Ahri or Akali lane. Keep out of her Q range, farm/harass with turrets/rockets. Don't let her ult to you, and if she does, grenade her face and back off. Try to stun her in teamfights, as mid-late game she will explode you in one combo.
Pretty weak early so you can take advantage of him with your turrets.
Eve mid is pretty bad right now, you shouldn't have any trouble zoning her. Get rockets first and care for her level 6 burst, but if you keep her health low enough, you won't have to worry about it. Hard shove lane so she can't roam without giving up her tower. Ward/Pinks and it's easy mode.
Fid isn't hard, he's just annoying. He can drain your turrets, and if he does, position yourself to grenade/rocket him. He's incredibly squishy, so rush rockets and once you have any AP it will drastically chunk away at his health. Care at level 6 though for his ultimate (most likely channeling from around his tower or wraiths camp), as it will kill you if you get caught. Ghost flash immediately. Continue to zone him while his ult is down.
Fizz can be a pain in the ass, or he can be really easy for you. Ideally, start turret so your lane becomes slightly pushed and he doesn't hit level 2 before you. Then rockets all the way. Try to keep your distance, don't let him dash to you. Basically, whenever he moves to last hit, rocket his face. He's gonna try to trickster his out of it, and depending on his skill level he may dodge them, but he'll undergo heavy mana strain and you'll outsustain him that way. If he's beating you pretty bad, then you might want to get grenade for a quick stun-to-face when he jumps to you. Be sure to react to his ult, the knockup sets up his entire combo and will most likely instagib you.
Galio is annoying but overall doesn't do anything scary in lane until 6. Try to dodge hi he also pushes the lane pretty hard, so you might want to level turrets first. Depending on his runes/masteries, determine if its feasible to harass him with rockets in lane or if its better to simply farm with turrets instead. Stay away form his ultimate in team fights and provide artillery harass.
Fatman is pretty tanky, but to be honest shouldn't be too difficult for you. Your rocket harass chunks nearly as much as his barrel, except yours is easier to land. Stay behind your turrets and dodge barrels to win this lane. He becomes a real threat at 6, though, because his ultimate can screw over your positioning. If you can keep his health low enough, he'll however, if not then simply rely on turrets for primary farming and stay behind them. In teamfights provide artillery support as you do not want to get caught in his ultimate.
A really snowbally lane. Basically if you make a mistake you're going to lose this lane. If you manage to win, she's easy to take advantage of. Her burst is unexpectedly high so be careful when fighting her without your turrets.
Be careful not to get caught in his E-Q during ganks. Otherwise you can zone him pretty hard with your turrets early on.
He can kill you easily early on, so use your turrets as cover and place them strategically so that he can't destroy them without taking unnecessary harass. At 6 you outtrade him with barrier + your ultimate turret, so dont hesitate to stun/R+Q combo him (in range of your other turrets) if he jumps on you.
Dodge his Q, stay out of his aura, flash his wall, and zonya's his ultimate and you've pretty much won the game...Your rockets CHUNK his health away so this shouldn't be too hard of a matchup for you. Just harass him as much as possible and he'll have to back really often.
Very easy early, can be very hard late. Keep out of range of his silence/w early on, and you should be fine. Use your rockets early on to keep his health low and to zone him under tower, since his farming ability sucks. 2 turrets by level 6 are ideal in case he jumps to you, he won't be able to escape without taking a lot of damage.
Your turrets chunk her when she goes in to farm, just care for her maneuverability. Keep your distance so she can't jump/W you. Like most other lanes, keep her health on the low side with turret/rocket harass so she's afraid to engage. Push the lane and ward so she can't roam. Get grenade by level 6 so you can stop her ultimate with it. In teamfights, stay away from low health team mates because her cd refresh is pretty broken.
Stay out of her Q range and harass her with rockets. Use your turrets as a front line so she can't harass back. Keep your lane pushed.
Rocket harass should chunk him. Dodge his Q, stay out of range of his auto attacks, and you'll easily win this lane. Care for his flash ult at 6 because it can be unexpected, especially if the enemy jungler is there to gank. Basically stay out of his ultimate range and you should be fine at all stages of the game.
Keep your distance as he can instagib you at level 2/3. Consider starting cloth armor and/or armor seals for increased survivability. He's melee so plant a turret between him and minions so he is unable to farm without taking harass. Hit him with rockets at every chance you get, and eventually he will be too low to go all in on you. Care for ganks, as always. Use your range to kite him in team fights.
