H X Gf x .g x 什么意思思

单崇新,男,1977年生,河南长垣人。中科院“百人计划”入选者,中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所研究员,博士,博士生导师,II-VI族宽禁带光电子材料与器件方面学科带头人。主要研究方向为ZnO基半导体材料及光电器件,例如半导体光电探测器、发光二极管、激光器件、太阳能电池等。到目前为止发表SCI学术论文100余篇, 其中影响因子大于3.0的论文30余篇。
1999年 本科毕业于武汉大学
2004年 博士毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所
2004年3月到2006年1月 香港中文大学 博士后
2006年1月到2008年3月 英国诺丁汉大学 博士后
2008年4月至今 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 中科院“百人计划”,研究员,博士生导师
● ZnO基光电子材料与器件
● 光电探测材料与器件
● 表面等离子体在发光器件上的应用
● 原子层沉积设备与材料制备
1. P. N. Ni, C. X. Shan*, S. P. Wang, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, D. X. Zhao, L. Liu, D. Z. Shen, Enhanced Responsivity of Highly Spectrum-Selective Ultraviolet Photodetectors, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, ).
2. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Shen, K. L. Choy, Low-threshold electrically pumped ultraviolet laser diode, J. Mater. Chem. 21 (9), 2848 - ).
3. F. Sun, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, D. Z. Shen, Z. Y. Zhang, D. Fan, A reproducible route to p-ZnO films and their application in light-emitting devices, Opt. Lett. 36 (4), 499 - 501 (2011).
4. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, B. Yao, D. Z .Shen, Deep-ultraviolet light-emitting device realized via a hole-multiplication process, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 11).
5. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, J. Y. Zhang, Z. Z. Zhang, B. H. Li, D. X. Zhao, B. Yao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, Z. K. Tang, X. H. Hou, K. L. Choy, Low-threshold electrically pumped random lasers, Adv. Mater. 22, ).
6. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, L. K. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, A route to improved extraction efficiency of light-emitting diodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 10).
7. J. S. Liu, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, Z. Z. Zhang, C. L. Yang, D. Z .Shen, X. W. Fan, High responsivity ultraviolet photodetector realized via a carrier-trapping process, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 10).
8. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, L. K. Wang, J. Zheng, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, D. Z. Shen, Metal-oxide-semiconductor structured MgZnO ultraviolet photodetector with high internal gain, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 7169 - ).
9. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. Yao, B. H. Li, J. Y. Zhang, Z. Z. Zhang, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, Y. M. Lu, Z. K. Tang, Ultralow-Threshold Laser Realized in Zinc Oxide, Adv. Mater. 21, ).
10. L. K. Wang, Z. G. Ju, J. Y. Zhang*, J. Zheng, D. Z. Shen, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Zhang, B. H. Li, C. X. Shan*, Single-crystalline cubic MgZnO films and their application in deep-ultraviolet optoelectronic devices, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 09).
11. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, Z. Z. Zhang, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, Ultraviolet Electroluminescence from MgZnO-Based Heterojunction Light-Emitting Diodes, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 2980 - ).
12. Z. G. Ju, C. X. Shan, C. L. Yang, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, Phase stability of cubic Mg0.55Zn0.45O thin film studied by continuous thermal annealing method, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 09).
13. D. Y. Jiang, C. X. Shan, J. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Lu, B. Yao, D. X. Zhao, Z. Z. Zhang, X. W. Fan, D. Z. Shen, Schottky Barrier Photodetectors Based on Mg0.40Zn0.60O Thin Films, Crystal Growth Des. 9, 454 (2009).
14. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. H. Li, J. Y. Zhang, B. Yao, Z. Z. Zhang, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, Ultraviolet Electroluminescence from MgZnO-Based Heterojunction Light-Emitting Diodes, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, ).
15. H. Zhu, C. X. Shan*, B. Yao, B. H. Li, J. Y. Zhang, D. X. Zhao, D. Z. Shen, X. W. Fan, High Spectrum Selectivity Ultraviolet Photodetector Fabricated from an n-ZnO/p-GaN Heterojunction, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 20546 - 2).
16. C. X. Shan, Z. Liu, S. K. Hark, Temperature dependent photoluminescence study on phosphorus doped ZnO nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 08).
