
学士学位(BSc): 清华大学化学与化学工程系(1984);
硕士学位(MSc): 清华大学化学系(1987);
博士学位(PhD): 伦敦大学(英国)(King’s College London,1995);
博士后(Postdoc): 伊利诺伊大学(美国)(香槟分校 UIUC,1996-98)[1]
生命运动是物质运动的最高形式,因此在生命科学领域耕耘既具有挑战性,又充满乐趣。本课题组的主要研究方向是采用各种现代物理化学手段去解决生命科学中的基本问题。主要围绕生物膜相变与稳定性开展工作。本研究组的工作主要侧重生物膜模型膜相变机理、特殊有序聚集体(如 Rafts)的形成规律、其它分子(如糖脂、固醇、各种共溶质等)的调控作用等方面的研究。这部分工作还与纳米尺度分子有序聚集体的构筑规律与疏水作用的本质的探索紧密相关。
磷脂是生物膜的主要成分之一,依靠自组织现象而形成的脂双层是生物膜的基本结构。在正常生理条件下,生物膜磷脂的相态多处于液晶态。然而,温度等各种条件的变化将会诱导膜结构由液晶态向其它相态转化。例如植物在自然环境中受寒、受旱时,其细胞膜相态结构就会变化。因此,研究生物膜相变的机理具有重大的理论及实际意义。本研究组的工作主要侧重生物膜模型膜相变机理、特殊聚集体(如 Rafts)的形成规律等方面的研究。
-23日,第十四届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议(14th National Symposium on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis)在大连成功举办。
主要文章(Selected Publications)1、Condensation effect of cholesterol, stigmasterol, and sitosterol on dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine in molecular monolayers, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. in press (Su YL, Li QZ, Chen L, and Yu ZW*)
2、A Modified Mean Normalization Method to Reduce the Effect of Peak Overlap in Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Structure, 799 (1-3), 128-133 (2006). (Wang YW, Gao WY, Noda I, and Yu ZW*)
3、生物热化学研究进展, 化学进展, 18 (7/8),
(2006). (尉志武* 高文颖)
4、The Role of Methyl Groups in the Formation of Hydrogen Bonds in DMSO-Methanol Mixtures, Journal of the American Chemical Society,128 (5), 06). (Li QZ, Wu GS, and Yu ZW*)
5、Phase Diagram of Stigmasterol-Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Mixtures Dispersed in Excess Water, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1758 (6), 764-771(2006). (Wu RG, Chen L, Yu ZW*, and Quinn PJ)
6、Thermokinetic Analysis of the Hydration Process of Calcium Phosphate Cement, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85 (3), 785-789 (2006). (Gao WY, Wang YW, Dong LM, and Yu ZW*)
7、Overlap may cause misleading results in two-dimensional correlation spectra. Applied Spectroscopy,59(3), 388-391(2005). (Yu ZW*, Wang YW, and Liu J)
8、、Characterisation of a quasi-crystalline Phase in Codispersions of Phosphatidylethanolamine and Glucocerebroside, Biophysical Journal, 86(4):
(2004). (Feng Y, Rainteau D, Chachaty C, Yu ZW*, Wolf C, and Quinn PJ)
9、The kinetics and mechanism of the formation of crystalline phase of
dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolaminedispersed in dimethyl sulfoxide solutions.Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 127(2): 153-159 (2004)(Chen L, Xie X, Yu ZW*, Quinn PJ)
10、Selective molecular interactions between dimethyl sulfoxide and paraldehyde studied by two-dimensional correlation FT-IR spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy,36(2): 61-64 (2004) (Liu J, Feng Y, Chen L, Wu GS, Yu ZW*)
11、Phase behavior ofdipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolaminein dimethylsulfoxide-water mixture. Thermochimica Acta,416(1-2): 35-38 (2004). (Chen L, Yu ZW*, Feng Y, Xie X, and Quinn PJ)
12、Stable cubic phase in the codispersion of glucocerebroside and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine,Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 126(2): 141-148 (2003). (Feng Y, Yu ZW*, and Quinn PJ)
13、Effect of Noise on the Evaluation of Correlation Coefficients in Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy,57(12): 03). (Yu ZW*, J. Liu, and Noda I)
14、On the Normalization Method in 2D-Correlation Spectra when Concentration is used as Perturbation Parameter. Applied Spectroscopy 57(2)164-167 (2003) (Yu ZW* and Noda I)
15、Binding Reaction of Hemin with Chloroquine, Quinine, and Quinidine in Water-Propylene Glycol Mixture, Chinese Journal of Chemistry,21(8): 03)(Mavakala BK, Nlandu BB, Mpiana PT, Gushimana ZY, Yu ZW*)