Leblanc is relatively easy push her to tower and she can't do anything without a gank. If she ever approaches or goes aggressive on you, back off immediately because that probably means the enemy jungler is nearby. At 6 be careful since she can probably intagib you, but your rockets should be chunking her as well. Stay out of range from her distortion/Q/R.
Lulu is a pain in the butt right now because her wave clear is pretty strong and she has so much utility that if a strong jungler ganks you, you're probably dead. Try to shove the lane and keep your turrets alive away from the minion wave.
He's tanky and has his regenerating shield, so your rockets will be largely ineffective against him. I suggest starting turrets and maxing those first for objective control and harass as he goes in to cs. His poke kind of hurts as well, so stay behind your turrets. If you get ganked after 6, you are most likely dead unless your flash timing is extremely on point.
He pushes harder than you, if you can believe it. Max rockets anyway, and keep trying to harass him as the creep wave diminishes. His pet is annoying since it counts as a minion and rockets will target them as well, but your rocket range is much greater than his abilities so you should be able to harass freely. Care for 6, he can kill you pretty easily with his ult up. Keep your distance.
Your turrets zone him really hard. Care for ganks, though.
Easy in lane, shove her under tower if you can. Max turrets first and place them behind minions in a line so she has a harder time destroying them with her spears. If she goes cougar form then you can simply e + r + q + w combo her. Dodge her spears/traps at all times. Spawn a turret in front of you to block a spear if possible
Orianna is hard because she's basically two champs in one with her auto attacks. Just be wary of her ball and space your turrets far enough apart such that she can't destroy them in one qw combo. I suggest maxing turrets first to keep her at her tower and to prevent her from playing too aggressive against you.
I generally would not pick heimer vs pantheon because with jungle pressure you will probably die in every gank pre-6. Play as safe as possible. Spawn your turrets behind the minion wave for defensive capabilities and be careful NOT to push the lane so much as you're susceptible to ganks.
Probably will end up a farm fest. You should be able to outdamage him if he jumps on you AFTER 6, but before 6 try to play as safe as possible. Try your best to keep your turrets alive.
Pretty much like jax, except she's easier to zone with turrets. She hurts more early on so be careful. Turret ult should take care of her pretty quickly, and rush zhonyas asap.
Don't get taunted when ganked and you should be fine. He lacks the damage to take you out in a 1v1 if you have turret coverage.
She can push just as hard as you can, but other than that she's relatively harmless harass wise. Just stay out of her range and try to position your turrets so that they don't die to her starcall and you should be fine. Don't get baited by her heals, though.
You basically can't use your turrets against her because she'll just pick them up and fling them away from the lane. It's up to you what you want you could save your turrets and surprise her in an all out engage, or you could attempt to max rockets/grenade first for harass.
He has pretty amazing waveclear and can take your your turrets quickly. He can 100% you with his ult, so be sure to dodge his knockback and you'll be okay. Your upgraded rockets have higher burst than his ult so use that to your advantage if he ever roots himself with it.
I haven't actually played the donger against yasuo myself, but I feel as though he'd be able to hold his own against yasuo as long as he rushes . Your harassing tools should keep him low thr just be sure not to use your rockets/grenade when his windwall is up. When his shield procs, back away for the duration before you harass him again. I suggest ulting your turret if he ever engages on you.
Tons of wave clear and generally safe laning. It's hard to harass him in lane and he can take our your turrets with ease. You outburst him after 6 if he isn't fed.
Honestly don't pick heimer into ziggs, but if you get this matchup I suggest maxing turrets first to try to keep up with his waveclear. This matchup is particularly hard because he cant 1-2 shot your turrets, and shove you to tower, so try to get a gank if possible or keep your turrets safe in whatever way you can (making a back line near your tower). In a prolonged fight you'll outtrade him with your turrets. You can't really outpoke him since his CDs are shorter than yours, so focus more on farming and objective control (with all turrets you'll provide more to teamfights around dragon). Also, his ult 1 shots your ult turret so be mindful of that when you place them.
Author Notes
D charm most importantly as it sets up her entire combo. You can easily zone her pre-6, and try to push her to tower so she has a lot of trouble CSing. Care for ganks, though. Once she gets to level 6, you are in constant danger of her ultimate. I would suggest rushing 2 turrets + grenade so you can attempt to stun her in their range if she spirit rushes you. WARD, then push to tower so she can't roam without giving it up.