在中科院半导体所任研究员期间,共发表SCI收录学术110多篇,其中,国际一流杂志Phys.Rev.B 3篇,Appl.Phys.Lett. 28篇,J.Appl.Phys. 12篇,Crystal Growth & Design 1篇,CrystEng Comm 2篇;申请国家发明专利13项,其中获得授权5项;承担和参与科研项目15项,其中作为项目负责人主持科研项目4项,作为学术骨干参与项目11项。
在半导体材料科学重点实验室任博士生导师期间,共培养和指导研究生40多名。其中:博士36名,硕士4名。有1名博士研究生在APL杂志发表的文章被Nature杂志作为研究亮点重点评论报道,其发表在PRB杂志的文章还被美国应用物理协会(AIP)主办的“Virtue Journal”全文转载;有3名博士研究生获得中国科学院半导体研究所“五四青年学术交流会”一等奖;有4名博士研究生获得中国科学院研究生院优秀毕业生称号;有3名博士研究生获得中国科学院研究生院(后更名为中国科学院大学)三好学生标兵称号;有3名博士研究生获得中国科学院院长优秀奖。
1、作为课题负责人主持的科研项目(合计4项):  (1)国家973项目“信息功能材料相关基础问题研究”子课题“低维结构材料物理特性研究”(年);
(1) 国家863重大专项“高效半导体照明关键材料技术研发”课题1“大尺寸Si衬底GaN基LED外延生长、芯片制备及封装技术”子课题。(13.12)
(2) 国家863项目“生长温度周期调制MOCVD法制备ZnO材料及发光器件研究”(10.12)
(3) 国家863项目”硅基氮化镓厚膜衬底材料制备研究“(10.12)
(4) 国家973项目”全组分可调III族氮化物半导体光电功能材料及其器件应用”,课题5“自支撑AlN衬底材料及AlN/蓝宝石复合衬底材料的制备”子课题(15.8)
(5) 国家973项目“半导体光电信息功能材料的基础研究”子课题:“大失配异质体系材料衬底研究”(11.9)
(6) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“面向能源的光电转换材料”培育项目“利用玻璃衬底制备新型InGaN 基量子点全光谱太阳电池材料研究”(5.12)
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“生长温度周期调制的MOCVD法制备p型ZnO薄膜研究”(10.12)
(8) 国家自然基金面上项目“大尺寸GaN厚膜衬底材料自剥离制备研究”(3.12)
(9) 国家自然基金面上项目“硅基无应变InGa(Al)N/InGaAlN量子阱的研究”(06.12)
(10) 中国科学院科研装备研制项目“氮化镓专用复合型MOCVD-HVPE生长设备”(07.11)
(11) 院地合作技术咨询项目“协助杭州钱宏光电科技有限公司组建半导体材料生产线技术咨询项目”(10.11)
[1]Q.S.Zhu, S.M.Mou,X.C.Zhou and Z.T.Zhong, Determination of the condution band offset of a singleAlGaAs barrier layer using deep level transient spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett.,62 (.
[2]Q.S.Zhu, K.Hiramatsu,N.Sawaki, I.Akasaki and X.N.Liu, Field effect on thermal emission from the 0.40eV electron level in InGaP,J.Appl.Phys.,73 (.
[3]Q.S.Zhu, K.Hiramatsu,N.Sawaki, I. Akasaki and X.N.Liu, Deep center scattering potential in InGaP,J. Appl. Phys.,76 (.
[4]Q.S.Zhu, Z.T.Zhong, L.W.Lu, C.F.Li, Determination of the subband energy in the V - shaped potentialwell of d - doped potential well of d - doped GaAs by deep level transientspectroscopy,Appl. PhysLett.,65(.
[5]Q.S.Zhu, Z.Q.Gu, Z.T.Zhong,Z.Q.Zhou and L.W.Lu, Determination of the X conduction subband energies in typeII GaAs/AlAs /GaAs quantum well by deep level transient spectroscopy ,Appl. Phys Lett.67 (.
[6]Q.S.Zhu, X.B.Wang,Q.G.Du, Z.T.Zhong and Y.R.Xing, Infrared absorption due totwo-dimensional-electron-gas collective excitation in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAsmultiple-quantum-well Structures,Phys.Rev. B,52 (.
[7]Q.S.Zhu, X.B.Wang, Z.T.Zhong,X.C. zhou, Y.P.He, Z.P.Cao, G.Z.Zhang, J. Xiao, X.H.Sun, H.Z.Yang, Q.G.Du ,Intrasubbandand intersubband transitions in lightly and heavily doped GaAs /AlxGa1-xAsmultiple quantum wells,Phys.ReV. B. , 57 (-12396
[8]Q.S.Zhu, N.Sawaki, Nitrogenvacancy scattering in n-GaN grown by MOVPE,Appl.Phys. Lett. , 76 (-1596
[9]Q.S.Zhu, H.Nagai, Y. Kawaguchi,K.Hiramatsu, and N.Sawaki, Effect of thermal annealing on hole trap levels inMg-doped GaN grown by metal-organic vaper phase epitaxy,J.Vac.Sci. Technol. A, 18 (7
[10]Q.S.Zhu, H.Matsushima, K.Hiramatsu,N.Sawaki, Cathodoluminescence on GaN hexagonal pyramids on submicrondot-patterns via selective MOVPE,AppliedSurface Science, 167 (1
[11]Q.S.Zhu, Y.P.He, Z.T.Zhong,X.H.Sun and K.Hiramatsu, Infrared absorption efficiency in AlAs/AlxGa1-xAstype II multiple-Quantum-well Structure grown on (211) GaAs substrate,Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 217(0
[12]Qingsheng Zhu, Ju Wu, ChengmingLi, Zhanguo Wang, Conduction and valence band discontinuities in some newsemiconductou heterojunctions,Journalof Nanoscience and nanotechnology,11,, 2011(综述文章)
[13] H.Nagai,Q.S.zhu, Y.Kawaguchi,K.Hiramatsu, and N. Sawaki,Holetrap levels in Mg-doped GaN grown by MOVPE,Appl. Phys. Lett.,73 (-2026
[14] Y.P.He,Q.S.Zhu,Z.T.Zhong, G.Z.Zhang, J.Xiao, Z.P.Cao, X.H.Sun, H.Z. Yang ,Line widthof the infrared absorption spectra due to bound-to-continuum transition inGaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum well structures,Appl.Phys. Lett., 73 (-1133