16、Determination of Selective Molecular Interactions Using Two Dimensional Correlation FTIR Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106(30): 02)(Yu ZW*, Chen L, Sun SQ, and Noda I)
17、Characterisation of the liquid-expanded to liquid-condensed phase transition of monolayers by means of compressibility, Langmuir, 18(11):
(2002)(Yu ZW*, Jin J, and Cao Y)
18、二价金属离子对鲑鱼精DNA热稳定性的影响, 高等学校化学学报,23(12):
(2002) (邬瑞光, 尉志武*, 陈琳, 周蕊)
19、Effect of Urea, dimethylurea, and tetramethylurea on the phase behavior ofdioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine,Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 114(2): 149-157(2002)(Feng Y, Yu ZW*, and Quinn PJ)
20、Non-zero Solubility Rule. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 7(1): 15-16 (2002). (Yu ZW*, Zhou R, and Liu Y)
21、Crystallization behavior of DSPE in dimethyl sulphoxide by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Journal of Macromolecular Science-Physics B 41(1):137-147 (2002). (Chen L, Yu ZW*)
22、Excess molar enthalpies for binary mixtures of benzylalcohol and heptanone isomers at different temperatures.Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 46(5): 1258 - ) (Zhao X, Yu ZW*, Zhou R, and Liu Y)
23、Characterisation of the kinetic phase transition of phospholipids using Avrami and Tobin Models. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 19(8): 719-723 (2001).(Chen L, Yu ZW*, Xue FY, and Hong XY)
24、A principle to correlate extreme values of excess thermodynamic functions with partial molar quantities. Science in China B, 44(3): 315-319 (2001). (Yu ZW*, Liu Y, Zhou R, and Xue FY)
25、Kinetic phase behavior ofdistearoylphosphatidylethanolaminedispersed in glycerol. Biophysical Chemistry 89(2-3): 229-236(2001). (Chen L, Yu ZW*, and Quinn PJ)
26、The effect of dimethyl sulphoxide on the structure and phase behaviour of palmitoleoylphosphatidylethanolamine Biochim. Biophys. Acta.
(2000). (Yu ZW and Quinn PJ*)
27、Combination of differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction in the study of phase behaviours of lipids - a mini review. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry58:201-207 (1999). (Yu ZW* and Liu Y)
28、Volumetric properties of binary systems between tetralin and alkylbenzenes. Fluid Phase Equilibria 164(2): 209-216 (1999). (Yu ZW*, He XH, Zhou R, and Liu Y)
29、Solvation effects of dimethyl sulphoxide on the structure of phospholipid bilayers. Biophysical Chemistry 70(1): 35-39(1998). (Yu ZW and Quinn PJ*)
30、The modulation of membrane structure and stability by dimethyl sulphoxide (review). Molecular Membrane Biology 15:59-68 (1998). (Yu ZW and Quinn PJ*)
31、Molecular forces between membranes displaying neutral glycosphingolipids: evidence for carbohydrate attraction. Biochemistry 37(6):
(1998). (Yu ZW, Calvet TL, and Leckband D*)
32、Thermotropic properties ofdioleoylphosphatidylethanolaminein aqueous dimethylsulphoxide solutions. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics332(1): 187-195 (1996). (Yu ZW, Williams WP, and Quinn PJ*)
33、Phase stability of phosphatidylcholines in dimethylsulphoxide solutions. Biophysical Journal69(4): 95). (Yu ZW and Quinn PJ*)
34、Phase behaviour ofdistearoylphosphatidylethanolaminein glycerol - A thermal and X-ray diffraction study. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.1237(2): 135-142 (1995). (Yu ZW,TsvetkovaNM, Tsonev LI, and Quinn PJ*)
35、Dimethyl sulphoxide: a review of its applications in cell biology. Bioscience Reports 14(6): 259-281(1994).(Yu ZW and Quinn PJ*)