Author Notes
Easy till 6, then it gets difficult. Zone her using basic strategies and push to tower. I would get grenade earlier but still rush rank 3 rockets by level 5. Once she hits 6, you'll always want to keep your distance. Stay behind your own turrets, and grenade her if she dashes to you. Always stay as far away from her as possible and let your range harass/farm for you. Buy a pink ward if your jungler comes to gank and throw it down in the middle of her shroud. Keep doing this throughout the game, as that's the easiest way to counter her.
Author Notes
Really tanky, tons of gank followup if you push your lane too hard. Be careful not to shove the lane too hard. Use turrets defensively.
Author Notes
Easy if you dodge her skillshots. She's incredibly squishy, so rank rockets first and keep harassing her all through laning. Once she hits 6, she can wave clear pretty quickly and kill your turrets instantly, negating much of your pushing power. Try to space your turrets outside her circle of death. When she dies and spawns an egg, lay down turrets and she'll go down very quickly.
Author Notes
Lacks range so you can zone her really hard pre-6. When she gets her ultimate, always keep your health up because she can probably 100-0 you with flash-tibbers. Just keep your distance, let your turrets/rockets do most of the farming. Ward against ganks because of her stun, though.Stay away from tibbres in teamfights and use your range/poke.
Author Notes
He can destroy your turrets pretty quickly, so try to place them outside of his range. Just keep your distance, dodge his skillshots and you should be fine. Once he's level 6, his ultimate bounces off your tower, so don't get caught by it. Try to keep his health on the lower side so he's afraid to engage, and back off immediately if he does.
Author Notes
You want to dodge her Q at all times, which shouldn't be too difficult given your turret farming ability and range. Harass with rockets at all times. Getting caught in her ultimate shouldn't be a problem for you unless she flashes you, in which case flash-ghost away to safety. You may want to start boots + pots/ward because of her speed buff whenever she lands her Q.
Author Notes
He's weak early on, try to hack away as much health at early levels. Post lv 4, it becomes a pretty hard matchup because of his tankiness and sustain. Your poke will be doing peanuts to him, and if you get caught in his rupture during a gank, you are dead. Keep your distance and
level turrets first for farming/pushing power. Don't worry about harassing him unless he is squishy for some reason, because in the end you'll just be wasting your mana.
Author Notes
Zoneable pre-6. Keep your distance, dodge her Q, make her farm under tower since she doesn't respond to ganks very well. Then at 6, you want to play this like an Ahri or Akali lane. Keep out of her Q range, farm/harass with turrets/rockets. Don't let her ult to you, and if she does, grenade her face and back off. Try to stun her in teamfights, as mid-late game she will explode you in one combo.
Author Notes
Pretty weak early so you can take advantage of him with your turrets.
Author Notes
Eve mid is pretty bad right now, you shouldn't have any trouble zoning her. Get rockets first and care for her level 6 burst, but if you keep her health low enough, you won't have to worry about it. Hard shove lane so she can't roam without giving up her tower. Ward/Pinks and it's easy mode.
Author Notes
Fid isn't hard, he's just annoying. He can drain your turrets, and if he does, position yourself to grenade/rocket him. He's incredibly squishy, so rush rockets and once you have any AP it will drastically chunk away at his health. Care at level 6 though for his ultimate (most likely channeling from around his tower or wraiths camp), as it will kill you if you get caught. Ghost flash immediately. Continue to zone him while his ult is down.
Author Notes
Fizz can be a pain in the ass, or he can be really easy for you. Ideally, start turret so your lane becomes slightly pushed and he doesn't hit level 2 before you. Then rockets all the way. Try to keep your distance, don't let him dash to you. Basically, whenever he moves to last hit, rocket his face. He's gonna try to trickster his out of it, and depending on his skill level he may dodge them, but he'll undergo heavy mana strain and you'll outsustain him that way. If he's beating you pretty bad, then you might want to get grenade for a quick stun-to-face when he jumps to you. Be sure to react to his ult, the knockup sets up his entire combo and will most likely instagib you.
Author Notes
Galio is annoying but overall doesn't do anything scary in lane until 6. Try to dodge hi he also pushes the lane pretty hard, so you might want to level turrets first. Depending on his runes/masteries, determine if its feasible to harass him with rockets in lane or if its better to simply farm with turrets instead. Stay away form his ultimate in team fights and provide artillery harass.