[15] Zhen Chen, Da-Cheng Lu,Peide Han, Xianglin Liu, Xiaohui Wang, Yufeng Li, Hairong Yuan, Yuan Lu, LidaBing,Qinsheng Zhu, andZhanguo Wang , The structure and current voltageof multi-sheet InGaN quantum dotsgrown by a new method,J.Cryst. Growth,243(
[16] Zhen Chen, Hairong Yuan,Da-Cheng Lu, Xuehao Sun, Shouke Wan, Xianglin Liu, Peide Han, Xiaohui Wang,QinshengZhu, and Zhanguo Wang, Nitrogen vacancy scattering in GaN grownby metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy,Solid-StateElectronics,46(74
[17] B. Z. Qu,Q.S. Zhu, X. H. Sun, S. K. Wan, and Z. G. Wang, Photoluminescenceof Mg-doped GaN grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A,21(1
[18] Baozhuang Qu, Zhen Chen, Dacheng Lu, Peide Han,Xianglin Liu,Xiaohui Wang, Du Wang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Structure characteristics of InGaN quantumdots fabricatedby passivation and lowtemperature method,J. Cryst.Growth,252(
[19] Qu Baozhuang ,ZhuQinsheng, Chen Zhen, Lu Dacheng, Han Peide, Liu Xianglin, WangXiaohui, Sun Xuehao, Li Yufeng, Lu Yuan, Li Dabing, Wang Zhanguo(曲宝壮,朱勤生,陈振,陆大成,韩培德,刘祥林,王晓晖,孙学浩,李昱峰,陆沅,黎大兵,王占国),Structure and I-V characteristics of InGaN quantumdots grown by a new method(新工艺生长的InGaN量子点的结构与电学性质研究),Journal of Functional Materials and devices(功能材料与器件学报),l9(
[20] Y. Lu, G. W. Cong, X. L. Liu,D. C. Lu,Q. S. Zhu, X. H. Wang,J. J. Wu, Z.G. Wang,Growth of crack-free GaN films on Si(111) substrate byusing Al-rich AIN buffer layer,J.Appl. Phys., 96(9) (-4988
[21] J. M. Li, Y. W. Lu, D. B.Li, X. X. Han,Q. S. Zhu, X. L.Liu, Z. G. Wang, Effect of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization onintersubband transition in AlxGa1-xN/GaN quantum well ,Journal of Vacuum Science andTechnology B, 22-6 (-2573
[22] Xiuxun Han, Zhen Chen,Dabing Li, Jiejun Wu, Jiemin Li, Xuehao Sun, Xianglin Liu, Peide Han, XiaohuiWang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Structural and optical properties of 3D growth multilayer InGaN/GaNquantum dots by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,J. Cryst. Growth,266(
[23] Jiejun Wu, Dabing Li, YuanLu, Xiuxun Han,Jiemin Li,Hongyuan Wei, Tingting Kang, Xiaohui Wang, Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhuand ZhanguoWang , Crack-free InAlGaN quaternary alloy films grown on Si(1 1 1) substrateby metalorganic chemical vapor deposition ,J. Cryst. Growth,273 (
[24] Xiuxun Han,Dabing Li, Hairong Yuan, XuehaoSun, Xianglin Liu, Xiaohui Wang,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang , Dislocation scattering in a two-dimensionalelectron gas of an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure ,Physica Status Solidi (b) ,241 (-3008
[25] G.W.Cong, H.Y.Wei,P.F.Zhang, W.Q.Peng, J.J.Wu, X.L.Liu, C.M.Jiao,W.G.Hu,Q.S.Zhu,Z.G.Wang, One-step growth of ZnO from films to vertically well-aligned nanorodsand the morphology-dependent raman scattering,Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 (-231905
[26] Han, Xiuxun Li, J Wu,J Cong, G Liu, XZhu, Qinsheng; Wang,Zhanguo, Intersubband optical absorption in quantum dots-in-a-wellheterostructures,J. Appl.Phys., 98(5)(
[27] Jiejun Wu, Xiuxun Han,Jiemin Li, Dabing Li, Yuan Lu, Hongyuan Wei, Guangwei Cong, Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhuandZhanguo Wang, Crack-free GaN/Si(111) epitaxial layers grown with InAlGaN alloyas compliant interlayer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition ,J. Cryst. Growth,279 (
[28] J.M. Li, X.X. Han, J.J. Wu,X.L. Liu,Q.S. Zhuand Z.G. Wang, Origin of the blueshiftin the infrared absorbance of intersubband transitions in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum wells,Physica E:Low-dimensionalsystems & nanostructures,25(1
[29] Z. Chen, S.J. Chua, P.D.Han, X.L. Liu, D.C. Lu,Q.S. Zhu, Z.G. Wang,S. Tripathy , Luminescence properties of multi-layer InGaN quantum dots grownon C- and R-plane sapphire substrates ,PhysicaE: Low-dimensional systems & nanostructures,27 (8
[30] Xiuxun Han, Jiemin Li,Jiejun Wu, Guangwei Cong,. Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhu,Zhangguo Wang , Theoretical analysisof gate voltage-controlled subband states in an AlxGa1-xN/GaNheterostructure,Physica E:Low-dimensional systems & nanostructures,28(3)(6
[31] J.M.Li, Y.W. Lu, X.X. Han,J.J. Wu, X.L. Liu,Q.S. Zhuand Z.G. Wang, Theoreticalinvestigation of intersubband transition in AlxGa1-xN/GaN/AlyGa1-yNstep quantum well ,Physica E:Low-dimensionalsystems & nanostructures,28(1
[32] XiuXun Han, Jiemin Li,Jiejun Wu, Xiaohui Wang, Dabing Li, Xianglin Liu, Peide Han,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Effects of different modified underlayersurface on growth and optical properties of InGaN quantum dots,Vacuum,77(
[33] Xiuxun Han, Jiejun Wu,Jiemin Li, Guangwei Cong, Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Photoluminescence investigation of two-dimensional electron gas in anundoped AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure,ChinesePhysics Letter, 22 (8)(-2099
[34] G. W. Cong, W. Q. Peng, H.Y. Wei, X. X. Han, J. J. Wu, X. L. Liu,Q. S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang,J. G. Lu, Z. Z. Ye, L. P. Zhu,H.J. Qian, R. Su, C. H. Hong, J. Zhong, K. Ibrahim, T. D. Hu, Comparison ofvalence band x-ray photoelectron spectrum between Al-N-codoped and N-doped ZnOfilms ,Appl. Phys. Lett.88(-062112
[35] G. W. Cong, W. Q. Peng, H.Y. Wei, X. L. Liu, J. J. Wu, X. X. Han,Q. S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang,Z. Z. Ye, J. G. Lu, L. P. Zhu, H. J. Qian, R. Su,C. H. Hong, J. Zhong, K. I.brahim, T. D. Hu , Aluminium Doping Induced Enhancement of p-d Coupling in ZnO,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 18, (2006)
[36] T. T. Kang, X. L. Liu, R. Q.Zhang, W. G. Hu, G. W. Cong, F. A. Zhao,Q. S. Zhu, InN nanoflowers grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition,Appl. Phys. Lett.89(
[37] Jiejun Wu, Jiemin Li,Guangwei Cong, Hongyuan Wei, Panfeng Zhang, Weiguo Hu, Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhu, and Zhanguo Wang , Temperature dependence of nano-scaleindium clusters and their effects on luminescence properties in InAlGaNquaternary alloys on Si(111) substrates,Nanotechnology, 17 (-1254
[38] Jiejun Wu, Xiuxun Han ,Jiemin Li, Hongyuan Wei, Guangwei Cong, Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Quanjie Ji, Liping Guo, Tiandou Hu, HuanhuaWang, Crack control in GaN grown on silicon (111) using In dopedlow-temperature AlGaN interlayer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition ,Optical Materials,28(10) (-1231
[39] Riqing Zhang, Panfeng Zhang,Tingting Kang, Haibo Fan, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang,Hongyuan Wei,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang , Determination of the valence band offset ofwurtzite InN/ZnO heterojunction by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett.91, 162104 (2007)
[40] J. M. Li , K. Y. Qian,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang , Intrasubband and intersubband transitionsin GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells,Appl.Phys. Lett. 90(.
[41] Ting-Ting Kang,R. Q.Zhang, W. G. Hu, G. W. Cong, F. A. Zhao, X. X. Han, S. Y. Yang, X. L. Liu,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang, Plasmons in vertically coupled InAs/GaAsquantum dots,Phys. Rev. B 76, 07),(被美国AIP主办的VirtueJournal杂志全文转载)
[42] Jiejun Wu, Guoyi Zhang,Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Quanjie Jia, Liping Guo, Effect of an indium-doped barrier on enhancednear-ultraviolet emission from InGaN/AlGaN:In multiple quantum wells grown onSi(111) ,Nanotechnology, 18 (
[43] Wei HY, Cong GW, Zhang PF,Hu WG, Wu JJ,Jiao CM, Liu XL,ZhuQS, Wang ZG, Combined structure of ZnO vertical well-alignednanorods and net-like structures on AIN/sapphire,J. Cryst. Growth,306(1) ,12-15 (2007)
[44] P F Zhang, X L Liu, H Y Wei,H B Fan, Z M Liang, P Jin, S Y Yang, C M Jiao,QS Zhuand Z GWang, Rapid thermal annealing properties of ZnO films grown using methanol asoxidant,J. Phys. D: Appl.Phys. 40 (-6013.