Author Notes
Fatman is pretty tanky, but to be honest shouldn't be too difficult for you. Your rocket harass chunks nearly as much as his barrel, except yours is easier to land. Stay behind your turrets and dodge barrels to win this lane. He becomes a real threat at 6, though, because his ultimate can screw over your positioning. If you can keep his health low enough, he'll however, if not then simply rely on turrets for primary farming and stay behind them. In teamfights provide artillery support as you do not want to get caught in his ultimate.
Author Notes
A really snowbally lane. Basically if you make a mistake you're going to lose this lane. If you manage to win, she's easy to take advantage of. Her burst is unexpectedly high so be careful when fighting her without your turrets.
Author Notes
Be careful not to get caught in his E-Q during ganks. Otherwise you can zone him pretty hard with your turrets early on.
Author Notes
He can kill you easily early on, so use your turrets as cover and place them strategically so that he can't destroy them without taking unnecessary harass. At 6 you outtrade him with barrier + your ultimate turret, so dont hesitate to stun/R+Q combo him (in range of your other turrets) if he jumps on you.
Author Notes
Dodge his Q, stay out of his aura, flash his wall, and zonya's his ultimate and you've pretty much won the game...Your rockets CHUNK his health away so this shouldn't be too hard of a matchup for you. Just harass him as much as possible and he'll have to back really often.
Author Notes
Very easy early, can be very hard late. Keep out of range of his silence/w early on, and you should be fine. Use your rockets early on to keep his health low and to zone him under tower, since his farming ability sucks. 2 turrets by level 6 are ideal in case he jumps to you, he won't be able to escape without taking a lot of damage.
Author Notes
Your turrets chunk her when she goes in to farm, just care for her maneuverability. Keep your distance so she can't jump/W you. Like most other lanes, keep her health on the low side with turret/rocket harass so she's afraid to engage. Push the lane and ward so she can't roam. Get grenade by level 6 so you can stop her ultimate with it. In teamfights, stay away from low health team mates because her cd refresh is pretty broken.
Author Notes
Stay out of her Q range and harass her with rockets. Use your turrets as a front line so she can't harass back. Keep your lane pushed.
Author Notes
Rocket harass should chunk him. Dodge his Q, stay out of range of his auto attacks, and you'll easily win this lane. Care for his flash ult at 6 because it can be unexpected, especially if the enemy jungler is there to gank. Basically stay out of his ultimate range and you should be fine at all stages of the game.
Author Notes
Keep your distance as he can instagib you at level 2/3. Consider starting cloth armor and/or armor seals for increased survivability. He's melee so plant a turret between him and minions so he is unable to farm without taking harass. Hit him with rockets at every chance you get, and eventually he will be too low to go all in on you. Care for ganks, as always. Use your range to kite him in team fights.
Author Notes
Leblanc is relatively easy push her to tower and she can't do anything without a gank. If she ever approaches or goes aggressive on you, back off immediately because that probably means the enemy jungler is nearby. At 6 be careful since she can probably intagib you, but your rockets should be chunking her as well. Stay out of range from her distortion/Q/R.
Author Notes
Lulu is a pain in the butt right now because her wave clear is pretty strong and she has so much utility that if a strong jungler ganks you, you're probably dead. Try to shove the lane and keep your turrets alive away from the minion wave.
Author Notes
He's tanky and has his regenerating shield, so your rockets will be largely ineffective against him. I suggest starting turrets and maxing those first for objective control and harass as he goes in to cs. His poke kind of hurts as well, so stay behind your turrets. If you get ganked after 6, you are most likely dead unless your flash timing is extremely on point.
Author Notes
He pushes harder than you, if you can believe it. Max rockets anyway, and keep trying to harass him as the creep wave diminishes. His pet is annoying since it counts as a minion and rockets will target them as well, but your rocket range is much greater than his abilities so you should be able to harass freely. Care for 6, he can kill you pretty easily with his ult up. Keep your distance.
Author Notes
Your turrets zone him really hard. Care for ganks, though.
Author Notes
Easy in lane, shove her under tower if you can. Max turrets first and place them behind minions in a line so she has a harder time destroying them with her spears. If she goes cougar form then you can simply e + r + q + w combo her. Dodge her spears/traps at all times. Spawn a turret in front of you to block a spear if possible
Author Notes
Orianna is hard because she's basically two champs in one with her auto attacks. Just be wary of her ball and space your turrets far enough apart such that she can't destroy them in one qw combo. I suggest maxing turrets first to keep her at her tower and to prevent her from playing too aggressive against you.