[45] Wei HY, Hu WG, Zhang PF, LiuXL,Zhu QS, Wang ZG, ZnOnanostructures grown on AlN/sapphire substrates by MOCVD,Chinese Physics Letters,24,)
[46] Fan HB, Yang SY, Zhang PF,Wei HY, Liu XL, Jiao CM,Zhu QS, Chen YH,Wang ZG,Investigation of oxygen vacancy and interstitial oxygen defects in ZnO films byphotoluminescence and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Chinese Physics Letters,24, (2007)
[47] Hu Wei-Guo, LIU Xiang-Lin,Zhang Pan-feng, Zhao Feng-Ai, Jiao Chun-Mei, Wei Hong-Yuan, Zhang Ri-Qing, WuJie-Jun, Cong Guang-Wei, Pan Yi, A comparison between AlN films grown by MOCVDusing Dimethylethylamine Alane and Trimethylaluminum as the aluminumprecursors,Chinese PhysicsLetters, 24,516 (2007 )
[48] Zhang Panfeng, Wei Hongyuan,Fan Haibo, Cong Guangwei, Yang Shaoyan,Zhu Qinsheng,Liu Xianglin, Effect of different facets of sapphire and oxidizers on thegrowth of ZnO films,ChineseJournal of Semiconductoes, 28 sup. (
[49] Riqing Zhang, Yan Guo,Huaping Song, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang, Hongyuan Wei,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Band alignment of InN/GaAs heterojunctiondetermined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett. 9308)
[50] B. L. Zhang, F. F. Cai, G.S. Sun, H. B. Fan, P. F. Zhang, H. Y. Wei, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang,Valence band offset of MgO/4H-SiCheterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Appl.Phys. Lett. 93, 08)
[51] H. B. Fan,G. S. Sun, S. Y.Yang,P. F. Zhang, R. Q. Zhang,H. Y. Wei, C. M. Jiao, X. L. Liu, Y. H. Chen,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang, Valence band offset of ZnO/4H-SiCheterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett. 92,8)
[52] Xiaoqing Xu, Xianglin Liu,Xiuxun Han, Hairong Yuan, Jun Wang, Yan Guo, Huaping Song, Gaolin Zheng,Hongyuan Wei, Shaoyan Yang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Dislocation scattering in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures, Appl. Phys.Lett. 93, 08)
[53] P. F. Zhang, X. L. Liu, R.Q. Zhang, H. B. Fan, H. P. Song, H. Y. Wei, C. M. Jiao, S. Y. Yang,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang, Valence band offset of MgO/InNheterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,08)
[54] P. F. Zhang, X. L. Liu, R.Q. Zhang, H. B. Fan, A. L. Yang, H. Y. Wei, P. Jin, S. Y. Yang,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang, Valence band offset of ZnO/GaAsheterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett.92 08)
[55] B. L. Zhang, G. S. Sun, Y.Guo, P. F. Zhang, R. Q. Zhang, H. B. Fan, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang,Q.S. Zhu,Z. G.Wang,Valenceband offset of InN/4H-SiC heterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectronspectroscopy,Appl.Phys. Lett. , 93, 08)
[56] Panfeng Zhang, Hongyuan Wei,Guangwei Cong, Weiguo Hu, Haibo Fan,JieJun Wu,Qinsheng Zhu, Xianglin Liu, Effects ofdisk rotation rate on the growth of ZnO films by low-pressure metal-organicchemical vapor deposition,ThinSolid Film, 516, 925 (2008)
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[67] Huaping Song, Yan Guo, AnliYang, Hongyuan Wei, Xiaoqing Xu, Jianming Liu, Shaoyan Yang Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhu,ZhanguoWang,The roleof zinc dopant and the temperature effect on the controlled growth of InNnanorods in metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system,CrystEngComm, 12,( 2010)
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[70] Yafeng Song, Yanwu Lv, BiaoZhang, Xiaoqing Xu, Jun Wang, Yan Guo, Kai Shi, Zhiwei Li, Xianglin Liu,Shaoyan Yang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Intersubband absorption energy shifts in 3-level system for asymmetricquantum well terahertz emitters,J. Appl. Phys.,108, 0)
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[73] Zhiwei Li, XiaoqingXu,JunWang, JianmingLiu, XianglinLiu, ShaoyanYang,QinshengZhu, ZhanguoWang , Cluster scattering in two-dimensionalelectron gas investigated by Born approximation and partial-wave methods,Physica E,43, 543-546(2010)
[74] H.P. Song, G.L. Zheng, A.L.Yang, Y. Guo, H.Y. Wei, C.M. Li, S.Y. Yang, X.L. Liu,Q.S.Zhu, Z.G. Wang, The growth of ZnO on bcc-In2O3 buffer layersand the valence band offset determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy,SolidState Communications, 150,10)
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[77] Gaolin Zheng, Jun Wang,Xianglin Liu, Anli Yang, Huaping Song, Yan Guo, Hongyuan Wei, Chunmei Jiao,Shaoyan Yang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, “Valence band offset of MgO/TiO2(rutile) heterojunction measured by x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy”,AppliedSurface Science,256,)
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[79] Xiaoqing Xu, Yan Guo,Xianglin Liu, Jianmin Liu, Huaping Song, Biao Zhang, JunWang, Shaoyan Yang,Hongyuan Wei,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang,’GaN grown with InGaN as a weakly bonded layer’,CrystEngComm13,)
[80] Jianming Liu, Xianglin Liu,ChengmingLi, Hongyuan Wei,Yan Guo,Chunmei Jiao,Zhiwei Li,Xiaoqing Xu,HuapingSong,Shaoyan Yang,QinshengZhu,Zhanguo Wang,Anli Yang,Tieying Yang, Huanhua Wang,Investigation of cracks in GaN films grown by combined hydride and metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxial method’,NanoscaleResearch Letters,6,69(2011)
[81] K Shi, AL Yang,J Wang,HPSong,XQ Xu,L Sang, HY Wei, SY Yang,XL Liu,QS Zhu,ZG Wang, The effect of differentoriented sapphire substrates on the growth of polar and non-polar ZnMgO byMOCVD,J.Cryst.Growth, 39,314(2011)
[82] Liu, G. Wu, J. Lu, Y. Zhang,B. Li, C. Sang, L. Song, Y. Shi, K. Liu, X. Yang,Q.S.Zhu, Wang, Z.,Atheoretical calculation of the impact of GaN cap and AlxGa1-xNbarrier thickness fluctuations on two-dimensional electron gas inGaN/AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure,IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, 58(12), )
[83] Guipeng Liu,Ju Wu,Yanwu Lu,ZhiweiLi,Yafeng Song, Chengming Li,Shaoyan Yang,Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Scattering due to spacer layer thickness fluctuation on two dimensionalelectron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs modulation-doped heterostructures ,J. Appl.Phys.,110,11)
[84] BiaoZhang, HuapingSong,JunWang, CaihongJia, JianmingLiu, Xiaoqing Xu, XianglinLiu, ShaoyanYang,QinshengZhu,ZhanguoWang, MOCVD growth of a-planeInNfilmson r-Al2O3 with different buffer layers,J.Cryst. Growth, 319, 114 (2011)
[85] Biao Zhang, Huaping Song,Xiaoqing Xu, Jianming Liu, Jun Wang, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Well-aligned Zn-doped tilted InN nanorodsgrown on r-plane sapphire by MOCVD,Nanotechnology,22, 11)
[86] Jun Wang, Xianglin Liu,AnliYang,Gaolin Zheng, Shaoyan Yang,Hongyuan Wei,Qinsheng Zhu,Zhanguo Wang, Measurement ofwurtzite ZnO/rutile TiO(2) heterojunction band offsets by x-ray photoelectronspectroscopy,Applied PhysicsA-Materials Science & Processing,103,)
[87] K Shi,XL Liu,DB Li, J Wang,HP Song,XQ Xu,HY Wei,CM Jiao,SY Yang,H Song,QS Zhu,ZG Wang,Valence band offset ofGaN/diamond heterojunction measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Applied Surface Science,257,)
[88] Zhiwei Li, Biao Zhang, JunWang, Jianming Liu, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Valence band offset of wurtzite InN/SrTiO(3)heterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Nanoscale Research Letters,6,193 (2011)
[89] K Shi, DB Li, HP Song,YGuo,J Wang, XQ Xu, JM Liu, AL Yang, HY Wei, B Zhang, SY Yang, XL Liu,QSZhu, ZG Wang, Determination of InN/Diamond Heterojunction BandOffset by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy,NanoscaleResearch Letters,6,50 (2011)
[90] K. Shi, P. F. Zhang, H. Y.Wei, C. M. Jiao, P. Jin, X. L. Liu, S. Y. Yang,Q.S. Zhu, Z. G. Wang,Thermal diffusion of nitrogen into ZnO filmdeposited on InN/sapphire substrate by metal organic chemical vapor deposition,J.Appl. Phys. 110, 11)
[91]Shi, K;Zhang, PF; Wei, HY;Jiao, CM;Li, CM;Liu, XL;Yang, SY;Zhu, QS;Wang, ZG,Energy band alignment of MgO(111)/ZnO (0002) heterojunction determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Solid State Commuincations,152,938(2012)
[92] Zhiwei Li,hongyuanWei, Xiaoqing Xu, Guijuan Zhao, Xianglin Liu, Shaoyan Yang,QinshengZhu, Zhanguo Wang, Growth of a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire byself-patterned nanoscale epitaxial lateral overgrowth,J. Cryst. Growth, 34810-14(2012)
[93] Song Ya-Feng,Lu Yan-Wu;WenW Liu Xiang-L Yang Shao-Yan,Zhu Qin-ShengWang Zhan-Guo, Plasmons in a free-standingnanorod with a two-dimensional parabolic quantum well caused by surface states,Chin. Phys. B,12)
[94] Guipeng Liu, Ju Wu1, YanwuLu, Guijuan Zhao, Chengyan Gu, Changbo Liu, Ling Sang, Shaoyan Yang, XianglinLiu,Qinsheng Zhu, andZhanguo Wang,Two-dimensional electron gas mobility limited by barrier and quantumwell thickness fluctuations scattering in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multi-quantum wells,Appl. Phys. Lett.,100,12);
[95] Guipeng Liu, Ju Wu, GuijuanZhao, Shuman Liu, Wei Mao, Yue Hao, Changbo Liu, Shaoyan Yang, Xianglin Liu,QinshengZhu, and Zhanguo Wang, Impact of the misfit dislocations ontwo-dimensional electron gas mobility in semi-polar AlGaN/GaN heterostructures,Appl. Phys. Lett.,100, 12)