Author Notes
I generally would not pick heimer vs pantheon because with jungle pressure you will probably die in every gank pre-6. Play as safe as possible. Spawn your turrets behind the minion wave for defensive capabilities and be careful NOT to push the lane so much as you're susceptible to ganks.
Author Notes
Probably will end up a farm fest. You should be able to outdamage him if he jumps on you AFTER 6, but before 6 try to play as safe as possible. Try your best to keep your turrets alive.
Author Notes
Pretty much like jax, except she's easier to zone with turrets. She hurts more early on so be careful. Turret ult should take care of her pretty quickly, and rush zhonyas asap.
Author Notes
Don't get taunted when ganked and you should be fine. He lacks the damage to take you out in a 1v1 if you have turret coverage.
Author Notes
She can push just as hard as you can, but other than that she's relatively harmless harass wise. Just stay out of her range and try to position your turrets so that they don't die to her starcall and you should be fine. Don't get baited by her heals, though.
Author Notes
You basically can't use your turrets against her because she'll just pick them up and fling them away from the lane. It's up to you what you want you could save your turrets and surprise her in an all out engage, or you could attempt to max rockets/grenade first for harass.
Author Notes
He has pretty amazing waveclear and can take your your turrets quickly. He can 100% you with his ult, so be sure to dodge his knockback and you'll be okay. Your upgraded rockets have higher burst than his ult so use that to your advantage if he ever roots himself with it.
Author Notes
I haven't actually played the donger against yasuo myself, but I feel as though he'd be able to hold his own against yasuo as long as he rushes . Your harassing tools should keep him low thr just be sure not to use your rockets/grenade when his windwall is up. When his shield procs, back away for the duration before you harass him again. I suggest ulting your turret if he ever engages on you.
Author Notes
Tons of wave clear and generally safe laning. It's hard to harass him in lane and he can take our your turrets with ease. You outburst him after 6 if he isn't fed.
Author Notes
Honestly don't pick heimer into ziggs, but if you get this matchup I suggest maxing turrets first to try to keep up with his waveclear. This matchup is particularly hard because he cant 1-2 shot your turrets, and shove you to tower, so try to get a gank if possible or keep your turrets safe in whatever way you can (making a back line near your tower). In a prolonged fight you'll outtrade him with your turrets. You can't really outpoke him since his CDs are shorter than yours, so focus more on farming and objective control (with all turrets you'll provide more to teamfights around dragon). Also, his ult 1 shots your ult turret so be mindful of that when you place them.
About Heimerdinger
Hi, I'm a diamond player who mains AP carries. At the moment, my favorite AP champions are Ahri, Zyra, Lux, Diana, and Heimerdinger. Although my best go-to carry at the moment is Ahri, Heimerdinger was originally my first main and holds a special place in LoL for me. As I was leveling to 30, I would ONLY play Heimerdinger...from his glory days when he had 3 turrets to when he got nerfed to the ground, I stuck with him the whole way. After his rework, I feel that damage wise, he is stronger than ever despite becoming a bit harder to use. I have been wrecking solo Q with heimerdinger in season 4 on both my main, ryannosaur, and my smurf, tarricles. It was Heimerdinger, not Ahri, who carried me to diamond this season.Heimer is an unconventional champ who never sees competitive play, primarily because he is generally immobile and is easily outplayed at the highest skill level. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult getting through champion select since many people think he is bad and will yell at you for picking him. He doesn't have any dashes or gap closers, is extremely vulnerable to ganks once he burns his summoner's spells, and is underwhelming if he falls behind. With that said, however, he can still be EXTREMELY useful for a team if played correctly. There are a lot of common misconceptions about Heimer. He's a counter to virtually any champion lacking waveclear early on, and completely devastates any melee champion lacking ranged harass. With practice, he can also be made into a strong poke champion that can whittle away at his lane opponent's health and deny him/her with well aimed rockets. He doesn't get extremely powerful by becoming fed, but rather he makes his lane opponent weak by forcing them to constantly farm-under-tower and zoning them. In lane post 6, he can 1v1 pretty much ANYONE aside from extremely tanky laners with well placed turrets and his turret ultimate. I also think he's underplayed and largely unrecognized for the assets he provides his team such as objective control (turrets, dragon, baron, pushing etc). In general, I want this guide to teach you several things about Heimerdinger. His laning is exceptionally strong and can shut down most conventional mids AND tops if played correctly.He is primarily a poke, anti-engage champ that requires set-up before teamfights break out.His greatest strength is securing objectives such as turrets, dragons, and baron. He can push lanes better than almost any champion.He can defend towers extremely well.Kiting and staying alive is key to winning with Heimer. USE your summoner spells!With these things in mind, you can easily learn to dominate with Heimerdinger.