[96] Sang LLiu Jian-M XuXiao-QWang J Zhao Gui-JLiu Chang-Bo; Gu Cheng-Y Liu Gui-P WeiHong-Y Liu Xiang-L Yang Shao-YZhu Qin-Sheng; WangZhan-Guo, Morphological Evolution of a-GaN on r-Sapphire by MetalorganicChemical Vapor Deposition,Chin.Phys, Lett., 29,12)
[97] SANG Ling, WANG Jun, SHIKai, WEI Hong-Yuan, JIAO Chun-Mei, LIU Xiang-Lin, YANG Shao-Yan,ZHUQin-Sheng, WANG Zhan-Guo,The Growth of Semi-Polar ZnO(10(1)over-bar1) on Si (111) Substrates Using a Methanol Oxidant byMetalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition,Chin.Phys, Lett., 29(2
[98] Gu Cheng-Yan, Liu Gui-Peng,Shi Kai, Song Ya-Feng, Li Cheng-Ming,, Liu Xiang-Lin, Yang Shao-Yan,ZhuQin-Sheng,WangZhan-Guo,Spacer layer thickness fluctuation scattering in a modulation-dopedAl(x)Ga(1-x)As /GaAs/ Al(x)Ga(1-x)As quantum well,Chin. Phys. B,2,12)
[99] Zhao Guijuan,Li zhiwei, WeiHongyuan, Liu Guipeng, Liu Xianglin, Yang Shaoyan,ZhuQinsheng, Wang Zhanguo,Growth and characterization of an a-planeInxGa1-xN on a r-plane sapphire,Chin.Phys, lett.,29(2
[100]Li, HLiu, XWang, JJin, DZhang, HYang, SLiu, SMao, WHao, YZhu, Qinsheng;Wang, Zhanguo,Calculation of discrepancies in measuredvalence band offsets of heterojunctions with different crystal polarities,J. Appl.Phys., 112(12
[101] Bing Liu, Yanwu Lu, YanHuang, Guipeng Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, andZhanguo Wang, “Interfacial misfit dislocation scattering effect intwo-dimensional electron gas channel of GaN heterojunction”,Physics Letters A, 376, ).
[102] Dong Ji, Bing Liu, YanwuLu, Guipeng Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, andZhanguo Wang, “Polarization-induced remote interfacial charge scattering inAl2O3/AlGaN/GaN double heterojunction high electron mobility transistors”,Appl. Phys. Lett. ,100, 12)
[103] Dong Ji, Yanwu Lu, BingLiu, Guipeng Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, Zhanguo Wang, Theoreticalcalculation of the interfacial charge-modulated two-dimensional electron gasmobility in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN double heterojunction high electron mobilitytransistors,Solid StateCommuincations,153, 53,(2012)
[104] Dong Ji, Yanwu Lu, BingLiu, Guangri Jin, Guipeng Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Electric field-induced scatterings in rough quantum wells of AlGaN/GaNhigh-mobility electronic transistors,J.Appl. Phys.,112, 2)
[105] Changbo Liu, Guijuan Zhao,Guipeng Liu, Yafeng Song, Heng Zhang, Dongdong Jin, Zhiwei Li, Xianglin Liu,Shaoyan Yang,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Scattering due to large cluster embedded in quantum wells,Appl. Phys. Lett.102, 13)
[106] Huijie Li, Guipeng Liu,Hongyuan Wei, Chunmei Jiao, Jianxia Wang, Heng Zhang, Dong Dong Jin, YuxiaFeng, Shaoyan Yang, Lianshan Wang,Qinsheng Zhu, Zhan-GuoWang,Scatteringdue to Schottky barrier height spatial fluctuation on two dimensional electrongas in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors,Appl.Phys. Lett.103,13)
[107] Dong-Dong Jin, Chao Jiang,Guo-Dong Li, Liu-Wan Zhang, Tao Yang, Xiang-Lin Liu, Shao-Yan Yang,Qin-ShengZhu, Zhan-Guo Wang, Scattering due to anisotropy of ellipsoidquantum dots in GaAs/InGaAs single quantum well,J. Appl. Phys., 113, 3)
[108] Dong-Dong Jin, Shao-YanYang, Liu-Wan Zhang, Hui-jie Li, Heng Zhang, Jian-xia Wang, Tao Yang,Xiang-LinLiu,Qin-Sheng Zhu,Zhan-Guo Wang,Electron scattering in GaAs/InGaAs quantum wells subjected to anin-plane magnetic field,J.Appl. Phys., 113, 13)
[109] Ling Sang, Shao Yan Yang,Gui Peng Liu, Gui Juan Zhao, Chang Bo Liu, Cheng Yan Gu, Hong Yuan Wei,XiangLin Liu,Qin Sheng Zhu, ZhanGuo Wang, Dislocation Scattering in ZnMgO/ZnO Heterostructures ,IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices,60(6),13)
[110] Changbo Liu, Shaoyan Yang*,Kai Shi, Guipeng Liu, Heng Zhang, Dongdong Jin, Chengyan Gu, Guijuan Zhao, LingSang, Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Two dimensional electron gas mobility limited by scattering of quantumdots with indium composition transition region in quantum wells,Physica E:Low-dimensional Systems andNanostructures, 52,150-154(2013)
[111] Huijie Li, Xianglin Liu,Ling Sang, Jianxia Wang, Dongdong Jin, Heng Zhang, Shaoyan Yang, Shuman Liu,Wei Mao, Yue Hao,Qinsheng Zhu, ZhanguoWang, Determination of polar C-plane and nonpolar A-plane AlN/GaNheterojunction band offsets by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,Phys. Status Solidi B, 1-4(2013) / DOI 10.1002/pssb.