Laning and Gameplay
Early Game:Heimerdinger is pretty strong in lane early on with the help of his turrets and ranged rocket harass. Generally, you want to keep your health up and avoid ganks. You will not do well if your lane opponent starts to snowball. Wards are a necessity! You always want to always keep your lane pushed to prevent your lane opponent from farming, but more importantly, from ganking other lanes. This is heimer's forte and should never be underestimated. By locking your opponent in lane, he/she cannot get fed off of other lanes without giving up their tower, which heimer excels greatly at taking down with
even if they leave to back once or twice. Basic guidelines: At the start of the game, these are extremely useful in stealing an enemy buff if you manage to set up all 3 of them at the camp before it spawns. You will need to tank 3 hits before letting your turrets finish it off. Additionally, you can also set up 3 turrets in lane before the minions spawn to give you an early advantage. Provides a small amount of vision, even when inactive. You may want to consider placing one in a choke-point such as tri bush if you are top lane to reveal an incoming gank. Work on a charge system. Turrets that are already spawned do not become stronger by ranking up this ability, so remember to cycle through your turrets (they each have an indicator as to which was the 1st-3rd turret spawned) to keep them all at the current rank. Position your
such that it is slightly behind you this allows them to aid you in farming as well as keeping them out of AA range of your enemy opponent without taking damage. Protect your
throughout laning phase from enemy abilities. For example, don't cluster your turrets together against an AoE champion with high wave clear. Rather, spread them out away from the minion wave. Note that turrets have a high charge time, and it is very difficult to farm under tower as Heimer.
for harass or to last hit. Try to hit your opponent as they go in for a CS and back off. for ranged stun/slow to escape ganks and scope bushes since it grants vision. When ganked, use
to stun the enemy champion with the MOST RELIABLE CC so you avoid getting caught.Your
help set up
opportunities by clearing waves quickly. +
at level 6 will easily kill squishy enemies from 70% health or lower. +
is extremely strong in countering ganks as the DPS is very high. Use your
to stun them in place as your turrets fire away. bushes to escape ganks. Wards are critical because Heimer pushes the lane extremely hard with his turrets, and rightfully so as you want to deny your opponent.Always use / to escape ganks, as you DO NOT want to give your lane opponent an early kill. Once these summoner spells are gone, buy wards immediately. is extremely helpful in baiting the enemy into thinking you are more squishy than you actually are. If they engage on you, and you are quick enough to set up turrets, you should easily win every trade.You should never be taking harass in lane with your
range/ farming ability.Mid Game:From this point on (10+ minutes), your primary goals should be securing objectives such as turrets and dragons. Push your own tower down if you haven't done so already. Roam and push down other lanes, or even swap with bottom as you can easily 2v1 assuming the enemy ADC is not fed. Objectives such as Dragons and towers are your primary focus at this point.You also want to provide assistance to lanes that are behind.Build as much AP as you can to increase your damage output.Set up turrets in ideal locations as teamfights break out. See map for details.Heimer can take down bar if the enemy team is bottom and your team is grouped mid/top, go to Baron immediately. You'll possibly give up a tower, but the baron buff and gold is definitely worth it.Knowing when to dragon is the most important thing during mid-game. Generally, once you have pushed down mid tower and either 1) the enemy jungler is ganking top or 2) bottom/mid lane have backed, you will have a prime but narrow window of opportunity to take down dragon. Your
drain dragon's health extremely quickly. For your ultimates, remember that your rockets do insane single target damage if y I would suggest waiting for your teammates to hard CC the enemy carry before using your ult + rockets as they are pretty easy to dodge. Personally I find the grenade ultimate or the turret ultimate more useful in teamfights, as the AoE stun from your grenade is OP for locking enemies down for your team to clean up, and the damage from your turret is the highest AoE DoT ability in the game.Late Game: Push, push, push! Basically, setting down one turret in the middle of a lane and walking away will push that lane indefinitely unless they have your inhibitor. Baron and teamfighting become key objectives at this point. You deal huge damage to baron with your turrets, so if you have a pink ward on it with the enemy team distracted by something else (at bottom, scattered, etc), have your team go to baron immediately. For teamfights, setting up your turrets in prime locations will greatly increase your damage output which could turn the tides in a late-game exchange. ALWAYS escape focus and stay behind your front line. Late game, your ultimate + turret is by far the strongest damaging ability however don't hesitate to use your ultimate + grenade to catch someone.The Heimer SeigeWhether you are at the gates to the enemy team's base or they are at your own, Heimer's wave clearning and turret-seiging ability is rivaled by no other (except maybe ). If you are at the enemy base, setting up your turrets just outside of their tower's perimeter zones your enemies and prevents teamfights from occurring, allowing you additional time to harass with rockets/grenade and whittle away at their health. If they are at your base, setting turrets up slightly behind your tower allows you to wave clear extremely quickly so that the enemy team is forced to dive in order to initiate a fight. Regardless, in both cases, the odds of your team winning the fight are increased due to the impenetrable heimer seige.
As Heimerdinger, you're always going to want to be thinking one step ahead of the enemy before teamfights occur. Terrain-wise, where is the best place to teamfight? Where will the enemy team engage from, where does my team fall back to, and where will most of the teamfighting occur? Are there any carries out of position? Use this information to set up your turrets, preferably in choke points where they will hit high priority targets. Before an engagement begins, set up turrets where you predict the fight will occur primary behind your team's (tanky) front line. Instruct your team to kite backwards into your turrets if engaged upon.Try to position your turrets far enough apart such that they don't evaporate from a single nuke.Rely on your rockets to harass the enemy team. Save your grenade for anti-engage, unless you think you can catch an enemy carry out of position and assassinate them with ult+rockets.Consider bush camping by sweeping a bush for wards then setting up 3 turrets in it. This will allow you to get picks on unsuspecting victims walking by.When teamfights do eventually break out, Heimer is extremely strong if his turrets are set up properly in choke points behind the front line. Remember, Heimerdinger is an ANTI-ENGAGE champion and how you position your turrets will likely determine the outcome of a teamfight.As soon as the fight breaks out (typically the enemy team engages), place your ultimate turret in choke-points such that they will deal the most AoE damage to the entire enemy team as they collapse upon you. Or, you may also place your ultimate turret behind the enemy front line to focus the carries.If the enemy team is clumped, out of position, and your team is ready to follow up, use your your ultimate + grenade to CC/burst the entire enemy team. Similarly, you may use your ult+grenade for chain CC if your team engages with a Sona ult, Wukong ult, etc.If your team manages to CC an enemy carry and you have a clear shot, ulimate + rocket for the assassination.Look for high-priority targets (such as AD/AP carry) to stun with your grenade skillshot.Position yourself to land rockets on priority targets.Point-blank grenade someone if they attempt engage on you.Remain out of focus behind your front line, use / if enemies attempt to converge on you, or
Additional Info on Abilities/Lanes
General Combos: +
(QRQEQWQ)-For when you get ganked, need to take down dragon/baron, or set up turrets in a teamfight. This combo gives you the highest DPS and is the best counter to getting ganked. Turrets have a 1 second cooldown, so stagger your turret placement and use the time in between to activate your ult, land grenade on the closest target, and fire your rockets. Stand your ground, kite around your turrets, and if you have , you will most likely win the skirmish. If your team has wombo combos/a lot of CC, your turrets will do massive damage to the enemy team over time. +
(RE)-For when your team is in pursuit of the enemy and you need a long ranged stun to catch them off guard. If you need to set up wombo-combos, this is probably the best ultimate to use utility wise. +
(ERW) -Assassin heimer. Pretty much with high amounts of AP, if you land grenade on an enemy carry and have a clear path to ult + rocket them, they are dead. Also use this in lane if you want to kill the other mid laner. Skill order:I almost exclusively max turrets first due to rockets being relatively hard to land in lane, but I'd alternate between leveling grenade or rockets second depending on the situation.GENERAL
then max Q -& E/W
Level up your turret first. Get to lane early and set down all 3 turrets before
the minions spawn. The positioning will vary depending on how hard you want to
push the lane. Against strong junglers, have 2 defensive turrets behind your
minion line and 1 turret helping you CS. Against strong junglers, level up your
grenade second for the stun/slow if you get ganked. Against weak junglers who
can't gank you till later levels, have 3 offensive turrets which will shove the
lane and force your opponent to CS under tower. Level up your rockets second to
help last hit and also harass your lane opponent. I would get grenade by level
3 or 4 for the CC. Landing all of your rockets against a ranged opponent is
difficult without the stun from your grenade. Against champions with higher
waveclear, try to keep your turrets alive as they have a long cooldown it is
very difficult for heimer to farm under tower. From here you can either max
grenade for the decreased CD and increased stun duration (idea against stronger
junglers), or rockets for the additional harass. Retreat behind your defensive
turrets if you get ganked, or if you are lv 6, place a ultimate turret
defensively and kite around it to potentially score a double kill.