[112] ZHAO Gui-Juan(赵桂娟),YANGShao-Yan(杨少延),LIUGui-Peng(刘贵鹏),LIUChang-Bo (刘长波),SANG Ling(桑玲),GUCheng-Yan(谷承艳),LIUXiang-Lin(刘祥林),WEIHong-Yuan(魏鸿源),ZHUQin-Sheng(朱勤生),WANGZhan-Guo(王占国), StrainDistributions in Non-Polar a-Plane InxGa1-xN Epitaxial Layers on r-PlaneSapphire Extracted from X-Ray Diffraction,CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,Vol. 30,No. 9 (
[113] Wang Jian-Xia(王建霞), YangShao-Yan(杨少延),Wang Jun(王俊),Liu Gui-Peng(刘贵鹏),Li Zhi-Wei(李志伟),Li Hui-Jie(李辉杰),Jin Dong-Dong(金东东),Liu Xiang-Lin(刘祥林),ZhuQin-Sheng(朱勤生),and Wang Zhan-Guo(王占国),Electron mobility limited by surface and interface roughness scattering inAlxGa1-xN/GaN quantum wells,Chin.Phys. B, 22( 7) ,3)
[114] Zhang Heng(张恒), YangShao-Yan(杨少延),Liu Gui-Peng(刘贵鹏),Wang Jian-Xia(王建霞),Jin Dong-Dong(金东东),Li Hui-Jie(李辉杰),Liu Xiang-Lin(刘祥林),ZhuQin-Sheng(朱勤生),and Wang Zhan-Guo(王占国),Mobilitylimited by cluster scattering in ternary alloy quantum wires,Chin.Phys. B,23,4)
[115] Wang Jian-Xia, WangLian-Shan, Yang Shao-Yan, Li Hui-Jie, Zhao Gui-Juan, Zhang Heng, Wei Hong-Yuan,Jiao Chun-Mei,Zhu Qin-Sheng, WangZhan-Guo,Effects of V/Ⅲ ratio on a-plane GaN epilayers with an InGaN interlayer,Chin.Phys. B., 23 (2), 4)
[116] Dong-Dong Jin, Lian-shan Wang*, Shao-Yan Yang*, Liu-Wan Zhang, Hui-jie Li, Heng Zhang, Jian-xia Wang,Ruofei Xiang, Hong-yuan Wei, Chun-mei Jiao, Xiang-Lin Liu,Qin-ShengZhu*, and Zhan-Guo Wang,Anisotropic scattering effect of the inclinedmisfit dislocation on the two-dimensional electron gas in Al(In)GaN/GaNheterostructures,J. Appl.Phys.115, 14)
[117] Yuxia Feng, Guipeng Liu,Shaoyan Yang, Hongyuan Wei, Xianglin Liu,Qinsheng Zhuand Zhanguo Wang,Interfaceroughness scattering considering the electrical field fluctuation in undopedAlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures,Semicond.Sci. Technol. 29(
1、 张志成,杨少延,黎大兵,陈涌海,朱勤生,王占国,发明专利:制备低温超薄异质外延用柔性衬底的方法,专利号:ZL,申请日期: , 授权公告日期:。
2、 张志成,杨少延,黎大兵,刘祥林,陈涌海,朱勤生,王占国,发明专利:一种氢致解耦合的异质外延用柔性衬底,专利号:ZL,申请日期:,授权公告日:
2. 郑高林;杨安丽;宋华平;郭严;魏鸿源;刘祥林;朱勤生;杨少延;王占国 ,发明专利:利用非极性ZnO缓冲层生长非极性InN薄膜的方法 ,专利号.3,申请日:,授权日:
3. 郭严,宋华平,郑高林,魏鸿源,刘祥林,朱勤生,杨少延,王占国,发明专利:一种生长高质量富In组分InGaN薄膜材料的方法,专利号:.3,申请日:,授权日:
4. 时凯,刘祥林,魏鸿源,焦春美,王俊,李志伟,宋亚峰,杨少延,朱勤生,王占国,发明专利:利用温度周期调制生长氧化锌材料的方法,专利号:ZL..2,申请日:,授权日:
5. 桑玲,王俊,魏鸿源,焦春美,刘祥林,朱勤生,杨少延,王占国,发明专利:一种非极性蓝宝石衬底上生长水平排列氧化锌纳米线的方法,专利号:ZL .8,申请日:,授权日:
桃李凝霜悼良工 风泽雨露  杜鹃啼血念春心 山高水长