Q -& E -& W/Q then max Q -& E -& W
Level up your turret first. If you are blue(bottom) side, you may want to
consider stealing the enemy red as it will cripple your lane opponent early
with auto attacks. If it is too dangerous, set up your turrets
semi-aggressively (2 helping you CS, 1 behind the minion wave). The idea is to
keep the minion wave by your turrets and not to shove it all the way to the
enemy turret. This way your lane opponent will be forced to take damage to last
hit. Sneak in as many auto attacks as possible between CSing, as the additional
damage adds up over time (especially with hybrid penetration marks). Level up
your grenade second to stun them if they attempt to engage on you. Then you can
either level up your rockets to help you last hit or for the additional harass,
or level up your turrets for the additional damage. Proceed to max your turrets
then grenade for the longer stun duration, which is especially useful in
keeping your melee target within turret range if he engages on you. Retreat
behind your defensive turret if you get ganked, or if you are lv 6, place a
ultimate turret defensively and kite around it to potentially score a double
Summoners Rift
Ward one side of the river and generally hug it, allowing you to escape most ganks. The further up the river you ward, the earlier you'll be able to respond to ganks. You'll also be able to determine where your lane opponent has left to gank if they are missing in lane. The areas in yellow are ideal spots to place your turrets for vision, although they will probably become inactive (but still grant vision).
Additional Info
Laning donger-style. Generally set up turrets on one side of the lane (if you're mid), and ward it. Place your turrets further up the lane the harder you want to shove it, but make sure they're all laterally on the same side. This way you are almost ungankable because you have a line of turrets to defend you, and will also be able to detect the jungler if they come from your side of the lane. If they come from the opposite side, you will have much more time to react and escape. If you're heimer-top, generally utilize the same strategy although escaping may be more difficult because the lane is longer and there is a flank route on purple side.You can place a turret through walls. Basically, hug the narrowest portion of the wall and place your cursor at the lateral-most endpoint of the range indicator. This greatly helps farming wraiths, or securing blue without having to walk all the way around.Use your grenade to scope out bushes/unwarded areas. If an enemy is hidden by a bush/fog of war, you cannot rocket them without first acquiring a visual of them. Simply lob a grenade over to their projected location and activate your rockets.Heimer seige. Note how turrets are placed just outside of turret range so they stay alive in case a fight breaks out. Place them further proximal to the tower during/at the end of a fight so they aid in pushing it down. Meanwhile, you'll want to endlessly harass with grenade/rockets.Heimer seige (Defend). Note how turrets are spaced apart and behind the turret. This prevents them from being wiped out from a single AoE spell, and requires the enemy team to engage under tower in addition to your turrets during a team fight.Level 1 bush objective steal. At the start of the game, immediately go to the enemy blue/red (whatever you think they will start second) by the 1 minute mark and set up turrets. If anyone catches you, leave immediately. Tank 2 hits from the golem and run behind your turrets and allow them to tank it. If successful, you have completely screwed over the enemy jungler. Make sure to back up your teammates if the enemy jungler invades your team's second buff.
Final Notes
Thanks very much for reading my Heimer guide--I hope I was able to clarify any misconceptions you might have had about him. He is a very powerful champion if played correctly, but because most people don't, the general population believes that he is well-underpowered and a troll pick. Take their criticism as an opportunity to prove them wrong!Please comment if you have any differing opinions that you would like to share. I'm also open to new ideas and am willing to try out new builds if they sound reasonable. If you have any questions, post here and I'll try to be responsible about replying. You can also try to add me in game and talk to me on PVP.net. Main: ryannosaurSmurf: tarriclesSpecial thanks to Lolking for hosting this guide and providing an extremely useful database of LoL resources, champion information, and statistics. Thanks to the players I've played against in solo q for giving me the experience of learning each matchup, hence making this guide possible. Thanks for the upvotes, downvotes, comments, etc.; feel free to share this guide or take any information for reference. And lastly, thanks to you for stopping by to read it--I hope I was able to shed some light on how I play Heimerdinger. Good luck!
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